From 9edb988907d91b9948c00f2c54985635821d7bcd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: samerbam Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2023 11:44:31 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] v0.7.1 (inital version) --- .DS_Store | Bin 0 -> 6148 bytes Part 1 lotr | 42 + config/MouseTweaks.cfg | 8 + config/abnormals_core-client.toml | 23 + config/abnormals_core-common.toml | 14 + config/aiimprovements-common.toml | 123 + config/alexsmobs.toml | 427 ++ .../alligator_snapping_turtle_spawns.json | 23 + config/alexsmobs/bald_eagle_spawns.json | 21 + config/alexsmobs/blobfish_spawns.json | 32 + config/alexsmobs/bone_serpent_spawns.json | 11 + .../cachalot_whale_beached_spawns.json | 16 + config/alexsmobs/cachalot_whale_spawns.json | 42 + config/alexsmobs/capuchin_monkey_spawns.json | 26 + config/alexsmobs/cave_centipede_spawns.json | 21 + config/alexsmobs/cockroach_spawns.json | 21 + config/alexsmobs/crimson_mosquito_spawns.json | 25 + config/alexsmobs/crocodile_spawns.json | 47 + config/alexsmobs/crow_spawns.json | 38 + config/alexsmobs/dropbear_spawns.json | 18 + config/alexsmobs/elephant_spawns.json | 28 + config/alexsmobs/emu_spawns.json | 28 + config/alexsmobs/endergrade_spawns.json | 16 + config/alexsmobs/enderiophage_spawns.json | 31 + config/alexsmobs/fly_spawns.json | 21 + config/alexsmobs/frilled_shark_spawns.json | 32 + config/alexsmobs/gazelle_spawns.json | 28 + config/alexsmobs/gorilla_spawns.json | 26 + config/alexsmobs/grizzly_bear_spawns.json | 38 + config/alexsmobs/guster_spawns.json | 26 + config/alexsmobs/hammerhead_shark_spawns.json | 21 + config/alexsmobs/hummingbird_spawns.json | 30 + config/alexsmobs/kangaroo_spawns.json | 28 + config/alexsmobs/komodo_dragon_spawns.json | 23 + .../alexsmobs/leafcutter_anthill_spawns.json | 26 + config/alexsmobs/lobster_spawns.json | 16 + config/alexsmobs/mantis_shrimp_spawns.json | 21 + config/alexsmobs/mimic_octopus_spawns.json | 26 + config/alexsmobs/mimicube_spawns.json | 16 + config/alexsmobs/moose_spawns.json | 45 + 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config/allurement-common.toml | 91 + config/appleskin-client.toml | 24 + config/artifacts-client.toml | 13 + config/artifacts-common.toml | 36 + config/attributefix-common.toml | 144 + config/atum-common.toml | 285 + config/autoplant.toml | 8 + config/backpacked-client.toml | 6 + config/backpacked-common.toml | 38 + config/betterstrongholds-forge-1_16.toml | 85 + config/betterstrongholds/README.txt | 8 + .../betterstrongholds/forge-1_16/README.txt | 62 + .../forge-1_16/armorstands.json | 60 + .../forge-1_16/itemframes.json | 34 + config/betterstrongholds/forge-1_16/ores.json | 14 + .../forge-1_16/rareblocks.json | 11 + config/brutalbosses-common.toml | 11 + config/cavebiomeapi-common.toml | 9 + config/cavesandcliffs-common.toml | 97 + config/cfm-client.toml | 6 + config/cfm-common.toml | 10 + config/citadel-common.toml | 8 + config/cnb-common.toml | 65 + config/cobbler-common.toml | 101 + config/configured-client.toml | 3 + config/constructionwand-client.toml | 16 + 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config/naturescompass-common.toml | 18 + config/ | 7 + config/patchouli-client.toml | 16 + config/pehkui-client.toml | 6 + config/pehkui-common.toml | 18 + config/performant-common.toml | 148 + config/pmmo-common.toml | 666 ++ config/pmmo/biome_effect_negative.json | 50 + config/pmmo/biome_effect_positive.json | 10 + config/pmmo/biome_mob_multiplier.json | 62 + config/pmmo/block_specific.json | 34 + config/pmmo/fish_enchant_pool.json | 526 ++ config/pmmo/fish_pool.json | 728 +++ config/pmmo/info_brew.json | 78 + config/pmmo/info_cook.json | 18 + config/pmmo/info_log.json | 354 ++ config/pmmo/info_ore.json | 618 ++ config/pmmo/info_plant.json | 66 + config/pmmo/info_smelt.json | 1142 ++++ config/pmmo/item_specific.json | 731 +++ config/pmmo/level_up_command.json | 6 + config/pmmo/mob_rare_drop.json | 23 + config/pmmo/player_specific.json | 6 + config/pmmo/req_biome.json | 21 + config/pmmo/req_break.json | 102 + config/pmmo/req_craft.json | 759 +++ config/pmmo/req_dimension_travel.json | 6 + config/pmmo/req_entity_interact.json | 6 + config/pmmo/req_kill.json | 6 + config/pmmo/req_place.json | 840 +++ config/pmmo/req_tool.json | 1936 ++++++ config/pmmo/req_use.json | 531 ++ config/pmmo/req_use_enchantment.json | 9 + config/pmmo/req_weapon.json | 3030 +++++++++ config/pmmo/req_wear.json | 1862 ++++++ config/pmmo/salvage.json | 5477 +++++++++++++++++ config/pmmo/skills.json | 22 + config/pmmo/treasure.json | 279 + config/pmmo/vein_blacklist.json | 24 + config/pmmo/xp_bonus_biome.json | 86 + config/pmmo/xp_bonus_dimension.json | 18 + config/pmmo/xp_bonus_held.json | 126 + config/pmmo/xp_bonus_worn.json | 902 +++ config/pmmo/xp_multiplier_dimension.json | 6 + config/pmmo/xp_multiplier_entity.json | 6 + config/pmmo/xp_value_break.json | 1885 ++++++ config/pmmo/xp_value_breed.json | 18 + config/pmmo/xp_value_brew.json | 78 + config/pmmo/xp_value_cook.json | 21 + config/pmmo/xp_value_craft.json | 2071 +++++++ config/pmmo/xp_value_general.json | 174 + config/pmmo/xp_value_grow.json | 331 + config/pmmo/xp_value_kill.json | 754 +++ config/pmmo/xp_value_place.json | 6 + config/pmmo/xp_value_right_click.json | 6 + config/pmmo/xp_value_smelt.json | 430 ++ config/pmmo/xp_value_tame.json | 42 + config/pmmo/xp_value_trigger.json | 22 + config/polymorph-integrations.toml | 21 + config/quark-common.toml | 2100 +++++++ .../repurposed_structures-forge/bastions.toml | 7 + ...ome_dimension_allow_disallow_configs.json5 | 155 + .../repurposed_structures-forge/cities.toml | 6 + .../repurposed_structures-forge/dungeons.toml | 87 + .../fortresses.toml | 24 + .../repurposed_structures-forge/igloos.toml | 11 + .../repurposed_structures-forge/mansions.toml | 22 + .../mineshafts.toml | 139 + .../modded_loot.toml | 8 + .../natural_mob_spawning_configs.json5 | 374 ++ .../repurposed_structures-forge/outposts.toml | 34 + .../repurposed_structures-forge/pyramids.toml | 24 + .../ruined_portals.toml | 6 + config/repurposed_structures-forge/ruins.toml | 10 + .../shipwrecks.toml | 14 + .../strongholds.toml | 51 + .../repurposed_structures-forge/temples.toml | 14 + .../repurposed_structures-forge/villages.toml | 54 + config/repurposed_structures-forge/wells.toml | 18 + .../witch_huts.toml | 14 + config/rereskillablerereforked-common.toml | 35 + config/sidebar_buttons.json | 11 + config/smoothboot.json | 10 + config/sophisticatedbackpacks-client.toml | 9 + config/sophisticatedbackpacks-common.toml | 398 ++ config/spartanweaponry-client.toml | 18 + config/spartanweaponry-common-1.toml.bak | 601 ++ config/spartanweaponry-common.toml | 601 ++ config/storagedrawers-client.toml | 19 + config/storagedrawers-common.toml | 36 + config/structure_gel-client.toml | 7 + config/structure_gel-common.toml | 15 + config/structurescompass-client.toml | 27 + config/structurescompass-common.toml | 31 + config/supplementaries-client.toml | 205 + config/supplementaries-common.toml | 367 ++ config/supplementaries-registry.toml | 93 + config/tconstruct-client.toml | 41 + config/tconstruct-common.toml | 128 + config/toastcontrol-common.toml | 50 + config/treasure2-common-1.toml.bak | 917 +++ config/treasure2-common.toml | 917 +++ config/trulytreasures-common.toml | 30 + config/twilightforest-client-1.toml.bak | 34 + config/twilightforest-client.toml | 34 + config/twilightforest-common.toml | 109 + config/valhelsia_core-client.toml | 13 + config/valhelsia_structures-client.toml | 1 + config/valhelsia_structures-common.toml | 192 + .../schemas/vs_client.schema.json | 14 + .../schemas/vs_common.schema.json | 21 + .../schemas/vs_core_server.schema.json | 56 + .../schemas/vs_eureka_client.schema.json | 5 + .../schemas/vs_eureka_server.schema.json | 135 + .../schemas/vs_server.schema.json | 39 + config/valkyrienskies/vs_client.json | 4 + config/valkyrienskies/vs_common.json | 6 + config/valkyrienskies/vs_core_server.json | 14 + config/valkyrienskies/vs_eureka_client.json | 3 + config/valkyrienskies/vs_eureka_server.json | 29 + config/valkyrienskies/vs_server.json | 10 + config/waila/waila.json | 49 + config/waila/waila_plugins.json | 54 + config/when-dungeons-arise-common.toml | 774 +++ | 9 + index.toml | 1697 +++++ lotr performance (done) | 68 + maybes (test) | 35 + mods/.DS_Store | Bin 0 -> 6148 bytes mods/ | 13 + mods/ | 13 + mods/ | 13 + mods/ | 13 + mods/ | 13 + mods/ | 13 + mods/ | 13 + mods/ | 13 + mods/ | 13 + mods/ | 13 + mods/ | 13 + mods/ | 13 + mods/ | 13 + mods/ | 13 + mods/ | 13 + mods/ | 13 + mods/ | 13 + mods/ | 13 + mods/ | 13 + mods/ | 13 + mods/ | 13 + mods/ | 13 + mods/ | 13 + mods/ | 13 + mods/ | 13 + mods/ | 13 + mods/ | 13 + mods/ | 13 + mods/ | 13 + mods/ | 13 + mods/ | 13 + mods/ | 13 + mods/ | 13 + mods/ | 13 + mods/ | 13 + mods/ | 13 + mods/ | 13 + mods/ | 13 + mods/ | 13 + mods/ | 13 + mods/ | 13 + mods/ | 13 + mods/ | 13 + mods/ | 13 + mods/ | 13 + mods/ | 13 + mods/ | 13 + mods/ | 13 + mods/ | 13 + mods/ | 13 + mods/ | 13 + mods/ | 13 + mods/ | 13 + mods/ | 13 + mods/ | 13 + 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insertions(+) create mode 100644 .DS_Store create mode 100644 Part 1 lotr create mode 100644 config/MouseTweaks.cfg create mode 100644 config/abnormals_core-client.toml create mode 100644 config/abnormals_core-common.toml create mode 100644 config/aiimprovements-common.toml create mode 100644 config/alexsmobs.toml create mode 100644 config/alexsmobs/alligator_snapping_turtle_spawns.json create mode 100644 config/alexsmobs/bald_eagle_spawns.json create mode 100644 config/alexsmobs/blobfish_spawns.json create mode 100644 config/alexsmobs/bone_serpent_spawns.json create mode 100644 config/alexsmobs/cachalot_whale_beached_spawns.json create mode 100644 config/alexsmobs/cachalot_whale_spawns.json create mode 100644 config/alexsmobs/capuchin_monkey_spawns.json create mode 100644 config/alexsmobs/cave_centipede_spawns.json create mode 100644 config/alexsmobs/cockroach_spawns.json create mode 100644 config/alexsmobs/crimson_mosquito_spawns.json create mode 100644 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config/pmmo/xp_value_brew.json create mode 100644 config/pmmo/xp_value_cook.json create mode 100644 config/pmmo/xp_value_craft.json create mode 100644 config/pmmo/xp_value_general.json create mode 100644 config/pmmo/xp_value_grow.json create mode 100644 config/pmmo/xp_value_kill.json create mode 100644 config/pmmo/xp_value_place.json create mode 100644 config/pmmo/xp_value_right_click.json create mode 100644 config/pmmo/xp_value_smelt.json create mode 100644 config/pmmo/xp_value_tame.json create mode 100644 config/pmmo/xp_value_trigger.json create mode 100644 config/polymorph-integrations.toml create mode 100644 config/quark-common.toml create mode 100644 config/repurposed_structures-forge/bastions.toml create mode 100644 config/repurposed_structures-forge/biome_dimension_allow_disallow_configs.json5 create mode 100644 config/repurposed_structures-forge/cities.toml create mode 100644 config/repurposed_structures-forge/dungeons.toml create mode 100644 config/repurposed_structures-forge/fortresses.toml create mode 100644 config/repurposed_structures-forge/igloos.toml create mode 100644 config/repurposed_structures-forge/mansions.toml create mode 100644 config/repurposed_structures-forge/mineshafts.toml create mode 100644 config/repurposed_structures-forge/modded_loot.toml create mode 100644 config/repurposed_structures-forge/natural_mob_spawning_configs.json5 create mode 100644 config/repurposed_structures-forge/outposts.toml create mode 100644 config/repurposed_structures-forge/pyramids.toml create mode 100644 config/repurposed_structures-forge/ruined_portals.toml create mode 100644 config/repurposed_structures-forge/ruins.toml create mode 100644 config/repurposed_structures-forge/shipwrecks.toml create mode 100644 config/repurposed_structures-forge/strongholds.toml create mode 100644 config/repurposed_structures-forge/temples.toml create mode 100644 config/repurposed_structures-forge/villages.toml create mode 100644 config/repurposed_structures-forge/wells.toml create mode 100644 config/repurposed_structures-forge/witch_huts.toml create mode 100644 config/rereskillablerereforked-common.toml create mode 100644 config/sidebar_buttons.json create mode 100644 config/smoothboot.json create mode 100644 config/sophisticatedbackpacks-client.toml create mode 100644 config/sophisticatedbackpacks-common.toml create mode 100644 config/spartanweaponry-client.toml create mode 100644 config/spartanweaponry-common-1.toml.bak create mode 100644 config/spartanweaponry-common.toml create mode 100644 config/storagedrawers-client.toml create mode 100644 config/storagedrawers-common.toml create mode 100644 config/structure_gel-client.toml create mode 100644 config/structure_gel-common.toml create mode 100644 config/structurescompass-client.toml create mode 100644 config/structurescompass-common.toml create mode 100644 config/supplementaries-client.toml create mode 100644 config/supplementaries-common.toml create mode 100644 config/supplementaries-registry.toml create mode 100644 config/tconstruct-client.toml create mode 100644 config/tconstruct-common.toml create mode 100644 config/toastcontrol-common.toml create mode 100644 config/treasure2-common-1.toml.bak create mode 100644 config/treasure2-common.toml create mode 100644 config/trulytreasures-common.toml create mode 100644 config/twilightforest-client-1.toml.bak create mode 100644 config/twilightforest-client.toml create mode 100644 config/twilightforest-common.toml create mode 100644 config/valhelsia_core-client.toml create mode 100644 config/valhelsia_structures-client.toml create mode 100644 config/valhelsia_structures-common.toml create mode 100644 config/valkyrienskies/schemas/vs_client.schema.json create mode 100644 config/valkyrienskies/schemas/vs_common.schema.json create mode 100644 config/valkyrienskies/schemas/vs_core_server.schema.json create mode 100644 config/valkyrienskies/schemas/vs_eureka_client.schema.json create mode 100644 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create mode 100644 yeses diff --git a/.DS_Store b/.DS_Store new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..768760de43ef31702b16d7e5b1a8d7c0eea2f490 GIT binary patch literal 6148 zcmeHKQA^`M5T32oHi*y%g@P{&_nPCHSghhpsNNqiq7Ua$8&fqHv(mKoAqaU^yx$}E zKm0v6v%89I^;JY>VD{UcoiAa&glq-?M0Xr}01W`BqZ3vf9Nsb7C!e#5jZ_hZzD5G) z(Imf)QWec*bKol~K+kRoPC-EiXE6Qzo}%kC$w#f$v#2ao7nf=^r?y=C8(yeMIO>na zdAC3OL#qR&(&%O0j}DW;q}N#8RoSSYWP_n5B=G=Kj*pToR+Fw8XK}8%q1kYpy3=c{ z7sXHCYj<4fZEW4TvhX}_+m)NRxOM7lKYs1(_b$_`Og$Ja1-^FLRxG~2Kb%aJbrTM= zRAuKFCr%Zvu;du>H?QmCr;;Os#jOs1Iwse_PK?orcOI zE5Hh{0y7HOk7s>(CeBM%fE8c`==&hi2?L9zLH+5#LAL;i^c$%S=hRCOM_LRlmIiSL zO&BVop$gk#2t&uXw0VKW(x9P(u+4|CcNVro5&G_UeW}wy1O|Cz1z3S;1s2S*LFfPP zkNf{=60cYRR^VGHAgX)eUKdNUXX{*Xbk<7r6Ld1lD-FI 0 + maxScreenShakers = 256 + + #Slabfish patron hat settings. + [client.slabfishSettings] + #If the slabfish hat's custom type should be enabled. If false, the default swamp slabfish appears; Default: True + typeEnabled = true + #If the slabfish hat's backpack should be enabled; Default: True + backpackEnabled = true + #If the slabfish hat's sweater should be enabled; Default: True + sweaterEnabled = true + #If the slabfish hat should be enabled; Default: True + enabled = true + diff --git a/config/abnormals_core-common.toml b/config/abnormals_core-common.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..70da8d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/abnormals_core-common.toml @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ + +#Common only settings for Abnormals Core, this will affect all depending mods +[common] + + #Compatibility with Quark's poisonous potatoes feature + [common.poisonousPotatoCompat] + #If growth stunting should give baby mobs poison; Default: True + poisonEffect = true + #The chance to stunt baby mob growth when feeding a poisonous potato; Default: 0.1 + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + poisonChance = 0.1 + #If baby mobs can be fed a poisonous potato to stunt their growth when Quark is installed; Default: True + poisonPotatoCompatEnabled = true + diff --git a/config/aiimprovements-common.toml b/config/aiimprovements-common.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6e5561f --- /dev/null +++ b/config/aiimprovements-common.toml @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ + +#Entity Settings +[entity] + + #General + [entity.general] + #Allows repeat remove calls to bubble to the top of the list to improve performance of repeat mob spawning. + enable_call_bubbling = true + #Allow AI tasks to be removed from entities at runtime. If this is disable no per mob or per mob type removes will run. + allow_remove_calls = true + + #Entity Mob + [entity.mob] + + #Remove Look Goal + [entity.mob.remove_look_goal] + #Remove the look at goal (player or attack target) AI task. This will cause AIs to not face targets or walking directions. + remove_look_goal = false + #Set this to true to apply this setting to all mobs on the filter list. Set this to false to NOT apply this to mobs on the filter list. + is_allowlist = false + #The list of mobs that is affected by this setting according to is_allowlist + filter_list = [] + + #Replace Look Controller + [entity.mob.replace_look_controller] + #Replaces the default look controller with a version featuring cached tan math improving performance. Only works on vanilla style mobs, if a mod overrides the look controller it will skip. + replace_look_controller = true + #Set this to true to apply this setting to all mobs on the filter list. Set this to false to NOT apply this to mobs on the filter list. + is_allowlist = false + #The list of mobs that is affected by this setting according to is_allowlist + filter_list = [] + + #Remove Look Random + [entity.mob.remove_look_random] + #Set this to true to apply this setting to all mobs on the filter list. Set this to false to NOT apply this to mobs on the filter list. + is_allowlist = false + #The list of mobs that is affected by this setting according to is_allowlist + filter_list = [] + #Remove the look at random position AI task. This will cause AIs to feel a little lifeless as they do not animate head movement while idle. + remove_look_random = false + + #Chicken + [entity.chicken] + #Remove the chicken's follow parent AI task. This causes baby chickens to no longer follow their parents. + remove_follow_parent = false + #Remove the chicken's tempt AI task. This causes chickens to no longer follow the player if they're holding an item they like. + remove_tempt = false + #Remove the chicken's float AI task. This causes chickens to no longer swim in water. + remove_float = false + #Remove the chicken's panic AI task. This causes chickens to no longer run around after being hit, or search water to extinguish themselves. + remove_panic = false + #Remove the chicken's breed AI task. This causes chickens to be unable to breed to create offspring. + remove_breed = false + #Remove the chicken's random stroll AI task. This causes chickens to no longer walk around randomly. + remove_stroll = false + + #Entity Fish + [] + #Remove the fish's AI task to follow a leader fish to act as a group of fish. + remove_follow_leader = false + #Remove the fish's random swimming pathfinder. This will cause fish to stay in position more often. + remove_swim = false + #Remove the fish's panic pathfinder. This will cause fish to not run away. + remove_panic = false + #Remove the fish's AI task to avoid players. + remove_avoid_player = false + #Remove the fish's AI task to puff up when entities are nearby + remove_puff = false + + #Cow + [entity.cow] + #Remove the cow's follow parent AI task. This causes baby cows to no longer follow their parents. + remove_follow_parent = false + #Remove the cow's tempt AI task. This causes cows to no longer follow the player if they're holding an item they like. + remove_tempt = false + #Remove the cow's float AI task. This causes cows to no longer swim in water. + remove_float = false + #Remove the cow's panic AI task. This causes cows to no longer run around after being hit, or search water to extinguish themselves. + remove_panic = false + #Remove the cow's breed AI task. This causes cows to be unable to breed to create offspring. + remove_breed = false + #Remove the cow's random stroll AI task. This causes cows to no longer walk around randomly. + remove_stroll = false + + #Squid Fish + [entity.squid] + #Remove the squid's flee pathfinder. This will cause squid to not run away. + remove_flee = false + #Remove the squid's random movement pathfinder. This will cause squid to swim around randomly. + remove_random_move = false + + #Sheep + [entity.sheep] + #Remove the sheep's eat block AI task. This causes sheep to no longer eat grass, and thus be unable to regenerate their wool. + remove_eat_block = false + #Remove the sheep's follow parent AI task. This causes baby sheep to no longer follow their parents. + remove_follow_parent = false + #Remove the sheep's tempt AI task. This causes sheep to no longer follow the player if they're holding an item they like. + remove_tempt = false + #Remove the sheep's float AI task. This causes sheep to no longer swim in water. + remove_float = false + #Remove the sheep's panic AI task. This causes sheep to no longer run around after being hit, or search water to extinguish themselves. + remove_panic = false + #Remove the sheep's breed AI task. This causes sheep to be unable to breed to create offspring. + remove_breed = false + #Remove the sheep's random stroll AI task. This causes sheep to no longer walk around randomly. + remove_stroll = false + + #Pig + [entity.pig] + #Remove the pig's follow parent AI task. This causes baby pigs to no longer follow their parents. + remove_follow_parent = false + #Remove the pig's tempt AI task. This causes pigs to no longer follow the player if they're holding an item they like. + remove_tempt = false + #Remove the pig's float AI task. This causes pigs to no longer swim in water. + remove_float = false + #Remove the pig's panic AI task. This causes pigs to no longer run around after being hit, or search water to extinguish themselves. + remove_panic = false + #Remove the pig's breed AI task. This causes pigs to be unable to breed to create offspring. + remove_breed = false + #Remove the pig's random stroll AI task. This causes pigs to no longer walk around randomly. + remove_stroll = false + diff --git a/config/alexsmobs.toml b/config/alexsmobs.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a5fae07 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/alexsmobs.toml @@ -0,0 +1,427 @@ + +[general] + #Whether polar bears should target seal mobs. + polarBearsAttackSeals = true + #Whether bone serpents are neutral or hostile. + neutralBoneSerpents = false + #Makes eagles teleport back to their owner if they get stuck during controlled flight. Useful for when playing with the Optifine mod, since this mod is the fault of many issues with the falconry system. + falconryTeleportsBack = false + #List of dimensions in which spawning void worms via mysterious worm items is allowed. + voidWormSpawnDimensions = ["minecraft:the_end"] + #True if straddleboard enchants are enabled. + straddleboardEnchants = true + #Whether Crimson Mosquitoes can transform into Warped Moscos if attacking a Mungus or any listed creature. + warpedMoscoTransformation = true + #Whether wild raccoons steal food from chests. + raccoonStealFromChests = true + #Whether mimicream can be used to duplicate items. + mimicreamRepair = true + #List of items that seagulls cannot take from players. + seagullStealingBlacklist = [] + #Whether acacia blossoms should drop from blocks tagged with #alexsmobs:drops_acacia_blossoms + acaciaBlossomsDropFromLeaves = true + #Whether lava can be bottled with a right click of a glass bottle. + lavaBottleEnabled = true + #Maximum world y-level that blobfish can spawn at + #Range: 0 ~ 256 + blobfishSpawnHeight = 38 + #Whether guster spawns are limited to when it is raining/thundering. + limitGusterSpawnsToWeather = true + #Whether seagulls should steal food out of players' hotbar slots. + seagullStealing = true + #Whether all players should get an Animal Dictionary when joining the world for the first time. + giveBookOnStartup = true + #Maximum world y-level that cave centipedes can spawn at + #Range: 0 ~ 256 + caveCentipedeSpawnHeight = 30 + #Blacklist for items that mimicream cannot make a copy of. Ex: "minecraft:stone_sword", "alexsmobs:blood_sprayer" + mimicreamBlacklist = ["alexsmobs:blood_sprayer", "alexsmobs:hemolymph_blaster"] + #0 = no mungus biome transformation. 1 = mungus changes blocks, but not chunk's biome. 2 = mungus transforms blocks and biome of chunk. + #Range: 0 ~ 2 + mungusBiomeTransformationType = 2 + #Max Health of the void worm boss. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1000000.0 + voidWormMaxHealth = 160.0 + #All void worm damage is scaled to this. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 + voidWormDamageModifier = 1.0 + #Whether the void worm boss is summonable or not, via the mysterious worm item. + voidWormSummonable = true + #List of all mungus mushrooms, biome transformations and surface blocks. Each is seperated by a |. Add an entry with a block registry name, biome registry name, and block registry name(for the ground). + mungusBiomeMatches = ["minecraft:red_mushroom|minecraft:mushroom_fields|minecraft:mycelium", "minecraft:brown_mushroom|minecraft:mushroom_fields|minecraft:mycelium", "minecraft:crimson_fungus|minecraft:crimson_forest|minecraft:crimson_nylium", "minecraft:warped_fungus|minecraft:warped_forest|minecraft:warped_nylium"] + #Percent chance for leafcutter ants to break leaves blocks when harvesting. Set to zero so that they can not break any blocks. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + leafcutterAntBreakLeavesChance = 0.2 + #Whether to disable certain aspects of the Lava Vision Potion. Enable if issues with shaders persist. + shadersCompat = false + #List of extra(non mungus) mobs that will trigger a crimson mosquito to become a warped mosquito. Ex: "minecraft:mooshroom", "alexsmobs:warped_toad" + warpedMoscoMobTriggers = [""] + #1 out of this number chance for leaves to drop a banana when broken. Fortune is automatically factored in + #Range: > 0 + bananaChance = 200 + #Max number of ant entities allowed inside a leafcutter anthill. + #Range: 2 ~ 100000 + leafcutterAntColonySize = 20 + #Whether soul vulture spawns should be restricted solely to the nether fossil structure or to whatever biome is specified in their respective biome config. + soulVultureSpawnOnFossil = true + #Makes Tarantula Hawks fireproof, perfect if you also want these guys to spawn in the nether. + fireproofTarantulaHawk = false + #Percent chance for fungus to grow per each leaf a leafcutter ant returns to the colony. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + leafcutterAntFungusGrowChance = 0.3 + #Whether fish oil gives players a special levitation effect. + fishOilMeme = true + #Whether mimicubes spawns should be restricted solely to the end city structure or to whatever biome is specified in their respective biome config. + mimicubeSpawnInEndCity = true + #Whether bananas should drop from blocks tagged with #alexsmobs:drops_bananas + bananasDropFromLeaves = true + #Relative volume of cachalot whales compared to other animals. Note that irl they are the loudest animal. Turn this down if you find their clicks annoying. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 10.0 + cachalotVolume = 3.0 + #Whether the Clinging Potion effect should flip the screen. Warning: may cause nausea. + clingingFlipEffect = false + #Whether emu should target skeletons. + emuTargetSkeletons = true + #Lava Opacity for the Lava Vision Potion. + #Range: 0.01 ~ 1.0 + lavaVisionOpacity = 0.65 + #Whether spiders should target fly mobs. + spidersAttackFlies = true + #Whether wolves should target moose mobs. + wolvesAttackMoose = true + #Percent chance for emu leggings to dodge projectile attacks. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + emuPantsDodgeChance = 0.45 + #How many feedings of leaves does a leafcutter colony need in order to regain a worker ant, if below half the max members. + #Range: 2 ~ 100000 + leafcutterAntRepopulateFeedings = 25 + #Whether wandering traders offer items like acacia blossoms, mosquito larva, crocodile egg, etc. + wanderingTraderOffers = true + + [general.spawning] + #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn + #Range: 0 ~ 1000 + boneSerpentSpawnWeight = 8 + #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning + #Range: > 0 + alligatorSnappingTurtleSpawnRolls = 1 + #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning + #Range: > 0 + frilledSharkSpawnRolls = 0 + #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning + #Range: > 0 + stradpoleSpawnRolls = 3 + #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn + #Range: 0 ~ 1000 + mantisShrimpSpawnWeight = 15 + #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning + #Range: > 0 + lobsterSpawnRolls = 0 + #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn + #Range: 0 ~ 1000 + spectreSpawnWeight = 10 + #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn + #Range: 0 ~ 1000 + endergradeSpawnWeight = 10 + #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning + #Range: > 0 + sealSpawnRolls = 0 + #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning + #Range: > 0 + sunbirdSpawnRolls = 15 + #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning + #Range: > 0 + shoebillSpawnRolls = 0 + #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn + #Range: 0 ~ 1000 + sunbirdSpawnWeight = 2 + #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn + #Range: 0 ~ 1000 + raccoonSpawnWeight = 10 + #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning + #Range: > 0 + mungusSpawnRolls = 1 + #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn + #Range: 0 ~ 1000 + mimicubeSpawnWeight = 40 + #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning + #Range: > 0 + blobfishSpawnRolls = 0 + #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning + #Range: > 0 + crowSpawnRolls = 0 + #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn + #Range: 0 ~ 1000 + tasmanianDevilSpawnWeight = 10 + #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn + #Range: 0 ~ 1000 + grizzlyBearSpawnWeight = 8 + #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning + #Range: > 0 + elephantSpawnRolls = 0 + #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn + #Range: 0 ~ 1000 + caveCentipedeSpawnWeight = 8 + #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn + #Range: 0 ~ 1000 + shoebillSpawnWeight = 10 + #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn + #Range: 0 ~ 1000 + sealSpawnWeight = 30 + #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn + #Range: 0 ~ 1000 + baldEagleSpawnWeight = 15 + #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn + #Range: 0 ~ 1000 + kangarooSpawnWeight = 25 + #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn + #Range: 0 ~ 1000 + rattlesnakeSpawnWeight = 12 + #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn + #Range: 0 ~ 1000 + soulVultureSpawnWeight = 30 + #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning + #Range: > 0 + enderiophageSpawnRolls = 2 + #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn + #Range: 0 ~ 1000 + mooseSpawnWeight = 9 + #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning + #Range: > 0 + warpedMoscoSpawnRolls = 1000 + #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning + #Range: > 0 + platypusSpawnRolls = 0 + #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning + #Range: > 0 + tarantulaHawkSpawnRolls = 1 + #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning + #Range: > 0 + soulVultureSpawnRolls = 0 + #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning + #Range: > 0 + orcaSpawnRolls = 6 + #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn + #Range: 0 ~ 1000 + capuchinMonkeySpawnWeight = 55 + #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn + #Range: 0 ~ 1000 + alligatorSnappingTurtleSpawnWeight = 20 + #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning + #Range: > 0 + boneSeprentSpawnRolls = 40 + #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning + #Range: > 0 + mimicubeSpawnRolls = 0 + #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn. NOTE: By default the warped mosco doesn't spawn in any biomes. + #Range: 0 ~ 1000 + warpedMoscoSpawnWeight = 1 + #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn + #Range: 0 ~ 1000 + seagullSpawnWeight = 21 + #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn + #Range: 0 ~ 1000 + cockroachSpawnWeight = 4 + #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn + #Range: 0 ~ 1000 + gazelleSpawnWeight = 40 + #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn + #Range: 0 ~ 1000 + gorillaSpawnWeight = 50 + #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning + #Range: > 0 + flySpawnRolls = 1 + #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn + #Range: 0 ~ 1000 + platypusSpawnWeight = 30 + #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning + #Range: > 0 + warpedToadSpawnRolls = 0 + #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning + #Range: > 0 + gorillaSpawnRolls = 0 + #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn + #Range: 0 ~ 1000 + snowLeopardSpawnWeight = 20 + #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn + #Range: 0 ~ 1000 + orcaSpawnWeight = 2 + #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn + #Range: 0 ~ 1000 + mimicOctopusSpawnWeight = 9 + #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning + #Range: > 0 + seagullSpawnRolls = 0 + #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning + #Range: > 0 + tigerSpawnRolls = 0 + #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning + #Range: > 0 + dropbearSpawnRolls = 1 + #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn + #Range: 0 ~ 1000 + crimsonMosquitoSpawnWeight = 15 + #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn + #Range: 0 ~ 1000 + straddlerSpawnWeight = 85 + #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn + #Range: 0 ~ 1000 + hummingbirdSpawnWeight = 39 + #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning + #Range: > 0 + roadrunnerSpawnRolls = 1 + #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn + #Range: 0 ~ 1000 + gusterSpawnWeight = 35 + #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning + #Range: > 0 + endergradeSpawnRolls = 0 + #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn + #Range: 0 ~ 1000 + elephantSpawnWeight = 30 + #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning + #Range: > 0 + tasmanianDevilSpawnRolls = 0 + #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn + #Range: 0 ~ 1000 + hammerheadSharkSpawnWeight = 8 + #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning + #Range: > 0 + straddlerSpawnRolls = 0 + #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning + #Range: > 0 + voidWormSpawnRolls = 0 + #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning + #Range: > 0 + gazelleSpawnRolls = 0 + #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning + #Range: > 0 + mantisShrimpSpawnRolls = 0 + #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn + #Range: 0 ~ 1000 + mungusSpawnWeight = 4 + #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn + #Range: 0 ~ 1000 + voidWormSpawnWeight = 0 + #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning + #Range: > 0 + crocSpawnRolls = 1 + #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn + #Range: 0 ~ 1000 + stradpoleSpawnWeight = 10 + #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning + #Range: > 0 + mooseSpawnRolls = 0 + #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning + #Range: > 0 + spectreSpawnRolls = 5 + #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning + #Range: > 0 + caveCentipedeSpawnRolls = 1 + #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn + #Range: 0 ~ 1000 + blobfishSpawnWeight = 30 + #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning + #Range: > 0 + baldEagleSpawnRolls = 0 + #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn + #Range: 0 ~ 1000 + tigerSpawnWeight = 100 + #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning + #Range: > 0 + raccoonSpawnRolls = 0 + #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn + #Range: 0 ~ 1000 + warpedToadSpawnWeight = 80 + #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn + #Range: 0 ~ 1000 + frilledSharkSpawnWeight = 11 + #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn + #Range: 0 ~ 1000 + emuSpawnWeight = 20 + #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning + #Range: > 0 + kangarooSpawnRolls = 0 + #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn + #Range: 0 ~ 1000 + crowSpawnWeight = 10 + #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning + #Range: > 0 + mimicOctopusSpawnRolls = 0 + #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn + #Range: 0 ~ 1000 + komodoDragonSpawnWeight = 4 + #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn + #Range: 0 ~ 1000 + flySpawnWeight = 3 + #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning + #Range: > 0 + snowLeopardSpawnRolls = 0 + #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning + #Range: > 0 + cachalotWhaleSpawnRolls = 0 + #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn + #Range: 0 ~ 1000 + cachalotWhaleSpawnWeight = 2 + #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning + #Range: > 0 + komodoDragonSpawnRolls = 1 + #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning + #Range: > 0 + emuSpawnRolls = 0 + #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn + #Range: 0 ~ 1000 + tarantulaHawkSpawnWeight = 6 + #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn + #Range: 0 ~ 1000 + crocodileSpawnWeight = 40 + #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning + #Range: > 0 + gusterSpawnRolls = 0 + #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning + #Range: > 0 + cockroachSpawnRolls = 0 + #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning + #Range: > 0 + rattlesnakeSpawnRolls = 0 + #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn + #Range: 0 ~ 1000 + roadrunnerSpawnWeight = 9 + #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn + #Range: 0 ~ 1000 + lobsterSpawnWeight = 7 + #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning + #Range: > 0 + capuchinMonkeySpawnRolls = 0 + #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn + #Range: 0 ~ 1000 + dropbearSpawnWeight = 19 + #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn + #Range: 0 ~ 1000 + enderiophageSpawnWeight = 4 + #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning + #Range: > 0 + hummingbirdSpawnRolls = 1 + #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning + #Range: > 0 + grizzlyBearSpawnRolls = 0 + #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning + #Range: > 0 + crimsonMosquitoSpawnRolls = 0 + #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning + #Range: > 0 + hammerheadSharkSpawnRolls = 1 + + [general.spawning.uniqueSpawning] + #Delay (in ticks) between attempts to spawn beached cachalot whales. Default is a single day. Works like wandering traders. + #Range: > 0 + beachedCachalotWhaleSpawnDelay = 24000 + #Percent chance for leafcutter anthills to spawn as world gen in each chunk. Set to zero to disable spawning. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + leafcutterAnthillSpawnChance = 0.004999999888241291 + #Whether to enable beached cachalot whales to spawn on beaches during thunder storms. + beachedCachalotWhales = true + #Percent chance increase for each failed attempt to spawn a beached cachalot whale. Higher value = more spawns. + #Range: 0 ~ 100 + beachedCachalotWhaleSpawnChance = 5 + diff --git a/config/alexsmobs/alligator_snapping_turtle_spawns.json b/config/alexsmobs/alligator_snapping_turtle_spawns.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8f5abe7 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/alexsmobs/alligator_snapping_turtle_spawns.json @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +{ + "biomes": [ + [ + { + "type": "BIOME_DICT", + "negate": false, + "value": "overworld" + }, + { + "type": "BIOME_DICT", + "negate": false, + "value": "swamp" + } + ], + [ + { + "type": "REGISTRY_NAME", + "negate": false, + "value": "biomesoplenty:tundra_bog" + } + ] + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/alexsmobs/bald_eagle_spawns.json b/config/alexsmobs/bald_eagle_spawns.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e2ade4f --- /dev/null +++ b/config/alexsmobs/bald_eagle_spawns.json @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +{ + "biomes": [ + [ + { + "type": "BIOME_DICT", + "negate": false, + "value": "overworld" + }, + { + "type": "BIOME_DICT", + "negate": false, + "value": "mountain" + }, + { + "type": "BIOME_DICT", + "negate": false, + "value": "forest" + } + ] + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/alexsmobs/blobfish_spawns.json b/config/alexsmobs/blobfish_spawns.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..696a296 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/alexsmobs/blobfish_spawns.json @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +{ + "biomes": [ + [ + { + "type": "REGISTRY_NAME", + "negate": false, + "value": "minecraft:deep_ocean" + } + ], + [ + { + "type": "REGISTRY_NAME", + "negate": false, + "value": "minecraft:deep_lukewarm_ocean" + } + ], + [ + { + "type": "REGISTRY_NAME", + "negate": false, + "value": "minecraft:deep_cold_ocean" + } + ], + [ + { + "type": "REGISTRY_NAME", + "negate": false, + "value": "minecraft:deep_frozen_ocean" + } + ] + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/alexsmobs/bone_serpent_spawns.json b/config/alexsmobs/bone_serpent_spawns.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b693e3d --- /dev/null +++ b/config/alexsmobs/bone_serpent_spawns.json @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{ + "biomes": [ + [ + { + "type": "BIOME_DICT", + "negate": false, + "value": "nether" + } + ] + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/alexsmobs/cachalot_whale_beached_spawns.json b/config/alexsmobs/cachalot_whale_beached_spawns.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cfb150a --- /dev/null +++ b/config/alexsmobs/cachalot_whale_beached_spawns.json @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +{ + "biomes": [ + [ + { + "type": "BIOME_DICT", + "negate": false, + "value": "overworld" + }, + { + "type": "BIOME_DICT", + "negate": false, + "value": "beach" + } + ] + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/alexsmobs/cachalot_whale_spawns.json b/config/alexsmobs/cachalot_whale_spawns.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..15f385f --- /dev/null +++ b/config/alexsmobs/cachalot_whale_spawns.json @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +{ + "biomes": [ + [ + { + "type": "BIOME_DICT", + "negate": false, + "value": "overworld" + }, + { + "type": "BIOME_DICT", + "negate": false, + "value": "ocean" + }, + { + "type": "BIOME_DICT", + "negate": false, + "value": "cold" + } + ], + [ + { + "type": "REGISTRY_NAME", + "negate": false, + "value": "minecraft:lukewarm_ocean" + } + ], + [ + { + "type": "REGISTRY_NAME", + "negate": false, + "value": "minecraft:deep_ocean" + } + ], + [ + { + "type": "REGISTRY_NAME", + "negate": false, + "value": "minecraft:deep_lukewarm_ocean" + } + ] + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/alexsmobs/capuchin_monkey_spawns.json b/config/alexsmobs/capuchin_monkey_spawns.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..feabd66 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/alexsmobs/capuchin_monkey_spawns.json @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +{ + "biomes": [ + [ + { + "type": "BIOME_DICT", + "negate": false, + "value": "overworld" + }, + { + "type": "BIOME_DICT", + "negate": false, + "value": "jungle" + }, + { + "type": "REGISTRY_NAME", + "negate": true, + "value": "minecraft:bamboo_jungle" + }, + { + "type": "REGISTRY_NAME", + "negate": true, + "value": "minecraft:bamboo_jungle_hills" + } + ] + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/alexsmobs/cave_centipede_spawns.json b/config/alexsmobs/cave_centipede_spawns.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..32ef084 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/alexsmobs/cave_centipede_spawns.json @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +{ + "biomes": [ + [ + { + "type": "BIOME_DICT", + "negate": false, + "value": "overworld" + }, + { + "type": "BIOME_DICT", + "negate": true, + "value": "ocean" + }, + { + "type": "BIOME_DICT", + "negate": true, + "value": "mushroom" + } + ] + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/alexsmobs/cockroach_spawns.json b/config/alexsmobs/cockroach_spawns.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..32ef084 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/alexsmobs/cockroach_spawns.json @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +{ + "biomes": [ + [ + { + "type": "BIOME_DICT", + "negate": false, + "value": "overworld" + }, + { + "type": "BIOME_DICT", + "negate": true, + "value": "ocean" + }, + { + "type": "BIOME_DICT", + "negate": true, + "value": "mushroom" + } + ] + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/alexsmobs/crimson_mosquito_spawns.json b/config/alexsmobs/crimson_mosquito_spawns.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d099aec --- /dev/null +++ b/config/alexsmobs/crimson_mosquito_spawns.json @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +{ + "biomes": [ + [ + { + "type": "REGISTRY_NAME", + "negate": false, + "value": "minecraft:crimson_forest" + } + ], + [ + { + "type": "REGISTRY_NAME", + "negate": false, + "value": "byg:crimson_gardens" + } + ], + [ + { + "type": "REGISTRY_NAME", + "negate": false, + "value": "biomesoplenty:visceral_heap" + } + ] + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/alexsmobs/crocodile_spawns.json b/config/alexsmobs/crocodile_spawns.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7b5bf0a --- /dev/null +++ b/config/alexsmobs/crocodile_spawns.json @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +{ + "biomes": [ + [ + { + "type": "BIOME_DICT", + "negate": false, + "value": "overworld" + }, + { + "type": "BIOME_DICT", + "negate": false, + "value": "swamp" + } + ], + [ + { + "type": "BIOME_DICT", + "negate": false, + "value": "overworld" + }, + { + "type": "BIOME_DICT", + "negate": false, + "value": "river" + }, + { + "type": "BIOME_DICT", + "negate": true, + "value": "cold" + } + ], + [ + { + "type": "REGISTRY_NAME", + "negate": false, + "value": "biomesoplenty:tundra_bog" + } + ], + [ + { + "type": "REGISTRY_NAME", + "negate": false, + "value": "biomesoplenty:tropic_beach" + } + ] + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/alexsmobs/crow_spawns.json b/config/alexsmobs/crow_spawns.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ed8b56d --- /dev/null +++ b/config/alexsmobs/crow_spawns.json @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +{ + "biomes": [ + [ + { + "type": "BIOME_DICT", + "negate": false, + "value": "overworld" + }, + { + "type": "BIOME_DICT", + "negate": true, + "value": "savanna" + }, + { + "type": "BIOME_DICT", + "negate": false, + "value": "forest" + } + ], + [ + { + "type": "BIOME_DICT", + "negate": false, + "value": "overworld" + }, + { + "type": "BIOME_DICT", + "negate": true, + "value": "savanna" + }, + { + "type": "BIOME_DICT", + "negate": false, + "value": "plains" + } + ] + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/alexsmobs/dropbear_spawns.json b/config/alexsmobs/dropbear_spawns.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6abab58 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/alexsmobs/dropbear_spawns.json @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +{ + "biomes": [ + [ + { + "type": "REGISTRY_NAME", + "negate": false, + "value": "minecraft:nether_wastes" + } + ], + [ + { + "type": "REGISTRY_NAME", + "negate": false, + "value": "biomesoplenty:crystalline_chasm" + } + ] + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/alexsmobs/elephant_spawns.json b/config/alexsmobs/elephant_spawns.