v0.7.1 (inital version)
This commit is contained in:
Part 1 lotr
Normal file
Part 1 lotr
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
Part 1 lotr
Repurposed Structures (Neoforge/Forge) - Minecraft Mods - CurseForge
Valhelsia Structures - Minecraft Mods - CurseForge
Phenomena Structures - Minecraft Mods - CurseForge
Nature's Aura - Minecraft Mods - CurseForge
Dungeons Enhanced - Minecraft Mods - CurseForge
Brutal Bosses - Custom Bosses[Forge/Fabric] - Minecraft Mods - CurseForge
Atum 2: Return to the Sands - Minecraft Mods - CurseForge
Creatures and Beasts - Minecraft Mods - CurseForge
When Dungeons Arise - Forge! - Minecraft Mods - CurseForge
Rev's Better Structures - Minecraft Mods - CurseForge
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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
#Client only settings for Abnormals Core.
#Scale for screen shake effects; Default: 1.0
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
screenShakeScale = 1.0
#If sky color transition should be smooth; Default: True
smoothSkyColor = true
#Max amount of sources that can contribute to screen shaking, adjustable for performance and preference reasons. 0 will disable the addition of shake sources; Default: 256
#Range: > 0
maxScreenShakers = 256
#Slabfish patron hat settings.
#If the slabfish hat's custom type should be enabled. If false, the default swamp slabfish appears; Default: True
typeEnabled = true
#If the slabfish hat's backpack should be enabled; Default: True
backpackEnabled = true
#If the slabfish hat's sweater should be enabled; Default: True
sweaterEnabled = true
#If the slabfish hat should be enabled; Default: True
enabled = true
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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
#Common only settings for Abnormals Core, this will affect all depending mods
#Compatibility with Quark's poisonous potatoes feature
#If growth stunting should give baby mobs poison; Default: True
poisonEffect = true
#The chance to stunt baby mob growth when feeding a poisonous potato; Default: 0.1
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
poisonChance = 0.1
#If baby mobs can be fed a poisonous potato to stunt their growth when Quark is installed; Default: True
poisonPotatoCompatEnabled = true
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@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
#Entity Settings
#Allows repeat remove calls to bubble to the top of the list to improve performance of repeat mob spawning.
enable_call_bubbling = true
#Allow AI tasks to be removed from entities at runtime. If this is disable no per mob or per mob type removes will run.
allow_remove_calls = true
#Entity Mob
#Remove Look Goal
#Remove the look at goal (player or attack target) AI task. This will cause AIs to not face targets or walking directions.
remove_look_goal = false
#Set this to true to apply this setting to all mobs on the filter list. Set this to false to NOT apply this to mobs on the filter list.
is_allowlist = false
#The list of mobs that is affected by this setting according to is_allowlist
filter_list = []
#Replace Look Controller
#Replaces the default look controller with a version featuring cached tan math improving performance. Only works on vanilla style mobs, if a mod overrides the look controller it will skip.
replace_look_controller = true
#Set this to true to apply this setting to all mobs on the filter list. Set this to false to NOT apply this to mobs on the filter list.
is_allowlist = false
#The list of mobs that is affected by this setting according to is_allowlist
filter_list = []
#Remove Look Random
#Set this to true to apply this setting to all mobs on the filter list. Set this to false to NOT apply this to mobs on the filter list.
is_allowlist = false
#The list of mobs that is affected by this setting according to is_allowlist
filter_list = []
#Remove the look at random position AI task. This will cause AIs to feel a little lifeless as they do not animate head movement while idle.
remove_look_random = false
#Remove the chicken's follow parent AI task. This causes baby chickens to no longer follow their parents.
remove_follow_parent = false
#Remove the chicken's tempt AI task. This causes chickens to no longer follow the player if they're holding an item they like.
remove_tempt = false
#Remove the chicken's float AI task. This causes chickens to no longer swim in water.
