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#Should TF Compatibility load? Turn off if TF's Compatibility is causing crashes or if not desired.
doCompat = true
#The dimension you can always travel to the Twilight Forest from, as well as the dimension you will return to. Defaults to the overworld. (domain:regname).
originDimension = "minecraft:overworld"
#Allow portals to the Twilight Forest to be made outside of the 'origin' dimension. May be considered an exploit.
allowPortalsInOtherDimensions = false
#Allow portals only for admins (Operators). This severely reduces the range in which the mod usually scans for valid portal conditions, and it scans near ops only.
adminOnlyPortals = false
#Disable Twilight Forest portal creation entirely. Provided for server operators looking to restrict action to the dimension.
disablePortalCreation = false
#Determines if new portals should be pre-checked for safety. If enabled, portals will fail to form rather than redirect to a safe alternate destination.
#Note that enabling this also reduces the rate at which portal formation checks are performed.
checkPortalDestination = false
#Set this true if you want the lightning that zaps the portal to not set things on fire. For those who don't like fun.
portalLightning = false
#If false, the return portal will require the activation item.
shouldReturnPortalBeUsable = true
#Sets the default value of the game rule controlling enforced progression.
progressionRuleDefault = true
#Disable the uncrafting function of the uncrafting table. Provided as an option when interaction with other mods produces exploitable recipes.
disableUncrafting = false
#If true, Keepsake Caskets that are spawned when a player dies will not be accessible by other players. Use this if you dont want people taking from other people's death caskets. NOTE: server operators will still be able to open locked caskets.
uuid_locking = false
#Settings that are not reversible without consequences.
["Dimension Settings"]
#If true, Twilight Forest will generate as a void except for Major Structures
skylightForest = false
#If true, players spawning for the first time will spawn in the Twilight Forest.
newPlayersSpawnInTF = false
#If true, giant Twilight Oaks will also spawn in void worlds
skylightOaks = true
#Destination dimension for Twilight Portals and some other logic as well
twilightDimensionID = "twilightforest:twilightforest"
#Defines custom stalactites generated in hollow hills.
#Format is "modid:block size maxLength minHeight weight", where the properties are:
#Size - the maximum length of the stalactite relative to the space between hill floor and ceiling,
#Max length - maximum length of a stalactite in blocks,
#Min height - minimum space between the hill floor and the stalactite to let it generate,
#Weight - how often it generates.
#For example: "minecraft:iron_ore 0.7 8 1 24" would add a stalactite equal to the default iron ore stalactite.
["Dimension Settings"."Custom Hollow Hill Stalactites"]
#Blocks generating as stalactites in all hills
smallHill = []
#Blocks generating as stalactites in medium and large hills
mediumHill = []
#Blocks generating as stalactites in large hills only
largeHill = []
#If true, default stalactites and stalactites defined by other mods will not be used.
useConfigOnly = false
#Weights for various small features
["Dimension Settings"."World-Gen Weights"]
#Range: > 0
fallenSmallLogWeight = 10
#Range: > 0
groveRuinsWeight = 5
#Range: > 0
stoneCircleWeight = 10
#Range: > 0
stalagmiteWeight = 12
#Range: > 0
druidHutWeight = 10
#Range: > 0
fallenHollowLogWeight = 10
#Range: > 0
hollowStumpWeight = 12
#Range: > 0
foundationWeight = 10
#Range: > 0
monolithWeight = 10
#Range: > 0
wellWeight = 10
#Lets you sacrifice various things to improve world performance.
["Performance Tweaks"]
#This controls the opacity of leaves, changing the amount of light blocked. Can be used to decrease complexity in some lighting checks.
#Range: 0 ~ 255
leavesLightOpacity = 1
#Amount of canopy coverage. Lower numbers improve chunk generation speed at the cost of a thinner forest.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308
canopyCoverage = 1.7000000476837158
#If the dimension has per-block skylight values. Disabling this will significantly improve world generation performance, at the cost of flat lighting everywhere.
#WARNING: Once chunks are loaded without skylight, that data is lost and cannot easily be regenerated. Be careful!
enableSkylight = true
#Setting this true will make Twilight Glaciers generate with Packed Ice instead of regular translucent Ice, decreasing amount of light checking calculations.
glacierPackedIce = false
#Chance that a chunk in the Twilight Forest will contain a twilight oak tree. Higher numbers reduce the number of trees, increasing performance.
#Range: > 1
twilightOakChance = 48
#We recommend downloading the Shield Parry mod for parrying, but these controls remain for without.
["Shield Parrying"]
#The amount of ticks after raising a shield that makes it OK to parry an arrow.
#Range: > 0
shieldParryTicksArrow = 40
#Range: > 0
shieldParryTicksBeam = 10
#The amount of ticks after raising a shield that makes it OK to parry a fireball.
#Range: > 0
shieldParryTicksFireball = 40
#Set to true to parry non-Twilight projectiles.
parryNonTwilightAttacks = false
#The amount of ticks after raising a shield that makes it OK to parry a thrown item.
#Range: > 0
shieldParryTicksThrowable = 40