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9e69d3b --- /dev/null +++ b/config/alexsmobs/elephant_spawns.json @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +{ + "biomes": [ + [ + { + "type": "BIOME_DICT", + "negate": false, + "value": "overworld" + 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b/config/alexsmobs/soul_vulture_spawns.json @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +{ + "biomes": [ + [ + { + "type": "REGISTRY_NAME", + "negate": false, + "value": "minecraft:soul_sand_valley" + } + ], + [ + { + "type": "REGISTRY_NAME", + "negate": false, + "value": "byg:warped_desert" + } + ] + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/alexsmobs/spectre_spawns.json b/config/alexsmobs/spectre_spawns.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5d3ca68 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/alexsmobs/spectre_spawns.json @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +{ + "biomes": [ + [ + { + "type": "BIOME_DICT", + "negate": false, + "value": "end" + }, + { + "type": "REGISTRY_NAME", + "negate": true, + "value": "minecraft:the_end" + } + ] + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/alexsmobs/straddler_spawns.json b/config/alexsmobs/straddler_spawns.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..407b1eb --- /dev/null +++ b/config/alexsmobs/straddler_spawns.json @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +{ + "biomes": [ + [ + { + "type": "REGISTRY_NAME", + "negate": false, + "value": "minecraft:basalt_deltas" + } + ], + [ + { + "type": "REGISTRY_NAME", + "negate": false, + "value": "biomesoplenty:withered_abyss" + } + ] + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/alexsmobs/stradpole_spawns.json b/config/alexsmobs/stradpole_spawns.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..407b1eb --- /dev/null +++ b/config/alexsmobs/stradpole_spawns.json @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +{ + "biomes": [ + [ + { + "type": "REGISTRY_NAME", + "negate": false, + "value": "minecraft:basalt_deltas" + } + ], + [ + { + "type": "REGISTRY_NAME", + "negate": false, + "value": "biomesoplenty:withered_abyss" + } + ] + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/alexsmobs/sunbird_spawns.json b/config/alexsmobs/sunbird_spawns.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c0efaa4 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/alexsmobs/sunbird_spawns.json @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +{ + "biomes": [ + [ + { + "type": "BIOME_DICT", + "negate": false, + "value": "overworld" + }, + { + "type": "BIOME_DICT", + "negate": false, + "value": "mountain" + } + ] + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/alexsmobs/tarantula_hawk_spawns.json b/config/alexsmobs/tarantula_hawk_spawns.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7f73edd --- /dev/null +++ b/config/alexsmobs/tarantula_hawk_spawns.json @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +{ + "biomes": [ + [ + { + "type": "BIOME_DICT", + "negate": false, + "value": "overworld" + }, + { + "type": "BIOME_CATEGORY", + "negate": false, + "value": "desert" + } + ] + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/alexsmobs/tasmanian_devil_spawns.json b/config/alexsmobs/tasmanian_devil_spawns.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c0342a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/alexsmobs/tasmanian_devil_spawns.json @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +{ + "biomes": [ + [ + { + "type": "BIOME_DICT", + "negate": false, + "value": "overworld" + }, + { + "type": "BIOME_DICT", + "negate": true, + "value": "savanna" + }, + { + "type": "BIOME_DICT", + "negate": false, + "value": "forest" + }, + { + "type": "BIOME_DICT", + "negate": true, + "value": "cold" + }, + { + "type": "REGISTRY_NAME", + "negate": true, + "value": "minecraft:jungle_egde" + }, + { + "type": "REGISTRY_NAME", + "negate": true, + "value": "minecraft:modified_jungle_edge" + } + ] + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/alexsmobs/tiger_spawns.json b/config/alexsmobs/tiger_spawns.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f62ca32 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/alexsmobs/tiger_spawns.json @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +{ + "biomes": [ + [ + { + "type": "BIOME_DICT", + "negate": false, + "value": "overworld" + }, + { + "type": "REGISTRY_NAME", + "negate": false, + "value": "minecraft:bamboo_jungle" + } + ], + [ + { + "type": "BIOME_DICT", + "negate": false, + "value": "overworld" + }, + { + "type": "REGISTRY_NAME", + "negate": false, + "value": "minecraft:bamboo_jungle_hills" + } + ], + [ + { + "type": "REGISTRY_NAME", + "negate": false, + "value": "biomesoplenty:bamboo_blossom_grove" + } + ], + [ + { + "type": "REGISTRY_NAME", + "negate": false, + "value": "biomesoplenty:cherry_blossom_grove" + } + ] + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/alexsmobs/void_worm_spawns.json b/config/alexsmobs/void_worm_spawns.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..333b7b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/alexsmobs/void_worm_spawns.json @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +{ + "biomes": [] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/alexsmobs/warped_mosco_spawns.json b/config/alexsmobs/warped_mosco_spawns.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..333b7b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/alexsmobs/warped_mosco_spawns.json @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +{ + "biomes": [] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/alexsmobs/warped_toad_spawns.json b/config/alexsmobs/warped_toad_spawns.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7ecb325 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/alexsmobs/warped_toad_spawns.json @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +{ + "biomes": [ + [ + { + "type": "REGISTRY_NAME", + "negate": false, + "value": "minecraft:warped_forest" + } + ], + [ + { + "type": "REGISTRY_NAME", + "negate": false, + "value": "byg:crimson_gardens" + } + ], + [ + { + "type": "REGISTRY_NAME", + "negate": false, + "value": "byg:warped_desert" + } + ] + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/allurement-client.toml b/config/allurement-client.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c544b3e --- /dev/null +++ b/config/allurement-client.toml @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ + +[tweaks] + + [tweaks.infinity] + #Adds a special texture for arrows shot from infinity bows + "Infinity arrow texture" = true + #Adds a glint on arrows shot from infinity bows + "Infinity arrow glint" = true + diff --git a/config/allurement-common.toml b/config/allurement-common.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f444cef --- /dev/null +++ b/config/allurement-common.toml @@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ + +[enchantments] + + [enchantments.vengeance] + #Armor enchantment that stores incoming damage and applies it to user's next attack + "Enable Vengeance" = true + #How much the damage taken with vengeance is multiplied for attacks + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 + "Damage factor" = 0.025 + + [enchantments.reforming] + #How many ticks it takes a reforming item to repair + #Range: > 0 + "Reforming tick rate" = 600 + #Gear enchantment that very slowly repairs items over time + "Enable Reforming" = true + + [enchantments.missile] + #How much the target is affected on the vertical axis + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 + "Vertical factor" = 0.35 + #Weapon enchantment that launches enemies upwards rather than away + "Enable Launch" = true + + [enchantments.reeling] + #Crossbow enchantment that pulls targets towards the user + "Enable Reeling" = true + #How much the target is affected on the vertical axis + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 + "Vertical factor" = 0.25 + #How much the target is affected on the horizontal axis + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 + "Horizontal factor" = 0.5 + + [enchantments.alleviating] + #Armor enchantment that heals the user when collecting experience + "Enable Alleviating" = true + #How much the experience value is multiplied by into health + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 + "Healing factor" = 0.25 + + [enchantments.shockwave] + #Boots enchantment that creates a shockwave when taking fall damage + "Enable Shockwave" = true + #If Shockwave tramples farmland within the wave radius + "Shockwave tramples farmland" = true + +[tweaks] + + [tweaks.bane_of_arthropods] + #If Bane of Arthropods increases the mining speed of Cobwebs + "Bane of Arthropods mines cobwebs faster" = true + + [tweaks.horse_armor] + #Allow horse armor to be enchanted + "Enchantable horse armor" = true + #Which loot tables horse armor can't appear enchanted in + "Unenchanted loot tables" = ["minecraft:chests/village/village_weaponsmith", "minecraft:chests/stronghold_corridor", "minecraft:chests/nether_bridge"] + #If horse armor can appear enchanted when found in loot tables + "Generates in loot tables" = true + + [tweaks.soul_speed] + #Instead of losing durability as you run, Soul Speed makes incoming damage increase when on Soul Speed blocks + "Soul Speed change" = true + #How much damage is multiplied when hurt on Soul Speed blocks + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 + "Damage factor" = 1.5 + + [tweaks.feather_falling] + #If having Feather Falling prevents farmland from being trampled + "Feather Falling prevents trampling" = true + + [tweaks.level_scaling] + #The amount of experience per level, if level scaling is removed (experimental) + #Range: > 0 + "Experience per level" = 50 + #Remove the amount of experience per level increasing (experimental) + "Remove level scaling" = false + + [tweaks.infinity] + #If Infinity requires an arrow in the player's inventory in order to shoot + "Infinity requires arrows" = false + + [] + #Remove the base Protection enchantment, requiring players to choose between the other types + "Disable Protection" = false + + [tweaks.riptide] + #Allow Riptide to function when in cauldrons + "Riptide works in cauldrons" = true + diff --git a/config/appleskin-client.toml b/config/appleskin-client.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b171cd8 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/appleskin-client.toml @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ + +[client] + #If true, shows the hunger (and saturation if showSaturationHudOverlay is true) that would be restored by food you are currently holding + showFoodValuesHudOverlay = true + #If true, shows your food exhaustion as a progress bar behind the hunger bars + showFoodExhaustionHudUnderlay = true + #Alpha value of the flashing icons at their most visible point (1.0 = fully opaque, 0.0 = fully transparent) + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + maxHudOverlayFlashAlpha = 0.65 + #If true, health/hunger overlay will shake to match Minecraft's icon animations + showVanillaAnimationsOverlay = true + #If true, adds a line that shows your hunger, saturation, and exhaustion level in the F3 debug overlay + showFoodStatsInDebugOverlay = true + #If true, shows the hunger and saturation values of food in its tooltip while holding SHIFT + showFoodValuesInTooltip = true + #If true, shows the hunger and saturation values of food in its tooltip automatically (without needing to hold SHIFT) + showFoodValuesInTooltipAlways = true + #If true, shows estimated health restored by food on the health bar + showFoodHealthHudOverlay = true + #If true, shows your current saturation level overlayed on the hunger bar + showSaturationHudOverlay = true + #If true, enables the hunger/saturation/health overlays for food in your off-hand + showFoodValuesHudOverlayWhenOffhand = true + diff --git a/config/artifacts-client.toml b/config/artifacts-client.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fdd2c36 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/artifacts-client.toml @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ + +[items] + #Whether models for gloves should display on the player's hand in first person + show_first_person_glove = true + #Whether artifacts should have a tooltip explaining their effect. These can still be found in JEI when disabled + show_tooltips = true + #Whether the Kitty Slippers and Bunny Hoppers should modify the player's hurt sounds + modify_hurt_sounds = true + +[Mimics] + #Whether mimics should use chest textures from Lootr or Quark if either of these mods is installed + use_modded_textures = true + diff --git a/config/artifacts-common.toml b/config/artifacts-common.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ebe9b3e --- /dev/null +++ b/config/artifacts-common.toml @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +#Affects how common artifacts are (does not affect mimics) +#When this is 1, the default artifact spawn rates will be used +#Values higher that 1 will decrease spawn rates while values lower than 1 will increase spawn rates +#Doubling this value will (roughly) halve the chance a container contains an artifact +#Setting this to 10000 will completely prevent artifacts from spawning +#When set to 0, every container that can contain artifacts will contain an artifact +#Range: 0.0 ~ 10000.0 +artifact_rarity = 1.0 + +[campsite] + #The maximum y-level at which a campsite can generate + #Range: 1 ~ 255 + max_y = 45 + #Whether to use wooden chests from other mods when generating campsites + #(keeping this enabled may make it easier to distinguish them from mimics) + use_modded_chests = true + #List of biome IDs in which campsites are not allowed to generate + #End and nether biomes are excluded by default + #To blacklist all biomes from a single mod, use "modid:*" + biome_blacklist = ["minecraft:void", "undergarden:*", "the_bumblezone:*", "twilightforest:*"] + #Probability for a container of a campsite to be replaced by a mimic + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + mimic_chance = 0.3 + #The minimum y-level at which a campsite can generate + #Range: 1 ~ 255 + min_y = 1 + #Probability for an ore vein to generate underneath a campsite + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + ore_chance = 0.25 + #Rarity of campsites generating in the world + #The chance a campsite generates in a specific chunk is 1/rarity + #A rarity of 1 will generate a campsite in every chunk, while 10000 will generate no campsites + #Not every attempt at generating a campsite succeeds, this also depends on the density and shape of caves + #Range: 1 ~ 10000 + rarity = 12 + diff --git a/config/attributefix-common.toml b/config/attributefix-common.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7a8465f --- /dev/null +++ b/config/attributefix-common.toml @@ -0,0 +1,144 @@ + +#Values for the minecraft:generic.max_health attribute. +[minecraft_generic_max_health] + #The minimum vallue for the attribute. Changing this may have unforseen consequences. + #Range: -1.7976931348623157E308 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 + min = 1.0 + #The maximum value for the attribute. + #Range: -1.7976931348623157E308 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 + max = 65536.0 + #Whether or not this attribute should be modified. + enabled = true + +#Values for the minecraft:generic.follow_range attribute. +[minecraft_generic_follow_range] + #The minimum vallue for the attribute. Changing this may have unforseen consequences. + #Range: -1.7976931348623157E308 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 + min = 0.0 + #The maximum value for the attribute. + #Range: -1.7976931348623157E308 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 + max = 65536.0 + #Whether or not this attribute should be modified. + enabled = true + +#Values for the minecraft:generic.knockback_resistance attribute. +[minecraft_generic_knockback_resistance] + #The minimum vallue for the attribute. Changing this may have unforseen consequences. + #Range: -1.7976931348623157E308 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 + min = 0.0 + #The maximum value for the attribute. + #Range: -1.7976931348623157E308 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 + max = 65536.0 + #Whether or not this attribute should be modified. + enabled = true + +#Values for the minecraft:generic.movement_speed attribute. +[minecraft_generic_movement_speed] + #The minimum vallue for the attribute. Changing this may have unforseen consequences. + #Range: -1.7976931348623157E308 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 + min = 0.0 + #The maximum value for the attribute. + #Range: -1.7976931348623157E308 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 + max = 65536.0 + #Whether or not this attribute should be modified. + enabled = true + +#Values for the minecraft:generic.flying_speed attribute. +[minecraft_generic_flying_speed] + #The minimum vallue for the attribute. Changing this may have unforseen consequences. + #Range: -1.7976931348623157E308 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 + min = 0.0 + #The maximum value for the attribute. + #Range: -1.7976931348623157E308 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 + max = 65536.0 + #Whether or not this attribute should be modified. + enabled = true + +#Values for the minecraft:generic.attack_damage attribute. +[minecraft_generic_attack_damage] + #The minimum vallue for the attribute. Changing this may have unforseen consequences. + #Range: -1.7976931348623157E308 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 + min = 0.0 + #The maximum value for the attribute. + #Range: -1.7976931348623157E308 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 + max = 65536.0 + #Whether or not this attribute should be modified. + enabled = true + +#Values for the minecraft:generic.attack_knockback attribute. +[minecraft_generic_attack_knockback] + #The minimum vallue for the attribute. Changing this may have unforseen consequences. + #Range: -1.7976931348623157E308 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 + min = 0.0 + #The maximum value for the attribute. + #Range: -1.7976931348623157E308 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 + max = 65536.0 + #Whether or not this attribute should be modified. + enabled = true + +#Values for the minecraft:generic.attack_speed attribute. +[minecraft_generic_attack_speed] + #The minimum vallue for the attribute. Changing this may have unforseen consequences. + #Range: -1.7976931348623157E308 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 + min = 0.0 + #The maximum value for the attribute. + #Range: -1.7976931348623157E308 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 + max = 65536.0 + #Whether or not this attribute should be modified. + enabled = true + +#Values for the minecraft:generic.armor attribute. +[minecraft_generic_armor] + #The minimum vallue for the attribute. Changing this may have unforseen consequences. + #Range: -1.7976931348623157E308 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 + min = 0.0 + #The maximum value for the attribute. + #Range: -1.7976931348623157E308 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 + max = 65536.0 + #Whether or not this attribute should be modified. + enabled = true + +#Values for the minecraft:generic.armor_toughness attribute. +[minecraft_generic_armor_toughness] + #The minimum vallue for the attribute. Changing this may have unforseen consequences. + #Range: -1.7976931348623157E308 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 + min = 0.0 + #The maximum value for the attribute. + #Range: -1.7976931348623157E308 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 + max = 65536.0 + #Whether or not this attribute should be modified. + enabled = true + +#Values for the minecraft:generic.luck attribute. +[minecraft_generic_luck] + #The minimum vallue for the attribute. Changing this may have unforseen consequences. + #Range: -1.7976931348623157E308 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 + min = -1024.0 + #The maximum value for the attribute. + #Range: -1.7976931348623157E308 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 + max = 65536.0 + #Whether or not this attribute should be modified. + enabled = true + +#Values for the minecraft:zombie.spawn_reinforcements attribute. +[minecraft_zombie_spawn_reinforcements] + #The minimum vallue for the attribute. Changing this may have unforseen consequences. + #Range: -1.7976931348623157E308 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 + min = 0.0 + #The maximum value for the attribute. + #Range: -1.7976931348623157E308 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 + max = 65536.0 + #Whether or not this attribute should be modified. + enabled = true + +#Values for the minecraft:horse.jump_strength attribute. +[minecraft_horse_jump_strength] + #The minimum vallue for the attribute. Changing this may have unforseen consequences. + #Range: -1.7976931348623157E308 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 + min = 0.0 + #The maximum value for the attribute. + #Range: -1.7976931348623157E308 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 + max = 65536.0 + #Whether or not this attribute should be modified. + enabled = true + diff --git a/config/atum-common.toml b/config/atum-common.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7c28a58 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/atum-common.toml @@ -0,0 +1,285 @@ + +[general] + #Should clientside fog be rendered? + "Atum Fog" = true + #Can a non-creative user create a portal using the scarab? + "Atum Portal" = true + +["atum start"] + #Structure that will generate next to the player when starting in Atum (Requires 'Start in Atum' to be enabled). Leave empty for no structure. + "Atum starting structure" = "atum:tent_small" + #Should a portal back to the Overworld generate, when starting in Atum? + "Create Atum Portal" = false + #New players should start in Atum? + "Start in Atum" = false + +[sandstorm] + #Sand particle transparency while wearing Sandstorm reducing helmets + #Range: 0 ~ 100 + "Sandstorm Helmet Transparency" = 40 + #Multiplier to fog during sandstorms + #Range: 0 ~ 100 + "Sandstorm Fog" = 2 + #Seconds it takes to transition from clear to sandstorm + #Range: 0 ~ 100 + "Sandstorm Transition Time" = 25 + #Chance for sandstorms to generate sand layers. The higher the value, the more rare it is. Set to 0 to disable. + #Range: 0 ~ 10000 + "Sandstorm Sand Layer" = 60 + #How light the sand particles are + #Range: 0 ~ 100 + "Sandstorm Brightness" = 75 + #Enable/disables all functionality of sandstorms + "Sandstorm Enabled" = true + #Base transparency for sand particles + #Range: 0 ~ 100 + "Sandstorm Base Transparency" = 10 + +["world gen"] + #Range: 0 ~ 255 + "Fossils chance, set to 0 to disable" = 64 + #Range: 0 ~ 64 + "Shrub frequency, set to 0 to disable" = 1 + #Probability of mineshafts generating. Set to 0 to disable. Default value same as vanilla overworld + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + "Minecraft probability" = 0.007 + #Specify the amount of ruin variants structures/ruins. Allows for additional ruin structures with a resourcepack + #Range: 1 ~ 999 + "Ruins Amount" = 17 + #Range: 0 ~ 255 + "Dungeon chance, set to 0 to disable" = 8 + #Should Sand Layers generate along all edges? + "Enable Sand Layer along edges" = true + +["ore gen"] + #Range: 1 ~ 255 + "Diamond max height" = 16 + #Range: 0 ~ 64 + "Nebu count, set to 0 to disable" = 1 + #Range: 1 ~ 64 + "Relic Ore vein size" = 5 + #Range: 0 ~ 64 + "Coal count, set to 0 to disable" = 20 + #Range: 0 ~ 64 + "Bone Ore count, set to 0 to disable" = 12 + #Range: 0 ~ 64 + "Porphyry count, set to 0 to disable" = 10 + #Range: 1 ~ 255 + "Gold max height" = 32 + #Range: 0 ~ 64 + "Lapis baseline, set to 0 to disable" = 16 + #Range: 1 ~ 64 + "Marl vein size" = 14 + #Range: 1 ~ 64 + "Sand pocket vein size" = 28 + #Range: 1 ~ 64 + "Diamond vein size" = 8 + #Range: 1 ~ 255 + "Iron max height" = 64 + #Range: 0 ~ 64 + "Redstone count, set to 0 to disable" = 8 + #Range: 0 ~ 64 + "Diamond count, set to 0 to disable" = 1 + #Range: 0 ~ 64 + "Iron count, set to 0 to disable" = 20 + #Range: 1 ~ 255 + "Nebu max height" = 64 + #Should Emeralds generate in Atum? + "Enable Emeralds" = true + #Range: 1 ~ 64 + "Redstone vein size" = 8 + #Range: 1 ~ 64 + "Lapis vein size" = 7 + #Range: 1 ~ 255 + "Khnumite max height" = 20 + #Range: 1 ~ 255 + "Limestone Gravel pocket max height" = 255 + #Range: 1 ~ 64 + "Iron vein size" = 9 + #Range: 0 ~ 64 + "Gold count, set to 0 to disable" = 2 + #Range: 1 ~ 64 + "Bone Ore vein size" = 9 + #Range: 1 ~ 255 + "Alabaster max height" = 60 + #Range: 0 ~ 64 + "Marl count, set to 0 to disable" = 8 + #Range: 1 ~ 255 + "Bone Ore max height" = 128 + #Range: 0 ~ 64 + "Khnumite count, set to 0 to disable" = 4 + #Range: 0 ~ 64 + "Alabaster count, set to 0 to disable" = 10 + #Range: 1 ~ 255 + "Coal max height" = 128 + #Range: 1 ~ 64 + "Gold vein size" = 9 + #Range: 1 ~ 64 + "Lapis spread" = 16 + #Range: 0 ~ 64 + "Sand pocket count, set to 0 to disable" = 14 + #Range: 1 ~ 64 + "Nebu vein size" = 8 + #Range: 1 ~ 64 + "Alabaster vein size" = 30 + #All vanilla based ores, uses the vanilla values by default. + #Range: 1 ~ 64 + "Coal vein size" = 17 + #Range: 1 ~ 64 + "Khnumite vein size" = 6 + #Range: 1 ~ 255 + "Sand pocket max height" = 255 + #Range: 0 ~ 64 + "Limestone Gravel pocket count, set to 0 to disable" = 10 + #Range: 1 ~ 64 + "Porphyry vein size" = 30 + #Range: 1 ~ 255 + "Redstone max height" = 16 + #Range: 1 ~ 255 + "Marl max height" = 50 + #Range: 0 ~ 64 + "Relic Ore count, set to 0 to disable" = 4 + #Range: 1 ~ 255 + "Relic Ore max height" = 64 + #Range: 1 ~ 255 + "Porphyry max height" = 60 + #Range: 1 ~ 64 + "Limestone Gravel pocket vein size" = 32 + +[biome] + #By default 1 in 30 Sand Plains biomes can contain either an Oasis or Dead Oasis. Set to 0 to disable both oases biomes. + #Range: 0 ~ 10000 + "Oases chance" = 30 + #Sets the percentage chance for oases to generate as an Oasis. The remaining oases will generate as an Dead Oasis. Set to 0 to only get Dead Oasis or to 100 to only get Oasis + #Range: 0 ~ 10000 + "Oasis percentage" = 50 + + [biome.sand_dunes] + #Range: -1 ~ 1000 + weight = 15 + + [biome.sand_hills] + #Range: -1 ~ 1000 + weight = 10 + + [biome.sparse_woods] + #Range: -1 ~ 1000 + weight = 10 + + [biome.dense_woods] + #Range: -1 ~ 1000 + weight = 10 + + [biome.limestone_crags] + #Range: -1 ~ 1000 + weight = 3 + + [biome.limestone_mountains] + #Range: -1 ~ 1000 + weight = 5 + + [biome.sand_plains] + #Range: -1 ~ 1000 + weight = 30 + +[mobs] + #How frequent Bandit patrols are. The higher the number, the less patrols will spawn + #Range: -1 ~ 10000 + banditPatrolFrequency = 1000 + #How long time is required for an Assassin to spawn. The higher the number, the less frequent Assassin will spawn + #Range: 1 ~ 10000 + markedForDeathFrequency = 1000 + #Whether a message should be broadcast to everybody, when a Pharaoh have been killed + displayPharaohSlainMessage = true + + [mobs.bonestorm] + #Range: -1 ~ 63 + min = 1 + #Range: 1 ~ 64 + max = 2 + #Range: -1 ~ 1000 + weight = 5 + + [mobs.mummy] + #Range: -1 ~ 63 + min = 1 + #Range: 1 ~ 64 + max = 3 + #Range: -1 ~ 1000 + weight = 30 + + [mobs.forsaken] + #Range: -1 ~ 63 + min = 1 + #Range: 1 ~ 64 + max = 4 + #Range: -1 ~ 1000 + weight = 22 + + [mobs.stoneguard] + #Range: -1 ~ 63 + min = 1 + #Range: 1 ~ 64 + max = 2 + #Range: -1 ~ 1000 + weight = 34 + + [mobs.tarantula] + #Range: -1 ~ 63 + min = 1 + #Range: 1 ~ 64 + max = 3 + #Range: -1 ~ 1000 + weight = 20 + + [mobs.quail] + #Range: -1 ~ 63 + min = 2 + #Range: 1 ~ 64 + max = 4 + #Range: -1 ~ 1000 + weight = 3 + + [mobs.wraith] + #Range: -1 ~ 63 + min = 1 + #Range: 1 ~ 64 + max = 2 + #Range: -1 ~ 1000 + weight = 10 + + [mobs.desert_wolf] + #Range: -1 ~ 63 + min = 2 + #Range: 1 ~ 64 + max = 4 + #Range: -1 ~ 1000 + weight = 6 + + [mobs.bat] + #Range: -1 ~ 63 + min = 4 + #Range: 1 ~ 64 + max = 8 + #Range: -1 ~ 1000 + weight = 4 + + [mobs.camel] + #Range: -1 ~ 63 + min = 2 + #Range: 1 ~ 64 + max = 6 + #Range: -1 ~ 1000 + weight = 6 + + [mobs.desert_rabbit] + #Range: -1 ~ 63 + min = 2 + #Range: 1 ~ 64 + max = 3 + #Range: -1 ~ 1000 + weight = 5 + +["mod integration"] + theoneprobe = true + diff --git a/config/autoplant.toml b/config/autoplant.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9fd603f --- /dev/null +++ b/config/autoplant.toml @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + +#General settings +[autoplant] + #Planting saplings allowed + plantAllSaplings = true + #Extra blocks to auto plant + extras = ["minecraft:grass"] + diff --git a/config/backpacked-client.toml b/config/backpacked-client.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eb2a69b --- /dev/null +++ b/config/backpacked-client.toml @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +#If enabled, hides the config button from the backpack screen +hideConfigButton = false +#The alignment of the buttons in the backpack inventory screen +#Allowed Values: LEFT, RIGHT +buttonAlignment = "RIGHT" + diff --git a/config/backpacked-common.toml b/config/backpacked-common.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f431949 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/backpacked-common.toml @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ + +#Common configuration settings +[common] + #Determines whether or not the backpack should be dropped on death + keepBackpackOnDeath = false + #The amount of slot columns in the backpack inventory. + #Range: 1 ~ 13 + backpackInventorySizeColumns = 9 + #The amount of slot rows in the backpack inventory. + #Range: 1 ~ 7 + backpackInventorySize = 1 + + [common.wandering_trader] + #If enabled, allows wandering traders to have a backpack equipped when they spawn. + spawnBackpackOnWanderingTraders = true + #If true, allows players who are disliked by Wandering Traders to continue to trade normally with them. A player is considered disliked if they are caught when trying to pickpocket a Wandering Trader's backpack. + dislikedPlayersCanTrade = false + #The maximum multiplier to apply when generating loot in the Wandering Trader backpack + #Range: 1 ~ 64 + maxLootMultiplier = 12 + #The amount of time (in ticks) a player has to wait before a Wandering Trader will like them again. If a player gets caught pickpocketing a Wandering Trader, the cooldown will be reset + #Range: 0 ~ 24000 + dislikeCooldown = 6000 + #The chance a Wandering Trader will spawn with a backpack. The chance is interpreted as one out of x, with x being the number given from this config option. + #Range: 1 ~ 100 + wanderingTraderBackpackChance = 2 + #Instead of generating trades as loot in the Wandering Traders backpacks, only generate emeralds. + generateEmeraldsOnly = false + #The maximum size of an emerald stack that can generate in the Wandering Trader backpack + #Range: 1 ~ 64 + maxEmeraldStack = 32 + #The time (in ticks) a Wandering Trader will wait before it decides to forget about a detected player. The Wandering Trader will wait indefinitely if the detected player is within the maximum detection distance. + #Range: 1 ~ 12000 + wanderingTraderForgetTime = 200 + #The maximum distance a Wandering Trader can detect a player. The longer the distance, the more difficult the challenge to pickpocket their backpack. + #Range: 1.0 ~ 32.0 + wanderingTraderMaxDetectionDistance = 10.0 + diff --git a/config/betterstrongholds-forge-1_16.toml b/config/betterstrongholds-forge-1_16.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ee1695c --- /dev/null +++ b/config/betterstrongholds-forge-1_16.toml @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ + +["YUNG's Better Strongholds"] + # List of dimensions that will have Better Strongholds. + # List must be comma-separated values enclosed in square brackets. + # Entries must have the mod namespace included. + # For example: "[minecraft:overworld, minecraft:the_nether, undergarden:undergarden]" + # Default: "[minecraft:overworld]" + "Whitelisted Dimensions" = "[minecraft:overworld]" + # List of biomes that will NOT have Better Strongholds. + # List must be comma-separated values enclosed in square brackets. + # Entries must have the mod namespace included. + # For example: "[minecraft:plains, byg:alps]" + # Default: "[minecraft:ocean, minecraft:frozen_ocean, minecraft:deep_ocean, minecraft:warm_ocean, minecraft:lukewarm_ocean, minecraft:cold_ocean, minecraft:deep_lukewarm_ocean, minecraft:deep_cold_ocean, minecraft:deep_frozen_ocean, minecraft:beach, minecraft:snowy_beach, minecraft:river, minecraft:frozen_river]" + "Blacklisted Biomes" = "[minecraft:ocean, minecraft:frozen_ocean, minecraft:deep_ocean, minecraft:warm_ocean, minecraft:lukewarm_ocean, minecraft:cold_ocean, minecraft:deep_lukewarm_ocean, minecraft:deep_cold_ocean, minecraft:deep_frozen_ocean, minecraft:beach, minecraft:snowy_beach, minecraft:river, minecraft:frozen_river]" + + ########################################################################################################### + ## General settings. + ########################################################################################################### + ["YUNG's Better Strongholds".General] + # The maximum y-value at which the STARTING ROOM of the stronghold can spawn. + # Note that the various pieces of the stronghold can extend above or below this value. + # Default: 31 + "Max Start Y" = 31 + # The minimum y-value at which the STARTING ROOM of the stronghold can spawn. + # Note that the various pieces of the stronghold can extend above or below this value. + # Default: 30 + "Min Start Y" = 30 + # The maximum y-value at which ANY piece of the stronghold can spawn. + # If any piece attempts to spawn such that any part of it is above this y-value, + # it will not spawn. + # In other words, this is a hard cap above which no part of the stronghold can generate. + # Default: 60 + "Max Y" = 60 + # The max number of "pieces" the stronghold will generate from the center. + # This number controls the general size of strongholds. Bigger number = bigger strongholds. + # It is HIGHLY recommended to keep this an even number! + # Default: 16 + "Stronghold Size" = 16 + # The rate at which cobwebs will spawn around spider spawners in libraries. + # Default: 0.3 + "Cobweb Spawn Rate (SPAWNER)" = 0.3 + # The rate at which torches spawn throughout the stronghold. + # Default: 0.1 + "Torch Spawn Rate" = 0.1 + # The rate at which lanterns spawn throughout the stronghold. + # Default: 0.2 + "Lantern Spawn Rate" = 0.2 + # The rate at which cobwebs will spawn in various parts of the stronghold. + # Default: 0.1 + "Cobweb Spawn Rate (NORMAL)" = 0.1 + + ########################################################################################################### + ## Options for controlling individual pieces/rooms in the stronghold. + ########################################################################################################### + ["YUNG's Better Strongholds"."Piece Settings"] + # The max number of Commander (YUNG) rooms that can spawn in a single stronghold. + # Default: 1 + "Commander Room (YUNG) Max Count" = 1 + # The max number of prisons that can spawn in a single stronghold. + # Default: 2 + "Prison Max Count" = 2 + # The max number of small armoury rooms that can spawn in a single stronghold. + # Default: 2 + "Armoury Room (Small) Max Count" = 2 + # The max number of small libraries that can spawn in a single stronghold. + # Note that these are distinct rooms from the Grand Library, being smaller + # and more common (by default). + # Default: 2 + "Small Library Max Count" = 2 + # The max number of treasure rooms that can spawn in a single stronghold. + # Default: 2 + "Treasure Room Max Count" = 2 + # The max number of large armoury rooms that can spawn in a single stronghold. + # Default: 2 + "Armoury Room (Large) Max Count" = 2 + # The max number of portal rooms that can spawn in a single stronghold. + # Default: 1 + "Portal Room Max Count" = 1 + # The max number of Commander (Acarii) rooms that can spawn in a single stronghold. + # Default: 1 + "Commander Room (Acarii) Max Count" = 1 + # The max number of Grand Libraries that can spawn in a single stronghold. + # Default: 1 + "Grand Library Max Count" = 1 + diff --git a/config/betterstrongholds/README.txt b/config/betterstrongholds/README.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8eb0d5e --- /dev/null +++ b/config/betterstrongholds/README.txt @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +This directory is for a few additional options for YUNG's Better Strongholds. +Options provided may vary by version. +This directory contains subdirectories for supported versions. The first time you run Better Strongholds, a version subdirectory will be created if that version supports advanced options. +For example, the first time you use Better Strongholds for MC 1.16 on Forge, the 'forge-1_16' subdirectory will be created in this folder. +If no subdirectory for your version is created, then that version probably does not support the additional options. + +NOTE -- MOST OPTIONS CAN BE FOUND IN A CONFIG FILE OUTSIDE THIS FOLDER! +For example, on Forge 1.16 the file is 'betterstrongholds-forge-1_16.toml'. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/betterstrongholds/forge-1_16/README.txt b/config/betterstrongholds/forge-1_16/README.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a5be7fe --- /dev/null +++ b/config/betterstrongholds/forge-1_16/README.txt @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +###################################### +# ores.json # +###################################### + + This file contains a BlockSetSelector (see below) describing the probability of a given ore being chosen. +These probabilities are used in treasure rooms in the stronghold, in which +piles of ore have a chance of spawning. +For information on BlockSetSelectors, see the bottom of this README. + +###################################### +# rareblocks.json # +###################################### + + This file contains a BlockSetSelector describing the probability of a given block being chosen. +These probabilities are used in grand libraries, in which +two rare blocks will spawn. +For information on BlockSetSelectors, see the bottom of this README. + +###################################### +# armorstands.json # +###################################### + + This file contains ItemSetSelectors describing the probability distribution of armor on armor stands. +Common armor stands spawn in Armoury rooms, while Rare ones are only available in the rare Commander rooms. +For information on ItemSetSelectors, see the bottom of this README. + +###################################### +# itemframes.json # +###################################### + + This file contains ItemSetSelectors describing the probability distribution of items in item frames. +Item frames only spawn in storage rooms and armoury rooms. +For information on ItemSetSelectors, see the bottom of this README. + +###################################### +# BlockSetSelectors # +###################################### + +Describes a set of blockstates and the probability of each blockstate being chosen. + - entries: An object where each entry's key is a blockstate, and each value is that blockstate's probability of being chosen. + The total sum of all probabilities SHOULD NOT exceed 1.0! + - defaultBlock: The blockstate used for any leftover probability ranges. + For example, if the total sum of all the probabilities of the entries is 0.6, then + there is a 0.4 chance of the defaultBlock being selected. + +Here's an example block selector: +"entries": { + "minecraft:cobblestone": 0.25, + "minecraft:air": 0.2, + "minecraft:stone_bricks": 0.1 +}, +"defaultBlock": "minecraft:oak_planks" + +For each block, this selector has a 25% chance of returning cobblestone, 20% chance of choosing air, +10% chance of choosing stone bricks, and a 100 - (25 + 20 + 10) = 45% chance of choosing oak planks (since it's the default block). + +###################################### +# ItemSetSelectors # +###################################### + +Describes a set of items and the probability of each item being chosen. +Works the same as BlockSetSelectors, but with items instead of blockstates. diff --git a/config/betterstrongholds/forge-1_16/armorstands.json b/config/betterstrongholds/forge-1_16/armorstands.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..563ff65 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/betterstrongholds/forge-1_16/armorstands.json @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +{ + "commonHelmets": { + "entries": { + "carved_pumpkin": 0.01, + "leather_helmet": 0.1, + "iron_helmet": 0.3, + "chainmail_helmet": 0.3 + }, + "defaultItem": "air" + }, + "rareHelmets": { + "entries": { + "carved_pumpkin": 0.2, + "diamond_helmet": 0.3 + }, + "defaultItem": "air" + }, + "commonChestplates": { + "entries": { + "chainmail_chestplate": 0.3, + "iron_chestplate": 0.3, + "leather_chestplate": 0.1 + }, + "defaultItem": "air" + }, + "rareChestplates": { + "entries": { + "diamond_chestplate": 0.3 + }, + "defaultItem": "air" + }, + "commonLeggings": { + "entries": { + "chainmail_leggings": 0.3, + "iron_leggings": 0.3, + "leather_leggings": 0.1 + }, + "defaultItem": "air" + }, + "rareLeggings": { + "entries": { + "diamond_leggings": 0.3 + }, + "defaultItem": "air" + }, + "commonBoots": { + "entries": { + "leather_boots": 0.1, + "chainmail_boots": 0.3, + "iron_boots": 0.3 + }, + "defaultItem": "air" + }, + "rareBoots": { + "entries": { + "diamond_boots": 0.3 + }, + "defaultItem": "air" + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/betterstrongholds/forge-1_16/itemframes.json b/config/betterstrongholds/forge-1_16/itemframes.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0f828fa --- /dev/null +++ b/config/betterstrongholds/forge-1_16/itemframes.json @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +{ + "armouryItems": { + "entries": { + "iron_axe": 0.1, + "stone_sword": 0.05, + "golden_sword": 0.05, + "name_tag": 0.05, + "iron_sword": 0.1, + "shield": 0.1, + "arrow": 0.05, + "stone_axe": 0.05, + "bow": 0.1, + "golden_axe": 0.05 + }, + "defaultItem": "air" + }, + "storageItems": { + "entries": { + "paper": 0.25, + "compass": 0.05, + "beetroot_seeds": 0.025, + "wheat_seeds": 0.025, + "pumpkin_seeds": 0.025, + "cake": 0.05, + "slime_ball": 0.05, + "melon_seeds": 0.025, + "flint": 0.05, + "rabbit_foot": 0.01, + "map": 0.25, + "lead": 0.05 + }, + "defaultItem": "air" + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/betterstrongholds/forge-1_16/ores.json b/config/betterstrongholds/forge-1_16/ores.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6983096 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/betterstrongholds/forge-1_16/ores.json @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +{ + "oreChances": { + "entries": { + "minecraft:coal_ore": 0.2, + "minecraft:redstone_ore[lit=false]": 0.15, + "minecraft:gold_ore": 0.2, + "minecraft:iron_ore": 0.2, + "minecraft:diamond_ore": 0.05, + "minecraft:lapis_ore": 0.15, + "minecraft:emerald_ore": 0.05 + }, + "defaultBlock": "minecraft:coal_ore" + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/betterstrongholds/forge-1_16/rareblocks.json b/config/betterstrongholds/forge-1_16/rareblocks.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..89356c3 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/betterstrongholds/forge-1_16/rareblocks.json @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{ + "blockChances": { + "entries": { + "minecraft:diamond_block": 0.1, + "minecraft:iron_block": 0.3, + "minecraft:quartz_block": 0.3, + "minecraft:gold_block": 0.3 + }, + "defaultBlock": "minecraft:iron_block" + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/brutalbosses-common.toml b/config/brutalbosses-common.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..21f10de --- /dev/null +++ b/config/brutalbosses-common.toml @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ + +["Config category"] + #Global difficulty multiplier, affects health and damage of all bosses + #Range: 0.1 ~ 1000.0 + globalDifficultyMultiplier = 1.0 + #Prints the chest loottable on opening and on spawn and logs the Loottables which do not have a boss assigned of structures to the latest.log. Useful to find the table used by a dungeon chest, only works if the chest is not opened yet: default:false + printChestLoottableOnOpen = false + #Global boss spawn chance, determines the chance per treasure chest spawn at which a boss can appear in a structure. Chance X in 100, default = 30 + #Range: 1 ~ 100 + globalBossSpawnChance = 30 + diff --git a/config/cavebiomeapi-common.toml b/config/cavebiomeapi-common.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..060f579 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/cavebiomeapi-common.toml @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ + +["CaveBiomeAPI Configs"] + #Determines if the Noise Carvers should generate. + #This option will allow the generation of huge caves that are created by noise, similar to the new caves from 1.17 but a bit smaller. + "Generate Noise Carvers" = true + #Determines if the Default Cave Biome should generate. + #This option will not disable all the cave biomes, it will replace any space that should be default cave with the surface cave biome, so the biome generation can be more like in 1.18. + "Generate Default Cave Biome" = true + diff --git a/config/cavesandcliffs-common.toml b/config/cavesandcliffs-common.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c79e779 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/cavesandcliffs-common.toml @@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ + +["World Generation"] + + ["World Generation"."Feature Generation"] + #Determines if Glow Lichen should generate underground. + GenerateGlowLichen = true + + ["World Generation"."Feature Generation"."Amethyst Geodes Settings"] + #Determines what block should generate as the casing for Amethyst Geodes + AmethystGeodeCasingBlock = "cavesandcliffs:smooth_basalt" + #Determines if Amethyst Geodes should generate underground. + GenerateAmethystGeodes = true + #Determines the rarity of spawning for Amethyst Geodes. + AmethystGeodesSpawnRarity = 24 + #Determines the max height of spawning for Amethyst Geodes. + AmethystGeodesMaxHeight = 30 + + ["World Generation"."Feature Generation"."Azalea Tree Settings"] + #Determines the rarity of spawning for Azalea Trees. + AzaleaTreeGenerationRarity = 2 + #Determines if Azalea Trees should generate in the surface. + GenerateAzaleaTrees = true + + ["World Generation"."Entity Generation"] + + ["World Generation"."Entity Generation"."Glow Squid Settings"] + #Determines if Glow Squids should generate as in 1.17. + LegacyGlowSquidGeneration = false + #Determines if Glow Squids should generate. + GenerateGlowSquids = true + #Determines the weight of spawning for Glow Squids. + GlowSquidSpawnWeight = 10 + + ["World Generation"."Entity Generation"."Axolotl Settings"] + #Determines if Axolotls should generate. + GenerateAxolotls = true + #Determines if Axolotls should generate as in 1.17. + #In 1.18 they can generate in clay pools inside of LUSH CAVES. + LegacyAxolotlGeneration = false + #Determines the weight of spawning for Axolotls + AxolotlSpawnWeight = 10 + + ["World Generation"."Entity Generation"."Goat Settings"] + #Determines the weight of spawning for Goats. + GoatSpawnWeight = 10 + #Determines if Goats should generate. + GenerateGoats = true + + ["World Generation"."Ore Generation"] + + ["World Generation"."Ore Generation"."Copper Settings"] + #Determines if Copper should generate so it doesn't interfere with other modded copper. + GenerateCopperOre = true + #Determines if Large Copper Blobs should generate in Dripstone Caves. + DripstoneCaveLargeCopperBlobs = true + + ["World Generation"."Ore Generation"."Deepslate Settings"] + #Determines the weight of spawning for Deepslate. + DeepslateSpawnWeight = 2 + #Determines if Deepslate Ores should generate underground. + GenerateDeepslateOres = true + #Determines if Deepslate Blobs should generate underground. + GenerateDeepslate = true + + ["World Generation"."Ore Generation"."Tuff Settings"] + #Determines if Tuff Blobs should generate underground. + GenerateTuff = true + #Determines the weight of spawning for Tuff. + TuffSpawnWeight = 1 + + ["World Generation"."Biome Generation"] + #Determines if Lush Caves should generate underground. + #NOTE: using TERRAFORGED worldtype will prevent this biome to spawn. + GenerateLushCaves = true + #Determines if Dripstone Caves should generate underground. + #NOTE: using TERRAFORGED worldtype will prevent this biome to spawn. + GenerateDripstoneCaves = true + +["Gameplay Settings"] + #Determines if monsters should only spawn where the light value equals zero. + MonstersSpawnInTotalDarkness = true + + ["Gameplay Settings"."Raw Ore Settings"] + #Determines if Copper from other mods should also drop Raw Copper. + RawOreDropsForExternalCopper = false + #Determines if Iron, Gold and Copper should drop Raw Ores. + RawOreDrops = true + +["Client Settings"] + #Determines the Value for the Panorama to display. + #This option can alternate the panorama in the main menu by using numbers. + #0 = default panoramic view. + #1 = part I panoramic view. + #2 = part II panoramic view. + #Range: 0 ~ 2 + PanoramaValue = 1 + diff --git a/config/cfm-client.toml b/config/cfm-client.