remove_float = false
#Remove the chicken's panic AI task. This causes chickens to no longer run around after being hit, or search water to extinguish themselves.
remove_panic = false
#Remove the chicken's breed AI task. This causes chickens to be unable to breed to create offspring.
remove_breed = false
#Remove the chicken's random stroll AI task. This causes chickens to no longer walk around randomly.
remove_stroll = false
#Entity Fish
#Remove the fish's AI task to follow a leader fish to act as a group of fish.
remove_follow_leader = false
#Remove the fish's random swimming pathfinder. This will cause fish to stay in position more often.
remove_swim = false
#Remove the fish's panic pathfinder. This will cause fish to not run away.
remove_panic = false
#Remove the fish's AI task to avoid players.
remove_avoid_player = false
#Remove the fish's AI task to puff up when entities are nearby
remove_puff = false
#Remove the cow's follow parent AI task. This causes baby cows to no longer follow their parents.
remove_follow_parent = false
#Remove the cow's tempt AI task. This causes cows to no longer follow the player if they're holding an item they like.
remove_tempt = false
#Remove the cow's float AI task. This causes cows to no longer swim in water.
remove_float = false
#Remove the cow's panic AI task. This causes cows to no longer run around after being hit, or search water to extinguish themselves.
remove_panic = false
#Remove the cow's breed AI task. This causes cows to be unable to breed to create offspring.
remove_breed = false
#Remove the cow's random stroll AI task. This causes cows to no longer walk around randomly.
remove_stroll = false
#Squid Fish
#Remove the squid's flee pathfinder. This will cause squid to not run away.
remove_flee = false
#Remove the squid's random movement pathfinder. This will cause squid to swim around randomly.
remove_random_move = false
#Remove the sheep's eat block AI task. This causes sheep to no longer eat grass, and thus be unable to regenerate their wool.
remove_eat_block = false
#Remove the sheep's follow parent AI task. This causes baby sheep to no longer follow their parents.
remove_follow_parent = false
#Remove the sheep's tempt AI task. This causes sheep to no longer follow the player if they're holding an item they like.
remove_tempt = false
#Remove the sheep's float AI task. This causes sheep to no longer swim in water.
remove_float = false
#Remove the sheep's panic AI task. This causes sheep to no longer run around after being hit, or search water to extinguish themselves.
remove_panic = false
#Remove the sheep's breed AI task. This causes sheep to be unable to breed to create offspring.
remove_breed = false
#Remove the sheep's random stroll AI task. This causes sheep to no longer walk around randomly.
remove_stroll = false
#Remove the pig's follow parent AI task. This causes baby pigs to no longer follow their parents.
remove_follow_parent = false
#Remove the pig's tempt AI task. This causes pigs to no longer follow the player if they're holding an item they like.
remove_tempt = false
#Remove the pig's float AI task. This causes pigs to no longer swim in water.
remove_float = false
#Remove the pig's panic AI task. This causes pigs to no longer run around after being hit, or search water to extinguish themselves.
remove_panic = false
#Remove the pig's breed AI task. This causes pigs to be unable to breed to create offspring.
remove_breed = false
#Remove the pig's random stroll AI task. This causes pigs to no longer walk around randomly.
remove_stroll = false
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@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
#Whether polar bears should target seal mobs.
polarBearsAttackSeals = true
#Whether bone serpents are neutral or hostile.
neutralBoneSerpents = false
#Makes eagles teleport back to their owner if they get stuck during controlled flight. Useful for when playing with the Optifine mod, since this mod is the fault of many issues with the falconry system.
falconryTeleportsBack = false
#List of dimensions in which spawning void worms via mysterious worm items is allowed.
voidWormSpawnDimensions = ["minecraft:the_end"]
#True if straddleboard enchants are enabled.
straddleboardEnchants = true
#Whether Crimson Mosquitoes can transform into Warped Moscos if attacking a Mungus or any listed creature.