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f9b509f --- /dev/null +++ b/config/cfm-client.toml @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ + +#Client configuration settings +[client] + #Draws the collision shape rather than the selection shape when hovering blocks. Used for debugging collisions. + drawCollisionShapes = false + diff --git a/config/cfm-common.toml b/config/cfm-common.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6c6490e --- /dev/null +++ b/config/cfm-common.toml @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ + +#Mail configuration settings +[mail] + #The maximum amount of mail that can be in a player's mail queue. + #Range: > 1 + maxMailQueue = 20 + #The interval in ticks for mail boxes to pull mail from the player's queue + #Range: > 1 + pullMailInterval = 20 + diff --git a/config/citadel-common.toml b/config/citadel-common.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..af71d32 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/citadel-common.toml @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + +[general] + #True if citadel tracks entity properties(freezing, stone mobs, etc) on server. Turn this to false to solve some server lag, may break some stuff. + "Track Entities" = true + #Multiplies the count of entities spawned by this number. 0 = no entites added on chunk gen, 2 = twice as many entities added on chunk gen. Useful for many mods that add a lot of creatures, namely animals, to the spawn lists. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 100000.0 + chunkGenSpawnModifier = 1.0 + diff --git a/config/cnb-common.toml b/config/cnb-common.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..82bff3d --- /dev/null +++ b/config/cnb-common.toml @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ + +[cnb] + + [cnb.cnb_other] + #Define the yeti hide reinforcement multiplier. The armor attribute value will be multiplied with this value each time (default: 1.01) + "hide multiplier" = 1.01 + #Define amount of xp needed to upgrade armor with yeti hide (default: 1) + "hide cost" = 1 + #Define how often items can be reinforced with the yeti hide (default: 5) + "hide amount" = 5 + + #Creatures And Beasts common config + [cnb.cnb_entity] + #This defines whether or not the hostile_sporelings should exist (default: true, when changing this to false EVERY entity of this type will be deleted!) + "hostile_sporeling active" = true + #This defines the spawn rate of the hostile_sporelings (default: 10) + "hostile_sporeling spawn weight" = 10 + #This defines whether or not the lilytads should exist (default: true, when changing this to false EVERY entity of this type will be deleted!) + "lilytad active" = true + #This defines the spawn rate of the friendly_sporelings (default: 40) + "friendly_sporeling spawn weight" = 40 + #This defines the spawn rate of the lizards (default: 50) + "lizard spawn weight" = 50 + #This defines which biomes the lilytads will spawn in + "lilytad biomes" = ["minecraft:swamp", "minecraft:swamp_hills"] + #This defines the spawn rate of the yetis (default: 1) + "yeti spawn weight" = 1 + #This defines whether or not the lizards should exist (default: true, when changing this to false EVERY entity of this type will be deleted!) + "lizard active" = true + #This defines which biomes the hostile_sporelings will spawn in + "hostile_sporeling biomes" = ["minecraft:soul_sand_valley", "minecraft:basalt_deltas", "minecraft:nether_wastes"] + #This defines which biomes the cindershells will spawn in + "cindershell biomes" = ["minecraft:soul_sand_valley", "minecraft:crimson_forest", "minecraft:warped_forest", "minecraft:basalt_deltas", "minecraft:nether_wastes"] + #This defines which biomes the friendly_sporelings will spawn in + "friendly_sporeling biomes" = ["minecraft:mushroom_fields", "minecraft:mushroom_field_shore", "minecraft:dark_forest", "minecraft:swamp", "minecraft:swamp_hills"] + #This defines the spawn rate of the cindershells (default: 10) + "cindershell spawn weight" = 10 + #This defines whether or not the grebes should exist (default: true, when changing this to false EVERY entity of this type will be deleted!) + "grebe active" = true + #This defines whether or not the yetis should exist (default: true, when changing this to false EVERY entity of this type will be deleted!) + "yeti active" = true + #This defines which biomes the grebes will spawn in + "grebe biomes" = ["minecraft:frozen_river", "minecraft:river"] + #This defines the spawn rate of the lilytads (default: 35) + "lilytad spawn weight" = 35 + #This defines the spawn rate of the neutral_sporelings (default: 5) + "neutral_sporeling spawn weight" = 5 + #This defines which biomes the neutral_sporelings will spawn in + "neutral_sporeling biomes" = ["minecraft:crimson_forest", "minecraft:warped_forest"] + #This defines whether or not the cindershells should exist (default: true, when changing this to false EVERY entity of this type will be deleted!) + "cindershell active" = true + #This defines whether or not the neutral_sporelings should exist (default: true, when changing this to false EVERY entity of this type will be deleted!) + "neutral_sporeling active" = true + #This defines whether or not the friendly_sporelings should exist (default: true, when changing this to false EVERY entity of this type will be deleted!) + "friendly_sporeling active" = true + #This defines the spawn rate of the grebes (default: 30) + "grebe spawn weight" = 30 + #This defines which biomes the lizards will spawn in + "lizard biomes" = ["minecraft:badlands", "minecraft:wooded_badlands_plateau", "minecraft:badlands_plateau", "minecraft:desert", "minecraft:desert_hills", "minecraft:desert_lakes"] + #Define extra chance to spawn yeti. Each time a yeti should spawn it checks random.nextFloat() >= value. Increase this value up to 1.0 to make yetis more rare (default: 0.5) + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + "yeti chance" = 0.5 + #This defines which biomes the yetis will spawn in + "yeti biomes" = ["minecraft:snowy_tundra", "minecraft:snowy_mountains", "minecraft:snowy_taiga", "minecraft:snowy_taiga_hills", "minecraft:ice_spikes", "minecraft:snowy_taiga_mountains"] + diff --git a/config/cobbler-common.toml b/config/cobbler-common.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a9291e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/cobbler-common.toml @@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ + +["Feature Options"] + + ["Feature Options".Farmability] + # + # How many times to attempt to spawn a sapling when grass is bonemealed. (also max # of saplings which can spawn per bonemeal) + # Increasing this value too high may cause performance issues as it is not optimized for a large number of spawn attempts. + # The probability of a sapling appearing is 1 - (((1 - ((plantableBlocksInRadius/147) * 1/bonemealSaplingSpawnRate))) ^ bonemealSaplingSpawnAttempts) + # Default value is 2 + #Range: 1 ~ 1000 + bonemealSaplingSpawnAttempts = 2 + # + # How many times out of 100 a sapling will become a dead bush instead of a tree at light level 15 in the desert + # Default value is 75 + #Range: 1 ~ 100 + desertSaplingsMaxDeathrate = 75 + # + # Chance of attempting to spawn an oak sapling on a random block in a 7x3x7 area centered on the bonemealed block when bonemealing grass. + # The probability of attempting to spawn an oak sapling each time gass is bonemealed is 1/spawnrate. + # The probability of a sapling appearing is 1 - (((1 - ((plantableBlocksInRadius/147) * 1/bonemealSaplingSpawnRate))) ^ bonemealSaplingSpawnAttempts) + # Default value is 6 + #Range: 1 ~ 1000 + bonemealSaplingSpawnrate = 6 + # + # Whether or not bonemeal can spawn oak saplings + # Default value is true + bonemealCanSpawnSapling = true + # + # Whether or not saplings can convert to dead bushes in high light levels in the desert + # Default value is true + desertSaplingsCanBecomeDeadBush = true + # + # How many times out of 100 a sapling will become a dead bush instead of a tree at light level 10 in the desert + # Default value is 25 + #Range: 1 ~ 100 + desertSaplingsMinDeathrate = 25 + # + # The minimum light level, inclusive, at which spiders can spawn cobwebs attached to logs, leaves, spawners, or other webs + # Consider setting this value to 0 if you want webs around spider spawners to expand organically + # Default value is 8 + #Range: 0 ~ 15 + webSpinningMinLightLevel = 8 + # + # Allows spiders to create webs anywhere, removing the restriction on needing to be next to a log, leaves, or other cobwebs + # Ironically, this will most likely improve performance since it will bypass the check, but I would suggest lowering the max light level if this is enabled + # since you will probably get tired of removing webs from your base rather quickly. + # Default value is false + websEverywhere = false + # + # Unfortunately, too many factors can go into the frequency of web spinning so this will have to remain a 'magic' number + # When a spider is considering starting the task of spinning a web, it picks a random number between 0 and 100,000, and if it's under the + # value determined by this config, it will start spinning the web. + # This, however, is not the only factor as the spider may choose a different task instead, and other mods can add their own tasks with different weights + # For reference I spawned ~6 spiders at noon in a roofed forest and came back to ~8 webs 20 minutes later with this set to 500, but when placed in + # a room made of logs and leaves there were 10 webs within about a minute + # Default value is 500 + #Range: 0 ~ 100000 + webSpinningFrequency = 500 + # + # Whether or not Endermen can place cocoa. This overrides any changes to enderman_holdable for cocoa and works with MobGreifing turned off if set to true + # Default value is true + endermenCanPickupAndPlaceCocoa = true + # + # Whether or not spiders (cave, regular, and most likely any moded spiders decended from the Minecraft spider) can spawn cobwebs under certain conditions + # If enabled, they can spawn cobwebs next to leaves and logs, spawners, and other cobwebs (6 cardinal directions, not diagonals) provided + # that the light level that they're in is between webSpinningMinLightLevel and webSpinningMaxLightLevel, inclusive + # Default value is true + spidersCanSpinWebs = true + # + # The maximum light level, inclusive, at which spiders can spawn cobwebs attached to logs, leaves, spawners, or other webs + # For reference, spiders stop being aggressive somewhere between light levels 9 and 12. Every wiki has conflicting info, and it would take a lot of math + # for me to figure out an approximation because it looks like they use the light level of the model which takes neighbor's light levels into account + # Fun Fact: Spiders irl prefer to spin webs at dusk + # Default value is 12 + #Range: 0 ~ 15 + webSpinningMaxLightLevel = 12 + + ["Feature Options".EndStructures] + # + # The chance of getting a map to a Shulker Factory from a chest in an End Citythe probability of getting the map in any given chest is 1/shulkerFactoryMapWeight + #Range: 1 ~ 1000 + shulkerFactoryMapChance = 5 + # + # Whether or not to spawn Shulker Factories - End City inspired structures with a shulker spawner + # Default value is true + shulkerFactorys = true + # + # Whether or not to add a map, similar to the ones which cartographers sell, to the loot table for + # End City Chests (and by extention very rarely within shulker factory chests) + # Default value is true + addMapsToShulkerFactoriesToEndCities = true + # + # How often Shulker Factories will attempt to spawn per chunk. + # It will spawn in a chunk if a random number between 0 and 1 is less than 1/(((spawnRate + spawnRate * 0.75) / 2, 2)^2) + # This is to keep it consistent with older versions which went off of the separation instead of being truly random. + # 10 to practically always have one in render distance, 1000 for extremely rare factories + # 20 is slightly more common than end cities + # Default value of 200 should average one every ~7,000 blocks (varies widely) + #Range: 10 ~ 1000 + shulkerFactorySpawnrate = 200 + diff --git a/config/configured-client.toml b/config/configured-client.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..76a750b --- /dev/null +++ b/config/configured-client.toml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +#Forces all config menus to be overridden and generated by Configured. This requires the game to be restarted for the changes to apply. +forceConfiguredMenu = false + diff --git a/config/constructionwand-client.toml b/config/constructionwand-client.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..db85848 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/constructionwand-client.toml @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ + +#This is the Client config for ConstructionWand. +#If you're not familiar with Forge's new split client/server config, let me explain: +#Client config is stored in the /config folder and only contains client specific settings like graphics and keybinds. +#Mod behavior is configured in the Server config, which is world-specific and thus located +#in the /saves/myworld/serverconfig folder. If you want to change the serverconfig for all +#new worlds, copy the config files in the /defaultconfigs folder. +[keys] + #Key code of OPTKEY (Default: Left Control). Look up key codes under + #Range: 0 ~ 350 + OptKey = 341 + #Press SNEAK+OPTKEY instead of SNEAK for changing wand mode/direction lock + ShiftOpt = false + #Press SNEAK+OPTKEY instead of SNEAK for opening wand GUI + ShiftOptGUI = true + diff --git a/config/cosmeticarmorreworked-client.toml b/config/cosmeticarmorreworked-client.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8d2817a --- /dev/null +++ b/config/cosmeticarmorreworked-client.toml @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ + +#These settings only affects client +[Client] + #The horizontal pixel distance from the origin point of player inventory gui + #Range: > -2147483648 + CosArmorGuiButton_Left = 65 + #The vertical pixel distance from the origin point of player inventoy gui + #Range: > -2147483648 + CosArmorGuiButton_Top = 67 + #Whether or not to hide the button for toggling the mod temporarily on client side + CosArmorToggleButton_Hidden = false + #Whether or not to hide the button for opening CosmeticArmorInventory in CreativeInventory + CosArmorCreativeGuiButton_Hidden = false + #The horizontal pixel distance from the origin point of player inventory gui + #Range: > -2147483648 + CosArmorToggleButton_Left = 59 + #The vertical pixel distance from the origin point of creative inventoy gui + #Range: > -2147483648 + CosArmorCreativeGuiButton_Top = 38 + #Whether or not to hide the button for opening CosmeticArmorInventory + CosArmorGuiButton_Hidden = false + #The vertical pixel distance from the origin point of player inventory gui + #Range: > -2147483648 + CosArmorToggleButton_Top = 72 + #The horizontal pixel distance from the origin point of creative inventory gui + #Range: > -2147483648 + CosArmorCreativeGuiButton_Left = 95 + diff --git a/config/cosmeticarmorreworked-common.toml b/config/cosmeticarmorreworked-common.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bb30134 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/cosmeticarmorreworked-common.toml @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ + +#These settings affects both server and client +[Common] + #Whether or not to disable the RecipeBook in the CosmeticArmorInventory + CosArmorDisableRecipeBook = false + #Whether or not to keep items in cosmetic armor slots in the event of player death + CosArmorKeepThroughDeath = false + #Whether or not to disable the coshat command + CosArmorDisableCosHatCommand = false + diff --git a/config/craftingtweaks-client.toml b/config/craftingtweaks-client.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5542186 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/craftingtweaks-client.toml @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ + +#Crafting Tweaks Client Configuration +[client] + #Set this to true if you don't want the tweak buttons' tooltips to show. + hideButtonTooltips = false + #This option is toggled by the 'Toggle Buttons' key that can be defined in the Controls settings. + hideButtons = false + #We both know JEI is much better. This option hides Vanilla's crafting book button instead of moving it. + hideVanillaCraftingGuide = false + #Add modids here of mods that you wish to disable Crafting Tweaks support for. + disabledAddons = [] + #Set to 'DEFAULT' to enable both buttons and hotkeys. Set to 'BUTTONS' to enable buttons only. Set to 'HOTKEYS' to enable hotkeys only. + #Allowed Values: DEFAULT, BUTTONS, HOTKEYS, DISABLED + craftingTweaksMode = "DEFAULT" + #If set to true, right-clicking the result slot in a crafting table will craft a full stack. + rightClickCraftsStack = true + diff --git a/config/craftingtweaks-common.toml b/config/craftingtweaks-common.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..70dcd9c --- /dev/null +++ b/config/craftingtweaks-common.toml @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + +#Crafting Tweaks Configuration +[common] + #Set this to true if you want the (de)compress feature to work outside of crafting GUIs (only works if installed on server) + compressAnywhere = false + #A list of modid:name entries that will not be crafted by the compress key. + compressBlacklist = ["minecraft:sandstone", "minecraft:iron_trapdoor"] + diff --git a/config/create-client.toml b/config/create-client.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fcb9565 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/create-client.toml @@ -0,0 +1,120 @@ + +# +#Client-only settings - If you're looking for general settings, look inside your worlds serverconfig folder! +[client] + # + #Choose the menu row that the Create config button appears on in the main menu + #Set to 0 to disable the button altogether + #Range: 0 ~ 4 + mainMenuConfigButtonRow = 2 + # + #Choose the menu row that the Create config button appears on in the in-game menu + #Set to 0 to disable the button altogether + #Range: 0 ~ 5 + ingameMenuConfigButtonRow = 3 + # + #Higher density means more spawned particles. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + fanParticleDensity = 0.5 + # + #The maximum amount of blocks for which to try and calculate dynamic contraption lighting. Decrease if large contraption cause too much lag + #Range: > 0 + maximumContraptionLightVolume = 16384 + # + #Log a stack-trace when rendering issues happen within a moving contraption. + explainRenderErrors = false + # + #[in Blocks] + #Maximum Distance to the player at which items in Blocks' filter slots will be displayed + #Range: 1.0 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38 + filterItemRenderDistance = 10.0 + # + #Show colourful debug information while the F3-Menu is open. + enableRainbowDebug = true + # + #Display a tooltip when looking at overstressed components. + enableOverstressedTooltip = true + # + #Use modern OpenGL features to drastically increase performance. + experimentalRendering = true + # + #Offset the Create config button in the in-game menu by this many pixels on the X axis + #The sign (-/+) of this value determines what side of the row the button appears on (left/right) + #Range: > -2147483648 + ingameMenuConfigButtonOffsetX = -4 + # + #Setting this to true will prevent Create from sending you a warning when playing with Fabulous graphics enabled + ignoreFabulousWarning = false + # + #Offset the Create config button in the main menu by this many pixels on the X axis + #The sign (-/+) of this value determines what side of the row the button appears on (left/right) + #Range: > -2147483648 + mainMenuConfigButtonOffsetX = -4 + # + #Show item descriptions on Shift and controls on Ctrl. + enableTooltips = true + + # + #Sound settings + [client.sound] + # + #Make cogs rumble and machines clatter. + enableAmbientSounds = true + # + #Maximum volume modifier of Ambient noise + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + ambientVolumeCap = 0.10000000149011612 + + # + #Ponder settings + [client.ponder] + # + #Slow down a ponder scene whenever there is text on screen. + comfyReading = false + + # + #Settings for the Goggle Overlay + [client.goggleOverlay] + # + #Enable this to use your custom colors for the Goggle- and Hover- Overlay + customColorsOverlay = false + # + #Offset the overlay from goggle- and hover- information by this many pixels on the respective axis; Use /create overlay + #Range: > -2147483648 + overlayOffsetY = 0 + # + #Offset the overlay from goggle- and hover- information by this many pixels on the respective axis; Use /create overlay + #Range: > -2147483648 + overlayOffsetX = 20 + # + #The custom top color of the border gradient to use for the Goggle- and Hover- Overlays, if enabled + #[in Hex: #AaRrGgBb] + #[@cui:IntDisplay:#] + #Range: > -2147483648 + customBorderTopOverlay = 1347420415 + # + #The custom background color to use for the Goggle- and Hover- Overlays, if enabled + #[in Hex: #AaRrGgBb] + #[@cui:IntDisplay:#] + #Range: > -2147483648 + customBackgroundOverlay = -267386864 + # + #The custom bot color of the border gradient to use for the Goggle- and Hover- Overlays, if enabled + #[in Hex: #AaRrGgBb] + #[@cui:IntDisplay:#] + #Range: > -2147483648 + customBorderBotOverlay = 1344798847 + + # + #Settings for the Placement Assist + [client.placementAssist] + # + #Change the size of the Indicator by this multiplier + #Range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38 + indicatorScale = 1.0 + # + #What indicator should be used when showing where the assisted placement ends up relative to your crosshair + #Choose 'NONE' to disable the Indicator altogether + #Allowed Values: TEXTURE, TRIANGLE, NONE + indicatorType = "TEXTURE" + diff --git a/config/create-common.toml b/config/create-common.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c01195c --- /dev/null +++ b/config/create-common.toml @@ -0,0 +1,136 @@ + +[worldgen] + + # + #Modify Create's impact on your terrain + [worldgen.v2] + # + #Prevents all worldgen added by Create from taking effect + disableWorldGen = false + + [worldgen.v2.copper_ore] + # + #Range: > 0 + minHeight = 40 + # + #Range: > 0 + maxHeight = 85 + # + #Range: > 0 + clusterSize = 18 + # + #Amount of clusters generated per Chunk. + # >1 to spawn multiple. + # <1 to make it a chance. + # 0 to disable. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 512.0 + frequency = 2.0 + + [worldgen.v2.weathered_limestone] + # + #Range: > 0 + minHeight = 10 + # + #Range: > 0 + maxHeight = 30 + # + #Range: > 0 + clusterSize = 128 + # + #Amount of clusters generated per Chunk. + # >1 to spawn multiple. + # <1 to make it a chance. + # 0 to disable. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 512.0 + frequency = 0.015625 + + [worldgen.v2.zinc_ore] + # + #Range: > 0 + minHeight = 15 + # + #Range: > 0 + maxHeight = 70 + # + #Range: > 0 + clusterSize = 14 + # + #Amount of clusters generated per Chunk. + # >1 to spawn multiple. + # <1 to make it a chance. + # 0 to disable. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 512.0 + frequency = 4.0 + + [worldgen.v2.limestone] + # + #Range: > 0 + minHeight = 30 + # + #Range: > 0 + maxHeight = 70 + # + #Range: > 0 + clusterSize = 128 + # + #Amount of clusters generated per Chunk. + # >1 to spawn multiple. + # <1 to make it a chance. + # 0 to disable. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 512.0 + frequency = 0.015625 + + [worldgen.v2.dolomite] + # + #Range: > 0 + minHeight = 20 + # + #Range: > 0 + maxHeight = 70 + # + #Range: > 0 + clusterSize = 128 + # + #Amount of clusters generated per Chunk. + # >1 to spawn multiple. + # <1 to make it a chance. + # 0 to disable. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 512.0 + frequency = 0.015625 + + [worldgen.v2.gabbro] + # + #Range: > 0 + minHeight = 20 + # + #Range: > 0 + maxHeight = 70 + # + #Range: > 0 + clusterSize = 128 + # + #Amount of clusters generated per Chunk. + # >1 to spawn multiple. + # <1 to make it a chance. + # 0 to disable. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 512.0 + frequency = 0.015625 + + [worldgen.v2.scoria] + # + #Range: > 0 + minHeight = 0 + # + #Range: > 0 + maxHeight = 10 + # + #Range: > 0 + clusterSize = 128 + # + #Amount of clusters generated per Chunk. + # >1 to spawn multiple. + # <1 to make it a chance. + # 0 to disable. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 512.0 + frequency = 0.03125 + diff --git a/config/curios-client.toml b/config/curios-client.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f5c5170 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/curios-client.toml @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ + +#Client only settings, mostly things related to rendering +[client] + #The corner for the Curios GUI button + #Allowed Values: TOP_LEFT, TOP_RIGHT, BOTTOM_LEFT, BOTTOM_RIGHT + buttonCorner = "TOP_LEFT" + #The X-Offset for the Curios GUI button + #Range: -100 ~ 100 + buttonXOffset = 0 + #The Y-Offset for the Creative Curios GUI button + #Range: -100 ~ 100 + creativeButtonYOffset = 0 + #Set to true to enable rendering curios + renderCurios = true + #The X-Offset for the Creative Curios GUI button + #Range: -100 ~ 100 + creativeButtonXOffset = 0 + #The Y-Offset for the Curios GUI button + #Range: -100 ~ 100 + buttonYOffset = 0 + diff --git a/config/defaultoptions-common.toml b/config/defaultoptions-common.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0d1901f --- /dev/null +++ b/config/defaultoptions-common.toml @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +#The default difficulty selected for newly created worlds. +#Allowed Values: PEACEFUL, EASY, NORMAL, HARD +defaultDifficulty = "NORMAL" +#Set to true if the difficulty for new world's should be locked ot the specific default. This cannot be unlocked by players without external tools! Probably a bad idea. I don't recommend. Why am I adding this option? +lockDifficulty = false + diff --git a/config/defaultoptions/keybindings.txt b/config/defaultoptions/keybindings.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f9e77de --- /dev/null +++ b/config/defaultoptions/keybindings.txt @@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ +key_key.attack:key.mouse.left:NONE +key_key.use:key.mouse.right:NONE +key_key.forward:key.keyboard.w:NONE +key_key.left:key.keyboard.a:NONE +key_key.back:key.keyboard.s:NONE +key_key.right:key.keyboard.d:NONE +key_key.sneak:key.keyboard.left.shift:NONE +key_key.sprint:key.keyboard.left.control:NONE +key_key.drop:key.keyboard.q:NONE +key_key.inventory:key.keyboard.e:NONE +key_key.pickItem:key.mouse.middle:NONE +key_key.command:key.keyboard.slash:NONE +key_key.socialInteractions:key.keyboard.p:NONE +key_key.screenshot:key.keyboard.f2:NONE +key_key.togglePerspective:key.keyboard.f5:NONE +key_key.smoothCamera:key.keyboard.unknown:NONE +key_key.fullscreen:key.keyboard.f11:NONE +key_key.spectatorOutlines:key.keyboard.unknown:NONE +key_key.swapOffhand:key.keyboard.f:NONE +key_key.saveToolbarActivator:key.keyboard.c:NONE +key_key.loadToolbarActivator:key.keyboard.x:NONE +key_key.advancements:key.keyboard.l:NONE +key_key.hotbar.1:key.keyboard.1:NONE +key_key.hotbar.2:key.keyboard.2:NONE +key_key.hotbar.3:key.keyboard.3:NONE +key_key.hotbar.4:key.keyboard.4:NONE +key_key.hotbar.5:key.keyboard.5:NONE +key_key.hotbar.6:key.keyboard.6:NONE +key_key.hotbar.7:key.keyboard.7:NONE +key_key.hotbar.8:key.keyboard.8:NONE +key_key.hotbar.9:key.keyboard.9:NONE +key_placebo.toggleWings:key.keyboard.keypad.8:NONE +key_placebo.toggleTrails:key.keyboard.keypad.9:NONE +key_key.corpse.death_history:key.keyboard.u:NONE +key_key.spartanweaponry.access_quiver:key.keyboard.i:NONE +key_key.pickup.item:key.keyboard.unknown:NONE +key_key.pmmo.showList:key.keyboard.left.alt:NONE +key_key.pmmo.toggleTooltip:key.keyboard.f6:NONE +key_key.pmmo.vein:key.keyboard.grave.accent:NONE +key_key.pmmo.openMenu:key.keyboard.p:NONE +key_key.pmmo.openSettings:key.keyboard.unknown:NONE +key_key.pmmo.openSkills:key.keyboard.unknown:NONE +key_key.pmmo.openGlossary:key.keyboard.unknown:NONE +key_key.skills:key.keyboard.g:NONE +key_key.toastcontrol.clear:key.keyboard.j:NONE +key_key.waila.config:key.keyboard.keypad.0:NONE +key_key.waila.show_overlay:key.keyboard.keypad.1:NONE +key_key.waila.toggle_liquid:key.keyboard.keypad.2:NONE +key_key.lotr.map_teleport:key.keyboard.enter:NONE +key_key.lotr.alignment_previous:key.keyboard.left:NONE +key_key.lotr.alignment_next:key.keyboard.right:NONE +key_key.lotr.alignment_group_previous:key.keyboard.up:NONE +key_key.lotr.alignment_group_next:key.keyboard.down:NONE +key_key.tconstruct.helmet_interact:key.keyboard.z:NONE +key_key.tconstruct.leggings_interact:key.keyboard.i:NONE +key_quark.keybind.back:key.mouse.4:NONE +key_quark.keybind.autorun:key.keyboard.caps.lock:NONE +key_quark.keybind.change_hotbar:key.keyboard.z:NONE +key_key.backpack:key.keyboard.b:NONE +key_quark.keybind.lock_rotation:key.keyboard.k:NONE +key_quark.emote.yes:key.keyboard.unknown:NONE +key_quark.emote.wave:key.keyboard.unknown:NONE +key_quark.emote.salute:key.keyboard.unknown:NONE +key_quark.emote.cheer:key.keyboard.unknown:NONE +key_quark.emote.clap:key.keyboard.unknown:NONE +key_quark.emote.think:key.keyboard.unknown:NONE +key_quark.emote.point:key.keyboard.unknown:NONE +key_quark.emote.shrug:key.keyboard.unknown:NONE +key_quark.emote.headbang:key.keyboard.unknown:NONE +key_quark.emote.weep:key.keyboard.unknown:NONE +key_quark.emote.facepalm:key.keyboard.unknown:NONE +key_quark.keybind.patreon_emote.tpose:key.keyboard.unknown:NONE +key_quark.keybind.patreon_emote.dab:key.keyboard.unknown:NONE +key_quark.keybind.patreon_emote.jet:key.keyboard.unknown:NONE +key_quark.keybind.patreon_emote.exorcist:key.keyboard.unknown:NONE +key_quark.keybind.patreon_emote.zombie:key.keyboard.unknown:NONE +key_quark.keybind.camera_mode:key.keyboard.f12:NONE +key_quark.keybind.transfer_insert:key.keyboard.unknown:NONE +key_quark.keybind.transfer_extract:key.keyboard.unknown:NONE +key_quark.keybind.shift_lock:key.keyboard.unknown:NONE +key_quark.keybind.sort_player:key.keyboard.unknown:NONE +key_quark.keybind.sort_container:key.keyboard.unknown:NONE +key_key.valkyrienskies.ship_down:key.keyboard.v:NONE +key_key.valkyrienskies.ship_cruise:key.keyboard.c:NONE +key_cos.key.opencosarmorinventory:key.keyboard.unknown:NONE +key_create.keyinfo.toolmenu:key.keyboard.left.alt:NONE +key_create.keyinfo.toolbelt:key.keyboard.left.alt:NONE +key_keybind.sophisticatedbackpacks.open_backpack:key.keyboard.b:NONE +key_keybind.sophisticatedbackpacks.inventory_interaction:key.keyboard.c:NONE +key_keybind.sophisticatedbackpacks.tool_swap:key.keyboard.unknown:NONE +key_keybind.sophisticatedbackpacks.sort:key.mouse.middle:NONE +key_keybind.sophisticatedbackpacks.toggle_upgrade_1:key.keyboard.z:ALT +key_keybind.sophisticatedbackpacks.toggle_upgrade_2:key.keyboard.x:ALT +key_keybind.sophisticatedbackpacks.toggle_upgrade_3:key.keyboard.unknown:NONE +key_keybind.sophisticatedbackpacks.toggle_upgrade_4:key.keyboard.unknown:NONE +key_keybind.sophisticatedbackpacks.toggle_upgrade_5:key.keyboard.unknown:NONE +key_key.craftingtweaks.rotate:key.keyboard.unknown:NONE +key_key.craftingtweaks.rotate_counter_clockwise:key.keyboard.unknown:NONE +key_key.craftingtweaks.balance:key.keyboard.unknown:NONE +key_key.craftingtweaks.spread:key.keyboard.unknown:NONE +key_key.craftingtweaks.clear:key.keyboard.unknown:NONE +key_key.craftingtweaks.force_clear:key.keyboard.unknown:NONE +key_key.craftingtweaks.toggleButtons:key.keyboard.unknown:NONE +key_key.craftingtweaks.compressOne:key.keyboard.k:CONTROL +key_key.craftingtweaks.compressStack:key.keyboard.k:NONE +key_key.craftingtweaks.compressAll:key.keyboard.k:SHIFT +key_key.craftingtweaks.decompressOne:key.keyboard.unknown:NONE +key_key.craftingtweaks.decompressStack:key.keyboard.unknown:NONE +key_key.craftingtweaks.decompressAll:key.keyboard.unknown:NONE +key_key.configured.open_mod_list:key.keyboard.unknown:NONE +key_key.jei.toggleOverlay:key.keyboard.o:CONTROL +key_key.jei.focusSearch:key.keyboard.f:CONTROL +key_key.jei.toggleCheatMode:key.keyboard.unknown:NONE +key_key.jei.toggleEditMode:key.keyboard.unknown:NONE +key_key.jei.showRecipe:key.keyboard.r:NONE +key_key.jei.showUses:key.keyboard.u:NONE +key_key.jei.recipeBack:key.keyboard.backspace:NONE +key_key.jei.bookmark:key.keyboard.a:NONE +key_key.jei.toggleBookmarkOverlay:key.keyboard.unknown:NONE +key_key.waila.show_recipes:key.keyboard.keypad.3:NONE +key_key.waila.show_uses:key.keyboard.keypad.4:NONE diff --git a/config/defaultoptions/options.txt b/config/defaultoptions/options.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/config/dummmmmmy-client.toml b/config/dummmmmmy-client.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..15fd72e --- /dev/null +++ b/config/dummmmmmy-client.toml @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ + +#lots of cosmetic stuff in here +[visuals] + #Show hearths instead of damage dealt? (1 hearth = two damage) + showHearths = false + #Does dps message update dynamically or will it only appear after each parse? + dynamicDPS = true + #Skin used by the dummy + #Allowed Values: DEFAULT, ORIGINAL, DUNGEONS, ALTERNATIVE + texture = "DEFAULT" + #How much the dummy swings in degrees with respect to the damage dealt. default=0.75 + #Range: 0.0 ~ 2.0 + animationIntensity = 0.75 + + [visuals.damage_number_colors] + #hex color for various damage sources + genetic = "ffffff" + dragon_breath = "e600ff" + magic = "33b1ff" + lightning = "fff200" + explosion = "ffbb29" + magic_indirect = "844ce7" + true_damage = "910038" + trident = "00ff9d" + crit = "ff0000" + cactus = "048500" + fire = "ff7700" + wither = "666666" + diff --git a/config/dummmmmmy-common.toml b/config/dummmmmmy-common.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1bc484e --- /dev/null +++ b/config/dummmmmmy-common.toml @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +#Enable this to prevent your equipment from getting damaged when attacking the dummy +disable_equipment_damage = true + +[scarecrow] + #Animal entities that will not be scared + mobs_blacklist = [""] + #All animal entities will be scared. add here additional ones that are not included + mobs_whitelist = [""] + #Scaring radius + #Range: 0 ~ 100 + scare_radius = 12 + diff --git a/config/dungeons_enhanced-common.toml b/config/dungeons_enhanced-common.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..62e677e --- /dev/null +++ b/config/dungeons_enhanced-common.toml @@ -0,0 +1,426 @@ + +[Castle] + #The average distance between structures of this type, measured in chunks. + #Range: > 1 + spacing = 56 + #What dimensions should this structure be placed in. Type "all" to allow all dimensions + valid_dimensions = "all" + #A random offset applied to spacing. Values closer to 0 produce a grid effect while values closer to spacing are more random. + #Range: > 0 + offset = 37 + #How the biomes list should be used. true = whitelist, false = blacklist. + is_whitelist = true + #A filter for which biomes this structure should generate in. Works with the biome dictionary (#overworld) and "not" statements (!plains). These can be combined (!#nether). Operates in the order presented. So "#forest, !flower_forest" will add all forests and then remove the flower forest. + biomes = "#structure_gel:cold, #structure_gel:snowy, !#structure_gel:mountain, !#structure_gel:beach" + #Percent chance of generating in an allowed chunk. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + probability = 0.42 + +["Desert Temple"] + #The average distance between structures of this type, measured in chunks. + #Range: > 1 + spacing = 32 + #What dimensions should this structure be placed in. Type "all" to allow all dimensions + valid_dimensions = "all" + #A random offset applied to spacing. Values closer to 0 produce a grid effect while values closer to spacing are more random. + #Range: > 0 + offset = 21 + #How the biomes list should be used. true = whitelist, false = blacklist. + is_whitelist = true + #A filter for which biomes this structure should generate in. Works with the biome dictionary (#overworld) and "not" statements (!plains). These can be combined (!#nether). Operates in the order presented. So "#forest, !flower_forest" will add all forests and then remove the flower forest. + biomes = "minecraft:desert" + #Percent chance of generating in an allowed chunk. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + probability = 0.6 + +["Desert Tomb"] + #The average distance between structures of this type, measured in chunks. + #Range: > 1 + spacing = 29 + #What dimensions should this structure be placed in. Type "all" to allow all dimensions + valid_dimensions = "all" + #A random offset applied to spacing. Values closer to 0 produce a grid effect while values closer to spacing are more random. + #Range: > 0 + offset = 19 + #How the biomes list should be used. true = whitelist, false = blacklist. + is_whitelist = true + #A filter for which biomes this structure should generate in. Works with the biome dictionary (#overworld) and "not" statements (!plains). These can be combined (!#nether). Operates in the order presented. So "#forest, !flower_forest" will add all forests and then remove the flower forest. + biomes = "minecraft:desert" + #Percent chance of generating in an allowed chunk. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + probability = 0.65 + +["Druid Circle"] + #The average distance between structures of this type, measured in chunks. + #Range: > 1 + spacing = 36 + #What dimensions should this structure be placed in. Type "all" to allow all dimensions + valid_dimensions = "all" + #A random offset applied to spacing. Values closer to 0 produce a grid effect while values closer to spacing are more random. + #Range: > 0 + offset = 24 + #How the biomes list should be used. true = whitelist, false = blacklist. + is_whitelist = true + #A filter for which biomes this structure should generate in. Works with the biome dictionary (#overworld) and "not" statements (!plains). These can be combined (!#nether). Operates in the order presented. So "#forest, !flower_forest" will add all forests and then remove the flower forest. + biomes = "#structure_gel:neutral_temp, !#structure_gel:wooded, !#structure_gel:mountain, !#structure_gel:beach" + #Percent chance of generating in an allowed chunk. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + probability = 0.4 + +["Dungeon Variant"] + #The average distance between structures of this type, measured in chunks. + #Range: > 1 + spacing = 16 + #What dimensions should this structure be placed in. Type "all" to allow all dimensions + valid_dimensions = "all" + #A random offset applied to spacing. Values closer to 0 produce a grid effect while values closer to spacing are more random. + #Range: > 0 + offset = 10 + #How the biomes list should be used. true = whitelist, false = blacklist. + is_whitelist = false + #A filter for which biomes this structure should generate in. Works with the biome dictionary (#overworld) and "not" statements (!plains). These can be combined (!#nether). Operates in the order presented. So "#forest, !flower_forest" will add all forests and then remove the flower forest. + biomes = "" + #Percent chance of generating in an allowed chunk. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + probability = 0.8 + +["Elders Temple"] + #The average distance between structures of this type, measured in chunks. + #Range: > 1 + spacing = 29 + #What dimensions should this structure be placed in. Type "all" to allow all dimensions + valid_dimensions = "all" + #A random offset applied to spacing. Values closer to 0 produce a grid effect while values closer to spacing are more random. + #Range: > 0 + offset = 19 + #How the biomes list should be used. true = whitelist, false = blacklist. + is_whitelist = true + #A filter for which biomes this structure should generate in. Works with the biome dictionary (#overworld) and "not" statements (!plains). These can be combined (!#nether). Operates in the order presented. So "#forest, !flower_forest" will add all forests and then remove the flower forest. + biomes = "#structure_gel:ocean" + #Percent chance of generating in an allowed chunk. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + probability = 1.0 + +["Fishing Ship"] + #The average distance between structures of this type, measured in chunks. + #Range: > 1 + spacing = 48 + #What dimensions should this structure be placed in. Type "all" to allow all dimensions + valid_dimensions = "all" + #A random offset applied to spacing. Values closer to 0 produce a grid effect while values closer to spacing are more random. + #Range: > 0 + offset = 32 + #How the biomes list should be used. true = whitelist, false = blacklist. + is_whitelist = true + #A filter for which biomes this structure should generate in. Works with the biome dictionary (#overworld) and "not" statements (!plains). These can be combined (!#nether). Operates in the order presented. So "#forest, !flower_forest" will add all forests and then remove the flower forest. + biomes = "#structure_gel:ocean" + #Percent chance of generating in an allowed chunk. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + probability = 0.68 + +["Flying Dutchman"] + #The average distance between structures of this type, measured in chunks. + #Range: > 1 + spacing = 67 + #What dimensions should this structure be placed in. Type "all" to allow all dimensions + valid_dimensions = "all" + #A random offset applied to spacing. Values closer to 0 produce a grid effect while values closer to spacing are more random. + #Range: > 0 + offset = 44 + #How the biomes list should be used. true = whitelist, false = blacklist. + is_whitelist = true + #A filter for which biomes this structure should generate in. Works with the biome dictionary (#overworld) and "not" statements (!plains). These can be combined (!#nether). Operates in the order presented. So "#forest, !flower_forest" will add all forests and then remove the flower forest. + biomes = "#structure_gel:ocean" + #Percent chance of generating in an allowed chunk. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + probability = 0.4 + +["Hay Storage"] + #The average distance between structures of this type, measured in chunks. + #Range: > 1 + spacing = 24 + #What dimensions should this structure be placed in. Type "all" to allow all dimensions + valid_dimensions = "all" + #A random offset applied to spacing. Values closer to 0 produce a grid effect while values closer to spacing are more random. + #Range: > 0 + offset = 16 + #How the biomes list should be used. true = whitelist, false = blacklist. + is_whitelist = true + #A filter for which biomes this structure should generate in. Works with the biome dictionary (#overworld) and "not" statements (!plains). These can be combined (!#nether). Operates in the order presented. So "#forest, !flower_forest" will add all forests and then remove the flower forest. + biomes = "#structure_gel:savanna" + #Percent chance of generating in an allowed chunk. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + probability = 0.75 + +["Ice Pit"] + #The average distance between structures of this type, measured in chunks. + #Range: > 1 + spacing = 35 + #What dimensions should this structure be placed in. Type "all" to allow all dimensions + valid_dimensions = "all" + #A random offset applied to spacing. Values closer to 0 produce a grid effect while values closer to spacing are more random. + #Range: > 0 + offset = 23 + #How the biomes list should be used. true = whitelist, false = blacklist. + is_whitelist = true + #A filter for which biomes this structure should generate in. Works with the biome dictionary (#overworld) and "not" statements (!plains). These can be combined (!#nether). Operates in the order presented. So "#forest, !flower_forest" will add all forests and then remove the flower forest. + biomes = "#structure_gel:snowy, #structure_gel:frozen, !#structure_gel:mountain, !#structure_gel:river, !#structure_gel:beach" + #Percent chance of generating in an allowed chunk. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + probability = 0.7 + +["Jungle Monument"] + #The average distance between structures of this type, measured in chunks. + #Range: > 1 + spacing = 30 + #What dimensions should this structure be placed in. Type "all" to allow all dimensions + valid_dimensions = "all" + #A random offset applied to spacing. Values closer to 0 produce a grid effect while values closer to spacing are more random. + #Range: > 0 + offset = 20 + #How the biomes list should be used. true = whitelist, false = blacklist. + is_whitelist = true + #A filter for which biomes this structure should generate in. Works with the biome dictionary (#overworld) and "not" statements (!plains). These can be combined (!#nether). Operates in the order presented. So "#forest, !flower_forest" will add all forests and then remove the flower forest. + biomes = "#structure_gel:jungle, !#structure_gel:bamboo_jungle" + #Percent chance of generating in an allowed chunk. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + probability = 0.65 + +["Large Dungeon"] + #The average distance between structures of this type, measured in chunks. + #Range: > 1 + spacing = 39 + #What dimensions should this structure be placed in. Type "all" to allow all dimensions + valid_dimensions = "all" + #A random offset applied to spacing. Values closer to 0 produce a grid effect while values closer to spacing are more random. + #Range: > 0 + offset = 26 + #How the biomes list should be used. true = whitelist, false = blacklist. + is_whitelist = true + #A filter for which biomes this structure should generate in. Works with the biome dictionary (#overworld) and "not" statements (!plains). These can be combined (!#nether). Operates in the order presented. So "#forest, !flower_forest" will add all forests and then remove the flower forest. + biomes = "#structure_gel:neutral_temp, #structure_gel:cold, !#structure_gel:mountain, !#structure_gel:beach" + #Percent chance of generating in an allowed chunk. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + probability = 0.35 + +["Miners House"] + #The average distance between structures of this type, measured in chunks. + #Range: > 1 + spacing = 24 + #What dimensions should this structure be placed in. Type "all" to allow all dimensions + valid_dimensions = "all" + #A random offset applied to spacing. Values closer to 0 produce a grid effect while values closer to spacing are more random. + #Range: > 0 + offset = 16 + #How the biomes list should be used. true = whitelist, false = blacklist. + is_whitelist = true + #A filter for which biomes this structure should generate in. Works with the biome dictionary (#overworld) and "not" statements (!plains). These can be combined (!#nether). Operates in the order presented. So "#forest, !flower_forest" will add all forests and then remove the flower forest. + biomes = "minecraft:badlands, minecraft:badlands_plateau" + #Percent chance of generating in an allowed chunk. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + probability = 0.8 + +["Monster Maze"] + #The average distance between structures of this type, measured in chunks. + #Range: > 1 + spacing = 34 + #What dimensions should this structure be placed in. Type "all" to allow all dimensions + valid_dimensions = "all" + #A random offset applied to spacing. Values closer to 0 produce a grid effect while values closer to spacing are more random. + #Range: > 0 + offset = 22 + #How the biomes list should be used. true = whitelist, false = blacklist. + is_whitelist = true + #A filter for which biomes this structure should generate in. Works with the biome dictionary (#overworld) and "not" statements (!plains). These can be combined (!#nether). Operates in the order presented. So "#forest, !flower_forest" will add all forests and then remove the flower forest. + biomes = "#structure_gel:spooky, #structure_gel:pumpkin, !#structure_gel:sandy ,!#structure_gel:mountain" + #Percent chance of generating in an allowed chunk. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + probability = 0.5 + +["Mushroom House"] + #The average distance between structures of this type, measured in chunks. + #Range: > 1 + spacing = 15 + #What dimensions should this structure be placed in. Type "all" to allow all dimensions + valid_dimensions = "all" + #A random offset applied to spacing. Values closer to 0 produce a grid effect while values closer to spacing are more random. + #Range: > 0 + offset = 10 + #How the biomes list should be used. true = whitelist, false = blacklist. + is_whitelist = true + #A filter for which biomes this structure should generate in. Works with the biome dictionary (#overworld) and "not" statements (!plains). These can be combined (!#nether). Operates in the order presented. So "#forest, !flower_forest" will add all forests and then remove the flower forest. + biomes = "minecraft:mushroom_fields, minecraft:mushroom_field_shore" + #Percent chance of generating in an allowed chunk. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + probability = 0.75 + +["Pillager Camp"] + #The average distance between structures of this type, measured in chunks. + #Range: > 1 + spacing = 49 + #What dimensions should this structure be placed in. Type "all" to allow all dimensions + valid_dimensions = "all" + #A random offset applied to spacing. Values closer to 0 produce a grid effect while values closer to spacing are more random. + #Range: > 0 + offset = 32 + #How the biomes list should be used. true = whitelist, false = blacklist. + is_whitelist = true + #A filter for which biomes this structure should generate in. Works with the biome dictionary (#overworld) and "not" statements (!plains). These can be combined (!#nether). Operates in the order presented. So "#forest, !flower_forest" will add all forests and then remove the flower forest. + biomes = "#structure_gel:neutral_temp, !#structure_gel:mountain, !#structure_gel:wooded, !#structure_gel:river, !#structure_gel:beach" + #Percent chance of generating in an allowed chunk. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + probability = 0.35 + +["Pirate Ship"] + #The average distance between structures of this type, measured in chunks. + #Range: > 1 + spacing = 65 + #What dimensions should this structure be placed in. Type "all" to allow all dimensions + valid_dimensions = "all" + #A random offset applied to spacing. Values closer to 0 produce a grid effect while values closer to spacing are more random. + #Range: > 0 + offset = 43 + #How the biomes list should be used. true = whitelist, false = blacklist. + is_whitelist = true + #A filter for which biomes this structure should generate in. Works with the biome dictionary (#overworld) and "not" statements (!plains). These can be combined (!#nether). Operates in the order presented. So "#forest, !flower_forest" will add all forests and then remove the flower forest. + biomes = "#structure_gel:ocean" + #Percent chance of generating in an allowed chunk. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + probability = 0.49 + +["Ruined Building"] + #The average distance between structures of this type, measured in chunks. + #Range: > 1 + spacing = 27 + #What dimensions should this structure be placed in. Type "all" to allow all dimensions + valid_dimensions = "all" + #A random offset applied to spacing. Values closer to 0 produce a grid effect while values closer to spacing are more random. + #Range: > 0 + offset = 18 + #How the biomes list should be used. true = whitelist, false = blacklist. + is_whitelist = true + #A filter for which biomes this structure should generate in. Works with the biome dictionary (#overworld) and "not" statements (!plains). These can be combined (!#nether). Operates in the order presented. So "#forest, !flower_forest" will add all forests and then remove the flower forest. + biomes = "#structure_gel:neutral_temp, !#structure_gel:river, !#structure_gel:beach, !#structure_gel:mountain" + #Percent chance of generating in an allowed chunk. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + probability = 0.45 + +["Sunken Shrine"] + #The average distance between structures of this type, measured in chunks. + #Range: > 1 + spacing = 32 + #What dimensions should this structure be placed in. Type "all" to allow all dimensions + valid_dimensions = "all" + #A random offset applied to spacing. Values closer to 0 produce a grid effect while values closer to spacing are more random. + #Range: > 0 + offset = 21 + #How the biomes list should be used. true = whitelist, false = blacklist. + is_whitelist = true + #A filter for which biomes this structure should generate in. Works with the biome dictionary (#overworld) and "not" statements (!plains). These can be combined (!#nether). Operates in the order presented. So "#forest, !flower_forest" will add all forests and then remove the flower forest. + biomes = "#structure_gel:ocean" + #Percent chance of generating in an allowed chunk. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + probability = 0.55 + +[Stables] + #The average distance between structures of this type, measured in chunks. + #Range: > 1 + spacing = 43 + #What dimensions should this structure be placed in. Type "all" to allow all dimensions + valid_dimensions = "all" + #A random offset applied to spacing. Values closer to 0 produce a grid effect while values closer to spacing are more random. + #Range: > 0 + offset = 28 + #How the biomes list should be used. true = whitelist, false = blacklist. + is_whitelist = true + #A filter for which biomes this structure should generate in. Works with the biome dictionary (#overworld) and "not" statements (!plains). These can be combined (!#nether). Operates in the order presented. So "#forest, !flower_forest" will add all forests and then remove the flower forest. + biomes = "#structure_gel:neutral_temp, !#structure_gel:mountain, !#structure_gel:wooded, !#structure_gel:beach" + #Percent chance of generating in an allowed chunk. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + probability = 0.57 + +["Tall Witch Hut"] + #The average distance between structures of this type, measured in chunks. + #Range: > 1 + spacing = 18 + #What dimensions should this structure be placed in. Type "all" to allow all dimensions + valid_dimensions = "all" + #A random offset applied to spacing. Values closer to 0 produce a grid effect while values closer to spacing are more random. + #Range: > 0 + offset = 12 + #How the biomes list should be used. true = whitelist, false = blacklist. + is_whitelist = true + #A filter for which biomes this structure should generate in. Works with the biome dictionary (#overworld) and "not" statements (!plains). These can be combined (!#nether). Operates in the order presented. So "#forest, !flower_forest" will add all forests and then remove the flower forest. + biomes = "#structure_gel:swamp" + #Percent chance of generating in an allowed chunk. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + probability = 0.6 + +["Tower of the Undead"] + #The average distance between structures of this type, measured in chunks. + #Range: > 1 + spacing = 37 + #What dimensions should this structure be placed in. Type "all" to allow all dimensions + valid_dimensions = "all" + #A random offset applied to spacing. Values closer to 0 produce a grid effect while values closer to spacing are more random. + #Range: > 0 + offset = 24 + #How the biomes list should be used. true = whitelist, false = blacklist. + is_whitelist = true + #A filter for which biomes this structure should generate in. Works with the biome dictionary (#overworld) and "not" statements (!plains). These can be combined (!#nether). Operates in the order presented. So "#forest, !flower_forest" will add all forests and then remove the flower forest. + biomes = "#structure_gel:neutral_temp, #structure_gel:savanna, #structure_gel:swamp, !#structure_gel:mountain" + #Percent chance of generating in an allowed chunk. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + probability = 0.35 + +["Tree House"] + #The average distance between structures of this type, measured in chunks. + #Range: > 1 + spacing = 31 + #What dimensions should this structure be placed in. Type "all" to allow all dimensions + valid_dimensions = "all" + #A random offset applied to spacing. Values closer to 0 produce a grid effect while values closer to spacing are more random. + #Range: > 0 + offset = 20 + #How the biomes list should be used. true = whitelist, false = blacklist. + is_whitelist = true + #A filter for which biomes this structure should generate in. Works with the biome dictionary (#overworld) and "not" statements (!plains). These can be combined (!#nether). Operates in the order presented. So "#forest, !flower_forest" will add all forests and then remove the flower forest. + biomes = "#forge:jungle" + #Percent chance of generating in an allowed chunk. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + probability = 0.4 + +["Watch Tower"] + #The average distance between structures of this type, measured in chunks. + #Range: > 1 + spacing = 33 + #What dimensions should this structure be placed in. Type "all" to allow all dimensions + valid_dimensions = "all" + #A random offset applied to spacing. Values closer to 0 produce a grid effect while values closer to spacing are more random. + #Range: > 0 + offset = 22 + #How the biomes list should be used. true = whitelist, false = blacklist. + is_whitelist = true + #A filter for which biomes this structure should generate in. Works with the biome dictionary (#overworld) and "not" statements (!plains). These can be combined (!#nether). Operates in the order presented. So "#forest, !flower_forest" will add all forests and then remove the flower forest. + biomes = "#structure_gel:cold, #structure_gel:snowy" + #Percent chance of generating in an allowed chunk. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + probability = 0.35 + +["Witch Tower"] + #The average distance between structures of this type, measured in chunks. + #Range: > 1 + spacing = 25 + #What dimensions should this structure be placed in. Type "all" to allow all dimensions + valid_dimensions = "all" + #A random offset applied to spacing. Values closer to 0 produce a grid effect while values closer to spacing are more random. + #Range: > 0 + offset = 16 + #How the biomes list should be used. true = whitelist, false = blacklist. + is_whitelist = true + #A filter for which biomes this structure should generate in. Works with the biome dictionary (#overworld) and "not" statements (!plains). These can be combined (!#nether). Operates in the order presented. So "#forest, !flower_forest" will add all forests and then remove the flower forest. + biomes = "#structure_gel:spruce_forest, #structure_gel:large_spruce_forest" + #Percent chance of generating in an allowed chunk. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + probability = 0.5 + diff --git a/config/dwmh-common.toml b/config/dwmh-common.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4ab66f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/dwmh-common.toml @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +#allow horses to swim +doHorsesSwim = true + +#Blacklist +[blacklist] + #list of resourcelocations in string form + blacklist = [""] + +#Whitelist +[whitelist] + #list of resourcelocations in string form + whitelist = [""] + diff --git a/config/ b/config/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2c04ad8 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/ @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +# This is the configuration file for Sodium. +# +# You can find information on editing this file and all the available options here: +# +# +# By default, this file will be empty except for this notice. diff --git a/config/embeddium-options.json b/config/embeddium-options.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..110e37d --- /dev/null +++ b/config/embeddium-options.json @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +{ + "quality": { + "cloud_quality": "DEFAULT", + "weather_quality": "DEFAULT", + "leaves_quality": "DEFAULT", + "enable_vignette": true, + "enable_clouds": true, + "smooth_lighting": "HIGH" + }, + "advanced": { + "use_vertex_array_objects": true, + "use_chunk_multidraw": true, + "animate_only_visible_textures": true, + "use_entity_culling": true, + "use_particle_culling": true, + "use_fog_occlusion": true, + "use_compact_vertex_format": true, + "use_block_face_culling": true, + "allow_direct_memory_access": true, + "ignore_driver_blacklist": false, + "translucency_sorting": false + }, + "performance": { + "chunk_builder_threads": 0, + "always_defer_chunk_updates": false + }, + "notifications": { + "hide_donation_button": false + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/entityculling.json b/config/entityculling.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b794275 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/entityculling.json @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +{ + "configVersion": 5, + "renderNametagsThroughWalls": true, + "blockEntityWhitelist": [ + "create:rope_pulley", + "minecraft:beacon", + "create:hose_pulley", + "betterend:eternal_pedestal" + ], + "entityWhitelist": [ + "botania:mana_burst" + ], + "tracingDistance": 128, + "debugMode": false, + "sleepDelay": 10, + "hitboxLimit": 50, + "skipMarkerArmorStands": true, + "tickCulling": true, + "tickCullingWhitelist": [ + "minecraft:boat", + "minecraft:firework_rocket" + ], + "disableF3": false +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/epicknights/armor.json5 b/config/epicknights/armor.json5 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8fd7b9d --- /dev/null +++ b/config/epicknights/armor.json5 @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +{ + "enableKnightArmor": true, + "enableJoustingArmor": true, + "enableGothicArmor": true, + "enableMaximilianArmor": true, + "enableChainmailArmor": true, + "enablePlatemailArmor": true, + "enableHalfarmor": true, + "enableCrusaderArmor": true, + "enableBrigandineArmor": true, + "enableGambesonArmor": true, + "enableCeremonialArmor": true, + "enableShishak": true, + "enableNormanHelmet": true, + "enableRustedHalfarmorArmor": true, + "enableRustedChainmailArmor": true, + "enableRustedKettlehat": true, + "enableRustedNormanHelmet": true, + "enableRustedCrusaderArmor": true, + "enableXIVCenturyKnightArmor": true, + "enableWingedHussarArmor": true, + "enableCuirassierArmor": true, + "enableKastenbrustArmor": true, + "enableLamellarArmor": true +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/epicknights/general.json5 b/config/epicknights/general.json5 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2635490 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/epicknights/general.json5 @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +{ + // If true, monsters will be equipped with some armor and weapons of the mod. This is an boolean. Default value is true. + "equipMonsters": true, + // If true, monsters will be equipped with some armor and weapons only if game the game difficulty set to hard. This is an boolean. Default value is true. + "equipMonstersOnlyIfHard": true, + // Affects the chance that monsters will be equipped by default. This is an float. Default value is 0.5, Maximum value is 1.0. + "equipChance": 0.5, + // If false, equipment will not be overriden. This is an float. Default value is false. + "overrideEquipment": false, + // If true, crafting recipes with the surcoat is available not only for the armor of this mod. Default value is true. + "enableSurcoatRecipeForAllArmor": true, + // If Epic Fight or Better Combat is installed, it will be used as true. If true, all the weapons have the same reach distance. It's recommended to set to true to avoid conflicts with some combat mods. Default value is false. + "disableAttackReach": false, + // If true, lance will not collide with mobs when you're riding a horse. It's recommended to set to true to avoid conflicts with some combat mods. Default value is false. + "disableLanceCollision": false, + // If true, all the weapons don't penetrate armor. It's recommended to set to true to avoid conflicts with some combat mods. Default value is false. + "disableArmorPiercing": false, + // If true, all the weapons don't have any debuff as long as you hold something with both hands. It's recommended to set to true to avoid conflicts with some combat mods. Default value is false. + "disableTwoHanded": false, + // If true, you can't block with the weapons from the mod. It's recommended to set to true to avoid conflicts with some combat mods. Default value is false. + "disableWeaponBlocking": false +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/epicknights/mobs_equipment.json5 b/config/epicknights/mobs_equipment.json5 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5a0f2ad --- /dev/null +++ b/config/epicknights/mobs_equipment.json5 @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + // Specify mob IDs, dimensions and the items that mobs will have with some chance, all separated by a space + "equipments": [ + "minecraft:zombie minecraft:overworld magistuarmory:rustedchainmail_helmet magistuarmory:rustednorman_helmet magistuarmory:rustedkettlehat magistuarmory:rustedbarbute magistuarmory:rustedgreathelm magistuarmory:rustedchainmail_chestplate magistuarmory:rustedcrusader_chestplate magistuarmory:rustedhalfarmor_chestplate magistuarmory:rustedchainmail_leggings magistuarmory:rustedchainmail_boots magistuarmory:rustedcrusader_boots magistuarmory:rusted_bastardsword magistuarmory:rusted_bastardsword magistuarmory:rusted_heavymace magistuarmory:corruptedroundshield", + "minecraft:skeleton minecraft:overworld magistuarmory:rustedchainmail_helmet magistuarmory:rustednorman_helmet magistuarmory:rustedkettlehat magistuarmory:rustedbarbute magistuarmory:rustedgreathelm magistuarmory:rustedchainmail_chestplate magistuarmory:rustedcrusader_chestplate magistuarmory:rustedhalfarmor_chestplate magistuarmory:rustedchainmail_leggings magistuarmory:rustedchainmail_boots magistuarmory:corruptedroundshield magistuarmory:rustedcrusader_boots magistuarmory:rusted_bastardsword minecraft:bow", + "minecraft:piglin_brute minecraft:zombified_piglin minecraft:golden_helmet minecraft:golden_chestplate minecraft:golden_leggings minecraft:golden_boots magistuarmory:brigandine_chestplate magistuarmory:gambeson_boots magistuarmory:gold_bastardsword magistuarmory:gold_guisarme magistuarmory:gold_shortsword magistuarmory:gold_lochaberaxe magistuarmory:gold_buckler magistuarmory:gold_target", + "minecraft:wither_skeleton 0.3 magistuarmory:sallet magistuarmory:maximilian_helmet magistuarmory:gothic_chestplate magistuarmory:maximilian_chestplate magistuarmory:gothic_leggings magistuarmory:maximilian_leggings magistuarmory:gothic_boots magistuarmory:maximilian_helmet magistuarmory:steel_zweihander magistuarmory:steel_flamebladedsword magistuarmory:steel_lucernhammer" + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/epicknights/shields.json5 b/config/epicknights/shields.json5 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3db9946 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/epicknights/shields.json5 @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "enableHeaterShield": true, + "enableTarget": true, + "enableBuckler": true, + "enableRondache": true, + "enableTartsche": true, + "enableEllipticalShield": true, + "enableRoundShield": true, + "enablePavese": true, + "enableKiteShield": true, + "enableCorruptedRoundShield": true +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/epicknights/weapons.json5 b/config/epicknights/weapons.json5 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b239a1c --- /dev/null +++ b/config/epicknights/weapons.json5 @@ -0,0 +1,170 @@ +{ + "stiletto": { + "enabled": true, + "baseAttackDamage": 2.0, + "baseAttackSpeed": 1.600000023841858, + "bonusAttackReach": 0.0 + }, + "shortSword": { + "enabled": true, + "baseAttackDamage": 2.5, + "baseAttackSpeed": 1.7000000476837158, + "bonusAttackReach": 0.0 + }, + "katzbalger": { + "enabled": true, + "baseAttackDamage": 3.0, + "baseAttackSpeed": 1.649999976158142, + "bonusAttackReach": 0.0 + }, + "pike": { + "enabled": true, + "baseAttackDamage": 3.0, + "baseAttackSpeed": 1.0700000524520874, + "bonusAttackReach": 3.0 + }, + "ranseur": { + "enabled": true, + "baseAttackDamage": 3.0999999046325684, + "baseAttackSpeed": 1.0700000524520874, + "bonusAttackReach": 2.0 + }, + "ahlspiess": { + "enabled": true, + "baseAttackDamage": 4.0, + "baseAttackSpeed": 1.2799999713897705, + "bonusAttackReach": 1.2000000476837158 + }, + "giantLance": { + "enabled": true, + "baseAttackDamage": 2.5, + "baseAttackSpeed": 0.8399999737739563, + "bonusAttackReach": 2.0 + }, + "bastardSword": { + "enabled": true, + "baseAttackDamage": 4.25, + "baseAttackSpeed": 1.399999976158142, + "bonusAttackReach": 0.0 + }, + "estoc": { + "enabled": true, + "baseAttackDamage": 4.099999904632568, + "baseAttackSpeed": 1.399999976158142, + "bonusAttackReach": 0.5 + }, + "claymore": { + "enabled": true, + "baseAttackDamage": 5.400000095367432, + "baseAttackSpeed": 1.2200000286102295, + "bonusAttackReach": 0.0 + }, + "zweihander": { + "enabled": true, + "baseAttackDamage": 6.5, + "baseAttackSpeed": 1.1200000047683716, + "bonusAttackReach": 0.5 + }, + "flameBladedSword": { + "enabled": true, + "baseAttackDamage": 6.400000095367432, + "baseAttackSpeed": 1.1200000047683716, + "bonusAttackReach": 0.5 + }, + "lochaberAxe": { + "enabled": true, + "baseAttackDamage": 7.0, + "baseAttackSpeed": 1.0, + "bonusAttackReach": 1.0 + }, + "concaveEdgedHalberd": { + "enabled": true, + "baseAttackDamage": 8.0, + "baseAttackSpeed": 0.8999999761581421, + "bonusAttackReach": 2.0 + }, + "heavyMace": { + "enabled": true, + "baseAttackDamage": 4.5, + "baseAttackSpeed": 1.149999976158142, + "bonusAttackReach": 0.0 + }, + "heavyWarHammer": { + "enabled": true, + "baseAttackDamage": 5.199999809265137, + "baseAttackSpeed": 1.0499999523162842, + "bonusAttackReach": 0.0 + }, + "lucerneHammer": { + "enabled": true, + "baseAttackDamage": 4.800000190734863, + "baseAttackSpeed": 1.100000023841858, + "bonusAttackReach": 0.0 + }, + "morningstar": { + "enabled": true, + "baseAttackDamage": 5.0, + "baseAttackSpeed": 1.25, + "bonusAttackReach": 0.0 + }, + "flail": { + "enabled": true, + "baseAttackDamage": 6.199999809265137, + "baseAttackSpeed": 1.100000023841858, + "bonusAttackReach": 0.0 + }, + "guisarme": { + "enabled": true, + "baseAttackDamage": 3.1500000953674316, + "baseAttackSpeed": 1.0199999809265137, + "bonusAttackReach": 1.899999976158142 + }, + "blacksmithHammer": { + "enabled": true, + "baseAttackDamage": 5.0, + "baseAttackSpeed": 1.0, + "bonusAttackReach": 0.0 + }, + "barbedClub": { + "enabled": true, + "baseAttackDamage": 5.599999904632568, + "baseAttackSpeed": 1.0, + "bonusAttackReach": 0.0 + }, + "pitchfork": { + "enabled": true, + "baseAttackDamage": 2.799999952316284, + "baseAttackSpeed": 1.0, + "bonusAttackReach": 1.0 + }, + "nobleSword": { + "enabled": true, + "baseAttackDamage": 4.25, + "baseAttackSpeed": 1.5099999904632568, + "bonusAttackReach": 0.0 + }, + "rustedBastardSword": { + "enabled": true, + "baseAttackDamage": 2.0, + "baseAttackSpeed": 1.5099999904632568, + "bonusAttackReach": 0.0 + }, + "rustedHeavyMace": { + "enabled": true, + "baseAttackDamage": 2.0, + "baseAttackSpeed": 1.5099999904632568, + "bonusAttackReach": 0.0 + }, + "club": { + "enabled": true, + "baseAttackDamage": 11.300000190734863, + "baseAttackSpeed": 0.800000011920929, + "bonusAttackReach": 0.0 + }, + "messerSword": { + "enabled": true, + "baseAttackDamage": 3.799999952316284, + "baseAttackSpeed": 1.559999942779541, + "bonusAttackReach": 0.0 + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/farmersdelight-client.toml b/config/farmersdelight-client.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..51a5c15 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/farmersdelight-client.toml @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ + +#Client settings +[client] + #Should the hunger bar have a gilded overlay when the player has the Nourishment effect? + nourishmentHungerOverlay = true + #Should the health bar have a silver sheen when the player has the Comfort effect? + comfortHealthOverlay = true + #Should food tooltips display which effects they provide? + foodEffectTooltip = true + diff --git a/config/farmersdelight-common.toml b/config/farmersdelight-common.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a1aae06 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/farmersdelight-common.toml @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ + +#Game settings +[settings] + #Farmer's Delight adds crates (3x3) for vanilla crops, similar to Quark and Thermal Cultivation. Should they be craftable? + enableVanillaCropCrates = true + #How much of a bonus (in percentage) should each level of Fortune grant to Cutting Board chances? Set it to 0.0 to disable this. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + cuttingBoardFortuneBonus = 0.1 + #Should Novice and Apprentice Farmers buy this mod's crops? (May reduce chances of other trades appearing) + farmersBuyFDCrops = true + #How often (in percentage) should Rich Soil succeed in boosting a plant's growth at each random tick? Set it to 0.0 to disable this. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + richSoilBoostChance = 0.2 + #A list of dye colors that, when used as the background of a Canvas Sign, should default to white text when placed. + #Dyes: ["white", "orange", "magenta", "light_blue", "yellow", "lime", "pink", "gray", "light_gray", "cyan", "purple", "blue", "brown", "green", "red", "black"] + canvasSignDarkBackgroundList = ["gray", "purple", "blue", "brown", "green", "red", "black"] + #Should the Wandering Trader sell some of this mod's items? (Currently includes crop seeds and onions) + wanderingTraderSellsFDItems = true + +#Vanilla item overrides +[overrides] + #Should Rabbit Stew grant users the jumping prowess of a rabbit when eaten? + rabbitStewJumpBoost = true + #Should most vanilla tools register a dispenser behavior when facing a Cutting Board? + dispenserUsesToolsOnCuttingBoard = true + #Should items inside the tag 'farmersdelight:comfort_foods' grant 2 minutes of Comfort when eaten? (defaults to vanilla SoupItems) + comfortFoodTagEffect = true + + #Stack size overrides + [overrides.stack_size] + #Toggle this setting to instead make ALL SoupItems stackable, except the ones on the list (deny-list). This affects items from other mods, so be careful! + overrideAllSoupItems = false + #Should SoupItems in the following list become stackable to 16, much like Farmer's Delight's meals? + enableStackableSoupItems = true + #List of SoupItems. Default: vanilla soups and stews. + soupItemList = ["minecraft:mushroom_stew", "minecraft:beetroot_soup", "minecraft:rabbit_stew"] + +#World generation +[world] + #Should this mod add some of its items (ropes, seeds, knives, meals etc.) as extra chest loot across Minecraft? + generateFDChestLoot = true + #Generate Compost Heaps across all village biomes + genVillageCompostHeaps = true + + #Sea Beet generation + [world.wild_beetroots] + #Chance of generating clusters. Smaller value = more frequent. + #Range: > 0 + chance = 10 + #Generate sea beets on beaches + genWildBeetroots = true + + #Tomato Vines generation + [world.wild_tomatoes] + #Chance of generating clusters. Smaller value = more frequent. + #Range: > 0 + chance = 8 + #Generate tomato vines on arid biomes (temperature 1.0 or higher) + genWildTomatoes = true + + #Wild Cabbage generation + [world.wild_cabbages] + #Chance of generating clusters. Smaller value = more frequent. + #Range: > 0 + chance = 10 + #Generate wild cabbages on beaches + genWildCabbages = true + + #Wild Onion generation + [world.wild_onions] + #Generate wild onions on temperate biomes (temperature between 0.4 and 0.9) + genWildOnions = true + #Chance of generating clusters. Smaller value = more frequent. + #Range: > 0 + chance = 8 + + #Wild Potato generation + [world.wild_potatoes] + #Chance of generating clusters. Smaller value = more frequent. + #Range: > 0 + chance = 8 + #Generate wild potatoes on cold biomes (temperature between 0.0 and 0.3) + genWildPotatoes = true + + #Wild Carrot generation + [world.wild_carrots] + #Chance of generating clusters. Smaller value = more frequent. + #Range: > 0 + chance = 8 + #Generate wild carrots on temperate biomes (temperature between 0.4 and 0.9) + genWildCarrots = true + + #Wild Rice generation + [world.wild_rice] + #Chance of generating clusters. Smaller value = more frequent. + #Range: > 0 + chance = 10 + #Generate wild rice on swamps and jungles + genWildRice = true + diff --git a/config/farmersrespite-common.toml b/config/farmersrespite-common.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..97ccbfb --- /dev/null +++ b/config/farmersrespite-common.toml @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ + +#Game settings +[settings] + #Chance of generating wild tea bushes. Smaller value = more frequent. + #Range: > 0 + teaBushChance = 20 + #Are coffee bushes bonemealable? + enableBoneMealCoffeeBush = false + #Are tea bushes bonemealable? + enableBoneMealTeaBush = false + #Chance of generating coffee bushes. Smaller value = more frequent. + #Range: > 0 + coffeeBushChance = 2 + diff --git a/config/fastbench.cfg b/config/fastbench.cfg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8570c01 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/fastbench.cfg @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +# Configuration file + +general { + # If the recipe book button is removed. [default: true] + B:"Remove Recipe Book Button"=true +} + + diff --git a/config/fastsuite.cfg b/config/fastsuite.cfg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9322f05 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/fastsuite.cfg @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +# Configuration file + +general { + # The amount of recipes that will be cached by FastSuite. This means that a recipe will not be pushed to the front of the list if it is within the first recipes. [range: 1 ~ 100000, default: 100] + I:"Cache Size"=100 +} + + diff --git a/config/ferritecore-mixin.toml b/config/ferritecore-mixin.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f25ae18 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/ferritecore-mixin.toml @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +#Use a slightly more compact, but also slightly slower representation for block states +compactFastMap = false +#Cache the predicate instances used in multipart models +cacheMultipartPredicates = true +#Do not create a new MultipartBakedModel instance for each block state using the same multipartmodel. Requires cacheMultipartPredicates to be enabled +multipartDeduplication = true +#Deduplicate cached data for blockstates, most importantly collision and render shapes +blockstateCacheDeduplication = true +#Avoid creation of new strings when creating ModelResourceLocations +modelResourceLocations = true +#Do not keep already-parsed NBT data for partially loaded chunks in memory +reducedChunkNBT = true +#Replace the blockstate neighbor table +replaceNeighborLookup = true +#Populate the neighbor table used by vanilla. Enabling this slightly increases memory usage, but can help with issues in the rare case where mods access it directly. +populateNeighborTable = false +#Do not store the properties of a state explicitly and read themfrom the replace neighbor table instead. Requires replaceNeighborLookup to be enabled +replacePropertyMap = true +#Deduplicate vertex data of baked quads in the basic model implementations +bakedQuadDeduplication = true + diff --git a/config/flywheel-client.toml b/config/flywheel-client.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2f7febd --- /dev/null +++ b/config/flywheel-client.toml @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +#Enable or disable the entire engine +enabled = true +#Enable or disable a debug overlay that colors pixels by their normal +debugNormals = false + diff --git a/config/fml.toml b/config/fml.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e1ca72d --- /dev/null +++ b/config/fml.toml @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +# Enable forge global version checking +versionCheck = true +# does the splashscreen run +splashscreen = true +defaultConfigPath = "defaultconfigs" +# max threads for parallel loading : -1 uses Runtime#availableProcessors +maxThreads = -1 + diff --git a/config/forge-client.toml b/config/forge-client.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..040c73f --- /dev/null +++ b/config/forge-client.toml @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ + +#Client only settings, mostly things related to rendering +[client] + #Disable culling of hidden faces next to stairs and slabs. Causes extra rendering, but may fix some resource packs that exploit this vanilla mechanic. + disableStairSlabCulling = false + #Toggle off to make missing model text in the gui fit inside the slot. + zoomInMissingModelTextInGui = false + #Enable Forge to queue all chunk updates to the Chunk Update thread. + #May increase FPS significantly, but may also cause weird rendering lag. + #Not recommended for computers without a significant number of cores available. + alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread = false + #EXPERIMENTAL: Enable the Forge block rendering pipeline - fixes the lighting of custom models. + experimentalForgeLightPipelineEnabled = false + #Enable the Forge block rendering pipeline - fixes the lighting of custom models. + forgeLightPipelineEnabled = true + #When enabled, Forge will show any warnings that occurred during loading. + showLoadWarnings = true + #Enable uploading cloud geometry to the GPU for faster rendering. + forgeCloudsEnabled = true + #When enabled, makes specific reload tasks such as language changing quicker to run. + selectiveResourceReloadEnabled = true + #Set to true to use a combined DEPTH_STENCIL attachment instead of two separate ones. + useCombinedDepthStencilAttachment = false + diff --git a/config/forge-common.toml b/config/forge-common.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bef1dd9 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/forge-common.toml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ + +#General configuration settings +[general] + #Defines a default world type to use. The vanilla default world type is represented by 'default'. + #The modded world types are registry names which should include the registry namespace, such as 'examplemod:example_world_type'. + defaultWorldType = "default" + diff --git a/config/gottschcore-common.toml b/config/gottschcore-common.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f02174b --- /dev/null +++ b/config/gottschcore-common.toml @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ + +############################### +# Mod properties +############################### +[01-mod] + # Remind the user of the latest version update. + enableLatestVersionReminder = true + # The directory where mods are located + #This is relative to the Minecraft install path. + modFolder = "mods" + #Enables/Disables version checking. + enableVersionChecker = true + #Enables/Disables mod. + enabled = true + # The directory where configs are located. + #Resource files will be located here as well. + # This is relative to the Minecraft install path. + configFolder = "config" + +############################### +# Logging properties +############################### +[02-logging] + # The directory where the logs should be stored. + # This is relative to the Minecraft install path. + folder = "logs" + # The base filename of the log file. + filename = "log" + # The size a log file can be before rolling over to a new file. + size = "1000K" + # The logging level. Set to 'off' to disable logging. + # Values = [trace|debug|info|warn|error|off] + level = "info" + diff --git a/config/hardernaturalhealing-common.toml b/config/hardernaturalhealing-common.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3c174a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/hardernaturalhealing-common.toml @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ + +["Harder Natural Healing Control Values"] + #extraExhaustionWhenHurt + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + extraExhaustionWhenHurt = 0.0125 + #healingPerSecond + #Range: 0.0 ~ 10.0 + healingPerSecond = 0.25 + #Can the player get hungry and maybe even starve to death in peaceful mode. + peacefulHunger = true + #minimum hit points for peaceful mode starvation. + #Range: 0 ~ 20 + minimumStarvationHealth = 0 + #minimumFoodHealingLevel + #Range: 0.0 ~ 22.0 + minimumFoodHealingLevel = 16.0 + #Attack Healing Delay in Ticks + #Range: 0 ~ 3600 + attackHealingDelayTicks = 200 + #healingExhaustionCost - Hunger exhausted per healing event. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 10.0 + healingExhaustionCost = 1.0 + #wakeupHealingAmount + #Range: 0.0 ~ 10.0 + wakeupHealingAmount = 4.0 + #Debug Level: 0 = Off, 1 = Log, 2 = Chat+Log + #Range: 0 ~ 2 + debugLevel = 0 + #Max Bonus HitPoint Totems + #Range: 0 ~ 1200 + maxBonusHitPointTotems = 300 + diff --git a/config/idas/biome_dimension_allow_disallow.json5 b/config/idas/biome_dimension_allow_disallow.json5 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4ee747b --- /dev/null +++ b/config/idas/biome_dimension_allow_disallow.json5 @@ -0,0 +1,132 @@ +{ + // + + + + + + +// In the key part, specify the name of the structures or configuredfeatures from +// IDAS that you want to affect. Then in the value part, add the identifiers +// or regex for the dimension that you want IDAS stuff to NOT spawn in. + +// Separate multiple entries with a comma. +// Example usage (the actual config entry to edit are the lines not starting with // further down): +// "disallowedDimensions": { +// "idas:castle": "minecraft:overworld, awesome_mod:.+" +// } + +// In this example, no Castle will spawn in the overworld because we specified that dimension's identifier. +// Then the castle will not spawn in any of awesome_mod's dimension because "awesome_mod:.+" is regex that will +// match all dimensions that starts with "awesome_mod:" in their identifier. Powerful stuff! + +// Use "all" as the key to affect all of IDAS's structures. +// You can find dimension identifiers by doing "/execute in" command in game. +// All of IDAS's structure identifiers can be found by doing "/locate" command in game. + "disallowedDimensions": { + "all": "the_bumblezone:the_bumblezone, twilightforest:twilightforest, undergarden:undergarden, the_midnight:the_midnight, advancedrocketry:space, theabyss:.+, pokecube:secret_base, pokecube_legends:distorted_world, pokecube_legends:ultraspace, dystopia:dystopia, elvenation:elvenia_dimension, futurepack:.+, the_afterlight:.+, thebeginning:.+", + "idas:desert_ancient_statue": "atum:atum" + }, + // + + + + + + +// IDAS's Structures and ConfiguredFeatures has default settings of what dimensions they are added to. +// This allowedDimensions config is for adding them to more dimension or for overriding disallowedDimensions config. +// NOTE: A Structure or ConfiguredFeature must be added to both the dimension and to the biomes in the dimension to spawn. + +// In the key part, specify the name of the structures or configuredfeatures from +// IDAS that you want to affect. Then in the value part, add the identifiers +// or regex for the dimension that you want IDAS stuff to ALWAYS spawn in. + +// Separate multiple entries with a comma. +// Example usage (the actual config entry to edit are the lines not starting with // further down): +// "allowedDimensions": { +// "idas:wizard_tower": "minecraft:overworld, firey_realms:.+" +// }, + +// In this example, Wizard Towers will spawn in the overworld because we specified that dimension's identifier. +// Then the Wizard Towers will also spawn in any of awesome_mod's dimension because "firey_realms:.+" is regex that will +// match all dimensions that starts with "firey_realms:" in their identifier. Powerful stuff! + +// Use "all" as the key to affect all of IDAS's structures and configuredfeatures. +// You can find dimension identifiers by doing "/execute in" command in game. +// All of IDAS's structure identifiers can be found by doing "/locate" command in game. + "allowedDimensions": { + "idas:castle": "lotr:middle_earth" + }, + // + + + + + + +// IDAS's Structures and ConfiguredFeatures has default settings of what biomes they are added to. +// This disallowedBiomes config is for overriding that internal default setting. + +// In the key part, specify the name of the structures or configuredfeatures from +// IDAS that you want to affect. Then in the value part, add the identifiers +// or regex for the biomes that you want IDAS stuff to NOT spawn in. +// You can also do biome categories as well by doing #swamp to remove from all swamp category biomes. + +// Separate multiple entries with a comma. +// Example usage (the actual config entry to edit are the lines not starting with // further down): +// "disallowedBiomes": { +// "idas:dread_citadel": "minecraft:flower_forest, peaceful_lands:.+, #mushroom" +// } + +// In this example, Dread Citadels are remvoed from Flower Forest biome because we specified that biomes's identifier. +// Then the Dread Citadels will also be removed from all of peaceful_lands's biomes because "peaceful_lands:.+" is regex +// that will match all biomes that starts with "peaceful_lands:" in their identifier. Powerful stuff! +// Then it will remove the Dread Citadels from all mushroom category biomes including both modded and vanilla's.\n +// Use "all" as the key to affect all of IDAS's structures and configuredfeatures. +// You can find biome identifiers by doing "/locatebiome" command in game. +// All of IDAS's structure identifiers can be found by doing "/locate" command in game. + "disallowedBiomes": { + "idas:castle": "vampirism:vampire_forest" + }, + // + + + + + + +// IDAS's Structures and ConfiguredFeatures has default settings of what biomes they are added to. +// This allowedBiomes config is for adding them to more biomes or for overriding disallowedBiomes config. +// NOTE: A Structure or ConfiguredFeature must be added to both the dimension and to the biomes in the dimension to spawn. + +// In the key part, specify the name of the structures or configuredfeatures from +// IDAS that you want to affect. Then in the value part, add the identifiers +// or regex for the biomes that you want IDAS stuff to ALWAYS spawn in. +// You can also do biome categories as well by doing #forest to add to all forest category biomes. + +// Separate multiple entries with a comma. +// Example usage (the actual config entry to edit are the lines not starting with // further down): +// "allowedBiomes": { +// "idas:pillager_fortress": "minecraft:badlands, fantasy_overworld:.+, #desert" +// } + +// In this example, Pillager Fortresses will spawn in the one Badlands biome because we specified that biomes's identifier. +// Then the Pillager Fortresses will also spawn in all of fantasy_overworld's biomes because "fantasy_overworld:.+" is regex +// that will match all biomes that starts with "fantasy_overworld:" in their identifier. Powerful stuff! +// Then it will add the Pillager Fortresses to all Desert category biomes including both modded and vanilla's. + +// Use "all" as the key to affect all of IDAS's structures and configuredfeatures. +// You can find biome identifiers by doing "/locatebiome" command in game. +// All of IDAS's structure identifiers can be found by doing "/locate" command in game. + "allowedBiomes": {}, + // + + + + + + +// for internal use only. Do not change this. + "configVersion": 6 +} diff --git a/config/idas/idas.toml b/config/idas/idas.