warpedMoscoTransformation = true
#Whether wild raccoons steal food from chests.
raccoonStealFromChests = true
#Whether mimicream can be used to duplicate items.
mimicreamRepair = true
#List of items that seagulls cannot take from players.
seagullStealingBlacklist = []
#Whether acacia blossoms should drop from blocks tagged with #alexsmobs:drops_acacia_blossoms
acaciaBlossomsDropFromLeaves = true
#Whether lava can be bottled with a right click of a glass bottle.
lavaBottleEnabled = true
#Maximum world y-level that blobfish can spawn at
#Range: 0 ~ 256
blobfishSpawnHeight = 38
#Whether guster spawns are limited to when it is raining/thundering.
limitGusterSpawnsToWeather = true
#Whether seagulls should steal food out of players' hotbar slots.
seagullStealing = true
#Whether all players should get an Animal Dictionary when joining the world for the first time.
giveBookOnStartup = true
#Maximum world y-level that cave centipedes can spawn at
#Range: 0 ~ 256
caveCentipedeSpawnHeight = 30
#Blacklist for items that mimicream cannot make a copy of. Ex: "minecraft:stone_sword", "alexsmobs:blood_sprayer"
mimicreamBlacklist = ["alexsmobs:blood_sprayer", "alexsmobs:hemolymph_blaster"]
#0 = no mungus biome transformation. 1 = mungus changes blocks, but not chunk's biome. 2 = mungus transforms blocks and biome of chunk.
#Range: 0 ~ 2
mungusBiomeTransformationType = 2
#Max Health of the void worm boss.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1000000.0
voidWormMaxHealth = 160.0
#All void worm damage is scaled to this.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0
voidWormDamageModifier = 1.0
#Whether the void worm boss is summonable or not, via the mysterious worm item.
voidWormSummonable = true
#List of all mungus mushrooms, biome transformations and surface blocks. Each is seperated by a |. Add an entry with a block registry name, biome registry name, and block registry name(for the ground).
mungusBiomeMatches = ["minecraft:red_mushroom|minecraft:mushroom_fields|minecraft:mycelium", "minecraft:brown_mushroom|minecraft:mushroom_fields|minecraft:mycelium", "minecraft:crimson_fungus|minecraft:crimson_forest|minecraft:crimson_nylium", "minecraft:warped_fungus|minecraft:warped_forest|minecraft:warped_nylium"]
#Percent chance for leafcutter ants to break leaves blocks when harvesting. Set to zero so that they can not break any blocks.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
leafcutterAntBreakLeavesChance = 0.2
#Whether to disable certain aspects of the Lava Vision Potion. Enable if issues with shaders persist.
shadersCompat = false
#List of extra(non mungus) mobs that will trigger a crimson mosquito to become a warped mosquito. Ex: "minecraft:mooshroom", "alexsmobs:warped_toad"
warpedMoscoMobTriggers = [""]
#1 out of this number chance for leaves to drop a banana when broken. Fortune is automatically factored in
#Range: > 0
bananaChance = 200
#Max number of ant entities allowed inside a leafcutter anthill.
#Range: 2 ~ 100000
leafcutterAntColonySize = 20
#Whether soul vulture spawns should be restricted solely to the nether fossil structure or to whatever biome is specified in their respective biome config.
soulVultureSpawnOnFossil = true
#Makes Tarantula Hawks fireproof, perfect if you also want these guys to spawn in the nether.
fireproofTarantulaHawk = false
#Percent chance for fungus to grow per each leaf a leafcutter ant returns to the colony.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
leafcutterAntFungusGrowChance = 0.3
#Whether fish oil gives players a special levitation effect.
fishOilMeme = true
#Whether mimicubes spawns should be restricted solely to the end city structure or to whatever biome is specified in their respective biome config.
mimicubeSpawnInEndCity = true
#Whether bananas should drop from blocks tagged with #alexsmobs:drops_bananas
bananasDropFromLeaves = true
#Relative volume of cachalot whales compared to other animals. Note that irl they are the loudest animal. Turn this down if you find their clicks annoying.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 10.0
cachalotVolume = 3.0
#Whether the Clinging Potion effect should flip the screen. Warning: may cause nausea.
clingingFlipEffect = false
#Whether emu should target skeletons.
emuTargetSkeletons = true
#Lava Opacity for the Lava Vision Potion.