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4065805 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/idas/idas.toml @@ -0,0 +1,330 @@ +# +# How long before giving up should locate command, explorer maps, and other locating stuff +# do when locating a Integrated Dungeons and Structures's structure. This is in seconds. +#Range: 1.0 ~ 1000000.0 +locateMaxTime = 15.0 + +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Abandoned Houses. +# 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. +[Abandonedhouse] + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + abandonedhouseAverageChunkDistance = 35 + +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Brick Houses. +# 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. +[Brickhouse] + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + brickhouseAverageChunkDistance = 40 + +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Castles. +# 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. +[Castles] + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + castleAverageChunkDistance = 40 + +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Wizard Towers. +# 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. +[Enchantingtowers] + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + enchantingtowerAverageChunkDistance = 60 + +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Wizard Towers. +# 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. +[Wizardtowers] + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + wizardtowerAverageChunkDistance = 40 + +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Labyrinths. +# 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. +[Labyrinth] + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + labyrinthAverageChunkDistance = 60 + +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Pillager Fortresses. +# 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. +[PillagerFortress] + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + pillagerfortressAverageChunkDistance = 60 + +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Ancient Mines. +# 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. +[AncientMines] + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + ancientminesAverageChunkDistance = 40 + +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Tinkers Workshop. +# 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. +[TinkersWorkshop] + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + tinkersworkshopAverageChunkDistance = 50 + +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Sunken Ships. +# 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. +[SunkenShip] + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + sunkenshipAverageChunkDistance = 25 + +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Coral Sunken Ships. +# 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. +[SunkenShipCoral] + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + sunkenshipcoralAverageChunkDistance = 25 + +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Jungle Ancient Statues. +# 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. +[AncientStatueJungle] + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + ancientstatuejungleAverageChunkDistance = 20 + +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Plains Ancient Statues. +# 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. +[AncientStatuePlains] + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + ancientstatueplainsAverageChunkDistance = 25 + +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Desert Ancient Statues. +# 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. +[AncientStatueDesert] + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + ancientstatuedesertAverageChunkDistance = 20 + +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Desert Markets. +# 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. +[DesertMarket] + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + desertmarketAverageChunkDistance = 25 + +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Red Desert Markets. +# 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. +[RedDesertMarket] + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + desertmarketredAverageChunkDistance = 25 + +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Orange Desert Markets. +# 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. +[OrangeDesertMarket] + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + desertmarketorangeAverageChunkDistance = 25 + +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Desert Camps. +# 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. +[DesertCamp] + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + desertcampAverageChunkDistance = 18 + +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Red Desert Camps. +# 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. +[RedDesertCamp] + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + desertcampredAverageChunkDistance = 18 + +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Orange Desert Camps. +# 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. +[OrangeDesertCamp] + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + desertcamporangeAverageChunkDistance = 18 + +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Pillager Camps. +# 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. +[PillagerCamp] + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + pillagercampAverageChunkDistance = 25 + +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Washing Camps. +# 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. +[WashingCamp] + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + washingcampAverageChunkDistance = 30 + +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Polar Bear Dens. +# 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. +[PolarBearDen] + + #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Hermit's Hollows + # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. + [PolarBearDen.HermitsHollow] + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + hermitshollowAverageChunkDistance = 20 + + #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS BYG Mahogany Lumber Camps + # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. + [PolarBearDen.BYGMahoganyLumberCamp] + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + lumbercampbygmahoganyAverageChunkDistance = 10 + + #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Apothecary Abodes + # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. + [PolarBearDen.ApothecaryAbode] + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + apothecaryabodeAverageChunkDistance = 45 + + #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Forest (Wolf/Bear) Dens. + # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. + [PolarBearDen.PolarBearDen] + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + polarbeardenAverageChunkDistance = 15 + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + forestdenAverageChunkDistance = 15 + + #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS BOP Mahogany Lumber Camps + # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. + [PolarBearDen.BOPMahoganyLumberCamp] + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + lumbercampbopmahoganyAverageChunkDistance = 10 + + #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Birch Lumber Camps + # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. + [PolarBearDen.BirchLumberCamp] + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + lumbercampbirchAverageChunkDistance = 10 + + #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS BYG Redwood Lumber Camps + # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. + [PolarBearDen.BYGRedwoodLumberCamp] + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + lumbercampbygredwoodAverageChunkDistance = 10 + + #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Oak Lumber Camps + # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. + [PolarBearDen.OakLumberCamp] + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + lumbercampoakAverageChunkDistance = 10 + + #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Treetop Taverns + # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. + [PolarBearDen."Treetop Taverns"] + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + treetoptavernAverageChunkDistance = 40 + + #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS BOP Redwood Lumber Camps + # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. + [PolarBearDen.BOPRedwoodLumberCamp] + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + lumbercampbopredwoodAverageChunkDistance = 10 + + #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Beekeepers House + # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. + [PolarBearDen.BeekeepersHouse] + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + beekeepershouseAverageChunkDistance = 40 + + #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Jungle Lumber Camps + # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. + [PolarBearDen.JungleLumberCamp] + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + lumbercampjungleAverageChunkDistance = 10 + + #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Bearclaw Inns + # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. + [PolarBearDen.BearclawInn] + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + bearclawinnAverageChunkDistance = 45 + + #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Dread Citadels + # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. + [PolarBearDen."Dread Citadels"] + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + dreadcitadelAverageChunkDistance = 60 + + #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Hunters Cabin + # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. + [PolarBearDen.HuntersCabin] + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + hunterscabinAverageChunkDistance = 40 + + #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Farmhouses + # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. + [PolarBearDen.Farmhouse] + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + farmhouseAverageChunkDistance = 30 + + #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Dark Oak Lumber Camps + # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. + [PolarBearDen.DarkOakLumberCamp] + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + lumbercampdarkoakAverageChunkDistance = 10 + + #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Witches Treestumps + # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. + [PolarBearDen.WitchesTreestump] + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + witchestreestumpAverageChunkDistance = 40 + + #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Bazaars + # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. + [PolarBearDen.Bazaar] + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + bazaarAverageChunkDistance = 70 + + #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Redhorn Guilds + # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. + [PolarBearDen.RehornGuild] + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + redhornguildAverageChunkDistance = 45 + + #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Deep Underground Camps. + # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. + [PolarBearDen.UndergroundCamp] + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + undergroundcampdeepAverageChunkDistance = 25 + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + undergroundcampAverageChunkDistance = 25 + + #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Acacia Lumber Camps + # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. + [PolarBearDen.AcaciaLumberCamp] + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + lumbercampacaciaAverageChunkDistance = 10 + + #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Spruce Lumber Camps + # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. + [PolarBearDen.SpruceLumberCamp] + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + lumbercampspruceAverageChunkDistance = 10 + diff --git a/config/itemphysic-client.json b/config/itemphysic-client.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f95921b --- /dev/null +++ b/config/itemphysic-client.json @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "rendering": { + "oldRotation": false, + "vanillaRendering": false, + "rotateSpeed": 1.0, + "showPickupTooltip": true, + "disableThrowHUD": false + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/itemphysic.json b/config/itemphysic.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b11eba8 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/itemphysic.json @@ -0,0 +1,184 @@ +{ + "general": { + "despawnItem": 6000, + "customThrow": true, + "fallSounds": true, + "enableIgniting": false, + "swimmingItems": { + "entries": [ + "{material:\"minecraft:oak_planks\",id:\"material\"}", + "{material:\"minecraft:white_bed\",id:\"material\"}", + "{material:\"minecraft:sponge\",id:\"material\"}", + "{material:\"minecraft:packed_ice\",id:\"material\"}", + "{material:\"minecraft:ice\",id:\"material\"}", + "{material:\"minecraft:oak_leaves\",id:\"material\"}", + "{material:\"minecraft:oak_sapling\",id:\"material\"}", + "{material:\"minecraft:white_carpet\",id:\"material\"}", + "{material:\"minecraft:snow_block\",id:\"material\"}", + "{material:\"minecraft:cactus\",id:\"material\"}", + "{material:\"minecraft:cake\",id:\"material\"}", + "{material:\"minecraft:grass\",id:\"material\"}", + "{material:\"minecraft:cobweb\",id:\"material\"}", + "{block:\"minecraft:snow\",id:\"block\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:apple\",id:\"item\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:bow\",id:\"item\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:bowl\",id:\"item\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:arrow\",id:\"item\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:apple\",id:\"item\"}", + 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"{item:\"minecraft:egg\",id:\"item\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:fishing_rod\",id:\"item\"}", + "{block:\"minecraft:cake\",id:\"block\"}", + "{block:\"minecraft:melon\",id:\"block\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:shears\",id:\"item\"}", + "{block:\"minecraft:carrots\",id:\"block\"}", + "{block:\"minecraft:potatoes\",id:\"block\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:poisonous_potato\",id:\"item\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:baked_potato\",id:\"item\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:pumpkin_pie\",id:\"item\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:elytra\",id:\"item\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:mutton\",id:\"item\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:cooked_mutton\",id:\"item\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:rabbit\",id:\"item\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:cooked_rabbit\",id:\"item\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:rabbit_stew\",id:\"item\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:beetroot\",id:\"item\"}", + "{block:\"minecraft:beetroots\",id:\"block\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:beetroot_soup\",id:\"item\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:shield\",id:\"item\"}", + "{block:\"minecraft:wheat\",id:\"block\"}", + "{block:\"minecraft:pumpkin_stem\",id:\"block\"}", + "{block:\"minecraft:melon_stem\",id:\"block\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:snowball\",id:\"item\"}" + ], + "isWhitelist": true + }, + "burningItems": { + "entries": [ + "{material:\"minecraft:oak_planks\",id:\"material\"}", + "{material:\"minecraft:white_bed\",id:\"material\"}", + "{material:\"minecraft:sponge\",id:\"material\"}", + "{material:\"minecraft:packed_ice\",id:\"material\"}", + "{material:\"minecraft:ice\",id:\"material\"}", + "{material:\"minecraft:oak_leaves\",id:\"material\"}", + "{material:\"minecraft:oak_sapling\",id:\"material\"}", + "{material:\"minecraft:white_carpet\",id:\"material\"}", + "{material:\"minecraft:snow_block\",id:\"material\"}", + "{material:\"minecraft:cactus\",id:\"material\"}", + "{material:\"minecraft:cake\",id:\"material\"}", + "{material:\"minecraft:grass\",id:\"material\"}", + "{material:\"minecraft:cobweb\",id:\"material\"}", + "{material:\"minecraft:dirt\",id:\"material\"}", + "{block:\"minecraft:snow\",id:\"block\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:apple\",id:\"item\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:bow\",id:\"item\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:bowl\",id:\"item\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:arrow\",id:\"item\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:apple\",id:\"item\"}", + "{block:\"minecraft:tripwire\",id:\"block\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:feather\",id:\"item\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:wheat\",id:\"item\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:bread\",id:\"item\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:leather\",id:\"item\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:leather_boots\",id:\"item\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:leather_chestplate\",id:\"item\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:leather_helmet\",id:\"item\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:leather_leggings\",id:\"item\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:lead\",id:\"item\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:painting\",id:\"item\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:acacia_boat\",id:\"item\"}", + "{block:\"minecraft:acacia_door\",id:\"block\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:dark_oak_boat\",id:\"item\"}", + "{block:\"minecraft:dark_oak_door\",id:\"block\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:birch_boat\",id:\"item\"}", + "{block:\"minecraft:birch_door\",id:\"block\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:jungle_boat\",id:\"item\"}", + "{block:\"minecraft:jungle_door\",id:\"block\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:oak_boat\",id:\"item\"}", + "{block:\"minecraft:oak_door\",id:\"block\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:spruce_boat\",id:\"item\"}", + "{block:\"minecraft:spruce_door\",id:\"block\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:saddle\",id:\"item\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:bone\",id:\"item\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:sugar\",id:\"item\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:paper\",id:\"item\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:book\",id:\"item\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:egg\",id:\"item\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:fishing_rod\",id:\"item\"}", + "{block:\"minecraft:cake\",id:\"block\"}", + "{block:\"minecraft:melon\",id:\"block\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:shears\",id:\"item\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:writable_book\",id:\"item\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:written_book\",id:\"item\"}", + "{block:\"minecraft:carrots\",id:\"block\"}", + "{block:\"minecraft:potatoes\",id:\"block\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:poisonous_potato\",id:\"item\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:baked_potato\",id:\"item\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:map\",id:\"item\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:pumpkin_pie\",id:\"item\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:name_tag\",id:\"item\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:enchanted_book\",id:\"item\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:elytra\",id:\"item\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:mutton\",id:\"item\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:cooked_mutton\",id:\"item\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:rabbit\",id:\"item\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:cooked_rabbit\",id:\"item\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:rabbit_stew\",id:\"item\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:beetroot\",id:\"item\"}", + "{block:\"minecraft:beetroots\",id:\"block\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:beetroot_soup\",id:\"item\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:shield\",id:\"item\"}", + "{block:\"minecraft:wheat\",id:\"block\"}", + "{block:\"minecraft:pumpkin_stem\",id:\"block\"}", + "{block:\"minecraft:melon_stem\",id:\"block\"}", + "{id:\"fuel\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:spider_eye\",id:\"item\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:rotten_flesh\",id:\"item\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:snowball\",id:\"item\"}" + ], + "isWhitelist": true + }, + "undestroyableItems": { + "entries": [ + "{item:\"minecraft:nether_star\",id:\"item\"}", + "{block:\"minecraft:bedrock\",id:\"block\"}", + "{block:\"minecraft:obsidian\",id:\"block\"}", + "{material:\"minecraft:barrier\",id:\"material\"}" + ], + "isWhitelist": true + }, + "ignitingItems": { + "entries": [ + "{material:\"minecraft:lava\",id:\"material\"}", + "{block:\"minecraft:torch\",id:\"block\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:lava_bucket\",id:\"item\"}", + "{item:\"minecraft:blaze_powder\",id:\"item\"}" + ], + "isWhitelist": true + } + }, + "pickup": { + "customPickup": true, + "pickupWhenSneaking": true, + "maximumPickupRange": 5.0 + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/jade-common.toml b/config/jade-common.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7c331ff --- /dev/null +++ b/config/jade-common.toml @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ + +[inventory] + #Range: 0 ~ 54 + sneakShowAmount = 54 + #Range: 0 ~ 54 + normalShowAmount = 0 + bypassLockedContainer = false + blacklist = ["refinedstorage:disk_drive"] + #Range: 1 ~ 18 + showItemPreLine = 9 + +[customContainerName] + blacklist = ["thermal"] + onlyShowVanilla = false + diff --git a/config/jei-client.toml b/config/jei-client.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..781de0a --- /dev/null +++ b/config/jei-client.toml @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ + +[advanced] + #Enable fast batched item rendering for JEI (disable this if items in JEI are not rendering correctly) + FastItemRenderingEnabled = true + #How items should be handed to you + #Allowed Values: INVENTORY, MOUSE_PICKUP + GiveMode = "MOUSE_PICKUP" + #Debug mode enabled + DebugMode = false + #Enable cheating items into the hotbar by using the shift+number keys. + CheatToHotbarUsingHotkeysEnabled = false + #Display search bar in the center + CenterSearch = false + #Max. recipe gui height + #Range: > 175 + RecipeGuiHeight = 350 + #Set low-memory mode (makes search very slow, but uses less RAM) + LowMemorySlowSearchEnabled = false + #Max number of columns shown + #Range: 4 ~ 100 + MaxColumns = 9 + +[colors] + #Color values to search for + SearchColors = ["White:EEEEEE", "LightBlue:7492cc", "Cyan:00EEEE", "Blue:2222dd", "LapisBlue:25418b", "Teal:008080", "Yellow:cacb58", "GoldenYellow:EED700", "Orange:d97634", "Pink:D1899D", "HotPink:FC0FC0", "Magenta:b24bbb", "Purple:813eb9", "JadedPurple:43324f", "EvilPurple:2e1649", "Lavender:B57EDC", "Indigo:480082", "Sand:dbd3a0", "Tan:bb9b63", "LightBrown:A0522D", "Brown:634b33", "DarkBrown:3a2d13", "LimeGreen:43b239", "SlimeGreen:83cb73", "Green:008000", "DarkGreen:224d22", "GrassGreen:548049", "Red:963430", "BrickRed:b0604b", "NetherBrick:2a1516", "Redstone:ce3e36", "Black:181515", "CharcoalGray:464646", "IronGray:646464", "Gray:808080", "Silver:C0C0C0"] + +[sorting] + #Sorting order for the ingredient list. Valid stages: [MOD_NAME, INGREDIENT_TYPE, ALPHABETICAL, CREATIVE_MENU, TAG, TOOL_TYPE, WEAPON_DAMAGE, ARMOR, MAX_DURABILITY] + IngredientSortStages = ["MOD_NAME", "INGREDIENT_TYPE", "CREATIVE_MENU", "ALPHABETICAL", "WEAPON_DAMAGE", "TOOL_TYPE", "ARMOR", "TAG"] + +[search] + #Search mode for Mod Names (prefix: @) + #Allowed Values: ENABLED, REQUIRE_PREFIX, DISABLED + ModNameSearchMode = "REQUIRE_PREFIX" + #Search mode for Tag Names (prefix: $) + #Allowed Values: ENABLED, REQUIRE_PREFIX, DISABLED + TagSearchMode = "REQUIRE_PREFIX" + #Search mode for Creative Tab Names (prefix: %) + #Allowed Values: ENABLED, REQUIRE_PREFIX, DISABLED + CreativeTabSearchMode = "DISABLED" + #Search mode for Colors (prefix: ^) + #Allowed Values: ENABLED, REQUIRE_PREFIX, DISABLED + ColorSearchMode = "DISABLED" + #Search mode for resources IDs (prefix: &) + #Allowed Values: ENABLED, REQUIRE_PREFIX, DISABLED + ResourceIdSearchMode = "DISABLED" + #Search mode for Tooltips (prefix: #) + #Allowed Values: ENABLED, REQUIRE_PREFIX, DISABLED + TooltipSearchMode = "ENABLED" + #Search advanced tooltips (visible with F3+H) + SearchAdvancedTooltips = false + +[modname] + #Formatting for mod name tooltip + #Use these formatting keys: + #black, dark_blue, dark_green, dark_aqua, dark_red, dark_purple, gold, gray, dark_gray, blue, green, aqua, red, light_purple, yellow, white + #obfuscated, bold, strikethrough, underline, italic + ModNameFormat = "blue italic" + diff --git a/config/jei/ingredient-list-mod-sort-order.ini b/config/jei/ingredient-list-mod-sort-order.ini new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1f2b3b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/jei/ingredient-list-mod-sort-order.ini @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +Minecraft +Alex's Mobs +Allurement +Artifacts +Atum 2 +Backpacked +Caves and Cliffs Backport +Chipped +Comforts +Construction Wand +Create +Creatures and Beasts +Curios API +Dense Ores Reborn +Dude! Where's my Horse? +FTB Library +Farmer's Delight +Farmer's Respite +FireSticks +Integrated Dungeons and Structures +Iron Chests +MmmMmmMmmMmm +More Bows Restrung +MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod +Nature's Aura +Nature's Compass +Nether Ores Plus+ +Nethers Delight +Phenomena +Qualities Of Middle-Earth +Quark +Rereskillable Rereforked +River Treasures +Sophisticated Backpacks +Spartan Weaponry +Spartan Weaponry: Twilight Forest +Storage Drawers +Structure Gel API +Structures Compass +Supplementaries +The Lord of the Rings Mod +The Twilight Forest +Tinkers' Construct +Treasure2 +Treasure2: Bones +Valhelsia Structures +ogres +Epic Knights Mod +PlayTics Deco diff --git a/config/jei/ingredient-list-type-sort-order.ini b/config/jei/ingredient-list-type-sort-order.ini new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d9c8bbe --- /dev/null +++ b/config/jei/ingredient-list-type-sort-order.ini @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +net.minecraft.item.ItemStack +net.minecraft.entity.EntityType +net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack +slimeknights.tconstruct.library.modifiers.ModifierEntry +slimeknights.tconstruct.library.recipe.partbuilder.Pattern diff --git a/config/jei/recipe-category-sort-order.ini b/config/jei/recipe-category-sort-order.ini new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9a0a408 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/jei/recipe-category-sort-order.ini @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ +minecraft:crafting +minecraft:anvil +minecraft:blasting +minecraft:brewing +minecraft:campfire +minecraft:fuel +minecraft:furnace +minecraft:smithing +minecraft:smoking +minecraft:stonecutting +atum:kiln +atum:quern +atum:spinning_wheel +chipped:alchemy_bench +chipped:botanist_workbench +chipped:carpenters_table +chipped:glassblower +chipped:loom_table +chipped:mason_table +chipped:mechanist_workbench +create:automatic_brewing +create:automatic_packing +create:automatic_shaped +create:automatic_shapeless +create:block_cutting +create:crushing +create:deploying +create:draining +create:fan_blasting +create:fan_smoking +create:fan_washing +create:mechanical_crafting +create:milling +create:mixing +create:mystery_conversion +create:packing +create:pressing +create:sandpaper_polishing +create:sawing +create:sequenced_assembly +create:spout_filling +create:wood_cutting +farmersdelight:cooking +farmersdelight:cutting +farmersdelight:decomposition +farmersrespite:brewing +jei:information +jeresources:dungeon +jeresources:enchantment +jeresources:mob +jeresources:plant +jeresources:villager +jeresources:worldgen +lotr:alloy_forge +lotr:angmar +lotr:blue_mountains +lotr:bree +lotr:dale +lotr:dol_amroth +lotr:dorwinion +lotr:dunlending +lotr:dwarven +lotr:dwarven_forge +lotr:elven_forge +lotr:galadhrim +lotr:gondor +lotr:harad +lotr:hobbit +lotr:hobbit_oven +lotr:keg +lotr:lindon +lotr:lossoth +lotr:mordor +lotr:orc_forge +lotr:ranger +lotr:rivendell +lotr:rohan +lotr:umbar +lotr:uruk +lotr:wood_elven +naturesaura:altar +naturesaura:animal_spawner +naturesaura:offering +naturesaura:tree_ritual +nethers_delight:composition +tconstruct:alloy +tconstruct:casting_basin +tconstruct:casting_table +tconstruct:entity_melting +tconstruct:foundry +tconstruct:melting +tconstruct:modifiers +tconstruct:molding +tconstruct:part_builder +tconstruct:severing diff --git a/config/jeresources-common.toml b/config/jeresources-common.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0dd954f --- /dev/null +++ b/config/jeresources-common.toml @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +#Range: 1 ~ 4 +itemsPerColumn = 4 +#Range: 1 ~ 4 +itemsPerRow = 4 +diyData = true +showDevData = false +enchantsBlacklist = ["flimflam", "soulBound"] +hiddenTabs = [] +dimensionsBlacklist = [-11] +disableLootManagerReloading = false + diff --git a/config/jeresources.toml b/config/jeresources.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a4f9f5b --- /dev/null +++ b/config/jeresources.toml @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +disableLootManagerReloading = false +hiddenTabs = [] +#Range: 1 ~ 4 +itemsPerRow = 4 +enchantsBlacklist = ["flimflam", "soulBound"] +showDevData = false +dimensionsBlacklist = [-11] +diyData = true +#Range: 1 ~ 4 +itemsPerColumn = 4 + diff --git a/config/logbegone.toml b/config/logbegone.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..12d2421 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/logbegone.toml @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ + +[logbegone] + regex = ["Disconnecting VANILLA connection attempt", "Channels "] + phrases = ["Disconnecting VANILLA connection attempt", "Channels "] + diff --git a/config/lotr-client.toml b/config/lotr-client.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3d8a560 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/lotr-client.toml @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ + +[environment] + #No comment + rainMist = true + #New rain and snow textures (in Middle-earth), ash, and sandstorms + newWeatherRendering = true + #No comment + mistyMountainsMist = true + #The Aurora, or Northern Lights! May be a slightly performance-intensive feature for some users + northernLights = true + #No comment + sunGlare = true + #Toggle the Middle-earth sky renderer + modSky = true + #Replace rain ground particles in Middle-earth, to match the new rain textures + newRainGroundParticles = true + #Toggle the Middle-earth cloud renderer + modClouds = true + #No comment + #Range: > 0 + cloudRange = 1024 + +[gui] + #Display the mod's custom main menu screen + modMainMenu = true + #Toggle the map exploration fog. If a server has set forceFogOfWar to either force enable or disable the fog, that server setting will override this one. + fogOfWar = false + #No comment + sepiaMap = false + #Display waypoint distances in leagues, miles, and yards instead of metric (blocks) + imperialWaypointDistances = false + #Will be automatically set to false after the world type help display has been shown once + showWorldTypeHelp = false + #No comment + mapLabels = true + +[hud] + #On-screen compass: coordinates and biome name + compassInfo = true + #Configure the y-position of the alignment meter on-screen. Negative values move it up, positive values down + #Range: > -2147483648 + alignmentYOffset = 0 + #The duration (in seconds) of Immersive Speech displays + #Range: 0 ~ 60 + immersiveSpeechDuration = 10 + #Middle-earth on-screen compass + compass = true + #Render other players' alignment values above their heads + displayAlignmentAboveHead = true + #Toggle whether speech still shows in the chat box when Immersive Speech is enabled + immersiveSpeechChatLog = false + #Configure the x-position of the alignment meter on-screen. Negative values move it left, positive values right + #Range: > -2147483648 + alignmentXOffset = 0 + #If set to true, NPC speech will appear on-screen with the NPC. If set to false, it will be sent to the chat box + immersiveSpeech = true + #Display the alignment meter even in non-mod dimensions + showAlignmentEverywhere = false + +[model] + #If true, Elf-women NPCs will use the 'Alex' model style, with slimmer arms + elfWomenUseAlexModelStyle = true + #If true, Hobbit-women NPCs will use the 'Alex' model style, with slimmer arms + hobbitWomenUseAlexModelStyle = false + #If true, Mannish women NPCs will use the 'Alex' model style, with slimmer arms + mannishWomenUseAlexModelStyle = true + #If true, Dwarf-women NPCs will use the 'Alex' model style, with slimmer arms + dwarfWomenUseAlexModelStyle = false + #The number of wings on the swan knights' chestplates + #Range: 0 ~ 24 + dolAmrothChestplateWings = 12 + #If true, Orc-women NPCs will use the 'Alex' model style, with slimmer arms + orcWomenUseAlexModelStyle = false + +[sound] + #No comment + windAmbience = true + #No comment + newThunderSounds = true + #No comment + newRainSounds = true + diff --git a/config/lotr-common.toml b/config/lotr-common.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1e231ca --- /dev/null +++ b/config/lotr-common.toml @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ + +[gameplay] + #The minimum possible time (in seconds) for which an NPC will stand still and display talking animations when spoken to by a player + #Range: 3 ~ 60 + npcTalkToPlayerMinDuration = 5 + #The maximum possible time (in seconds) for which an NPC will stand still and display talking animations when spoken to by a player + #Range: 3 ~ 60 + npcTalkToPlayerMaxDuration = 10 + #Alignment gains depend on factions' areas of influence + areasOfInfluence = true + #Factions dislike if a player has + alignment with enemy factions + alignmentDraining = true + #No comment + drunkSpeech = true + +[mobs] + #They're simply too big! + smallerBees = true + +[datapack-utility] + #If enabled, the mod will generate up-to-date biome JSON files for all its biomes and output them in the game directory during loading. These biome templates are provided to help datapack creators. + generateBiomeJsons = false + diff --git a/config/magnesium_extras.toml b/config/magnesium_extras.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..98336bc --- /dev/null +++ b/config/magnesium_extras.toml @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ + +#Dynamic Lights Settings +[Settings] + + [Settings."FPS Counter"] + "FPS Counter Distance" = 12 + "Display FPS Counter (OFF, SIMPLE, ADVANCED)" = "ADVANCED" + + [Settings.Misc] + "Cloud Height [Raw, Default 196]" = 196 + "Render Fog" = true + #Allowed Values: WINDOWED, BORDERLESS, FULLSCREEN + "Use Borderless Fullscreen" = "FULLSCREEN" + "Chunk Fade In Quality (OFF, FAST, FANCY)" = "FANCY" + + [Settings.Zoom] + "Cinematic Camera Mode (OFF, VANILLA, MULTIPLIED)" = "OFF" + "Zoom Scrolling Enabled" = true + "Zoom Transition Mode (TOGGLE, HOLD, PERSISTENT)" = "HOLD" + "Zoom Transition Mode (OFF, LINEAR, SMOOTH)" = "SMOOTH" + "Lower Zoom Sensitivity" = true + "Zoom Overlay?" = true + + [Settings."True Darkness"] + #Allowed Values: PITCH_BLACK, REALLY_DARK, DARK, DIM + "Darkness Setting (PITCH_BLACK, REALLY_DARK, DARK, DIM)" = "DARK" + "Use True Darkness" = true + + [Settings."True Darkness".Advanced] + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + "Minimum Moon Brightness (0->1)" = 0.0 + "Ignore Moon Light" = false + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + "Maximum Moon Brightness (0->1)" = 0.25 + "Only Effect Block Lighting" = false + + [Settings."True Darkness"."Dimension Settings"] + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + "Dark End Fog Brightness (0->1)" = 0.0 + "Dark Nether?" = false + "Dark By Default?" = false + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + "Dark Nether Fog Brightness (0->1)" = 0.5 + "Dark If No Skylight?" = false + "Dark Overworld?" = true + "Dark End?" = false + + [Settings."Entity Distance"] + "Enable Max Distance Checks" = true + "(Entity) Max Vertical Render Distance [Raw, Default 32]" = 32 + "(Entity) Max Horizontal Render Distance [Squared, Default 64^2]" = 4096 + "(TileEntity) Max Horizontal Render Distance [Squared, Default 64^2]" = 4096 + "(TileEntity) Max Vertical Render Distance [Raw, Default 32]" = 32 + diff --git a/config/mantle-client.toml b/config/mantle-client.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1fc8c0d --- /dev/null +++ b/config/mantle-client.toml @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +#If true, enables the Mantle heart renderer, which stacks hearts by changing the color instead of vertically stacking them. +#Mod authors: this config is not meant for compatibility with your heart renderer, cancel the RenderGameOverlayEvent.Pre event and our logic won't run +extraHeartRenderer = true + diff --git a/config/modernfix-common.toml b/config/modernfix-common.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..41413ef --- /dev/null +++ b/config/modernfix-common.toml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +#These JEI plugins will be loaded on the main thread +blacklist_async_jei_plugins = ["jepb:jei_plugin"] + diff --git a/config/ b/config/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..08a28b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/ @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ +# This is the configuration file for ModernFix. +# In general, prefer using the config screen to editing this file. It can be accessed +# via the standard mod menu on your respective mod loader. Changes will, however, +# require restarting the game to take effect. +# +# The following options can be enabled or disabled if there is a compatibility issue. +# Add a line with your option name and =true or =false at the bottom of the file to enable +# or disable a rule. For example: +# mixin.perf.dynamic_resources=true +# Do not include the #. You may reset to defaults by deleting this file. +# +# Available options: +# mixin.bugfix.chunk_deadlock=true # (default) +# mixin.bugfix.chunk_deadlock.valhesia=true # (default) +# mixin.bugfix.cofh_core_crash=true # (default) +# mixin.bugfix.concurrency=true # (default) +# mixin.bugfix.ctm_resourceutil_cme=true # (default) +# mixin.bugfix.ender_dragon_leak=true # (default) +# mixin.bugfix.entity_load_deadlock=true # (default) +# mixin.bugfix.file_dialog_title=true # (default) +# mixin.bugfix.fix_config_crashes=true # (default) +# mixin.bugfix.forge_vehicle_packets=true # (default) +# mixin.bugfix.item_cache_flag=true # (default) +# mixin.bugfix.mc218112=false # (overridden for mod compat) +# mixin.bugfix.packet_leak=false # (default) +# mixin.bugfix.paper_chunk_patches=true # (default) +# mixin.bugfix.preserve_early_window_pos=true # (default) +# mixin.bugfix.recipe_book_type_desync=true # (default) +# mixin.bugfix.refinedstorage.te_bug=true # (default) +# mixin.bugfix.remove_block_chunkloading=false # (overridden for mod compat) +# mixin.bugfix.starlight_emptiness=true # (default) +# mixin.bugfix.tf_cme_on_load=true # (default) +# mixin.bugfix.unsafe_modded_shape_caches=true # (default) +# mixin.bugfix.world_leaks=true # (default) +# mixin.devenv=false # (default) +# mixin.feature.branding=true # (default) +# mixin.feature.direct_stack_trace=false # (default) +# mixin.feature.integrated_server_watchdog=true # (default) +# mixin.feature.measure_time=true # (default) +# mixin.feature.snapshot_easter_egg=true # (default) +# mixin.feature.spam_thread_dump=false # (default) +# mixin.feature.spark_profile_launch=false # (default) +# mixin.feature.warn_missing_perf_mods=true # (default) +# mixin.launch.class_search_cache=true # (default) +# mixin.perf.async_jei=false # (default) +# mixin.perf.async_locator=true # (default) +# mixin.perf.biome_zoomer=true # (default) +# mixin.perf.blast_search_trees=true # (default) +# mixin.perf.boost_worker_count=false # (overridden for mod compat) +# mixin.perf.cache_blockstate_cache_arrays=true # (default) +# mixin.perf.cache_model_materials=true # (default) +# mixin.perf.cache_strongholds=true # (default) +# mixin.perf.cache_upgraded_structures=true # (default) +# mixin.perf.clear_mixin_classinfo=false # (default) +# mixin.perf.compress_biome_container=true # (default) +# mixin.perf.datapack_reload_exceptions=true # (default) +# mixin.perf.dedicated_reload_executor=true # (default) +# mixin.perf.deduplicate_location=false # (default) +# mixin.perf.deduplicate_wall_shapes=true # (default) +# mixin.perf.dynamic_block_codecs=false # (default) +# mixin.perf.dynamic_dfu=true # (default) +# mixin.perf.dynamic_resources=false # (default) +# mixin.perf.dynamic_resources.ae2=true # (default) +# mixin.perf.dynamic_resources.ctm=true # (default) +# # (default) +# mixin.perf.dynamic_resources.supermartijncore=true # (default) +# mixin.perf.dynamic_sounds=true # (default) +# mixin.perf.dynamic_structure_manager=true # (default) +# mixin.perf.fast_registry_validation=true # (default) +# mixin.perf.faster_advancements=true # (default) +# mixin.perf.faster_font_loading=true # (default) +# mixin.perf.faster_item_rendering=false # (default) +# mixin.perf.faster_texture_loading=true # (default) +# mixin.perf.faster_texture_stitching=true # (default) +# mixin.perf.forge_registry_lambda=true # (default) +# mixin.perf.jeresources_startup=true # (default) +# mixin.perf.kubejs=true # (default) +# mixin.perf.model_optimizations=true # (default) +# mixin.perf.mojang_registry_size=true # (default) +# mixin.perf.nbt_memory_usage=true # (default) +# mixin.perf.nuke_empty_chunk_sections=true # (default) +# mixin.perf.patchouli_deduplicate_books=true # (default) +# mixin.perf.reduce_blockstate_cache_rebuilds=true # (default) +# mixin.perf.remove_biome_temperature_cache=true # (default) +# mixin.perf.remove_spawn_chunks=false # (default) +# mixin.perf.resourcepacks=true # (default) +# mixin.perf.reuse_datapacks=false # (default) +# mixin.perf.skip_first_datapack_reload=true # (default) +# mixin.perf.state_definition_construct=true # (default) +# mixin.perf.thread_priorities=false # (overridden for mod compat) +# mixin.perf.use_integrated_resources.jepb=true # (default) +# mixin.perf.use_integrated_resources.jeresources=true # (default) +# # (default) +# +# User overrides go here. diff --git a/config/naturesaura-common.toml b/config/naturesaura-common.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9a8fa5c --- /dev/null +++ b/config/naturesaura-common.toml @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ + +[general] + #Additional conversion recipes for the Botanist's Pickaxe right click function. Each entry needs to be formatted as modid:input_block[prop1=value1,...]->modid:output_block[prop1=value1,...] where block state properties are optional + additionalBotanistPickaxeConversions = [] + #Additional projectile types that are allowed to be consumed by the projectile generator. Each entry needs to be formatted as entity_registry_name->aura_amount + additionalProjectiles = [] + #The Aura to RF ratio used by the RF converter, read as aura*ratio = rf + auraToRFRatio = 0.05 + #Blocks that are exempt from being recognized as generatable ores for the passive ore generation effect. Each entry needs to be formatted as modid:block[prop1=value1,...] where block state properties are optional + oreExceptions = [] + #Additional blocks that are recognized as generatable ores for the passive ore generation effect. Each entry needs to be formatted as tag_name->oreWeight->dimension where a higher weight makes the ore more likely to spawn with 5000 being the weight of coal, the default ore with the highest weight, and dimension being any of overworld and nether + additionalOres = [] + #Additional dimensions that map to Aura types that should be present in them. This is useful if you have a modpack with custom dimensions that should have Aura act similarly to an existing dimension in them. Each entry needs to be formatted as dimension_name->aura_type, where aura_type can be any of naturesaura:overworld, naturesaura:nether and naturesaura:end. + auraTypeOverrides = [] + #The maximum amount of animals that can be around the powder of fertility before it stops working + maxAnimalsAroundPowder = 200 + #The amount of blocks that can be between two Aura Field Creators for them to be connectable and work together + fieldCreatorRange = 24 + +[features] + #If the Aura Imbalance effect of ores spawning in the area if Aura levels are too high should occur + oreEffect = true + #If the chunk loader block should be enabled + chunkLoader = true + #If the Aura Imbalance effect of grass growing on netherrack if the Aura levels are high enough should occur + netherGrassEffect = true + #If the Aura Imbalance effect of explosions happening randomly if Aura levels are too low should occur + explosionEffect = true + #If the Aura Imbalance effect of nether blocks degrading in the area if the Aura levels are too low should occur + netherDecayEffect = true + #If Aura Blooms and Aura Cacti should generate in the world + auraBlooms = true + #If the Aura Imbalance effect of grass and trees dying in the area if the Aura levels are too low should occur + grassDieEffect = true + #If the Aura Imbalance effect of aura containers in players' inventories being filled if the Aura levels are high enough should occur + cacheRechargeEffect = true + #If the RF converter block should be enabled + rfConverter = true + #If the Aura Imbalance effect of farm animals being affected in positive ways if Aura levels are too high should occur + animalEffect = true + #If the Aura Imbalance effect of breathlessness if Aura levels are too low should occur + breathlessEffect = true + #If the Aura Imbalance effect of plant growth being boosted if the Aura levels are high enough should occur + plantBoostEffect = true + #If the Aura Imbalance effect of passive mobs being angered if Aura levels are too low should occur + angerEffect = true + +[client] + #If, when the F3 debug menu is open and the player is in creative mode, every Aura spot should be highlighted in the world for debug purposes + debugWorld = false + #The location of the aura bar, where 0 is top left, 1 is top right, 2 is bottom left and 3 is bottom right + #Range: 0 ~ 3 + auraBarLocation = 0 + #The location of the aura cache bar, where 0 is to the left of the hotbar and 1 is to the right of the hotbar + #Range: 0 ~ 1 + cacheBarLocation = 0 + #The percentage of particles that should be displayed, where 1 is 100% and 0 is 0% + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + particleAmount = 1.0 + #The percentage of particles that should spawn when there is an excess amount of Aura in the environment, where 1 is 100% and 0 is 0% + excessParticleAmount = 1.0 + #If certain equippable items, like the Environmental Eye, should be rendered on the player + renderItemsOnPlayer = true + #If particle spawning should respect the particle setting in Minecraft's video settings screen + respectVanillaParticleSettings = false + #If debug information about Aura around the player should be displayed in the F3 debug menu if the player is in creative mode + debugText = true + diff --git a/config/naturescompass-client.toml b/config/naturescompass-client.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7a5a3df --- /dev/null +++ b/config/naturescompass-client.toml @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ + +[Client] + #The side for information rendered on the HUD. Ex: LEFT, RIGHT + #Allowed Values: LEFT, RIGHT + overlaySide = "LEFT" + #Displays Nature's Compass information even while chat is open. + displayWithChatOpen = true + #Fixes biome names by adding missing spaces. Ex: ForestHills becomes Forest Hills + fixBiomeNames = true + #The line offset for information rendered on the HUD. + #Range: 0 ~ 50 + overlayLineOffset = 1 + diff --git a/config/naturescompass-common.toml b/config/naturescompass-common.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0348030 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/naturescompass-common.toml @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ + +[General] + #Allows players to view the precise coordinates and distance of a located structure on the HUD, rather than relying on the direction the compass is pointing. + displayCoordinates = true + #biomeSize * sampleSpaceModifier = sampleSpace. Lowering this value will increase search accuracy but will make the process more resource intensive. + #Range: 0 ~ 1000000 + sampleSpaceModifier = 16 + #Allows a player to teleport to a located biome when in creative mode, opped, or in cheat mode. + allowTeleport = true + #The maximum number of samples to be taken when searching for a biome. + #Range: 0 ~ 1000000 + maxSamples = 50000 + #A list of biomes that the compass will not be able to search for, specified by resource location. The wildcard character * can be used to match any number of characters, and ? can be used to match one character. Ex: ["minecraft:savanna", "minecraft:desert", "minecraft:*ocean*"] + biomeBlacklist = [] + #biomeSize * radiusModifier = maxSearchRadius. Raising this value will increase search accuracy but will potentially make the process more resource . + #Range: 0 ~ 1000000 + radiusModifier = 2500 + diff --git a/config/ b/config/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3ac67b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/ @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +#This file stores configuration options for Oculus, such as the currently active shaderpack +#Mon Dec 11 11:31:34 EST 2023 +enableDebugOptions=false +disableUpdateMessage=false +enableShaders=false +maxShadowRenderDistance=8 diff --git a/config/patchouli-client.toml b/config/patchouli-client.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b71bcfd --- /dev/null +++ b/config/patchouli-client.toml @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ + +[client] + #Set how text overflow should be coped with: overflow the text off the page, truncate overflowed text, or resize everything to fit. Relogin after changing. + #Allowed Values: OVERFLOW, TRUNCATE, RESIZE + textOverflowMode = "OVERFLOW" + #Set this to true to disable advancement locking for ALL books, making all entries visible at all times. Config Flag: advancements_disabled + "Disable Advancement Locking" = false + #Set this to true to use Shift instead of Ctrl for the inventory quick lookup feature. + quickLookupShift = false + #Granular list of Book ID's to disable advancement locking for, e.g. [ "botania:lexicon" ]. Config Flags: advancements_disabled_ + no_advancement_books = [] + #Set this to the ID of a book to have it show up in players' inventories, replacing the recipe book. + "Inventory Button Book" = "" + #Enable testing mode. By default this doesn't do anything, but you can use the config flag in your books if you want. Config Flag: testing_mode + "Testing Mode" = false + diff --git a/config/pehkui-client.toml b/config/pehkui-client.