#Range: 0.01 ~ 1.0
lavaVisionOpacity = 0.65
#Whether spiders should target fly mobs.
spidersAttackFlies = true
#Whether wolves should target moose mobs.
wolvesAttackMoose = true
#Percent chance for emu leggings to dodge projectile attacks.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
emuPantsDodgeChance = 0.45
#How many feedings of leaves does a leafcutter colony need in order to regain a worker ant, if below half the max members.
#Range: 2 ~ 100000
leafcutterAntRepopulateFeedings = 25
#Whether wandering traders offer items like acacia blossoms, mosquito larva, crocodile egg, etc.
wanderingTraderOffers = true
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
boneSerpentSpawnWeight = 8
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning
#Range: > 0
alligatorSnappingTurtleSpawnRolls = 1
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning
#Range: > 0
frilledSharkSpawnRolls = 0
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning
#Range: > 0
stradpoleSpawnRolls = 3
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
mantisShrimpSpawnWeight = 15
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning
#Range: > 0
lobsterSpawnRolls = 0
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
spectreSpawnWeight = 10
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
endergradeSpawnWeight = 10
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning
#Range: > 0
sealSpawnRolls = 0
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning
#Range: > 0
sunbirdSpawnRolls = 15
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning
#Range: > 0
shoebillSpawnRolls = 0
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
sunbirdSpawnWeight = 2
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
raccoonSpawnWeight = 10
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning
#Range: > 0
mungusSpawnRolls = 1
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
mimicubeSpawnWeight = 40
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning
#Range: > 0
blobfishSpawnRolls = 0
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning
#Range: > 0
crowSpawnRolls = 0
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
tasmanianDevilSpawnWeight = 10
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
grizzlyBearSpawnWeight = 8
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning
#Range: > 0
elephantSpawnRolls = 0
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
caveCentipedeSpawnWeight = 8
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
shoebillSpawnWeight = 10
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
sealSpawnWeight = 30
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
baldEagleSpawnWeight = 15
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
kangarooSpawnWeight = 25
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
rattlesnakeSpawnWeight = 12
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
soulVultureSpawnWeight = 30
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning
#Range: > 0
enderiophageSpawnRolls = 2
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
mooseSpawnWeight = 9
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning
#Range: > 0
warpedMoscoSpawnRolls = 1000
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning
#Range: > 0
platypusSpawnRolls = 0
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning
#Range: > 0
tarantulaHawkSpawnRolls = 1
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning
#Range: > 0
soulVultureSpawnRolls = 0
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning
#Range: > 0
orcaSpawnRolls = 6
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
capuchinMonkeySpawnWeight = 55
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
alligatorSnappingTurtleSpawnWeight = 20
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning
#Range: > 0
boneSeprentSpawnRolls = 40
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning
#Range: > 0
mimicubeSpawnRolls = 0
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn. NOTE: By default the warped mosco doesn't spawn in any biomes.