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ab243ff --- /dev/null +++ b/config/pehkui-client.toml @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ + +#Client only settings, mostly things related to rendering +[client] + #Range: 0.0 ~ 0.05 + minimumCameraDepth = 3.051850947599719E-5 + diff --git a/config/pehkui-common.toml b/config/pehkui-common.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..400749d --- /dev/null +++ b/config/pehkui-common.toml @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ + +#General configuration settings +[general] + scaledFallDamage = true + scaledMotion = true + scaledReach = true + scaledAttack = true + scaledDefense = true + scaledHealth = true + scaledItemDrops = true + scaledProjectiles = true + scaledExplosions = true + keepAllScalesOnRespawn = false + accurateNetherPortals = true + scalesKeptOnRespawn = [] + enableCommands = true + enableDebugCommands = false + diff --git a/config/performant-common.toml b/config/performant-common.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e49d13c --- /dev/null +++ b/config/performant-common.toml @@ -0,0 +1,148 @@ + +["Load balancing settings"] + + ["Load balancing settings"."Tile entities load balancing settings"] + #Requires TELoadBalancing = true. Enables dealing with lag caused by tile entities during chunk unload. This is normally not needed. default = false + TEUnloadLag = false + #Enables Tile entity load balancing. default: true + TELoadBalancing = true + #Mean tick time at which load balancing takes effect, 1000 / mean tick time = TPS. default: 55 + #Range: 1 ~ 200 + meanTickTH = 55 + #Enables debug log output for lagging tile entities, default = false + TEDebugOutput = false + + # Load balancing is a mechanic which profiles and throttles down lagging entities, tileentities and event subscribers. + # It is used to prevent a certain laggy mob or block from lagging out the whole game. Since this is rather invasive and may cause the lagging + # entity/block to not work nicely it is only done once the game goes over the configured lagging threshold. + # Those thresholds as set in miliseconds, anything below 50ms is 20 TPS (1s = 1000ms, 1000 / 50 = 20). + # Above 50ms ticks is where your game starts to lag, as it hits 100% cpu and starts skipping ticks. + # This is where load balancing comes in and reduces the lag caused by specific entities and blocks. + # If you run into trouble with some of the entities or blocks not working correctly you can disable it here + # + ["Load balancing settings"."Entity AI Load balancing settings"] + #Mean tick time at which AI load balancing takes effect, 1000 / mean tick time = TPS. default: 55 + #Range: 1 ~ 200 + meanTickAITH = 55 + #Enables load balancing for entity AI. default = true + AILoadBalancing = true + #Whether to debug lagging entities and log offenders, requires load balancing to be enabled. default = true + logEntityAILag = true + + ["Load balancing settings"."Event load balancing settings, events mostly cause lag during world/server/entity/player ticks,usually showing up in profilings under e"] + #Enables logging too large packets causing disconnects. , default = true + displayTooLargePackets = true + + ["Load balancing settings"."Event load balancing settings, events mostly cause lag during world/server/entity/player ticks,usually showing up in profilings under e"."Entity settings"] + #Entity spawn interval setting, determines how frequently entities are spawned overall. 1 = Vanilla default, default = 10 + #Range: 1 ~ 1000 + spawnInterval = 10 + #List of entities excluded from beeing affected by dynamic entity updates: e.g. format : ["minecraft:zombie", "minecraft:creeper"] + excludedTickDistanceMobs = [] + #Fix leash lag from entities on a leash, default = true + fixLeash = true + #List of entities excluded from multithreaded movement. format : ["minecraft:zombie", "minecraft:creeper"] + excludedThreadedMovement = [] + #Should entities with glowing effect always be rendered?. default = true + alwaysglow = true + #Enable multithreading support for entities, requires fastCollisions to be enabled. default = true + multiEntities = true + #Disables block changes notifying all entity paths in the world, to possibly adjust their paths, disable with Immersive Engineering, incompat, default = true + disableNotifyOnBlockChange = true + #List of entities excluded from beeing affected by dynamic entity rendering, by entity ID: e.g. format : ["minecraft:zombie", "minecraft:creeper"] + excludedRenderHidingMobs = [] + #Slower updating of armor stands, default = true + slowArmorStands = true + #Enables improved entity collision and movement calculations for any non item entity, default = true + fastCollisions = true + #Enables less laggy entity item pickup, default = true + noLagItemPickup = true + #Enables dynamic update distance, it will reduces entity updates when far away from the player, respecting the entities own update range. default = true. Requires restart + enableDynamicEntityUpdates = true + #Enables fast itemstack comparisons + fastItemCompare = true + #Entity density setting, determines how many entities are spawned overall. 1 = Vanilla default, 0.1 e.g 10x less than vanilla. 10 = 10x more than vanilla, default = 1 + #Range: 0.01 ~ 100.0 + entityDensity = 1.0 + #Enables dynamic entity rendering, stops non-visible entities from beeing rendered but can sometimes cause a slight phasing-in delay. Usually a large boost to fps, default = true. Require restart + enableDynamicEntityRendering = true + #Enable fast inventory advancement triggers, many advancements based on items tend to lag the players, default = true + fastInventoryAdvancement = true + #Adapt entity speed to tps, makes entities struggle less with lag. default = true + adaptiveSpeed = true + #Entity dynamic update distance setting, reduces the entities own update range from players at which entities get slowed down, in chunks(16blocks). The higher you set this, the closer to the player entities will get slower updates. Default = 0 + #Range: 0 ~ 1000 + entityUpdateDistanceReduction = 0 + #Enable faster pathfinding, default = true + fastPathFinding = true + + ["Load balancing settings"."Event load balancing settings, events mostly cause lag during world/server/entity/player ticks,usually showing up in profilings under e"."Utility settings, debugging and other"] + #Set the disconnect timeout while loggging in, in ticks. 20 ticks = 1 sec, default = 120 seconds + #Range: 600 ~ 20000 + logintimeout = 2400 + #Set the amount of items at which too many stacked items report their position. Default = 100 items + #Range: 2 ~ 1000 + maxItems = 100 + #Enable additional debug logging, default = false + debugOptionsEnabled = false + #Disables the config reload during the game, can cause performance issues on some linux systems, default = false + disableConfigReload = false + #Enable printing of world/chunk saves for debugging purposes, those normally happen every 5minutes. default = false + printWorldSaves = false + #Set the watchdog timeout for the integrated server in miliseconds, -1 Disables it. 1 second = 1000 miliseconds, default = 180000(3 minutes) + #Range: -1 ~ 500000 + singlePlayerWatchDogTimeout = 180000 + #Set the disconnect timeout while playing. Default = 60sec + #Range: 15 ~ 400 + disconnectTimeout = 60 + #Set the maximum allowed amount of same sounds playing at the same time. Lowers e.g. lag of flowing water and other cases where a sound is repeated a lot at once. Default = 10 + #Range: 1 ~ 4000 + maxSameSounds = 10 + #List of mobs disallowed from spawning: e.g. format : ["minecraft:zombie", "minecraft:creeper"] + forbiddenMobs = [] + + ["Load balancing settings"."Event load balancing settings, events mostly cause lag during world/server/entity/player ticks,usually showing up in profilings under e".g] + + ["Load balancing settings"."Event load balancing settings, events mostly cause lag during world/server/entity/player ticks,usually showing up in profilings under e".g." WorldTickEventPre/Post"] + #Mean tick time at which event load balancing takes effect, 1000 / mean tick time = TPS. default = 55 + #Range: 1 ~ 200 + meanTickEvent = 60 + #Enables debug log output for lagging event subscribers, default = false + eventDebugOutput = true + #Enables event load balancing, this is mostly stuff which is happening outside entityAI/Tile entities on world ticks. default = false + eventLoadBalancing = false + + ["Load balancing settings"."Event load balancing settings, events mostly cause lag during world/server/entity/player ticks,usually showing up in profilings under e"."Entity AI Settings"] + #Sets the tick interval in which non-running AI tasks are rechecked. Vanilla default is 1(starting with 1.13+), this mods suggested default is 4(as it was in vanilla 1.12) + #Range: 1 ~ 500 + goalselectorrate = 4 + #Enables a slower updated AI Fox find shelter goal, which causes too much load. default = true + slowFindShelter = true + #Enables a slower updated AI Panic entity goal, panic is used for chickens/other animals running away e.g. on fire. default = true + optimizePanic = true + #Enables a slower updated AI Breed entity goal, breed is used for searching nearby similar animals and doesnt have to be checked that often. default = true + optimizeBreed = true + #Enables a slower updated AI tempt goal, tempt is used e.g. for luring sheep with wheat. default = true + optimizeTempt = true + #Enables a slower updated AI avoid entity goal, avoid is used e.g. for villagers avoiding zombies so it constantly searches for mobs in the area. default = true + optimizeAvoid = true + #Fix chunkloading and lag caused by the block break goal, mostly used by zombies or endermen. default = true + fixBlockBreakGoal = true + + ["Load balancing settings"."Event load balancing settings, events mostly cause lag during world/server/entity/player ticks,usually showing up in profilings under e"."General performance improvements settings"] + #If true hoppers are causing less lag + fasterHoppers = true + #Reduces crafting lag by caching recipe lookups, helps a lot with autocrafting/crafting related lag. default = true + cacheRecipes = true + #Enable fast spawn radius check, this makes entity spawn mechanics lag less. default = true + fastSpawnRadius = true + #Set how many scheduled blocks are updated each tick, scheduled block updates are for example fluid flowing. default = 1000, vanilla default = 65536 + #Range: 1 ~ 65536 + blockTicks = 3000 + #Enable fast chunk save, unmodified chunks are saved a lot faster and cause less lag when saving to disk. default = true + fastChunkSave = true + #Enable FPS improvements, default = true + betterFps = true + #Enable fast chunk block ticks, reduces lag on random block ticks in the world but keeps the same growth e.g. on crops. default = true + fastChunkBlocks = true + diff --git a/config/pmmo-common.toml b/config/pmmo-common.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1d90904 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/pmmo-common.toml @@ -0,0 +1,666 @@ + +[Miscellaneous] + #At what durability percentage should the xp bonus start going down from? (75 means that at 75% durability or above, the xp bonus will be max, and at 37.5%, the xp boost will be half + #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 + scaleXpBoostByDurabilityEnd = 75.0 + #Should item specific config values take precedence over tag based values? (true means minecraft:oak_log would take precedence over #minecraft:logs) + itemPriorityOverTag = true + #Should the Welcome message come up? + showWelcome = true + #Should Xp Boosts be scaled by the item Durability? (Max boost at Max durability, 50% at half Durability) + scaleXpBoostByDurability = true + #Should your personal Donator Welcome message come up? + showPatreonWelcome = true + #Should Xp gains be logged in debug.log? + logXpGainedInDebugLog = false + #At what durability percentage should the xp bonus go away fully at and below? (25 means at 25% or below durability, there is no longer any xp boost) + #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 + scaleXpBoostByDurabilityStart = 0.0 + #Should right click xp be enabled? + rightClickXpEnabled = true + #Should a warning come up if your Project MMO is outdated? + warnOutdatedVersion = true + +[Party] + #How much bonus xp a Party gains extra, per player? (5 = 1 player -> 5% xp bonus, 2 players -> 10% xp bonus + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0E9 + partyXpIncreasePerPlayer = 5.0 + #How much damage you can deal to people in the same Party (0 = no damage, 100 = full damage) + #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 + partyFriendlyFireAmount = 33.333333333333336 + #In what range do Party members have to be to benefit from the other members? + #Range: 1.0 ~ 1.0E9 + partyRange = 64.0 + #Should players leave their party if they disconnect? + autoLeavePartyOnDisconnect = false + #How many Members can a party have? + #Range: 1 ~ 1000000000 + partyMaxMembers = 10 + #How much bonus xp is the maximum that a Party can receive? (50 = 50% increase max. If partyXpIncreasePerPlayer is 5, and there are 20 members, the xp bonus caps at 50%, at 10 members) + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0E9 + maxPartyXpBonus = 50.0 + +["Anti Cheese"] + #What is the minimum xp multiplier a player can reach by afking? (0.1 means 10% xp gained of what you'd gain while not afking at all) + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + minimumCheeseXpMultiplier = 0.1 + #How many points of Cheese do not contribute to the Cheese Xp Penalty? (This should always be lower than cheeseMaxStorage, otherwise it'd break.) + #Range: 1 ~ 1000000000 + freeCheese = 100 + #How often are Cheese Points Given/Taken? (5 means every 5 seconds) + #Range: 0.1 ~ 1.0E9 + cheeseCheckFrequency = 5.0 + #How many points of Cheese are reduced when the player is no longer afk? (10 means ten times as fast as gaining while afk) + #Range: 1 ~ 1000000000 + activityCheeseReplenishSpeed = 10 + #Should player xp rates be reduced while they afk? + antiCheeseEnabled = true + #How many points of Cheese is the maximum? (At maximum, the xp gain is at minimum, which is the minimumCheeseXpMultiplier value) + #Range: 1 ~ 1000000000 + cheeseMaxStorage = 200 + #When the Cheese Multiplier falls below this value, the player will get a warning to stop afking every Cheese Check (If this value is 1, any penalty will be displayed. 0 means no warnings will be displayed) + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + sendPlayerCheeseWarningBelowMultiplier = 1.0 + +["Vein Mining"] + #Boost in veining ability dependant on your tool's speed (5 is fairly balanced, raising this number makes tools more powerful while veining) + #Range: 1.0E-9 ~ 1.0E9 + toolSpeedVeinScale = 5.0 + #Every how many levels does 1 charge become worth +1 hardness? (If this is set to 32, your level is 50, and you have 64 charge, you can vein (50 / 160) * 320 = 100 hardness worth of blocks, which is 2.0 Obsidian, or 33.3 Coal Ore) + #Range: 0.01 ~ 10000.0 + levelsPerHardnessMining = 240.0 + #Should veining wood material blocks start from the highest block? + veinWoodTopToBottom = true + #How many blocks max can be veined? + #Range: 1 ~ 1000000 + veinMaxBlocks = 10000 + #What is the lowest hardness for each block veined? (Crops have 0 hardness, this makes crops not infinitely veined) + #Range: 0.0 ~ 10000.0 + minVeinHardness = 0.5 + #Every how many levels does 1 charge become worth +1 hardness? (If this is set to 16, your level is 50, and you have 64 charge, you can vein (50 / 320) * 320 = 50 hardness worth of ground, which is 100 Dirt) + #Range: 0.01 ~ 10000.0 + levelsPerHardnessExcavation = 240.0 + #How much vein is restored for each player when the day is skipped by sleeping in bed? + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + sleepVeinRestorePercent = 0.8477 + #How much hunger should be exhausted per block veined? + #Range: 0.0 ~ 20.0 + exhaustionPerBlock = 0.2 + #Every how many levels does 1 charge become worth +1 hardness? (If this is set to 80, your level is 50, and you have 320 charge, you can vein (50 / 80) * 320 = 200 hardness worth of Crafting Related (Such as wool, carpet, bed) blocks, which depends on how hard they are) + #Range: 0.1 ~ 10000.0 + levelsPerHardnessCrafting = 240.0 + #Is vein mining allowed? true = on, false = off + veiningAllowed = true + #How much is the lowest cost for each block veined? (1 = 1 charge, 1 charge regens per second) + #Range: 0.01 ~ 10000.0 + minVeinCost = 0.5 + #How much vein charge can a player hold at max? (1 recharges every second) + #Range: 0.0 ~ 100000.0 + maxVeinCharge = 320.0 + #How many blocks should be highlighted while holding the Vein key + #Range: 0 ~ 10000 + maxVeinDisplay = 250 + #What is the maximum distance a player's vein can reach? + #Range: 1.0 ~ 1.0E9 + veinMaxDistance = 1000.0 + #Every how many levels does 1 charge become worth +1 hardness? Plants have no hardness, but there is a minimum hardness while veining config in here, which is 0.5 by default, making it 200 plants at level 50 farming, with 320 charge, if this is set to 160 + #Range: 0.1 ~ 10000.0 + levelsPerHardnessFarming = 240.0 + #How many blocks get broken every tick? + #Range: 1 ~ 10000 + veinSpeed = 1 + #Should players be allowed to vein blocks that they did not place? + veiningOtherPlayerBlocksAllowed = false + #Every how many levels does 1 charge become worth +1 hardness? (If this is set to 32, your level is 50, and you have 64 charge, you can vein (50 / 160) * 320 = 100 hardness worth of logs, which is 50 Logs) + #Range: 0.01 ~ 10000.0 + levelsPerHardnessWoodcutting = 240.0 + #Should blocks broken by veining damage your tool? + damageToolWhileVeining = true + +["Mob Scaling"] + #What is the maximum amount an aggressive mob's speed will be boosted? + #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 + maxMobSpeedBoost = 10.0 + #What is the maximum amount an aggressive mob's HP will be boosted? + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1024.0 + maxMobHPBoost = 1000.0 + #Should mob xp multipliers inside of biomes be enabled? false means no multipliers + biomeMobMultiplierEnabled = true + #How much an aggresive mob's HP will increase per one Power Level? + #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 + mobHPBoostPerPowerLevel = 5.0 + #How much an aggresive mob's speed will increase per one Power Level? + #Range: 0.0 ~ 10.0 + mobSpeedBoostPerPowerLevel = 1.0 + #What is the maximum amount an aggressive mob's damage will be boosted? + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0E9 + maxMobDamageBoost = 100.0 + #How much an aggresive mob's damage will increase per one Power Level? + #Range: 0.0 ~ 10.0 + mobDamageBoostPerPowerLevel = 1.0 + +[Requirements] + #Should mob kill xp be enabled? false means no requirements + killXpEnabled = true + #When a Weapon requirement is not met, should the player be stopped from dealing any damage? + strictReqWeapon = false + #Is Salvaging items using the Repairing skill enabled? false = off + salvageEnabled = true + #When a Tool requirement is not met, should the player be stopped from breaking with it completely? + strictReqTool = true + #Should wear requirements be enabled? false means no requirements + wearReqEnabled = true + #Should weapon requirements be enabled? false means no requirements + weaponReqEnabled = true + #Main held items xp multiplier enabled? false = off + heldItemXpBoostEnabled = true + #Should fished items have a chance at being Enchanted? enabled? false = off + fishEnchantPoolEnabled = true + #When a Use Enchantment requirement is not met, should the item be dropped? + strictReqUseEnchantment = false + #Should ores be enabled? false means no extra chance + oreEnabled = true + #Should mob kill req be enabled? false means no requirements + killReqEnabled = true + #Should biome requirements be enabled? false means no requirements + biomeReqEnabled = true + #Should logs be enabled? false means no extra chance + logEnabled = true + #Should Enchantment Use requirements be enabled? false means no requirements + enchantUseReqEnabled = true + #When a Kill requirement is not met, should the player be stopped from dealing any damage? + strictReqKill = true + #Should xp multipliers be enabled? false means no multipliers + biomeXpBonusEnabled = true + #Should certain items be restricted from being crafted, without the level requirement? + craftReqEnabled = true + #Should config from default_data.json be loaded? false means only data.json is loaded + loadDefaultConfig = true + #Is catching items from Fish Pool while Fishing enabled? false = off + fishPoolEnabled = true + #Should xp values for general things be enabled? (Such as catching fish) + xpValueGeneralEnabled = true + #worn items xp boost enabled? false = off + wornItemXpBoostEnabled = true + #Should plants be enabled? false means no extra chance + plantEnabled = true + #Should biome negative effects be enabled? false means no negative effects + negativeBiomeEffectEnabled = true + #Should Enchantment Use requirements automatically scale according to previous values, provided they exist? example: level1Req = 5 agility, level2Req = 10 farming - Level 4 enchantment would require level 10 agility, and level 20 farming (highestSpecifiedLevelReqs / highestSpecifiedLevel * enchantLevel) + enchantUseReqAutoScaleEnabled = true + #Should biome positive effects be enabled? false means no positive effects + positiveBiomeEffectEnabled = true + #Should break requirements be enabled? false means no requirements + breakReqEnabled = true + #Should xp values for breaking things first time be enabled? false means only Hardness xp is awarded for breaking + xpValueBreakingEnabled = true + #Commands being fired on specific level ups enabled? false = off + levelUpCommandEnabled = true + #Should use requirements be enabled? false means no requirements + useReqEnabled = true + #Should dimensional travel requirements be enabled? false means no requirements + dimensionTravelReqEnabled = true + #Should mob rare drops be enabled? false means no requirements + mobRareDropEnabled = true + #Should tool requirements be enabled? false means no requirements + toolReqEnabled = true + #Should place requirements be enabled? false means no requirements + placeReqEnabled = true + #When a Wear requirement is not met, should the item be dropped? + strictReqWear = false + +[Levels] + #What is the global max level + #Range: 1 ~ 2000000000 + maxLevel = 1523 + #Should fireworks appear on Milestone level up, to other players? + milestoneLevelUpFirework = true + #Should players loose Percentage of Full Levels instead of Xp above Whole Level upon death? + deathLoosesLevels = false + #What is the x in: x * (exponentialBase^(exponentialRate * level)) + #Range: 1.0 ~ 1000000.0 + exponentialBaseXp = 83.0 + #What is the x in: exponentialBaseXp * (x^(exponentialRate * level)) + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1000000.0 + exponentialBase = 1.104088404342588 + #What is the xp increase per level (baseXp + level * xpPerLevel) + #Range: 1.0 ~ 1000000.0 + xpIncreasePerLevel = 50.0 + #Should a player have all their skills wiped to level 1 upon death? + wipeAllSkillsUponDeathPermanently = false + #Should fireworks appear on Milestone level up, from other players? + spawnFireworksCausedByOthers = true + #Should fireworks appear on level up? + levelUpFirework = true + #What is the baseXp to reach level 2 (baseXp + level * xpPerLevel) + #Range: 1.0 ~ 1000000.0 + baseXp = 250.0 + #Every how many levels should a level up broadcast be sent to all players? (10 = every 10 levels) + #Range: 1 ~ 1000000 + levelsPerMilestone = 10 + #Should fireworks appear on Milestone level up, to anyone, by you? + spawnFireworksCausedByMe = true + #Should every 10th level up be broadcast to everyone? + broadcastMilestone = true + #What is the x in: exponentialBaseXp * (exponentialBase^(x * level)) + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1000000.0 + exponentialRate = 1.0 + #Should levels be determined using an Exponential formula? (false = the original way) + useExponentialFormula = true + #Every how many levels should a total level milestone broadcast be sent to all players? (50 = every 50 levels) + #Range: 1 ~ 1000000 + levelsPerTotalLevelMilestone = 50 + +[Multipliers] + #How much xp everyone gains on Peaceful Difficulty (1 = normal, 2 = twice as much) + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1000.0 + peacefulMultiplier = 0.3333333333333333 + #How much xp you get in biomes you do not meet the requirements for (1 = Full xp, 0.5 = Half xp) + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + biomePenaltyMultiplier = 0.5 + #How much xp everyone gains on Easy Difficulty (1 = normal, 2 = twice as much) + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1000.0 + easyMultiplier = 0.6666666666666666 + #How much xp everyone gains on Hard Difficulty (1 = normal, 2 = twice as much) + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1000.0 + hardMultiplier = 1.3333333333333333 + #How much xp everyone gains on Normal Difficulty (1 = normal, 2 = twice as much) + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1000.0 + normalMultiplier = 1.0 + #How much xp everyone gains (1 = normal, 2 = twice as much) + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1000.0 + globalMultiplier = 1.0 + #How much percentage of level you loose on death (Full Levels or Xp above Whole Level depends on deathLoosesLevels) + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + deathPenaltyMultiplier = 0.5 + +[GUI] + #If Off, The skills list at the top left corner will no longer appear (You still have the GUI to show you all of your skills info) + showSkillsListAtCorner = true + #Should the Xp left indicator always be on? false = only appears with Show GUI key + xpLeftDisplayAlwaysOn = false + #Should xp drops sync up with the bar being open or closed? HIGHLY RECOMMEND TO KEEP FALSE IF YOU ARE MOVING XP DROP POSITIONS + xpDropsAttachedToBar = true + #Should World Xp Drops Skill appear? + worldXpDropsShowSkill = true + #True is the animated rainbow, False is the old, plain grey box + xpBarTheme = true + #How opaque (visible) can the xp drop get? + #Range: 0.0 ~ 255.0 + xpDropMaxOpacity = 200.0 + #GUI bar position Y (Height, 0 is top, 1 is bottom (1 is probably invisible due to clipping)) + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + veinBarOffsetY = 0.65 + #GUI bar position X (Width) + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + veinBarOffsetX = 0.5 + #Should Xp Drops make the Xp Bar pop up? + xpDropsShowXpBar = true + #When a screenshot is taken upon levelling up, should the skills list turn on automatically to be included in the screenshot? + lvlUpScreenshotShowSkills = false + #Value by which World Xp Drops Size is scaled (2 = twice as big) + #Range: 0.01 ~ 100.0 + worldXpDropsSizeMultiplier = 1.0 + #If Off, xp drops will no longer stack with each other + stackXpDrops = true + #GUI Xp drops position X (Width) + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + xpDropOffsetX = 0.5 + #GUI Xp drops position Y (Height, 0 is top, 1 is bottom (1 is probably invisible due to clipping)) + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + xpDropOffsetY = 0.0 + #How far away does the Xp Drop spawn + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1000.0 + xpDropSpawnDistance = 50.0 + #GUI bar position Y (Height, 0 is top, 1 is bottom (1 is probably invisible due to clipping)) + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + barOffsetY = 0.0 + #GUI bar position X (Width) + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + barOffsetX = 0.5 + #If Off, xp drops will no longer appear + showXpDrops = true + #Should World Xp Drops appear when xp is gained? + worldXpDropsEnabled = true + #At what age do xp drops start to decay? + #Range: 0.0 ~ 5000.0 + xpDropDecayAge = 350.0 + #GUI Skills List position X (Width) + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + skillListOffsetX = 0.0 + #GUI Skills List position Y (Height, 0 is top, 1 is bottom (1 is probably invisible due to clipping)) + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + skillListOffsetY = 0.0 + #Should World Xp Drops of other people show up for you? + showOthersWorldXpDrops = false + #How far (Max) should World Xp Drops be rotated (Degrees, either direction from flat) + #Range: 0.0 ~ 180.0 + worldXpDropsDecaySpeedMultiplier = 1.0 + #Should a screenshot be taken everytime you level up? + lvlUpScreenshot = false + #Should the Xp Bar always be on? false = only appears while holding Show GUI or when you gain xp + xpBarAlwaysOn = false + #How much out of MaxOpacity does the Xp Drop become visible per 1 distance + #Range: 0.0 ~ 255.0 + xpDropOpacityPerTime = 5.0 + #Should you be notified by what new features you have access to on level ups? + showLevelUpUnlocks = true + #What is the minimum amount xp grows a set amount of time? (Default 0.2, increase to speed up growth) + #Range: 0.01 ~ 100.0 + minXpGrow = 5.0 + +["Breaking Speed"] + #How many blocks it takes to reach 0 Break Speed (will get capped by Minimum Breaking Speed) + #Range: -1.7976931348623157E308 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 + blocksToUnbreakableY = 1000.0 + #How much your cutting speed increases per level in (1 = 1% increase per level) + #Range: 0.0 ~ 10.0 + woodcuttingBonusSpeed = 1.0 + #How much your farming speed increases per level in (1 = 1% increase per level) + #Range: 0.0 ~ 10.0 + farmingBonusSpeed = 1.0 + #How much your digging speed increases per level in (1 = 1% increase per level) + #Range: 0.0 ~ 10.0 + excavationBonusSpeed = 1.0 + #Minimum Breaking Speed (1 is Original speed, 0.5 is half) + #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 + minBreakSpeed = 0.5 + #How much your mining speed increases per level (1 = 1% increase per level) + #Range: 0.0 ~ 10.0 + miningBonusSpeed = 1.0 + +[Mining] + #Hardest considered block (1 hardness = 1 remove xp. 0 = no xp for block hardness, 30 means obsidian caps at 30xp per block.) + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1000000.0 + blockHardnessLimitForBreaking = 20.0 + +[Building] + #Every how many levels you gain an extra block of reach + #Range: 1.0 ~ 1.0E9 + levelsPerOneReach = 20.0 + #Hardest considered block (1 hardness = 1 build xp. 0 = no xp for block hardness, 30 means obsidian caps at 30xp per block.) + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1000000.0 + blockHardnessLimitForPlacing = 20.0 + #What is the maximum reach a player can have + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0E9 + maxExtraReachBoost = 20.0 + #Should xp values for crafting be enabled? false means the hardness value is used + xpValuePlacingEnabled = true + +[Excavation] + #Do players find Treasure inside of blocks? + treasureEnabled = true + +[Farming] + #Do players get xp for breeding animals? + breedingXpEnabled = true + #How much xp should be awarded in Farming for growing crops? (Json Overrides this) (Set to 0 to disable default xp) + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1000000.0 + defaultBreedingXp = 15.0 + #How much faster on average should crops grow per level? (Percentage) + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1000000.0 + growthSpeedIncreasePerLevel = 0.003333333333333333 + +[Agility] + #Every how many levels you gain an extra block of jumping height while Crouching + #Range: 1.0 ~ 1.0E9 + levelsPerCrouchJumpBoost = 45.0 + #Maximum chance to save each point of fall damage (100 = no fall damage) + #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 + maxFallSaveChance = 64.0 + #How much jump boost can you gain max (above 0.33 makes you take fall damage) + #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 + maxJumpBoost = 0.33 + #How much speed boost you can get from Agility (100 = 100% vanilla + 100% = twice as fast max) + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0E9 + maxSpeedBoost = 100.0 + #How much your chance to save each point of fall damage increases per level (1 = 1% increase per Level) + #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 + saveChancePerLevel = 64.0 + #Every how many levels you gain an extra block of jumping height while Sprinting + #Range: 1.0 ~ 1.0E9 + levelsPerSprintJumpBoost = 60.0 + #How much speed boost you get from each level (1 = 1% speed boost per level) + #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 + speedBoostPerLevel = 0.5 + +[Endurance] + #Per how many levels you gain 1 Max Heart + #Range: 1.0 ~ 1.0E9 + levelsPerHeart = 10.0 + #Multiplier for xp gained in endurance from Regeneration + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1000000.0 + hpRegenXpMultiplier = 15.23 + #Addition per level to hpRegenPerMinuteBase (if set to 0.01, every 100 Endurance levels, you regen 1 more half heart per 60 seconds, 0 means no extra regeneration) + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1000.0 + hpRegenPerMinuteBoostPerLevel = 0.02 + #How much endurance is max (100 = god mode) + #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 + maxEndurance = 50.0 + #How many Max Hearts you can have (20 means 10 vanilla + 20 boosted) + #Range: 0 ~ 1000000000 + maxExtraHeartBoost = 100 + #How many half hearts regenerate per minute at level 0 Endurance (at 1, and at level 0 Endurance, you regenerate half a heart every 60 seconds, 0 means no base regeneration) + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1000.0 + hpRegenPerMinuteBase = 1.0 + #How much endurance you gain per level (1 = 1% per level) + #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 + endurancePerLevel = 0.25 + +[Combat] + #How much percentage bonus damage do you get per Combat level in Melee? + #Range: 0.001 ~ 1000.0 + damageBonusPercentPerLevelMelee = 0.005 + #How much extra damage can you get from the Combat skill max? + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0E9 + maxExtraDamagePercentageBoostMelee = 100.0 + +[Archery] + #How much percentage bonus damage do you get per Archery level in Archery? + #Range: 0.001 ~ 1000.0 + damageBonusPercentPerLevelArchery = 0.005 + #How much extra damage can you get from the Archery skill max? + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0E9 + maxExtraDamagePercentageBoostArchery = 100.0 + +[Smithing] + #Should PMMO anvil handling be enabled? (xp rewards for repair, and also Enchantment handling) (some mod items break, if you experience lost enchantments, set this to false) + anvilHandlingEnabled = true + #Anvil combination limits enchantments to this level + #Range: 0 ~ 255 + maxEnchantLevel = 255 + #Vanilla starts at 50, hence: (50 - [this] * level) + #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 + anvilCostReductionPerLevel = 0.25 + #From what level can you salvage from both hands at the same time? + #Range: 1 ~ 99999 + dualSalvageSmithingLevelReq = 50 + #Bonus repair durability per level (100 = twice as much repair per level) + #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 + anvilFinalItemBonusRepaired = 1.0 + #How many levels per each Enchantment Level Bypass above max level enchantment can support in vanilla + #Range: 1 ~ 1000000000 + levelsPerOneEnchantBypass = 50 + #Anvil combination limits enchantments to max level set in this config + bypassEnchantLimit = true + #Max amount of levels enchants are able to go above max vanilla level + #Range: 0 ~ 1000000000 + maxEnchantmentBypass = 10 + #Each Enchantment Save Chance per Level + #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 + enchantSaveChancePerLevel = 0.9 + #Do players get xp for Smelting items in a Furnace? + smeltingXpEnabled = true + #What is the chance to Bypass a max enchant level (provided you got the skill to do so) + #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 + upgradeChance = 50.0 + #Vanilla caps at 50, at around 30 vanilla you can no longer anvil the item again. allows unlocking infinite Anvil uses. + #Range: 0 ~ 50 + anvilFinalItemMaxCostToAnvil = 10 + #Chance to not break anvil, 100 = twice the value, half the chance per Level. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 + extraChanceToNotBreakAnvilPerLevel = 1.0 + #What is the chance to Reduce a level after a Upgrade chance fails (100 = everytime you fail bypass, enchant level goes down by 1) + #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 + failedUpgradeKeepLevelChance = 50.0 + #Max Percentage chance to return each Enchantment Level + #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 + maxSalvageEnchantChance = 90.0 + #false = Upgrade Chance if only rolled if you are trying to upgrade your item ABOVE vanilla max level. true = you ALWAYS have an upgrade chance level. + alwaysUseUpgradeChance = false + #Do Furnaces produce extra items according to Item Owner Smithing level? + smeltingEnabled = true + +[Cooking] + #Do players get xp for Cooking items in Furnaces/Smokers/Fireplaces? + cookingXpEnabled = true + #Do Furnaces/Smokers/Fireplaces produce extra items according to Item Owner Cooking level? + cookingEnabled = true + +[Alchemy] + #Does Brewing provide a chance to produce Extra potions? + brewingEnabled = true + #Do players get xp for Brewing potions in Brewing Stands? + brewingXpEnabled = true + +[Swimming] + #Is Underwater Nightvision enabled? + underwaterNightVision = true + #Underwater Nightvision Unlock Level + #Range: 0 ~ 1000000 + nightvisionUnlockLevel = 25 + +[Fishing] + #Should normal drops from Fishing be disabled? + disableNormalFishDrops = false + #What is the chance on each successful fishing attempt to access the fish_pool + #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 + fishPoolBaseChance = 0.0 + #What is the increase per level to access the fish_pool + #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 + fishPoolChancePerLevel = 0.1523 + #What is the max chance to access the fish_pool + #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 + fishPoolMaxChance = 80.0 + +[Crafting] + #How much xp should be awarded in Crafting for each item crafted? (Json Overrides this) (Set to 0 to disable default xp) + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1000000.0 + defaultCraftingXp = 1.0 + #Should xp values for crafting be enabled? false means the default value is used + xpValueCraftingEnabled = true + +[Magic] + #How much extra damage can you get from the Magic skill max? + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0E9 + maxExtraDamagePercentageBoostMagic = 100.0 + #How much percentage bonus damage do you get per Magic level in Magic? + #Range: 0.001 ~ 1000.0 + damageBonusPercentPerLevelMagic = 0.005 + +[Gunslinging] + #How much percentage bonus damage do you get per Gunslinging level in Gunslinging? + #Range: 0.001 ~ 1000.0 + damageBonusPercentPerLevelGunslinging = 0.005 + +[Slayer] + #How much slayer xp is awarded upon killing an aggresive mob by default + #Range: 0.0 ~ 10000.0 + aggresiveMobSlayerXp = 0.0 + +[Hunter] + #How much hunter xp is awarded upon killing a passive mob by default + #Range: 0.0 ~ 10000.0 + passiveMobHunterXp = 0.0 + +[Taming] + #Do players get xp for growing Plants? (Different from Harvest xp) + growingXpEnabledXpEnabled = true + #How much xp should be awarded in Taming for Taming an animal? (Json Overrides this) (Set to 0 to disable default xp) + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1000000.0 + defaultTamingXp = 0.0 + #Do players get xp for taming animals? + tamingXpEnabled = true + #Should default Taming Xp go to Farming instead of Taming? + defaultTamingXpFarming = false + +["Easter Eggs"] + #How much xp do you get for impersonating Jesus? + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1000000.0 + jesusXp = 0.075 + +["Auto Values"] + #Multiplier for the Auto Generated Crafting Xp Value, in the Crafting skill + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1000000.0 + autoGeneratedCraftingXpValueMultiplierCrafting = 1.0 + #Multiplier for the Auto Generated Crafting Xp Value, in the Smithing skill + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1000000.0 + autoGeneratedCraftingXpValueMultiplierSmithing = 1.0 + #Automatically assign values for Tool Requirement? + autoGenerateToolReqEnabled = true + #Automatically assign values for Cooking Extra Chance? (Works for Food) + autoGenerateCookingExtraChanceEnabled = true + #How much the Speed of the tool scales the Requirement of Mining to Use the tool + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1000000.0 + toolReqScaleOre = 5.0 + #Spam the log with every Auto Value generation? + outputAllAutoValuesToLog = false + #Valued used by autoGenerateExtraChanceEnabled, for Logs + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1000000.0 + defaultExtraChanceLog = 2.0 + #How much the Attack Damage values scales the Combat Requirement for Weapons + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1000000.0 + attackDamageReqScale = 4.0 + #Valued used by autoGenerateExtraChanceEnabled, for Ores + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1000000.0 + defaultExtraChanceOre = 1.0 + #How much the Armor value scales the Endurance Requirement for Armor + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1000000.0 + armorReqScale = 4.0 + #How much the Speed of the tool scales the Requirement of Woodcutting to Use the tool + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1000000.0 + toolReqScaleLog = 5.0 + #Automatically assign values for Extra Chance? (Works for Ores/Logs/Plants) + autoGenerateExtraChanceEnabled = true + #Automatically assign values for Weapon Requirement? + autoGenerateWeaponReqEnabled = true + #Multiplier for the Auto Generated Crafting Xp Value, in the Cooking skill + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1000000.0 + autoGeneratedCraftingXpValueMultiplierCooking = 1.0 + #Automatically assign values for Tool Requirement Dynamically? (This enables Live Scaling, for mods like Tinker's, or Draconic Evolution) + autoGenerateToolReqDynamicallyEnabled = true + #Automatically assign values for Weapon Requirement Dynamically? (This enables Live Scaling, for mods like Tinker's, or Draconic Evolution) + autoGenerateWeaponReqDynamicallyEnabled = true + #How much the Speed of the tool scales the Requirement of Excavation to Use the tool + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1000000.0 + toolReqScaleDirt = 5.0 + #If this is off, Decimal point level requirements will be assigned during Auto Value generation + autoGenerateRoundedValuesOnly = true + #How much the Armor Toughness value scales the Endurance Requirement for Armor + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1000000.0 + armorToughnessReqScale = 6.0 + #Automatically assign values for Cooking Experience? (Works for Food) + autoGenerateCookingXpEnabled = true + #Valued used by autoGenerateExtraChanceEnabled, for Plants + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1000000.0 + defaultExtraChancePlant = 1.5 + #Level Offset for all auto-generated Weapon Requirements + #Range: -1000000.0 ~ 1000000.0 + autoGenerateWeaponReqOffset = 0.0 + #Automatically assign values for un-assigned items? (May be inaccurate) + autoGenerateValuesEnabled = true + #Automatically assign values for Crafting Experience? (Works for Armor/Tools/Weapons) + autoGenerateCraftingXpEnabled = true + #Level Offset for all auto-generated Tool Requirements + #Range: -1000000.0 ~ 1000000.0 + autoGenerateToolReqOffset = 0.0 + #Automatically assign values for Wear Requirement Dynamically? (This enables Live Scaling, for mods like Tinker's, or Draconic Evolution) + autoGenerateWearReqDynamicallyEnabled = true + #Automatically assign values for Wear Requirement? + autoGenerateWearReqEnabled = true + #Should Automatically generated values for Wearing be Combat instead of Endurance? (True = Combat, False = Endurance) + autoGenerateWearReqAsCombat = false + #Level Offset for all auto-generated Wear Requirements + #Range: -1000000.0 ~ 1000000.0 + autoGenerateWearReqOffset = 0.0 + diff --git a/config/pmmo/biome_effect_negative.json b/config/pmmo/biome_effect_negative.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d6258e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/pmmo/biome_effect_negative.json @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +{ + "minecraft:bamboo_jungle": + { + "minecraft:slowness": 0, + "minecraft:weakness": 0 + }, + "minecraft:bamboo_jungle_hills": + { + "minecraft:slowness": 0, + "minecraft:weakness": 0 + }, + "minecraft:cold_ocean": + { + "minecraft:slowness": 1, + "minecraft:weakness": 0 + }, + "minecraft:deep_frozen_ocean": + { + "minecraft:slowness": 3, + "minecraft:weakness": 2 + }, + "minecraft:deep_ocean": + { + "minecraft:slowness": 0 + }, + "minecraft:frozen_ocean": + { + "minecraft:slowness": 2, + "minecraft:weakness": 1 + }, + "minecraft:jungle": + { + "minecraft:slowness": 0, + "minecraft:weakness": 0 + }, + "minecraft:jungle_edge": + { + "minecraft:slowness": 0, + "minecraft:weakness": 0 + }, + "minecraft:jungle_hills": + { + "minecraft:slowness": 0, + "minecraft:weakness": 0 + }, + "minecraft:ocean": + { + "minecraft:slowness": 0 + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/pmmo/biome_effect_positive.json b/config/pmmo/biome_effect_positive.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0b989d1 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/pmmo/biome_effect_positive.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "biomesoplenty:highland": + { + "minecraft:speed": 0 + }, + "minecraft:plains": + { + "minecraft:speed": 0 + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/pmmo/biome_mob_multiplier.json b/config/pmmo/biome_mob_multiplier.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0b7ad98 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/pmmo/biome_mob_multiplier.json @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +{ + "minecraft:bamboo_jungle": + { + "speedBonus": 1.5, + "hpBonus": 1.25 + }, + "minecraft:bamboo_jungle_hills": + { + "speedBonus": 1.5, + "hpBonus": 1.25 + }, + "minecraft:beach": + { + "speedBonus": 0.75, + "hpBonus": 0.75, + "damageBonus": 0.75 + }, + "minecraft:desert": + { + "speedBonus": 0.75, + "hpBonus": 0.75, + "damageBonus": 0.75 + }, + "minecraft:jungle": + { + "speedBonus": 1.5, + "hpBonus": 1.25 + }, + "minecraft:jungle_edge": + { + "speedBonus": 1.5, + "hpBonus": 1.25 + }, + "minecraft:jungle_hills": + { + "speedBonus": 1.5, + "hpBonus": 1.25 + }, + "minecraft:nether": + { + "hpBonus": 1.5, + "damageBonus": 1.5 + }, + "minecraft:plains": + { + "speedBonus": 0.75, + "hpBonus": 0.75, + "damageBonus": 0.75 + }, + "minecraft:river": + { + "speedBonus": 0.75, + "hpBonus": 0.75, + "damageBonus": 0.75 + }, + "minecraft:the_end": + { + "speedBonus": 1.25, + "hpBonus": 2, + "damageBonus": 1.25 + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/pmmo/block_specific.json b/config/pmmo/block_specific.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dbcdfed --- /dev/null +++ b/config/pmmo/block_specific.json @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +{ + "minecraft:bamboo": + { + "growsUpwards": 1 + }, + "minecraft:bamboo_sapling": + { + "growsUpwards": 1 + }, + "minecraft:cactus": + { + "growsUpwards": 1 + }, + "minecraft:smithing_table": + { + "salvageStation": 1 + }, + "minecraft:bedrock": + { + "salvageStation": 1 + }, + "minecraft:kelp": + { + "growsUpwards": 1 + }, + "minecraft:kelp_plant": + { + "growsUpwards": 1 + }, + "minecraft:sugar_cane": + { + "growsUpwards": 1 + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/pmmo/fish_enchant_pool.json b/config/pmmo/fish_enchant_pool.