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
warpedMoscoSpawnWeight = 1
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
seagullSpawnWeight = 21
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
cockroachSpawnWeight = 4
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
gazelleSpawnWeight = 40
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
gorillaSpawnWeight = 50
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning
#Range: > 0
flySpawnRolls = 1
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
platypusSpawnWeight = 30
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning
#Range: > 0
warpedToadSpawnRolls = 0
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning
#Range: > 0
gorillaSpawnRolls = 0
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
snowLeopardSpawnWeight = 20
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
orcaSpawnWeight = 2
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
mimicOctopusSpawnWeight = 9
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning
#Range: > 0
seagullSpawnRolls = 0
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning
#Range: > 0
tigerSpawnRolls = 0
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning
#Range: > 0
dropbearSpawnRolls = 1
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
crimsonMosquitoSpawnWeight = 15
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
straddlerSpawnWeight = 85
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
hummingbirdSpawnWeight = 39
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning
#Range: > 0
roadrunnerSpawnRolls = 1
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
gusterSpawnWeight = 35
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning
#Range: > 0
endergradeSpawnRolls = 0
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
elephantSpawnWeight = 30
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning
#Range: > 0
tasmanianDevilSpawnRolls = 0
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
hammerheadSharkSpawnWeight = 8
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning
#Range: > 0
straddlerSpawnRolls = 0
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning
#Range: > 0
voidWormSpawnRolls = 0
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning
#Range: > 0
gazelleSpawnRolls = 0
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning
#Range: > 0
mantisShrimpSpawnRolls = 0
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
mungusSpawnWeight = 4
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
voidWormSpawnWeight = 0
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning
#Range: > 0
crocSpawnRolls = 1
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
stradpoleSpawnWeight = 10
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning
#Range: > 0
mooseSpawnRolls = 0
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning
#Range: > 0
spectreSpawnRolls = 5
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning
#Range: > 0
caveCentipedeSpawnRolls = 1
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
blobfishSpawnWeight = 30
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning
#Range: > 0
baldEagleSpawnRolls = 0
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
tigerSpawnWeight = 100
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning
#Range: > 0
raccoonSpawnRolls = 0
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
warpedToadSpawnWeight = 80
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
frilledSharkSpawnWeight = 11
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
emuSpawnWeight = 20
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning
#Range: > 0
kangarooSpawnRolls = 0
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
crowSpawnWeight = 10
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning
#Range: > 0
mimicOctopusSpawnRolls = 0
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
komodoDragonSpawnWeight = 4
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
flySpawnWeight = 3
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning
#Range: > 0
snowLeopardSpawnRolls = 0
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning
#Range: > 0
cachalotWhaleSpawnRolls = 0
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
cachalotWhaleSpawnWeight = 2
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning
#Range: > 0
komodoDragonSpawnRolls = 1
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning
#Range: > 0
emuSpawnRolls = 0
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
tarantulaHawkSpawnWeight = 6
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
crocodileSpawnWeight = 40
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning
#Range: > 0
gusterSpawnRolls = 0
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning
#Range: > 0
cockroachSpawnRolls = 0
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning
#Range: > 0
rattlesnakeSpawnRolls = 0
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
roadrunnerSpawnWeight = 9
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
lobsterSpawnWeight = 7
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning
#Range: > 0
capuchinMonkeySpawnRolls = 0
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
dropbearSpawnWeight = 19
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
enderiophageSpawnWeight = 4
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning
#Range: > 0
hummingbirdSpawnRolls = 1
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning
#Range: > 0
grizzlyBearSpawnRolls = 0
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning
#Range: > 0
crimsonMosquitoSpawnRolls = 0
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning
#Range: > 0
hammerheadSharkSpawnRolls = 1
#Delay (in ticks) between attempts to spawn beached cachalot whales. Default is a single day. Works like wandering traders.
#Range: > 0
beachedCachalotWhaleSpawnDelay = 24000
#Percent chance for leafcutter anthills to spawn as world gen in each chunk. Set to zero to disable spawning.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
leafcutterAnthillSpawnChance = 0.004999999888241291
#Whether to enable beached cachalot whales to spawn on beaches during thunder storms.
beachedCachalotWhales = true
#Percent chance increase for each failed attempt to spawn a beached cachalot whale. Higher value = more spawns.
#Range: 0 ~ 100
beachedCachalotWhaleSpawnChance = 5
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Normal file
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