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5358bb3 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/pmmo/fish_enchant_pool.json @@ -0,0 +1,526 @@ +{ + "charm:curse_break": + { + "levelReq": 35, + "chancePerLevel": 1, + "maxChance": 50 + }, + "charm:homing": + { + "levelReq": 35, + "chancePerLevel": 1, + "maxChance": 50 + }, + "charm:magnetic": + { + "levelReq": 35, + "chancePerLevel": 1, + "maxChance": 50 + }, + "charm:salvage": + { + "levelReq": 35, + "chancePerLevel": 1, + "maxChance": 50 + }, + "dungeons_gear:accelerate": + { + "levelReq": 25, + "chancePerLevel": 1, + "maxChance": 50 + }, + "dungeons_gear:altruistic": + { + "levelReq": 25, + "chancePerLevel": 1, + "maxChance": 50 + }, + "dungeons_gear:anima_conduit": + { + "levelReq": 35, + "chancePerLevel": 1, + "maxChance": 50 + }, + "dungeons_gear:bonus_shot": + { + "levelReq": 35, + "chancePerLevel": 1, + "maxChance": 50 + }, + "dungeons_gear:burning": + { + "levelReq": 25, + "chancePerLevel": 1, + "maxChance": 50 + }, + "dungeons_gear:chain_reaction": + { + "levelReq": 25, + "chancePerLevel": 1, + "maxChance": 50 + }, + "dungeons_gear:chains": + { + "levelReq": 25, + "chancePerLevel": 1, + "maxChance": 50 + }, + "dungeons_gear:chilling": + { + "levelReq": 25, + "chancePerLevel": 1, + "maxChance": 50 + }, + "dungeons_gear:committed": + { + "levelReq": 25, + "chancePerLevel": 1, + "maxChance": 50 + }, + "dungeons_gear:cooldown": + { + "levelReq": 25, + "chancePerLevel": 1, + "maxChance": 50 + }, + "dungeons_gear:cowardice": + { + "levelReq": 25, + "chancePerLevel": 1, + "maxChance": 50 + }, + "dungeons_gear:critical_hit": + { + "levelReq": 35, + "chancePerLevel": 1, + "maxChance": 50 + }, + "dungeons_gear:deflect": + { + "levelReq": 25, + "chancePerLevel": 1, + "maxChance": 50 + }, + "dungeons_gear:echo": + { + "levelReq": 25, + "chancePerLevel": 1, + "maxChance": 50 + }, + "dungeons_gear:electrified": + { + "levelReq": 25, + "chancePerLevel": 1, + "maxChance": 50 + }, + "dungeons_gear:enigma_resonator": + { + "levelReq": 25, + "chancePerLevel": 1, + "maxChance": 50 + }, + "dungeons_gear:exploding": + { + "levelReq": 25, + "chancePerLevel": 1, + "maxChance": 50 + }, + "dungeons_gear:final_shout": + { + "levelReq": 35, + "chancePerLevel": 1, + "maxChance": 50 + }, + "dungeons_gear:fire_trail": + { + "levelReq": 35, + "chancePerLevel": 1, + "maxChance": 50 + }, + "dungeons_gear:food_reserves": + { + "levelReq": 35, + "chancePerLevel": 1, + "maxChance": 50 + }, + "dungeons_gear:freezing": + { + "levelReq": 25, + "chancePerLevel": 1, + "maxChance": 50 + }, + "dungeons_gear:frenzied": + { + "levelReq": 25, + "chancePerLevel": 1, + "maxChance": 50 + }, + "dungeons_gear:fuse_shot": + { + "levelReq": 35, + "chancePerLevel": 1, + "maxChance": 50 + }, + "dungeons_gear:gravity": + { + "levelReq": 25, + "chancePerLevel": 1, + "maxChance": 50 + }, + "dungeons_gear:gravity_pulse": + { + "levelReq": 25, + "chancePerLevel": 1, + "maxChance": 50 + }, + "dungeons_gear:growing": + { + "levelReq": 25, + "chancePerLevel": 1, + "maxChance": 50 + }, + "dungeons_gear:health_synergy": + { + "levelReq": 25, + "chancePerLevel": 1, + "maxChance": 50 + }, + "dungeons_gear:leeching": + { + "levelReq": 25, + "chancePerLevel": 1, + "maxChance": 50 + }, + "dungeons_gear:poison_cloud": + { + "levelReq": 25, + "chancePerLevel": 1, + "maxChance": 50 + }, + "dungeons_gear:potion_barrier": + { + "levelReq": 25, + "chancePerLevel": 1, + "maxChance": 50 + }, + 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-0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "some_mod:some_enchantment": + { + "2": + { + "agility": 10 + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/pmmo/req_weapon.json b/config/pmmo/req_weapon.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..595d2e1 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/pmmo/req_weapon.json @@ -0,0 +1,3030 @@ +{ + "appliedenergistics2:certus_quartz_axe": + { + "combat": 35 + }, + "appliedenergistics2:certus_quartz_pickaxe": + { + "combat": 30 + }, + "appliedenergistics2:certus_quartz_shovel": + { + "combat": 30 + }, + "appliedenergistics2:certus_quartz_sword": + { + "combat": 30 + }, + "appliedenergistics2:nether_quartz_axe": + { + "combat": 23 + }, + "appliedenergistics2:nether_quartz_pickaxe": + { + "combat": 17 + }, + "appliedenergistics2:nether_quartz_shovel": + { + "combat": 17 + }, + "appliedenergistics2:nether_quartz_sword": + { + "combat": 17 + }, + "aquaculture:neptunium_axe": + { + "combat": 75 + }, + "aquaculture:neptunium_fillet_knife": + { + "combat": 5 + }, + 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5 + }, + "colorfultools:pinkwooden_sword": + { + "combat": 5 + }, + "colorfultools:purplewooden_sword": + { + "combat": 5 + }, + "colorfultools:redwooden_sword": + { + "combat": 5 + }, + "colorfultools:whitewooden_sword": + { + "combat": 5 + }, + "colorfultools:wooden_sword": + { + "combat": 5 + }, + "colorfultools:yellowwooden_sword": + { + "combat": 5 + }, + "combustivefishing:searing_sword": + { + "combat": 60 + }, + "create:deforester": + { + "combat": 75 + }, + "doomweapon:argent_sword": + { + "combat": 90, + "endurance": 90, + "agility": 90 + }, + "doomweapon:axe_marauder_closed": + { + "combat": 80, + "endurance": 80, + "agility": 90 + }, + "doomweapon:axe_marauder_open": + { + "combat": 80, + "endurance": 80, + "agility": 90 + }, + "doomweapon:ballista": + { + "combat": 80, + "archery": 80, + "endurance": 80 + }, + "doomweapon:bfg9000": + { + "combat": 120, + "archery": 99, + "endurance": 99 + }, + "doomweapon:chaingun": + { + "combat": 80, + "archery": 80, + "endurance": 80 + 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"combat": 35 + }, + "dungeons_gear:betterfly_crossbow": + { + "archery": 25 + }, + "dungeons_gear:bonebow": + { + "archery": 25 + }, + "dungeons_gear:bow_of_lost_souls": + { + "archery": 25 + }, + "dungeons_gear:broadsword": + { + "combat": 20 + }, + "dungeons_gear:burst_crossbow": + { + "archery": 30 + }, + "dungeons_gear:butterfly_crossbow": + { + "archery": 25 + }, + "dungeons_gear:claymore": + { + "combat": 20 + }, + "dungeons_gear:corrupted_crossbow": + { + "archery": 30 + }, + "dungeons_gear:cursed_axe": + { + "combat": 35 + }, + "dungeons_gear:cutless": + { + "combat": 10 + }, + "dungeons_gear:dagger": + { + "combat": 5 + }, + "dungeons_gear:dancers_sword": + { + "combat": 35 + }, + "dungeons_gear:dark_katana": + { + "combat": 35 + }, + "dungeons_gear:doom_crossbow": + { + "archery": 25 + }, + "dungeons_gear:double_axe": + { + "combat": 35 + }, + "dungeons_gear:dual_crossbow": + { + "archery": 15 + }, + "dungeons_gear:elite_power_bow": + { + "archery": 25 + }, + 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+ "archery": 25 + }, + "dungeons_gear:haunted_bow": + { + "archery": 25 + }, + "dungeons_gear:hawkbrand": + { + "combat": 25 + }, + "dungeons_gear:heartstealer": + { + "combat": 35 + }, + "dungeons_gear:heavy_crossbow": + { + "archery": 15 + }, + "dungeons_gear:highland_axe": + { + "combat": 35 + }, + "dungeons_gear:hunter_bow": + { + "archery": 10 + }, + "dungeons_gear:hunters_promise": + { + "archery": 25 + }, + "dungeons_gear:hunting_bow": + { + "archery": 10 + }, + "dungeons_gear:imploding_crossbow": + { + "archery": 30 + }, + "dungeons_gear:jailors_scythe": + { + "combat": 35 + }, + "dungeons_gear:katana": + { + "combat": 15 + }, + "dungeons_gear:lightning_harp_crossbow": + { + "archery": 35 + }, + "dungeons_gear:longbow": + { + "archery": 10 + }, + "dungeons_gear:love_spell_bow": + { + "archery": 15, + "magic": 5 + }, + "dungeons_gear:mace": + { + "combat": 15 + }, + "dungeons_gear:master_bow": + { + "archery": 25 + }, + "dungeons_gear:masters_bow": + { + "archery": 25 + }, + "dungeons_gear:masters_katana": + { + "combat": 35 + }, + "dungeons_gear:mauler": + { + "combat": 25 + }, + "dungeons_gear:mechanical_shortbow": + { + "archery": 25 + }, + "dungeons_gear:moon_dagger": + { + "combat": 25 + }, + "dungeons_gear:nameless_blade": + { + "combat": 35 + }, + "dungeons_gear:nightmares_bite": + { + "combat": 25 + }, + "dungeons_gear:nocturnal_bow": + { + "archery": 25 + }, + "dungeons_gear:power_bow": + { + "archery": 15 + }, + "dungeons_gear:purple_storm": + { + "archery": 25 + }, + "dungeons_gear:rapid_crossbow": + { + "archery": 15 + }, + "dungeons_gear:red_snake": + { + "archery": 25 + }, + "dungeons_gear:sabrewing": + { + "archery": 25 + }, + "dungeons_gear:scatter_crossbow": + { + "archery": 25 + }, + "dungeons_gear:shortbow": + { + "archery": 10 + }, + "dungeons_gear:sickle": + { + "combat": 10 + }, + "dungeons_gear:slayer_crossbow": + { + "archery": 25 + }, + "dungeons_gear:snow_bow": + { + "archery": 25 + }, + "dungeons_gear:soul_bow": + { + "archery": 10 + }, + "dungeons_gear:soul_crossbow": + { + "archery": 25 + }, + "dungeons_gear:soul_fist": + { + "combat": 25 + }, + "dungeons_gear:soul_hunter_crossbow": + { + "archery": 30 + }, + "dungeons_gear:soul_knife": + { + "combat": 35 + }, + "dungeons_gear:soul_scythe": + { + "combat": 35 + }, + "dungeons_gear:spear": + { + "combat": 15 + }, + "dungeons_gear:stormlander": + { + "combat": 50 + }, + "dungeons_gear:suns_grace": + { + "combat": 50 + }, + "dungeons_gear:the_green_menace": + { + "archery": 25 + }, + "dungeons_gear:the_last_laugh": + { + "combat": 25 + }, + "dungeons_gear:the_pink_scoundrel": + { + "archery": 25 + }, + "dungeons_gear:the_slicer": + { + "archery": 25 + }, + "dungeons_gear:trickbow": + { + "archery": 15 + }, + "dungeons_gear:truthseeker": + { + "combat": 35 + }, + "dungeons_gear:twin_bow": + { + "archery": 25 + }, + "dungeons_gear:venom_glaive": + { + "combat": 35 + }, + "dungeons_gear:vine_whip": + { + "combat": 35 + }, + "dungeons_gear:voidcaller": + { + "archery": 25 + }, + "dungeons_gear:whip": + { + "combat": 15 + }, + "dungeons_gear:whirlwind": + { + "combat": 55 + }, + "dungeons_gear:winters_touch": + { + "archery": 25 + }, + "endreborn:end_stone_axe": + { + "combat": 20 + }, + "endreborn:end_stone_pickaxe": + { + "combat": 20 + }, + "endreborn:end_stone_shovel": + { + "combat": 20 + }, + "endreborn:end_stone_sword": + { + "combat": 20 + }, + "endreborn:endorium_axe": + { + "combat": 60 + }, + "endreborn:endorium_pickaxe": + { + "combat": 60 + }, + "endreborn:endorium_shovel": + { + "combat": 60 + }, + "endreborn:endorium_sword": + { + "combat": 60 + }, + "endreborn:wolframium_axe": + { + "combat": 45 + }, + "endreborn:wolframium_pickaxe": + { + "combat": 35 + }, + "endreborn:wolframium_shovel": + { + "combat": 35 + }, + "endreborn:wolframium_sword": + { + "combat": 35 + }, + "expanded_combat:diamond_bow": + { + "archery": 10 + }, + "expanded_combat:diamond_bow_half": + { + "archery": 10 + }, + "expanded_combat:gold_bow": + { + 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+ "xpPerItem": 2.5, + "levelReq": 50 + } + }, + "iceandfire:dragonsteel_lightning_shovel": + { + "iceandfire:witherbone": + { + "salvageMax": 2, + "baseChance": 35, + "chancePerLevel": 2, + "maxChance": 80, + "xpPerItem": 2.5, + "levelReq": 50 + } + }, + "iceandfire:dragonsteel_lightning_sword": + { + "iceandfire:witherbone": + { + "salvageMax": 2, + "baseChance": 35, + "chancePerLevel": 2, + "maxChance": 80, + "xpPerItem": 2.5, + "levelReq": 50 + } + }, + "iceandfire:myrmex_desert_axe": + { + "iceandfire:witherbone": + { + "salvageMax": 2, + "baseChance": 35, + "chancePerLevel": 2, + "maxChance": 80, + "xpPerItem": 2.5, + "levelReq": 40 + } + }, + "iceandfire:myrmex_desert_boots": + { + "iceandfire:myrmex_desert_chitin": + { + "salvageMax": 4, + "baseChance": 0.5, + "chancePerLevel": 0.5, + "maxChance": 80, + "xpPerItem": 75, + "levelReq": 40 + } + }, + "iceandfire:myrmex_desert_chestplate": + { + "iceandfire:myrmex_desert_chitin": + { + "salvageMax": 8, + "baseChance": 0.5, + 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+ }, + "ars_nouveau:archmage_leggings": + { + "magic": 5.5 + }, + "ars_nouveau:archmage_robes": + { + "magic": 6.5 + }, + "ars_nouveau:archmage_hood": + { + "magic": 5.5 + }, + "create:extendo_grip": + { + "building": 10, + "combat": 10, + "mining": 10 + }, + "createplus:goggle_chainmail_helmet": + { + "combat": 5 + }, + "createplus:goggle_diamond_helmet": + { + "magic": 2.5 + }, + "createplus:goggle_golden_helmet": + { + "mining": 5, + "endurance": 5 + }, + "createplus:goggle_iron_helmet": + { + "smithing": 5 + }, + "createplus:goggle_leather_helmet": + { + "woodcutting": 2.5, + "agility": 2.5, + "farming": 2.5, + "fishing": 2.5 + }, + "createplus:goggle_turtle_helmet": + { + "swimming": 15, + "fishing": 7.5 + }, + "dungeons_gear:cave_crawler_chestplate": + { + "slayer": 5 + }, + "dungeons_gear:cave_crawler_helmet": + { + "slayer": 5 + }, + "dungeons_gear:dark_chestplate": + { + "slayer": 10 + }, + "dungeons_gear:dark_helmet": + { + "slayer": 10 + }, + 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"#forge:ingots/tertium": { + "magic": 2, + "smithing": 12 + }, + "#forge:ingots/tin": { + "smithing": 6.5 + }, + "#forge:ingots/tungsten": { + "smithing": 20 + }, + "#forge:ingots/tyrian_steel": { + "smithing": 28 + }, + "#forge:ingots/uranium": { + "smithing": 18 + }, + "#forge:ingots/utherium": { + "smithing": 12 + }, + "#forge:ingots/yellorium": { + "smithing": 16 + }, + "#forge:ingots/zinc": { + "smithing": 16 + }, + "#forge:ingots/zitrite": { + "magic": 4, + "smithing": 12 + }, + "#forge:nuggets/gold": { + "smithing": 1.95 + }, + "#forge:nuggets/iron": { + "smithing": 1.3 + }, + "#forge:plastic": { + "smithing": 4 + }, + "#forge:sandstone": { + "smithing": 3 + }, + "#forge:silicon": { + "smithing": 16 + }, + "#forge:stone": { + "smithing": 1 + }, + "#forge:terracottas": { + "smithing": 1.5 + }, + "#minecraft:coals": { + "smithing": 8 + }, + "#minecraft:stone_bricks": { + "smithing": 1 + }, + "eidolon:enchanted_ash": { + "magic": 2, + "smithing": 1 + }, + "minecraft:cracked_nether_bricks": { + "smithing": 1.5 + }, + "minecraft:cracked_polished_blackstone_bricks": { + "smithing": 2.5 + }, + "minecraft:netherite_scrap": { + "smithing": 333 + }, + "minecraft:smooth_stone": { + "smithing": 1 + }, + "minecraft:terracotta": { + "crafting": 14, + "smithing": 6 + }, + "powah:uraninite": { + "smithing": 14 + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/pmmo/xp_value_tame.json b/config/pmmo/xp_value_tame.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..32e1676 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/pmmo/xp_value_tame.json @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +{ + "iceandfire:fire_dragon": + { + "taming": 65 + }, + "iceandfire:hippocampus": + { + "taming": 30 + }, + "iceandfire:hippogryph": + { + "taming": 40 + }, + "iceandfire:ice_dragon": + { + "taming": 75 + }, + "iceandfire:lightning_dragon": + { + "taming": 100 + }, + "minecraft:exampleanimal": + { + "taming": 10 + }, + "minecraft:horse": + { + "taming": 30 + }, + "minecraft:ocelot": + { + "taming": 20 + }, + "minecraft:parrot": + { + "taming": 20 + }, + "minecraft:wolf": + { + "taming": 10 + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/pmmo/xp_value_trigger.json b/config/pmmo/xp_value_trigger.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9060575 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/pmmo/xp_value_trigger.json @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +{ + "doomweapon.consume.inmortal": + { + "magic": 90 + }, + "doomweapon.consume.invisible": + { + "magic": 35 + }, + "doomweapon.consume.mega": + { + "magic": 105 + }, + "doomweapon.consume.power": + { + "magic": 60 + }, + "doomweapon.consume.soul": + { + "magic": 50 + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/polymorph-integrations.toml b/config/polymorph-integrations.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c2177bf --- /dev/null +++ b/config/polymorph-integrations.toml @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +storagenetwork = true +tconstruct = true +fastfurnaceminusreplacement = true +sophisticatedbackpacks = true +fastfurnace = true +craftingstation = true +ironfurnaces = true +occultism = true +jei = true +extendedcrafting = true +fastbenchminusreplacement = true +refinedstorageaddons = true +craftingcraft = true +toms_storage = true +refinedstorage = true +prettypipes = true +fastsuite = true +fastbench = true +cyclic = true +appliedenergistics2 = true + diff --git a/config/quark-common.toml b/config/quark-common.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..32c941b --- /dev/null +++ b/config/quark-common.toml @@ -0,0 +1,2100 @@ + +[general] + #Allowed values: (0,) + "Advancement Visibility Depth" = 2 + "'q' Button on the Right" = false + #Allowed values: (0,) + "Piston Push Limit" = 12 + #Set to true to make the quark big worldgen features such as stone clusters or underground biomes generate as spheres rather than unique shapes. It's faster, but won't look as cool + "Use Fast Worldgen" = false + "Enable 'q' Button" = true + #A list of screens that don't play well with quark's buttons. Use "Print Screen Classnames" to find the names of any others you'd want to add. + "Ignored Screens" = [] + "Use Anti Overlap" = true + #Enables quark network profiling features. Do not enable this unless requested to. + "Enable Network Profiling" = false + #Quark replaces the Piston logic to allow for its piston features to work. If you're having troubles, try turning this off. + "Use Piston Logic Replacement" = true + #Set to true if you need to find the class name for a screen that's causing problems + "Print Screen Classnames" = false + #Blocks that Quark should treat as Shulker Boxes. + "Shulker Boxes" = ["minecraft:white_shulker_box", "minecraft:orange_shulker_box", "minecraft:magenta_shulker_box", "minecraft:light_blue_shulker_box", "minecraft:yellow_shulker_box", "minecraft:lime_shulker_box", "minecraft:pink_shulker_box", "minecraft:gray_shulker_box", "minecraft:light_gray_shulker_box", "minecraft:cyan_shulker_box", "minecraft:purple_shulker_box", "minecraft:blue_shulker_box", "minecraft:brown_shulker_box", "minecraft:green_shulker_box", "minecraft:red_shulker_box", "minecraft:black_shulker_box"] + #Set to true to enable a system that debugs quark's worldgen features. This should ONLY be used if you're asked to by a dev. + "Enable Worldgen Watchdog" = false + #Should Quark treat anything with 'shulker_box' in its item identifier as a shulker box? + "Interpret Shulker Box Like Blocks" = true + +[categories] + Building = true + Automation = true + Oddities = true + Tweaks = true + Experimental = true + Mobs = true + Tools = true + Management = true + World = true + Client = true + +[automation] + Chute = true + "Iron Rod" = true + "Weather Sensor" = true + "Ender Watcher" = true + "Endermites Form Shulkers" = true + "Jukebox Automation" = true + "Chains Connect Blocks" = true + "Color Slime" = true + "Dispensers Place Blocks" = true + "Redstone Circuit" = true + "Chain Linkage" = true + Gravisand = true + "Metal Buttons" = true + "Obsidian Plate" = true + "Pistons Move Tile Entities" = true + "Feeding Trough" = true + + [automation.dispensers_place_blocks] + Blacklist = ["minecraft:water", "minecraft:lava", "minecraft:fire"] + + [automation.chain_linkage] + #Can vehicle-linking chains be used for crafting chain armor? + "Crafts Armor" = true + + [automation.redstone_circuit] + "Enable Inductor" = true + "Enable Randomizer" = true + + [automation.metal_buttons] + "Enable Iron" = true + "Enable Gold" = true + + [automation.endermites_form_shulkers] + Chance = 0.005 + + [automation.pistons_move_tile_entities] + "Enable Chests Moving Together" = true + "Render Blacklist" = ["psi:programmer", "botania:starfield"] + "Movement Blacklist" = ["minecraft:spawner", "integrateddynamics:cable", "randomthings:blockbreaker", "minecraft:ender_chest", "minecraft:enchanting_table", "minecraft:trapped_chest", "quark:spruce_trapped_chest", "quark:birch_trapped_chest", "quark:jungle_trapped_chest", "quark:acacia_trapped_chest", "quark:dark_oak_trapped_chest", "endergetic:bolloom_bud"] + "Delayed Update List" = ["minecraft:dispenser", "minecraft:dropper"] + + [automation.color_slime] + "Change Name" = true + + [automation.feeding_trough] + #The chance (between 0 and 1) for an animal to enter love mode when eating from the trough + #Allowed values: (0,1] + "Love Chance" = 0.333333333 + #How long, in game ticks, between animals being able to eat from the trough + #Allowed values: [1,) + Cooldown = 30 + #The maximum amount of animals allowed around the trough's range for an animal to enter love mode + "Max Animals" = 32 + Range = 10.0 + +[building] + "Cobblestone Bricks" = true + "Burn Vines" = true + "Quilted Wool" = true + "Celebratory Lamps" = true + "Variant Chests" = true + Hedges = true + "Vertical Slabs" = true + "Nether Brick Fence Gate" = true + "Lit Lamp" = true + "Vertical Planks" = true + "Tie Leads To Fences" = true + "Shallow Dirt" = true + "More Stone Variants" = true + Turf = true + "Paper Decor" = true + Rope = true + "Iron Plates" = true + "Sturdy Stone" = true + "More Potted Plants" = true + Grate = true + "Variant Bookshelves" = true + "Duskbound Blocks" = true + "Bamboo Mat" = true + "More Brick Types" = true + "Gold Bars" = true + "Soul Sandstone" = true + "Compressed Blocks" = true + Stools = true + Thatch = true + "Variant Ladders" = true + Shingles = true + "Item Frames" = true + "Stained Planks" = true + "Wooden Posts" = true + "Leaf Carpet" = true + Midori = true + "Framed Glass" = true + "Tallow And Candles" = true + + [building.thatch] + #Allowed values: [0,1] + "Fall Damage Multiplier" = 0.5 + + [building.item_frames] + "Glass Item Frames Update Maps" = true + + [building.cobblestone_bricks] + "Enable Basalt Bricks" = true + "Enable Netherrack Bricks" = true + "Enable Dirt Bricks" = true + "Enable Blackstone Bricks" = true + + [building.rope] + "Enable Dispenser Behavior" = true + #Set to true to allow ropes to move Tile Entities even if Pistons Push TEs is disabled. + #Note that ropes will still use the same blacklist. + "Force Enable Move Tile Entities" = false + + [building.more_stone_variants] + "Enable Bricks" = true + "Enable Pillar" = true + "Enable Chiseled Bricks" = true + "Enable Pavement" = true + + [building.variant_ladders] + "Change Names" = true + "Enable Iron Ladder" = true + + [building.compressed_blocks] + "Enable Cocoa Bean Sack" = true + "Enable Cactus Block" = true + "Enable Apple Crate" = true + "Charcoal Block and Blaze Lantern Stay On Fire Forever" = true + "Enable Bonded Rabbit Hide" = true + "Enable Charcoal Block" = true + "Enable Gunpowder Sack" = true + "Enable Potato Crate" = true + "Enable Stick Block" = true + "Enable Carrot Crate" = true + "Enable Beetroot Crate" = true + "Enable Nether Wart Sack" = true + "Enable Chorus Fruit Block" = true + "Enable Blaze Lantern" = true + "Enable Bamboo Block" = true + "Enable Berry Sack" = true + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Bamboo Bundle Fuel Time" = 500 + "Enable Golden Apple Crate" = true + "Enable Sugar Cane Block" = true + "Enable Bonded Leather" = true + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Blaze Lantern Fuel Time" = 24000 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Charcoal Block Fuel Time" = 16000 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Stick Block Fuel Time" = 900 + + [building.variant_chests] + "Enable Reverting Wooden Chests" = true + "Replace Worldgen Chests" = true + #Chests to put in each structure. The format per entry is "structure=chest", where "structure" is a structure ID, and "chest" is a block ID, which must correspond to a standard chest block. + "Structure Chests" = ["minecraft:village_plains=quark:oak_chest", "minecraft:igloo=quark:spruce_chest", "minecraft:village_snowy=quark:spruce_chest", "minecraft:village_taiga=quark:spruce_chest", "minecraft:desert_pyramid=quark:birch_chest", "minecraft:jungle_pyramid=quark:jungle_chest", "minecraft:village_desert=quark:jungle_chest", "minecraft:village_savanna=quark:acacia_chest", "minecraft:mansion=quark:dark_oak_chest", "minecraft:pillager_outpost=quark:dark_oak_chest", "minecraft:ruined_portal=quark:crimson_chest", "minecraft:bastion_remnant=quark:crimson_chest", "minecraft:fortress=quark:nether_brick_chest", "minecraft:endcity=quark:purpur_chest"] + + [building.gold_bars] + "Generate In Nether Fortress" = true + + [building.more_brick_types] + "Enable Magma Bricks" = true + "Enable Sandy Bricks" = true + #This also comes with a utility recipe for Red Nether Bricks + "Enable Blue Nether Bricks" = true + "Enable Blackstone Variant Bricks" = true + "Enable Charred Nether Bricks" = true + "Enable Snow Bricks" = true + #This also includes Red Sandstone Bricks and Soul Sandstone Bricks + "Enable Sandstone Bricks" = true + + [building.tallow_and_candles] + "Candles Fall" = true + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Tallow Burn Time" = 200 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Max Drop" = 3 + #Allowed values: [0,15] + "Enchant Power" = 1.0 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Min Drop" = 1 + + [building.celebratory_lamps] + "Light Level" = 15 + + [building.variant_bookshelves] + "Change Names" = true + +[management] + "Chests In Boats" = true + "Inventory Sorting" = true + "Shulker Box Right Click" = true + "Hotbar Changer" = true + "Item Sharing" = true + "Right Click Armor" = true + "Easy Transfering" = true + + [management.inventory_sorting] + #Play a click when sorting inventories using keybindings + "Satisfying Click" = true + "Enable Chests" = true + "Enable Player Inventory In Chests" = true + "Enable Player Inventory" = true + + [management.easy_transfering] + "Enable Shift Lock" = true + + [management.item_sharing] + "Render Items In Chat" = true + +[tools] + Pickarang = true + "Ambient Discs" = true + "Seed Pouch" = true + "Pathfinder Maps" = true + "Bottled Cloud" = true + "Color Runes" = true + "Endermosh Music Disc" = true + "Ancient Tomes" = true + "Slime In A Bucket" = true + Camera = true + Abacus = true + Trowel = true + + [tools.ambient_discs] + "Drop On Spider Kill" = true + + [tools.trowel] + #Amount of blocks placed is this value + 1. + #Set to 0 to make the Trowel unbreakable + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Trowel Max Durability" = 0 + + [tools.bottled_cloud] + "Cloud Level Top" = 132 + "Cloud Level Bottom" = 127 + + [tools.ancient_tomes] + #Set to 0 to not generate in Underwater Ruins + "Underwater Ruin Weight" = 0 + #Set to 0 to not generate in Woodland Mansions + "Woodland Mansion Weight" = 15 + "Normal Upgrade Cost" = 10 + "Valid Enchantments" = ["minecraft:feather_falling", "minecraft:thorns", "minecraft:sharpness", "minecraft:smite", "minecraft:bane_of_arthropods", "minecraft:knockback", "minecraft:fire_aspect", "minecraft:looting", "minecraft:sweeping", "minecraft:efficiency", "minecraft:unbreaking", "minecraft:fortune", "minecraft:power", "minecraft:punch", "minecraft:luck_of_the_sea", "minecraft:lure", "minecraft:loyalty", "minecraft:riptide", "minecraft:impaling", "minecraft:piercing"] + #Set to 0 to not generate in Dungeons + "Dungeon Weight" = 20 + "Item Quality" = 2 + "Limit Break Upgrade Cost" = 30 + #Set to 0 to not generate in Stronghold Libraries + "Library Weight" = 30 + #Set to 0 to not generate in Nether Fortresses + "Nether Fortress Weight" = 0 + #Set to 0 to not generate in Bastions + "Bastion Weight" = 25 + #Set to 0 to not generate in Monster Boxes + "Monster Box Weight" = 5 + + [tools.pathfinder_maps] + #In this section you can add custom Pathfinder Maps. This works for both vanilla and modded biomes. + #Each custom map must be on its own line. + #The format for a custom map is as follows: + #,,,,, + # + #With the following descriptions: + # - being the biome's ID NAME. You can find vanilla names here - + # - being the Cartographer villager level required for the map to be unlockable + # - being the cheapest (in Emeralds) the map can be + # - being the most expensive (in Emeralds) the map can be + # - being a hex color (without the #) for the map to display. You can generate one here - + # - being the display name of the map + # + #Here's an example of a map to locate Ice Mountains: + #minecraft:ice_mountains,2,8,14,7FE4FF,Ice Mountains Pathfinder Map + Customs = [] + "Search Radius" = 6400 + "Search Distance Increment" = 8 + "Xp From Trade" = 5 + + [tools.endermosh_music_disc] + "Play Endermosh During Enderdragon Fight" = false + "Loot Quality" = 1 + "Add To End City Loot" = true + "Loot Weight" = 5 + + [tools.seed_pouch] + "Show All Variants In Creative" = true + "Shift Range" = 3 + "Max Items" = 640 + + [tools.color_runes] + "Jungle Temple Weight" = 8 + "Desert Temple Weight" = 8 + "Dungeon Weight" = 10 + "Item Quality" = 0 + "Apply Cost" = 5 + "Nether Fortress Weight" = 8 + + [tools.pickarang] + #22.5 is ender chests, 25.0 is monster boxes, 50 is obsidian. Most things are below 5. + "Max Hardness" = 20.0 + #2 is Iron, 3 is Diamond. + "Harvest Level" = 3 + #2 is Iron, 3 is Diamond. + "Netherite Harvest Level" = 3 + #How long it takes before the pickarang starts returning to the player if it doesn't hit anything. + Timeout = 20 + #Set to -1 to have the Pickarang be unbreakable. + Durability = 800 + #Set this to true to disable the short cooldown between throwing pickarangs. + "No Cooldown" = false + #Set to -1 to have the Flamerang be unbreakable. + "Netherite Durability" = 1040 + #Set this to true to use the recipe without the Heart of Diamond, even if the Heart of Diamond is enabled. + "Never Use Heart Of Diamond" = false + +[tweaks] + "Armed Armor Stands" = true + "Lock Rotation" = true + "Dragon Scales" = true + "Replace Scaffolding" = true + "Axe Leaf Harvesting" = true + "Sign Editing" = true + "Dirt To Path" = true + "Simple Harvest" = true + "Hoe Harvesting" = true + "Reacharound Placing" = true + "Villagers Follow Emeralds" = true + "Compasses Work Everywhere" = true + "Skull Pikes" = true + "Note Block Mob Sounds" = true + "Double Door Opening" = true + "Automatic Recipe Unlock" = true + "Poison Potato Usage" = true + "Lava Bucket As Trash" = true + "Improved Sleeping" = true + "Infinity Bucket" = true + "Springy Slime" = true + Emotes = true + "Utility Recipes" = true + "Pat The Dogs" = true + "Enhanced Ladders" = true + "Snow Golem Player Heads" = true + "Glass Shard" = true + "Campfires Boost Elytra" = true + "More Banner Layers" = true + "Better Elytra Rocket" = true + + [tweaks.sign_editing] + "Requires Empty Hand" = false + + [tweaks.pat_the_dogs] + #How many ticks it takes for a dog to want affection after being pet/tamed; leave -1 to disable + "Dogs Want Love" = -1 + + [tweaks.automatic_recipe_unlock] + #A list of recipe names that should NOT be added in by default + "Ignored Recipes" = [] + "Disable Recipe Book" = false + "Force Limited Crafting" = false + + [tweaks.hoe_harvesting] + "Hoes Can Have Fortune" = true + + [tweaks.skull_pikes] + "Pike Range" = 5.0 + + [tweaks.infinity_bucket] + #Set this to false to prevent dispensers from using infinite water buckets + "Allow Dispensers To Use" = true + Cost = 10 + + [tweaks.poison_potato_usage] + "Poison Effect" = true + Chance = 0.1 + + [tweaks.utility_recipes] + #Can you craft four chests at once using logs? + "Logs To Chests" = true + #Can other stone-like materials be used for crafting stone tools? + "Better Stone Tool Crafting" = true + #Can a dispenser be crafted by adding a bow to a dropper? + "Enable Dispenser" = true + #Can cookies, paper, and bread be crafted in a 2x2 crafting table? + "Bent Recipes" = true + #Can Rotten Flesh and Poisonous Potatoes be composted? + "Compostable Toxins" = true + #Can bones be smelted down to bone meal? + "Bone Meal Utility" = true + #Can any wool color be dyed? + "Dye Any Wool" = true + #Can Coral be crafted into dye? + "Coral To Dye" = true + #Can torches can be used as fuel in furnaces? + "Torches Burn" = true + #Can a repeater be crafted with the pattern for a redstone torch? + "Enable Repeater" = true + #Can you craft a minecart around blocks which can be placed inside? + "Enable Minecarts" = true + #Does Dragon Breath return a bottle when used as a reagent or material? + "Effective Dragon Breath" = true + + [tweaks.reacharound_placing] + #Allowed values: [0,1] + Leniency = 0.5 + Whitelist = [] + "Display Horizontal" = "< >" + Display = "[ ]" + + [tweaks.improved_sleeping] + "Enable Afk" = true + #Allowed values: (0,) + "Afk Time" = 2400 + #Allowed values: (0,1] + "Percent Req" = 1.0 + + [tweaks.emotes] + #The enabled default emotes. Remove from this list to disable them. You can also re-order them, if you feel like it. + "Enabled Emotes" = ["no", "yes", "wave", "salute", "cheer", "clap", "think", "point", "shrug", "headbang", "weep", "facepalm"] + #Enable this to make custom emotes read the file every time they're triggered so you can edit on the fly. + #DO NOT ship enabled this in a modpack, please. + "Custom Emote Debug" = false + #The list of Custom Emotes to be loaded. + #Watch the tutorial on Custom Emotes to learn how to make your own: + "Custom Emotes" = [] + + [tweaks.simple_harvest] + #Can players harvest crops with empty hand clicks? + "Empty Hand Harvest" = true + #Does harvesting crops with a hoe cost durability? + "Harvesting Costs Durability" = false + #Should Quark look for (nonvanilla) crops, and handle them? + "Do Harvesting Search" = true + #Which crops can be harvested? + #Format is: "harvestState[,afterHarvest]", i.e. "minecraft:wheat[age=7]" or "minecraft:cocoa[age=2,facing=north],minecraft:cocoa[age=0,facing=north]" + "Harvestable Blocks" = ["minecraft:wheat[age=7]", "minecraft:carrots[age=7]", "minecraft:potatoes[age=7]", "minecraft:beetroots[age=3]", "minecraft:nether_wart[age=3]", "minecraft:cocoa[age=2,facing=north],minecraft:cocoa[age=0,facing=north]", "minecraft:cocoa[age=2,facing=south],minecraft:cocoa[age=0,facing=south]", "minecraft:cocoa[age=2,facing=east],minecraft:cocoa[age=0,facing=east]", "minecraft:cocoa[age=2,facing=west],minecraft:cocoa[age=0,facing=west]"] + + [tweaks.enhanced_ladders] + #Allowed values: (,0] + "Fall Speed" = -0.2 + + [tweaks.compasses_work_everywhere] + "Enable Nether" = true + "Enable Compass Nerf" = true + "Enable End" = true + "Enable Clock Nerf" = true + + [tweaks.campfires_boost_elytra] + "Boost Strength" = 0.5 + "Max Speed" = 1.0 + + [tweaks.more_banner_layers] + #Allowed values: [1,16] + "Layer Limit" = 16 + + [tweaks.replace_scaffolding] + #How many times the algorithm for finding out where a block would be placed is allowed to turn. If you set this to large values (> 3) it may start producing weird effects. + "Max Bounces" = 1 + +[world] + "New Stone Types" = true + "Lush Underground Biome" = true + "Big Dungeon" = true + Speleothems = true + "Elder Prismarine Underground Biome" = true + "Blossom Trees" = true + "Sandstone Underground Biome" = true + "Glowshroom Underground Biome" = true + "Permafrost Underground Biome" = true + "Underground Clay" = true + "Slime Underground Biome" = true + "Fairy Rings" = true + "Chorus Vegetation" = true + Crevices = true + "Nether Obsidian Spikes" = true + "Mega Caves" = true + "Realistic World Gen" = true + Biotite = true + "Big Stone Clusters" = true + "Brimstone Underground Biome" = true + "Cave Crystal Underground Biome" = true + "Spiral Spires" = true + "Overgrown Underground Biome" = true + "Cave Roots" = true + "Spider Nest Underground Biome" = true + Deepslate = true + "Monster Box" = true + + [world.monster_box] + #The chance for the monster box generator to try and place one in a chunk, 1 is 100% + #This can be higher than 100% if you want multiple per chunk, , 0 is 0% + "Chance Per Chunk" = 0.8 + "Min Mob Count" = 5 + "Min Y" = 5 + "Max Y" = 30 + "Max Mob Count" = 8 + "Enable Extra Loot Table" = true + #How many blocks to search vertically from a position before trying to place a block. Higher means you'll get more boxes in open spaces. + "Search Range" = 6 + + [world.monster_box.dimensions] + Dimensions = ["minecraft:overworld"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [world.cave_crystal_underground_biome] + #The chance that a crystal can grow, this is on average 1 in X world ticks, set to a higher value to make them grow slower. Minimum is 1, for every tick. Set to 0 to disable growth. + "Cave Crystal Growth Chance" = 5 + #Allowed values: [0,1] + "Crystal Chance" = 0.16 + #Allowed values: [0,1] + "Crystal Cluster On Sides Chance" = 0.6 + #Allowed values: [0,1] + "Crystal Cluster Chance" = 0.2 + #Allowed values: [0,1] + "Double Crystal Chance" = 0.2 + "Enable Collateral Movement" = true + "Enable Beacon Redirection" = true + "Crystals Craft Runes" = true + + [world.cave_crystal_underground_biome.biome_settings] + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Horizontal Size" = 42 + #Allowed values: [0,) + Rarity = 400 + #Allowed values: [0,255] + "Min Y Level" = 0 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Horizontal Variation" = 22 + #Allowed values: [0,255] + "Max Y Level" = 64 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Vertical Size" = 18 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Vertical Variation" = 8 + + [world.cave_crystal_underground_biome.biome_settings.biomes] + #Allowed values: [[hot, cold, sparse, dense, wet, dry, savanna, coniferous, + # jungle, spooky, dead, lush, mushroom, magical, rare, + # plateau, modified, ocean, river, water, mesa, forest, + # plains, mountain, hills, swamp, sandy, snowy, wasteland, + # beach, void, overworld, nether, end] + "Biome Types" = ["ocean"] + "Is Blacklist" = true + + [world.cave_crystal_underground_biome.biome_settings.dimensions] + Dimensions = ["minecraft:overworld"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [world.speleothems] + "Tries Per Chunk In Nether" = 4 + "Speleothems Per Chunk In Nether" = 12 + "Small Speleothems Increase Fall Damage" = true + "Speleothems Per Chunk" = 12 + "Max Ylevel" = 55 + "Tries Per Chunk" = 60 + + [world.speleothems.dimensions] + Dimensions = [] + "Is Blacklist" = true + + [world.sandstone_underground_biome] + + [world.sandstone_underground_biome.biome_settings] + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Horizontal Size" = 26 + #Allowed values: [0,) + Rarity = 80 + #Allowed values: [0,255] + "Min Y Level" = 0 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Horizontal Variation" = 14 + #Allowed values: [0,255] + "Max Y Level" = 64 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Vertical Size" = 14 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Vertical Variation" = 6 + + [world.sandstone_underground_biome.biome_settings.biomes] + #Allowed values: [[hot, cold, sparse, dense, wet, dry, savanna, coniferous, + # jungle, spooky, dead, lush, mushroom, magical, rare, + # plateau, modified, ocean, river, water, mesa, forest, + # plains, mountain, hills, swamp, sandy, snowy, wasteland, + # beach, void, overworld, nether, end] + "Biome Types" = ["sandy"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [world.sandstone_underground_biome.biome_settings.dimensions] + Dimensions = ["minecraft:overworld"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [world.spiral_spires] + Radius = 15 + Rarity = 200 + #Set to 0 to turn off Myalite Conduits + "Myalite Conduit Distance" = 24 + "Renewable Myalite" = true + + [world.spiral_spires.biomes] + + [world.spiral_spires.biomes.types] + #Allowed values: [[hot, cold, sparse, dense, wet, dry, savanna, coniferous, + # jungle, spooky, dead, lush, mushroom, magical, rare, + # plateau, modified, ocean, river, water, mesa, forest, + # plains, mountain, hills, swamp, sandy, snowy, wasteland, + # beach, void, overworld, nether, end] + "Biome Types" = [] + "Is Blacklist" = true + + [world.spiral_spires.biomes.biomes] + Biomes = ["minecraft:end_highlands"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [world.spiral_spires.dimensions] + Dimensions = ["minecraft:the_end"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [world.nether_obsidian_spikes] + #The chance for a chunk to contain spikes (1 is 100%, 0 is 0%) + "Chance Per Chunk" = 0.1 + "Big Spike Spawners" = true + #Should a chunk have spikes, how many would the generator try to place + "Tries Per Chunk" = 4 + #The chance for a spike to be big (1 is 100%, 0 is 0%) + "Big Spike Chance" = 0.03 + + [world.nether_obsidian_spikes.dimensions] + Dimensions = ["minecraft:the_nether"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [world.biotite] + "Clusters Per Dragon Tick" = 16 + "Generate On Dragon Death" = true + "Dragon Ticks Per Cluster" = 1 + "Generate Naturally" = false + + [world.biotite.dimensions] + Dimensions = ["minecraft:the_end"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [world.biotite.ore_settings] + #Allowed values: [0,255] + "Max Height" = 64 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Cluster Count" = 16 + #Allowed values: [0,255] + "Min Height" = 1 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Cluster Size" = 14 + + [world.crevices] + + [world.crevices.spawn_settings] + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Horizontal Size" = 60 + #Allowed values: [0,) + Rarity = 120 + #Allowed values: [0,255] + "Min Y Level" = 15 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Horizontal Variation" = 20 + #Allowed values: [0,255] + "Max Y Level" = 50 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Vertical Size" = 4 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Vertical Variation" = 1 + + [world.crevices.spawn_settings.biomes] + #Allowed values: [[hot, cold, sparse, dense, wet, dry, savanna, coniferous, + # jungle, spooky, dead, lush, mushroom, magical, rare, + # plateau, modified, ocean, river, water, mesa, forest, + # plains, mountain, hills, swamp, sandy, snowy, wasteland, + # beach, void, overworld, nether, end] + "Biome Types" = ["ocean", "beach"] + "Is Blacklist" = true + + [world.crevices.spawn_settings.dimensions] + Dimensions = ["minecraft:overworld"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [world.crevices.dimensions] + Dimensions = ["minecraft:overworld"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [world.cave_roots] + "Min Y" = 16 + "Chunk Attempts" = 300 + "Max Y" = 52 + "Enable Brewing" = true + + [world.cave_roots.dimensions] + Dimensions = ["minecraft:overworld"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [world.new_stone_types] + "Enable Marble" = true + "Enable Myalite" = true + "Enable Jasper" = true + "Enable Voidstone" = true + "Enable Slate" = true + "Enable Limestone" = true + + [world.new_stone_types.marble] + + [world.new_stone_types.marble.oregen] + #Allowed values: [0,255] + "Max Height" = 255 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Cluster Count" = 10 + #Allowed values: [0,255] + "Min Height" = 0 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Cluster Size" = 33 + + [world.new_stone_types.marble.dimensions] + Dimensions = ["minecraft:overworld"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [world.new_stone_types.limestone] + + [world.new_stone_types.limestone.oregen] + #Allowed values: [0,255] + "Max Height" = 255 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Cluster Count" = 10 + #Allowed values: [0,255] + "Min Height" = 0 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Cluster Size" = 33 + + [world.new_stone_types.limestone.dimensions] + Dimensions = ["minecraft:overworld"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [world.new_stone_types.myalite] + + [world.new_stone_types.myalite.oregen] + #Allowed values: [0,255] + "Max Height" = 255 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Cluster Count" = 10 + #Allowed values: [0,255] + "Min Height" = 0 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Cluster Size" = 33 + + [world.new_stone_types.myalite.dimensions] + Dimensions = ["minecraft:the_end"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [world.new_stone_types.voidstone] + + [world.new_stone_types.voidstone.oregen] + #Allowed values: [0,255] + "Max Height" = 255 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Cluster Count" = 10 + #Allowed values: [0,255] + "Min Height" = 0 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Cluster Size" = 33 + + [world.new_stone_types.voidstone.dimensions] + Dimensions = ["minecraft:the_end"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [world.new_stone_types.slate] + + [world.new_stone_types.slate.oregen] + #Allowed values: [0,255] + "Max Height" = 255 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Cluster Count" = 10 + #Allowed values: [0,255] + "Min Height" = 0 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Cluster Size" = 33 + + [world.new_stone_types.slate.dimensions] + Dimensions = ["minecraft:overworld"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [world.new_stone_types.jasper] + + [world.new_stone_types.jasper.oregen] + #Allowed values: [0,255] + "Max Height" = 255 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Cluster Count" = 10 + #Allowed values: [0,255] + "Min Height" = 0 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Cluster Size" = 33 + + [world.new_stone_types.jasper.dimensions] + Dimensions = ["minecraft:overworld"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [world.spider_nest_underground_biome] + "Enabled Wrapped" = true + + [world.spider_nest_underground_biome.biome_settings] + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Horizontal Size" = 26 + #Allowed values: [0,) + Rarity = 80 + #Allowed values: [0,255] + "Min Y Level" = 0 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Horizontal Variation" = 14 + #Allowed values: [0,255] + "Max Y Level" = 64 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Vertical Size" = 14 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Vertical Variation" = 6 + + [world.spider_nest_underground_biome.biome_settings.biomes] + #Allowed values: [[hot, cold, sparse, dense, wet, dry, savanna, coniferous, + # jungle, spooky, dead, lush, mushroom, magical, rare, + # plateau, modified, ocean, river, water, mesa, forest, + # plains, mountain, hills, swamp, sandy, snowy, wasteland, + # beach, void, overworld, nether, end] + "Biome Types" = ["plains"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [world.spider_nest_underground_biome.biome_settings.dimensions] + Dimensions = ["minecraft:overworld"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [world.deepslate] + "Sheet Height Variance" = 6 + "Sheet Y Start" = 0 + "Sheet Height" = 18 + + [world.deepslate.dimensions] + Dimensions = ["minecraft:overworld"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [world.blossom_trees] + "Drop Leaf Particles" = true + + [] + Rarity = 100 + + [] + + [] + #Allowed values: [[hot, cold, sparse, dense, wet, dry, savanna, coniferous, + # jungle, spooky, dead, lush, mushroom, magical, rare, + # plateau, modified, ocean, river, water, mesa, forest, + # plains, mountain, hills, swamp, sandy, snowy, wasteland, + # beach, void, overworld, nether, end] + "Biome Types" = ["savanna"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [] + Biomes = [] + "Is Blacklist" = true + + [] + Dimensions = ["minecraft:overworld"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [] + Rarity = 30 + + [] + + [] + #Allowed values: [[hot, cold, sparse, dense, wet, dry, savanna, coniferous, + # jungle, spooky, dead, lush, mushroom, magical, rare, + # plateau, modified, ocean, river, water, mesa, forest, + # plains, mountain, hills, swamp, sandy, snowy, wasteland, + # beach, void, overworld, nether, end] + "Biome Types" = ["mesa"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [] + Biomes = [] + "Is Blacklist" = true + + [] + Dimensions = ["minecraft:overworld"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [] + Rarity = 100 + + [] + + [] + #Allowed values: [[hot, cold, sparse, dense, wet, dry, savanna, coniferous, + # jungle, spooky, dead, lush, mushroom, magical, rare, + # plateau, modified, ocean, river, water, mesa, forest, + # plains, mountain, hills, swamp, sandy, snowy, wasteland, + # beach, void, overworld, nether, end] + "Biome Types" = ["mountain"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [] + Biomes = [] + "Is Blacklist" = true + + [] + Dimensions = ["minecraft:overworld"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [] + Rarity = 200 + + [] + + [] + #Allowed values: [[hot, cold, sparse, dense, wet, dry, savanna, coniferous, + # jungle, spooky, dead, lush, mushroom, magical, rare, + # plateau, modified, ocean, river, water, mesa, forest, + # plains, mountain, hills, swamp, sandy, snowy, wasteland, + # beach, void, overworld, nether, end] + "Biome Types" = ["snowy"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [] + Biomes = [] + "Is Blacklist" = true + + [] + Dimensions = ["minecraft:overworld"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [world.blossom_trees.yellow] + Rarity = 200 + + [world.blossom_trees.yellow.biome_config] + + [world.blossom_trees.yellow.biome_config.types] + #Allowed values: [[hot, cold, sparse, dense, wet, dry, savanna, coniferous, + # jungle, spooky, dead, lush, mushroom, magical, rare, + # plateau, modified, ocean, river, water, mesa, forest, + # plains, mountain, hills, swamp, sandy, snowy, wasteland, + # beach, void, overworld, nether, end] + "Biome Types" = ["plains"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [world.blossom_trees.yellow.biome_config.biomes] + Biomes = [] + "Is Blacklist" = true + + [world.blossom_trees.yellow.dimensions] + Dimensions = ["minecraft:overworld"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [world.blossom_trees.lavender] + Rarity = 100 + + [world.blossom_trees.lavender.biome_config] + + [world.blossom_trees.lavender.biome_config.types] + #Allowed values: [[hot, cold, sparse, dense, wet, dry, savanna, coniferous, + # jungle, spooky, dead, lush, mushroom, magical, rare, + # plateau, modified, ocean, river, water, mesa, forest, + # plains, mountain, hills, swamp, sandy, snowy, wasteland, + # beach, void, overworld, nether, end] + "Biome Types" = ["swamp"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [world.blossom_trees.lavender.biome_config.biomes] + Biomes = [] + "Is Blacklist" = true + + [world.blossom_trees.lavender.dimensions] + Dimensions = ["minecraft:overworld"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [world.mega_caves] + + [world.mega_caves.spawn_settings] + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Horizontal Size" = 80 + #Allowed values: [0,) + Rarity = 800 + #Allowed values: [0,255] + "Min Y Level" = 10 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Horizontal Variation" = 30 + #Allowed values: [0,255] + "Max Y Level" = 20 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Vertical Size" = 25 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Vertical Variation" = 10 + + [world.mega_caves.spawn_settings.biomes] + #Allowed values: [[hot, cold, sparse, dense, wet, dry, savanna, coniferous, + # jungle, spooky, dead, lush, mushroom, magical, rare, + # plateau, modified, ocean, river, water, mesa, forest, + # plains, mountain, hills, swamp, sandy, snowy, wasteland, + # beach, void, overworld, nether, end] + "Biome Types" = ["ocean", "beach"] + "Is Blacklist" = true + + [world.mega_caves.spawn_settings.dimensions] + Dimensions = ["minecraft:overworld"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [world.mega_caves.dimensions] + Dimensions = ["minecraft:overworld"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [world.elder_prismarine_underground_biome] + #Allowed values: [0,1] + "Lantern Chance" = 0.0085 + #Allowed values: [0,1] + "Water Chance" = 0.25 + + [world.elder_prismarine_underground_biome.biome_settings] + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Horizontal Size" = 26 + #Allowed values: [0,) + Rarity = 200 + #Allowed values: [0,255] + "Min Y Level" = 0 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Horizontal Variation" = 14 + #Allowed values: [0,255] + "Max Y Level" = 64 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Vertical Size" = 14 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Vertical Variation" = 6 + + [world.elder_prismarine_underground_biome.biome_settings.biomes] + #Allowed values: [[hot, cold, sparse, dense, wet, dry, savanna, coniferous, + # jungle, spooky, dead, lush, mushroom, magical, rare, + # plateau, modified, ocean, river, water, mesa, forest, + # plains, mountain, hills, swamp, sandy, snowy, wasteland, + # beach, void, overworld, nether, end] + "Biome Types" = ["ocean"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [world.elder_prismarine_underground_biome.biome_settings.dimensions] + Dimensions = ["minecraft:overworld"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [world.glowshroom_underground_biome] + #Allowed values: [0,1] + "Glowshroom Spawn Chance" = 0.0625 + #Allowed values: (0,) + "Glowshroom Growth Rate" = 20 + "Enable Danger Sight" = true + "Enable Huge Glowshrooms" = true + + [world.glowshroom_underground_biome.biome_settings] + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Horizontal Size" = 26 + #Allowed values: [0,) + Rarity = 80 + #Allowed values: [0,255] + "Min Y Level" = 0 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Horizontal Variation" = 14 + #Allowed values: [0,255] + "Max Y Level" = 64 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Vertical Size" = 14 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Vertical Variation" = 6 + + [world.glowshroom_underground_biome.biome_settings.biomes] + #Allowed values: [[hot, cold, sparse, dense, wet, dry, savanna, coniferous, + # jungle, spooky, dead, lush, mushroom, magical, rare, + # plateau, modified, ocean, river, water, mesa, forest, + # plains, mountain, hills, swamp, sandy, snowy, wasteland, + # beach, void, overworld, nether, end] + "Biome Types" = ["mountain", "mushroom"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [world.glowshroom_underground_biome.biome_settings.dimensions] + Dimensions = ["minecraft:overworld"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [world.big_stone_clusters] + #Blocks that stone clusters can replace. If you want to make it so it only replaces in one dimension, + #do "block|dimension", as we do for netherrack and end stone by default. + "Blocks To Replace" = ["minecraft:stone", "minecraft:andesite", "minecraft:diorite", "minecraft:granite", "minecraft:netherrack|minecraft:the_nether", "minecraft:end_stone|minecraft:the_end", "quark:marble", "quark:limestone", "quark:jasper", "quark:slate", "quark:basalt"] + + [world.big_stone_clusters.marble] + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Horizontal Size" = 14 + #Allowed values: [0,) + Rarity = 4 + #Allowed values: [0,255] + "Min Y Level" = 20 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Horizontal Variation" = 9 + Enabled = true + #Allowed values: [0,255] + "Max Y Level" = 80 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Vertical Size" = 14 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Vertical Variation" = 9 + + [world.big_stone_clusters.marble.biomes] + + [world.big_stone_clusters.marble.biomes.types] + #Allowed values: [[hot, cold, sparse, dense, wet, dry, savanna, coniferous, + # jungle, spooky, dead, lush, mushroom, magical, rare, + # plateau, modified, ocean, river, water, mesa, forest, + # plains, mountain, hills, swamp, sandy, snowy, wasteland, + # beach, void, overworld, nether, end] + "Biome Types" = ["plains"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [world.big_stone_clusters.marble.biomes.biomes] + Biomes = [] + "Is Blacklist" = true + + [world.big_stone_clusters.marble.dimensions] + Dimensions = ["minecraft:overworld"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [world.big_stone_clusters.limestone] + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Horizontal Size" = 14 + #Allowed values: [0,) + Rarity = 4 + #Allowed values: [0,255] + "Min Y Level" = 20 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Horizontal Variation" = 9 + Enabled = true + #Allowed values: [0,255] + "Max Y Level" = 80 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Vertical Size" = 14 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Vertical Variation" = 9 + + [world.big_stone_clusters.limestone.biomes] + + [world.big_stone_clusters.limestone.biomes.types] + #Allowed values: [[hot, cold, sparse, dense, wet, dry, savanna, coniferous, + # jungle, spooky, dead, lush, mushroom, magical, rare, + # plateau, modified, ocean, river, water, mesa, forest, + # plains, mountain, hills, swamp, sandy, snowy, wasteland, + # beach, void, overworld, nether, end] + "Biome Types" = ["swamp", "ocean"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [world.big_stone_clusters.limestone.biomes.biomes] + Biomes = [] + "Is Blacklist" = true + + [world.big_stone_clusters.limestone.dimensions] + Dimensions = ["minecraft:overworld"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [world.big_stone_clusters.granite] + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Horizontal Size" = 14 + #Allowed values: [0,) + Rarity = 4 + #Allowed values: [0,255] + "Min Y Level" = 20 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Horizontal Variation" = 9 + Enabled = true + #Allowed values: [0,255] + "Max Y Level" = 80 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Vertical Size" = 14 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Vertical Variation" = 9 + + [world.big_stone_clusters.granite.biomes] + + [world.big_stone_clusters.granite.biomes.types] + #Allowed values: [[hot, cold, sparse, dense, wet, dry, savanna, coniferous, + # jungle, spooky, dead, lush, mushroom, magical, rare, + # plateau, modified, ocean, river, water, mesa, forest, + # plains, mountain, hills, swamp, sandy, snowy, wasteland, + # beach, void, overworld, nether, end] + "Biome Types" = ["mountain"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [world.big_stone_clusters.granite.biomes.biomes] + Biomes = [] + "Is Blacklist" = true + + [world.big_stone_clusters.granite.dimensions] + Dimensions = ["minecraft:overworld"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [world.big_stone_clusters.myalite] + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Horizontal Size" = 20 + #Allowed values: [0,) + Rarity = 100 + "Generate In Air" = true + #Allowed values: [0,255] + "Min Y Level" = 58 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Horizontal Variation" = 6 + Enabled = true + #Allowed values: [0,255] + "Max Y Level" = 62 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Vertical Size" = 40 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Vertical Variation" = 10 + + [world.big_stone_clusters.myalite.biomes] + + [world.big_stone_clusters.myalite.biomes.types] + #Allowed values: [[hot, cold, sparse, dense, wet, dry, savanna, coniferous, + # jungle, spooky, dead, lush, mushroom, magical, rare, + # plateau, modified, ocean, river, water, mesa, forest, + # plains, mountain, hills, swamp, sandy, snowy, wasteland, + # beach, void, overworld, nether, end] + "Biome Types" = [] + "Is Blacklist" = true + + [world.big_stone_clusters.myalite.biomes.biomes] + Biomes = ["minecraft:end_highlands"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [world.big_stone_clusters.myalite.dimensions] + Dimensions = ["minecraft:the_end"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [world.big_stone_clusters.voidstone] + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Horizontal Size" = 19 + #Allowed values: [0,) + Rarity = 20 + #Allowed values: [0,255] + "Min Y Level" = 0 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Horizontal Variation" = 6 + Enabled = true + #Allowed values: [0,255] + "Max Y Level" = 40 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Vertical Size" = 19 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Vertical Variation" = 6 + + [world.big_stone_clusters.voidstone.biomes] + + [world.big_stone_clusters.voidstone.biomes.types] + #Allowed values: [[hot, cold, sparse, dense, wet, dry, savanna, coniferous, + # jungle, spooky, dead, lush, mushroom, magical, rare, + # plateau, modified, ocean, river, water, mesa, forest, + # plains, mountain, hills, swamp, sandy, snowy, wasteland, + # beach, void, overworld, nether, end] + "Biome Types" = [] + "Is Blacklist" = true + + [world.big_stone_clusters.voidstone.biomes.biomes] + Biomes = ["minecraft:end_highlands", "minecraft:end_midlands", "minecraft:end_barrens"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [world.big_stone_clusters.voidstone.dimensions] + Dimensions = ["minecraft:the_end"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [world.big_stone_clusters.andesite] + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Horizontal Size" = 14 + #Allowed values: [0,) + Rarity = 4 + #Allowed values: [0,255] + "Min Y Level" = 20 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Horizontal Variation" = 9 + Enabled = true + #Allowed values: [0,255] + "Max Y Level" = 80 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Vertical Size" = 14 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Vertical Variation" = 9 + + [world.big_stone_clusters.andesite.biomes] + + [world.big_stone_clusters.andesite.biomes.types] + #Allowed values: [[hot, cold, sparse, dense, wet, dry, savanna, coniferous, + # jungle, spooky, dead, lush, mushroom, magical, rare, + # plateau, modified, ocean, river, water, mesa, forest, + # plains, mountain, hills, swamp, sandy, snowy, wasteland, + # beach, void, overworld, nether, end] + "Biome Types" = ["forest"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [world.big_stone_clusters.andesite.biomes.biomes] + Biomes = [] + "Is Blacklist" = true + + [world.big_stone_clusters.andesite.dimensions] + Dimensions = ["minecraft:overworld"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [world.big_stone_clusters.slate] + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Horizontal Size" = 14 + #Allowed values: [0,) + Rarity = 4 + #Allowed values: [0,255] + "Min Y Level" = 20 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Horizontal Variation" = 9 + Enabled = true + #Allowed values: [0,255] + "Max Y Level" = 80 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Vertical Size" = 14 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Vertical Variation" = 9 + + [world.big_stone_clusters.slate.biomes] + + [world.big_stone_clusters.slate.biomes.types] + #Allowed values: [[hot, cold, sparse, dense, wet, dry, savanna, coniferous, + # jungle, spooky, dead, lush, mushroom, magical, rare, + # plateau, modified, ocean, river, water, mesa, forest, + # plains, mountain, hills, swamp, sandy, snowy, wasteland, + # beach, void, overworld, nether, end] + "Biome Types" = ["snowy"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [world.big_stone_clusters.slate.biomes.biomes] + Biomes = [] + "Is Blacklist" = true + + [world.big_stone_clusters.slate.dimensions] + Dimensions = ["minecraft:overworld"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [world.big_stone_clusters.diorite] + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Horizontal Size" = 14 + #Allowed values: [0,) + Rarity = 4 + #Allowed values: [0,255] + "Min Y Level" = 20 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Horizontal Variation" = 9 + Enabled = true + #Allowed values: [0,255] + "Max Y Level" = 80 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Vertical Size" = 14 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Vertical Variation" = 9 + + [world.big_stone_clusters.diorite.biomes] + + [world.big_stone_clusters.diorite.biomes.types] + #Allowed values: [[hot, cold, sparse, dense, wet, dry, savanna, coniferous, + # jungle, spooky, dead, lush, mushroom, magical, rare, + # plateau, modified, ocean, river, water, mesa, forest, + # plains, mountain, hills, swamp, sandy, snowy, wasteland, + # beach, void, overworld, nether, end] + "Biome Types" = ["savanna", "jungle", "mushroom"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [world.big_stone_clusters.diorite.biomes.biomes] + Biomes = [] + "Is Blacklist" = true + + [world.big_stone_clusters.diorite.dimensions] + Dimensions = ["minecraft:overworld"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [world.big_stone_clusters.jasper] + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Horizontal Size" = 14 + #Allowed values: [0,) + Rarity = 4 + #Allowed values: [0,255] + "Min Y Level" = 20 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Horizontal Variation" = 9 + Enabled = true + #Allowed values: [0,255] + "Max Y Level" = 80 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Vertical Size" = 14 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Vertical Variation" = 9 + + [world.big_stone_clusters.jasper.biomes] + + [world.big_stone_clusters.jasper.biomes.types] + #Allowed values: [[hot, cold, sparse, dense, wet, dry, savanna, coniferous, + # jungle, spooky, dead, lush, mushroom, magical, rare, + # plateau, modified, ocean, river, water, mesa, forest, + # plains, mountain, hills, swamp, sandy, snowy, wasteland, + # beach, void, overworld, nether, end] + "Biome Types" = ["mesa", "sandy"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [world.big_stone_clusters.jasper.biomes.biomes] + Biomes = [] + "Is Blacklist" = true + + [world.big_stone_clusters.jasper.dimensions] + Dimensions = ["minecraft:overworld"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [world.overgrown_underground_biome] + + [world.overgrown_underground_biome.biome_settings] + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Horizontal Size" = 26 + #Allowed values: [0,) + Rarity = 80 + #Allowed values: [0,255] + "Min Y Level" = 0 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Horizontal Variation" = 14 + #Allowed values: [0,255] + "Max Y Level" = 64 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Vertical Size" = 14 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Vertical Variation" = 6 + + [world.overgrown_underground_biome.biome_settings.biomes] + #Allowed values: [[hot, cold, sparse, dense, wet, dry, savanna, coniferous, + # jungle, spooky, dead, lush, mushroom, magical, rare, + # plateau, modified, ocean, river, water, mesa, forest, + # plains, mountain, hills, swamp, sandy, snowy, wasteland, + # beach, void, overworld, nether, end] + "Biome Types" = ["forest"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [world.overgrown_underground_biome.biome_settings.dimensions] + Dimensions = ["minecraft:overworld"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [world.permafrost_underground_biome] + + [world.permafrost_underground_biome.biome_settings] + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Horizontal Size" = 26 + #Allowed values: [0,) + Rarity = 80 + #Allowed values: [0,255] + "Min Y Level" = 0 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Horizontal Variation" = 14 + #Allowed values: [0,255] + "Max Y Level" = 64 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Vertical Size" = 14 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Vertical Variation" = 6 + + [world.permafrost_underground_biome.biome_settings.biomes] + #Allowed values: [[hot, cold, sparse, dense, wet, dry, savanna, coniferous, + # jungle, spooky, dead, lush, mushroom, magical, rare, + # plateau, modified, ocean, river, water, mesa, forest, + # plains, mountain, hills, swamp, sandy, snowy, wasteland, + # beach, void, overworld, nether, end] + "Biome Types" = ["snowy"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [world.permafrost_underground_biome.biome_settings.dimensions] + Dimensions = ["minecraft:overworld"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [world.lush_underground_biome] + + [world.lush_underground_biome.biome_settings] + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Horizontal Size" = 26 + #Allowed values: [0,) + Rarity = 80 + #Allowed values: [0,255] + "Min Y Level" = 0 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Horizontal Variation" = 14 + #Allowed values: [0,255] + "Max Y Level" = 64 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Vertical Size" = 14 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Vertical Variation" = 6 + + [world.lush_underground_biome.biome_settings.biomes] + #Allowed values: [[hot, cold, sparse, dense, wet, dry, savanna, coniferous, + # jungle, spooky, dead, lush, mushroom, magical, rare, + # plateau, modified, ocean, river, water, mesa, forest, + # plains, mountain, hills, swamp, sandy, snowy, wasteland, + # beach, void, overworld, nether, end] + "Biome Types" = ["jungle"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [world.lush_underground_biome.biome_settings.dimensions] + Dimensions = ["minecraft:overworld"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [world.brimstone_underground_biome] + + [world.brimstone_underground_biome.biome_settings] + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Horizontal Size" = 26 + #Allowed values: [0,) + Rarity = 80 + #Allowed values: [0,255] + "Min Y Level" = 0 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Horizontal Variation" = 14 + #Allowed values: [0,255] + "Max Y Level" = 64 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Vertical Size" = 14 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Vertical Variation" = 6 + + [world.brimstone_underground_biome.biome_settings.biomes] + #Allowed values: [[hot, cold, sparse, dense, wet, dry, savanna, coniferous, + # jungle, spooky, dead, lush, mushroom, magical, rare, + # plateau, modified, ocean, river, water, mesa, forest, + # plains, mountain, hills, swamp, sandy, snowy, wasteland, + # beach, void, overworld, nether, end] + "Biome Types" = ["mesa"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [world.brimstone_underground_biome.biome_settings.dimensions] + Dimensions = ["minecraft:overworld"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [world.big_dungeon] + "Loot Table" = "minecraft:chests/simple_dungeon" + #The chance that a big dungeon spawn candidate will be allowed to spawn. 0.2 is 20%, which is the same as the Pillager Outpost. + "Spawn Chance" = 0.1 + "Max Rooms" = 10 + "Chest Chance" = 0.5 + + [world.big_dungeon.biome_config] + + [world.big_dungeon.biome_config.types] + #Allowed values: [[hot, cold, sparse, dense, wet, dry, savanna, coniferous, + # jungle, spooky, dead, lush, mushroom, magical, rare, + # plateau, modified, ocean, river, water, mesa, forest, + # plains, mountain, hills, swamp, sandy, snowy, wasteland, + # beach, void, overworld, nether, end] + "Biome Types" = ["ocean", "beach", "nether", "end"] + "Is Blacklist" = true + + [world.big_dungeon.biome_config.biomes] + Biomes = [] + "Is Blacklist" = true + + [world.chorus_vegetation] + "Teleport Duplication Chance" = 0.01 + Radius = 7 + Rarity = 150 + "Chunk Attempts" = 120 + "Highlands Chance" = 1.0 + "Midlands Chance" = 0.2 + "Endermite Spawn Chance" = 0.01 + "Passive Teleport Chance" = 0.2 + "Other End Biomes Chance" = 0.0 + + [world.fairy_rings] + "Forest Chance" = 0.00625 + Ores = ["minecraft:emerald_ore", "minecraft:diamond_ore"] + "Plains Chance" = 0.0025 + + [world.fairy_rings.dimensions] + Dimensions = ["minecraft:overworld"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [world.underground_clay] + + [world.underground_clay.dimensions] + Dimensions = ["minecraft:overworld"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [world.underground_clay.ore_settings] + #Allowed values: [0,255] + "Max Height" = 60 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Cluster Count" = 3 + #Allowed values: [0,255] + "Min Height" = 20 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Cluster Size" = 20 + + [world.slime_underground_biome] + + [world.slime_underground_biome.biome_settings] + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Horizontal Size" = 26 + #Allowed values: [0,) + Rarity = 120 + #Allowed values: [0,255] + "Min Y Level" = 0 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Horizontal Variation" = 14 + #Allowed values: [0,255] + "Max Y Level" = 64 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Vertical Size" = 14 + #Allowed values: [0,) + "Vertical Variation" = 6 + + [world.slime_underground_biome.biome_settings.biomes] + #Allowed values: [[hot, cold, sparse, dense, wet, dry, savanna, coniferous, + # jungle, spooky, dead, lush, mushroom, magical, rare, + # plateau, modified, ocean, river, water, mesa, forest, + # plains, mountain, hills, swamp, sandy, snowy, wasteland, + # beach, void, overworld, nether, end] + "Biome Types" = ["swamp"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [world.slime_underground_biome.biome_settings.dimensions] + Dimensions = ["minecraft:overworld"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + +[mobs] + Frogs = true + Crabs = true + Stonelings = true + Foxhound = true + Forgotten = true + Wraith = true + Toretoise = true + + [mobs.toretoise] + "Max Y Level" = 32 + #The items that can be fed to toretoises to make them regrow ores. + Foods = ["quark:root_item", "minecraft:cactus"] + #Feeding a toretoise after cooldown will regrow them with a one-in-this-number chance. Set to 1 to always regrow, or 0 to disable. + "Regrow Chance" = 3 + #The number of ticks from mining a tortoise until feeding it could cause it to regrow. + "Cooldown Ticks" = 1200 + + [mobs.toretoise.spawn_config] + #Allowed values: (0,) + "Spawn Weight" = 100 + #Allowed values: [1,) + "Min Group Size" = 1 + #Allowed values: [1,) + "Max Group Size" = 1 + + [mobs.toretoise.spawn_config.biomes] + + [mobs.toretoise.spawn_config.biomes.types] + #Allowed values: [[hot, cold, sparse, dense, wet, dry, savanna, coniferous, + # jungle, spooky, dead, lush, mushroom, magical, rare, + # plateau, modified, ocean, river, water, mesa, forest, + # plains, mountain, hills, swamp, sandy, snowy, wasteland, + # beach, void, overworld, nether, end] + "Biome Types" = ["void", "nether", "end"] + "Is Blacklist" = true + + [mobs.toretoise.spawn_config.biomes.biomes] + Biomes = [] + "Is Blacklist" = true + + [mobs.toretoise.dimensions] + Dimensions = ["minecraft:overworld"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [mobs.crabs] + "Enable Brewing" = true + + [mobs.crabs.spawn_config] + #Allowed values: (0,) + "Spawn Weight" = 5 + #Allowed values: [1,) + "Min Group Size" = 1 + #Allowed values: [1,) + "Max Group Size" = 3 + + [mobs.crabs.spawn_config.biomes] + + [mobs.crabs.spawn_config.biomes.types] + #Allowed values: [[hot, cold, sparse, dense, wet, dry, savanna, coniferous, + # jungle, spooky, dead, lush, mushroom, magical, rare, + # plateau, modified, ocean, river, water, mesa, forest, + # plains, mountain, hills, swamp, sandy, snowy, wasteland, + # beach, void, overworld, nether, end] + "Biome Types" = ["beach"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [mobs.crabs.spawn_config.biomes.biomes] + Biomes = [] + "Is Blacklist" = true + + [mobs.foxhound] + #The chance coal will tame a foxhound + "Tame Chance" = 0.05 + + [mobs.foxhound.lesser_spawn_config] + #Allowed values: (0,) + "Spawn Weight" = 2 + "Max Cost" = 0.7 + #Allowed values: [1,) + "Min Group Size" = 1 + "Spawn Cost" = 0.15 + #Allowed values: [1,) + "Max Group Size" = 1 + + [mobs.foxhound.lesser_spawn_config.biomes] + + [mobs.foxhound.lesser_spawn_config.biomes.types] + #Allowed values: [[hot, cold, sparse, dense, wet, dry, savanna, coniferous, + # jungle, spooky, dead, lush, mushroom, magical, rare, + # plateau, modified, ocean, river, water, mesa, forest, + # plains, mountain, hills, swamp, sandy, snowy, wasteland, + # beach, void, overworld, nether, end] + "Biome Types" = [] + "Is Blacklist" = true + + [mobs.foxhound.lesser_spawn_config.biomes.biomes] + Biomes = ["minecraft:soul_sand_valley"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [mobs.foxhound.spawn_config] + #Allowed values: (0,) + "Spawn Weight" = 30 + #Allowed values: [1,) + "Min Group Size" = 1 + #Allowed values: [1,) + "Max Group Size" = 2 + + [mobs.foxhound.spawn_config.biomes] + + [mobs.foxhound.spawn_config.biomes.types] + #Allowed values: [[hot, cold, sparse, dense, wet, dry, savanna, coniferous, + # jungle, spooky, dead, lush, mushroom, magical, rare, + # plateau, modified, ocean, river, water, mesa, forest, + # plains, mountain, hills, swamp, sandy, snowy, wasteland, + # beach, void, overworld, nether, end] + "Biome Types" = [] + "Is Blacklist" = true + + [mobs.foxhound.spawn_config.biomes.biomes] + Biomes = ["minecraft:nether_wastes", "minecraft:basalt_deltas"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [mobs.wraith] + #List of sound sets to use with wraiths. + #Three sounds must be provided per entry, separated by | (in the format idle|hurt|death). Leave blank for no sound (i.e. if a mob has no ambient noise) + "Wraith Sounds" = ["entity.sheep.ambient|entity.sheep.hurt|entity.sheep.death", "entity.cow.ambient|entity.cow.hurt|entity.cow.death", "entity.pig.ambient|entity.pig.hurt|entity.pig.death", "entity.chicken.ambient|entity.chicken.hurt|entity.chicken.death", "||", "||", "entity.wolf.ambient|entity.wolf.hurt|entity.wolf.death", "entity.villager.ambient|entity.villager.hurt|entity.villager.death", "entity.polar_bear.ambient|entity.polar_bear.hurt|entity.polar_bear.death", "entity.zombie.ambient|entity.zombie.hurt|entity.zombie.death", "entity.skeleton.ambient|entity.skeleton.hurt|entity.skeleton.death", "entity.spider.ambient|entity.spider.hurt|entity.spider.death", "|entity.creeper.hurt|entity.creeper.death", "entity.endermen.ambient|entity.endermen.hurt|entity.endermen.death", "entity.zombie_pig.ambient|entity.zombie_pig.hurt|entity.zombie_pig.death", "entity.witch.ambient|entity.witch.hurt|entity.witch.death", "entity.blaze.ambient|entity.blaze.hurt|entity.blaze.death", "entity.llama.ambient|entity.llama.hurt|entity.llama.death", "|quark:entity.stoneling.cry|quark:entity.stoneling.die", "quark:entity.frog.idle|quark:entity.frog.hurt|quark:entity.frog.die"] + + [mobs.wraith.spawn_config] + #Allowed values: (0,) + "Spawn Weight" = 8 + "Max Cost" = 0.7 + #Allowed values: [1,) + "Min Group Size" = 1 + "Spawn Cost" = 0.15 + #Allowed values: [1,) + "Max Group Size" = 3 + + [mobs.wraith.spawn_config.biomes] + + [mobs.wraith.spawn_config.biomes.types] + #Allowed values: [[hot, cold, sparse, dense, wet, dry, savanna, coniferous, + # jungle, spooky, dead, lush, mushroom, magical, rare, + # plateau, modified, ocean, river, water, mesa, forest, + # plains, mountain, hills, swamp, sandy, snowy, wasteland, + # beach, void, overworld, nether, end] + "Biome Types" = [] + "Is Blacklist" = true + + [mobs.wraith.spawn_config.biomes.biomes] + Biomes = ["minecraft:soul_sand_valley"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [mobs.stonelings] + "Cautious Stonelings" = true + "Enable Diamond Heart" = true + "Max Y Level" = 24 + "Tamable Stonelings" = true + + [mobs.stonelings.spawn_config] + #Allowed values: (0,) + "Spawn Weight" = 80 + #Allowed values: [1,) + "Min Group Size" = 1 + #Allowed values: [1,) + "Max Group Size" = 1 + + [mobs.stonelings.spawn_config.biomes] + + [mobs.stonelings.spawn_config.biomes.types] + #Allowed values: [[hot, cold, sparse, dense, wet, dry, savanna, coniferous, + # jungle, spooky, dead, lush, mushroom, magical, rare, + # plateau, modified, ocean, river, water, mesa, forest, + # plains, mountain, hills, swamp, sandy, snowy, wasteland, + # beach, void, overworld, nether, end] + "Biome Types" = ["void", "nether", "end"] + "Is Blacklist" = true + + [mobs.stonelings.spawn_config.biomes.biomes] + Biomes = [] + "Is Blacklist" = true + + [mobs.stonelings.dimensions] + Dimensions = ["minecraft:overworld"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [mobs.forgotten] + #1 in this many Skeletons that spawn under the threshold are replaced with Forgotten. + "Forgotten Spawn Rate" = 0.05 + "Max Height For Spawn" = 20 + + [mobs.frogs] + "Enable Brewing" = true + "Enable Big Funny" = false + + [mobs.frogs.spawn_config] + #Allowed values: (0,) + "Spawn Weight" = 40 + #Allowed values: [1,) + "Min Group Size" = 1 + #Allowed values: [1,) + "Max Group Size" = 3 + + [mobs.frogs.spawn_config.biomes] + + [mobs.frogs.spawn_config.biomes.types] + #Allowed values: [[hot, cold, sparse, dense, wet, dry, savanna, coniferous, + # jungle, spooky, dead, lush, mushroom, magical, rare, + # plateau, modified, ocean, river, water, mesa, forest, + # plains, mountain, hills, swamp, sandy, snowy, wasteland, + # beach, void, overworld, nether, end] + "Biome Types" = ["swamp"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [mobs.frogs.spawn_config.biomes.biomes] + Biomes = [] + "Is Blacklist" = true + +[client] + "Greener Grass" = true + "Variant Animal Textures" = true + "Back Button Keybind" = true + "Improved Tooltips" = true + "Improved Mount Hud" = true + "Usage Ticker" = true + "Auto Walk Keybind" = true + "Chest Searching" = true + + [client.usage_ticker] + #Switch the armor display to the off hand side and the hand display to the main hand side + Invert = false + "Shift Right" = 0 + "Enable Armor" = true + "Enable Off Hand" = true + "Shift Left" = 0 + "Enable Main Hand" = true + + [client.variant_animal_textures] + "Enable Shiny Llama" = true + "Every Bee Is L G B T" = false + #The chance for an animal to have a special "Shiny" skin, like a shiny pokemon. This is 1 in X. Set to 0 to disable. + "Shiny Animal Chance" = 2048 + "Enable Pig" = true + "Enable Chicken" = true + "Enable Shiny Rabbit" = true + "Enable L G B T Bees" = true + "Enable Cow" = true + "Enable Shiny Dolphin" = true + + [client.improved_tooltips] + "Shulker Box Require Shift" = false + "Shulker Box Use Colors" = true + "Attribute Tooltips" = true + "Enchanting Tooltips" = true + #The value of each shank of food. Tweak this when using mods like Hardcore Hunger which change that value. + "Food Divisor" = 2 + #A list of additional stacks to display on each enchantment + #The format is as follows: + #enchant_id=item1,item2,item3... + #So to display a carrot on a stick on a mending book, for example, you use: + #minecraft:mending=minecraft:carrot_on_a_stick + "Enchanting Additional Stacks" = [] + "Food Compression Threshold" = 4 + "Shulker Tooltips" = true + "Map Require Shift" = false + "Food Tooltips" = true + "Show Saturation" = true + "Map Tooltips" = true + "Enchanting Stacks" = ["minecraft:diamond_sword", "minecraft:diamond_pickaxe", "minecraft:diamond_shovel", "minecraft:diamond_axe", "minecraft:diamond_hoe", "minecraft:diamond_helmet", "minecraft:diamond_chestplate", "minecraft:diamond_leggings", "minecraft:diamond_boots", "minecraft:shears", "minecraft:bow", "minecraft:fishing_rod", "minecraft:crossbow", "minecraft:trident", "minecraft:elytra", "quark:pickarang"] + + [client.greener_grass] + "Leaves List" = ["minecraft:spruce_leaves", "minecraft:birch_leaves", "minecraft:oak_leaves", "minecraft:jungle_leaves", "minecraft:acacia_leaves", "minecraft:dark_oak_leaves", "atmospheric:rosewood_leaves", "atmospheric:morado_leaves", "atmospheric:yucca_leaves", "autumnity:maple_leaves", "environmental:willow_leaves", "environmental:hanging_willow_leaves", "minecraft:vine"] + "Block List" = ["minecraft:large_fern", "minecraft:tall_grass", "minecraft:grass_block", "minecraft:fern", "minecraft:grass", "minecraft:potted_fern", "minecraft:sugar_cane", "environmental:giant_tall_grass", "valhelsia_structures:grass_block"] + "Affect Leaves" = true + + [client.greener_grass.color_matrix] + R = [0.89, 0.0, 0.0] + B = [0.0, 0.0, 0.89] + G = [0.0, 1.11, 0.0] + +[oddities] + "Totem Of Holding" = true + Backpack = true + Crate = true + "Matrix Enchanting" = true + Magnets = true + Pipes = true + + [oddities.totem_of_holding] + #Set this to false to remove the behaviour where totems destroy themselves if the player dies again. + "Dark Souls Mode" = true + #Totem will always spawn if the player killer is himself. + "Spawn Totem on PVP Kill" = false + #Set this to true to make it so that if a totem is destroyed, the items it holds are destroyed alongside it rather than dropped + "Destroy Lost Items" = false + "Enable Soul Compass" = true + #Set this to false to only allow the owner of a totem to collect its items rather than any player + "Allow Anyone To Collect" = true + + [oddities.magnets] + "Magnetic Blacklist" = ["minecraft:tripwire_hook"] + "Magnetic Whitelist" = ["minecraft:chipped_anvil", "minecraft:damaged_anvil"] + #Any items you place in this list will be derived so that any block made of it will become magnetizable + "Magnetic Derivation List" = ["minecraft:iron_ingot"] + + [oddities.matrix_enchanting] + #Set to false to disable the ability to influence enchantment outcomes with candles (requires the Tallow and Candles module enabled) + "Allow Influencing" = true + #A list of enchantment IDs you don't want the enchantment table to be able to create + "Disallowed Enchantments" = [] + #The maximum enchanting power the matrix enchanter can accept + "Max Bookshelves" = 15 + #How much to multiply the frequency of pieces where at least one of the same type has been generated + "Dupe Multiplier" = 1.4 + #How much the min level requirement for adding a new piece to a book should increase per each bookshelf being used + "Min Level Scale Factor Book" = 2.0 + #At which piece count the calculation for the min level should default to increasing one per piece rather than using the scale factor + "Min Level Cutoff" = 8 + #Should this be X, the price of a piece increase by 1 every X pieces you generate + "Piece Price Scale" = 9 + #Matrix Enchanting can be done with water instead of air around the enchanting table. Set this to false to disable this behaviour. + "Allow Underwater Enchanting" = true + #How many pieces you can generate without any bookshelves + "Base Max Piece Count" = 3 + #How much each candle influences an enchantment. This works as a multiplier to its weight + "Influence Power" = 0.125 + #Set to false to disable the tooltip for items with pending enchantments + "Show Tooltip" = true + #Set to false to disable the ability to create Enchanted Books + "Allow Books" = true + #If you set this to false, the vanilla Enchanting Table will no longer automatically convert to the Matrix Enchanting table. You'll have to add a recipe for the Matrix Enchanting Table to make use of this. + "Automatically Convert" = true + #The higher this is, the better enchantments you'll get on books + "Book Enchantability" = 12 + #An array of influences each candle should apply. This list must be 16 elements long, and is in order of wool colors. + "Influences List" = ["minecraft:unbreaking", "minecraft:fire_protection", "minecraft:knockback,minecraft:punch", "minecraft:feather_falling", "minecraft:looting,minecraft:fortune,minecraft:luck_of_the_sea", "minecraft:blast_protection", "minecraft:silk_touch,minecraft:channeling", "minecraft:bane_of_arthropods", "minecraft:protection", "minecraft:respiration,minecraft:loyalty,minecraft:infinity", "minecraft:sweeping,minecraft:multishot", "minecraft:efficiency,minecraft:sharpness,minecraft:lure,minecraft:power,minecraft:impaling,minecraft:quick_charge", "minecraft:aqua_affinity,minecraft:depth_strider,minecraft:riptide", "minecraft:thorns,minecraft:piercing", "minecraft:fire_aspect,minecraft:flame", "minecraft:smite,minecraft:projectile_protection"] + #How many pieces a single Lapis can generate + "Charge Per Lapis" = 4 + #How many pieces you can generate without any bookshelves (for Books) + "Base Max Piece Count Book" = 1 + #How much to multiply the frequency of pieces where incompatible pieces have been generated + "Incompatible Multiplier" = 0.0 + #How much the min level requirement for adding a new piece should increase for each piece added (up until the value of Min Level Cutoff) + "Min Level Scale Factor" = 1.2 + #Set this to true to allow treasure enchantments to be rolled as pieces + "Allow Treasures" = false + #By default, enchantment rarities are fuzzed a bit to feel better with the new system. Set this to false to override this behaviour. + "Normalize Rarity" = true + #The max amount of candles that can influence a single enchantment + "Influence Max" = 4 + + [oddities.backpack] + "Enable Ravager Hide" = true + "Base Ravager Hide Drop" = 1 + "Extra Chance Per Looting" = 0.5 + #Set this to true to allow the backpacks to be unequipped even with items in them + "Super Op Mode" = false + "Items In Backpack Tick" = true + + [oddities.crate] + "Max Items" = 640 + + [oddities.pipes] + #Set to 0 if you don't want pipes to have a max amount of items + "Max Pipe Items" = 16 + #When items eject or are absorbed by pipes, should they make sounds? + "Do Pipes Whoosh" = true + #How long it takes for an item to cross a pipe. Bigger = slower. + "Pipe Speed" = 5 + +[experimental] + "Adjustable Chat" = false + "Custom Underground Biome" = false + "Game Nerfs" = false + Pallet = false + Shiba = false + "Narrator Readout" = false + "Microcrafting Helper" = false + "Overlay Shader" = false + + [experimental.custom_underground_biome] + #The format for these definitions is: + #dimensions;isDimensionBlacklist;biomeTypews;isBiomeBlacklist;rarity;minY..maxY;horizontalSize,verticalSize;horizontalVariation,verticalVariation;floorBlocks@weight;ceilingBlocks@weight;wallBlocks@weight;mimicInside + #That's a lot to take in, so here's an example. This would be for the default config of the Slime underground biome. (Spaces are allowed.) + #minecraft:overworld; false; SWAMP; false; 120; 10..40; 26,14; 14,6; minecraft:water@915, minecraft:slime_block@85; minecraft:green_terracotta@2, minecraft:lime_terracotta@3, minecraft:light_blue_terracotta@1; CEILING; false + "Biome Definitions" = [] + + [experimental.adjustable_chat] + "Horizontal Shift" = 0 + "Vertical Shift" = 0 + + [experimental.game_nerfs] + #Makes Mending act like the Unmending mod + # + "Nerf Mending" = true + #Makes Iron Golems not drop Iron Ingots + "Disable Iron Farms" = true + #Makes Sheep not drop Wool when killed + "Disable Wool Drops" = true + #Makes Boats not glide on ice + "Disable Ice Roads" = true + #Resets all villager discounts when zombified to prevent reducing prices to ridiculous levels + "Nerf Villager Discount" = true + + [experimental.shiba] + + [experimental.shiba.spawn_config] + #Allowed values: (0,) + "Spawn Weight" = 40 + #Allowed values: [1,) + "Min Group Size" = 1 + #Allowed values: [1,) + "Max Group Size" = 3 + + [experimental.shiba.spawn_config.biomes] + + [experimental.shiba.spawn_config.biomes.types] + #Allowed values: [[hot, cold, sparse, dense, wet, dry, savanna, coniferous, + # jungle, spooky, dead, lush, mushroom, magical, rare, + # plateau, modified, ocean, river, water, mesa, forest, + # plains, mountain, hills, swamp, sandy, snowy, wasteland, + # beach, void, overworld, nether, end] + "Biome Types" = ["mountain"] + "Is Blacklist" = false + + [experimental.shiba.spawn_config.biomes.biomes] + Biomes = [] + "Is Blacklist" = true + + [experimental.overlay_shader] + #Sets the name of the shader to load on a regular basis. This can load any shader the Camera module can (and requires the Camera module enabled to apply said logic). + #Some useful shaders include 'desaturate', 'oversaturate', 'bumpy' + #Colorblind simulation shaders are available in the form of 'deuteranopia', 'protanopia', 'tritanopia', and 'achromatopsia' + Shader = "none" + diff --git a/config/repurposed_structures-forge/bastions.toml b/config/repurposed_structures-forge/bastions.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3b85be6 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/repurposed_structures-forge/bastions.toml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +# +# Average distance between spawn attempts for Underground Bastions in +# biomes not tagged as ocean, beach, end, nether, or none category. +# 1 for spawning in most chunks and 10001 for none. +#Range: 1 ~ 10001 +bastionUndergroundMaxChunkDistance = 500 + diff --git a/config/repurposed_structures-forge/biome_dimension_allow_disallow_configs.json5 b/config/repurposed_structures-forge/biome_dimension_allow_disallow_configs.json5 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5bc1b9a --- /dev/null +++ b/config/repurposed_structures-forge/biome_dimension_allow_disallow_configs.json5 @@ -0,0 +1,155 @@ +{ + // + + + + + + +// In the key part, specify the name of the structures or configuredfeatures from +// Repurposed Structures that you want to affect. Then in the value part, add the identifiers +// or regex for the dimension that you want Repurposed Structures stuff to NOT spawn in. + +// Separate multiple entries with a comma. +// Example usage (the actual config entry to edit are the lines not starting with // further down): +// "disallowedDimensions": { +// "repurposed_structures:village_birch": "minecraft:overworld, awesome_mod:.+" +// } + +// In this example, no Birch village will spawn in the overworld because we specified that dimension's identifier. +// Then the village will not spawn in any of awesome_mod's dimension because "awesome_mod:.+" is regex that will +// match all dimensions that starts with "awesome_mod:" in their identifier. Powerful stuff! + +// Use "all" as the key to affect all of RS's structures and configuredfeatures. +// You can find dimension identifiers by doing "/execute in" command in game. +// All of RS's structure identifiers can be found by doing "/locate" command in game. +// RS's dungeons and wells identifiers can be found here on GitHub: +// + "disallowedDimensions": { + "all": "the_bumblezone:the_bumblezone, twilightforest:twilightforest, undergarden:undergarden, the_midnight:the_midnight, advancedrocketry:space, theabyss:.+, pokecube:secret_base, pokecube_legends:distorted_world, pokecube_legends:ultraspace, dystopia:dystopia, elvenation:elvenia_dimension, futurepack:.+, the_afterlight:.+, lotr:middle_earth,thebeginning:.+", + "repurposed_structures:well_badlands": "aoa3:barathos", + "repurposed_structures:village_badlands": "aoa3:barathos", + "repurposed_structures:outpost_badlands": "aoa3:barathos", + "repurposed_structures:mineshaft_desert": "atum:atum" + }, + // + + + + + + +// RS's Structures and ConfiguredFeatures has default settings of what dimensions they are added to. +// This allowedDimensions config is for adding them to more dimension or for overriding disallowedDimensions config. +// NOTE: A Structure or ConfiguredFeature must be added to both the dimension and to the biomes in the dimension to spawn. + +// In the key part, specify the name of the structures or configuredfeatures from +// Repurposed Structures that you want to affect. Then in the value part, add the identifiers +// or regex for the dimension that you want Repurposed Structures stuff to ALWAYS spawn in. + +// Separate multiple entries with a comma. +// Example usage (the actual config entry to edit are the lines not starting with // further down): +// "allowedDimensions": { +// "repurposed_structures:stronghold_nether": "minecraft:overworld, firey_realms:.+" +// }, + +// In this example, Nether Strongholds will spawn in the overworld because we specified that dimension's identifier. +// Then the Nether Strongholds will also spawn in any of awesome_mod's dimension because "firey_realms:.+" is regex that will +// match all dimensions that starts with "firey_realms:" in their identifier. Powerful stuff! + +// Use "all" as the key to affect all of RS's structures and configuredfeatures. +// You can find dimension identifiers by doing "/execute in" command in game. +// All of RS's structure identifiers can be found by doing "/locate" command in game. +// RS's dungeons and wells identifiers can be found here on GitHub: +// + "allowedDimensions": { + "repurposed_structures:pyramid_jungle": "futurepack:tyros", + "repurposed_structures:ruins_land_warm": "dystopia:dystopia, elvenation:elvenia_dimension, futurepack:tyros, lotr:middle_earth", + "repurposed_structures:bastion_underground": "dystopia:dystopia, elvenation:elvenia_dimension, futurepack:tyros", + "repurposed_structures:dungeons_jungle": "futurepack:tyros", + "repurposed_structures:well_mossy_stone": "futurepack:tyros, lotr:middle_earth", + "repurposed_structures:well_forest": "lotr:middle_earth", + "repurposed_structures:pyramid_snowy": "lotr:middle_earth", + "repurposed_structures:mineshaft_jungle": "futurepack:tyros", + "repurposed_structures:igloo_grassy": "elvenation:elvenia_dimension", + "repurposed_structures:well_snow": "lotr:middle_earth" + }, + // + + + + + + +// RS's Structures and ConfiguredFeatures has default settings of what biomes they are added to. +// This disallowedBiomes config is for overriding that internal default setting. + +// In the key part, specify the name of the structures or configuredfeatures from +// Repurposed Structures that you want to affect. Then in the value part, add the identifiers +// or regex for the biomes that you want Repurposed Structures stuff to NOT spawn in. +// You can also do biome categories as well by doing #swamp to remove from all swamp category biomes. + +// Separate multiple entries with a comma. +// Example usage (the actual config entry to edit are the lines not starting with // further down): +// "disallowedBiomes": { +// "repurposed_structures:bastion_underground": "minecraft:flower_forest, peaceful_lands:.+, #mushroom" +// } + +// In this example, Underground Bastions are remvoed from Flower Forest biome because we specified that biomes's identifier. +// Then the Underground Bastions will also be removed from all of peaceful_lands's biomes because "peaceful_lands:.+" is regex +// that will match all biomes that starts with "peaceful_lands:" in their identifier. Powerful stuff! +// Then it will remove the Underground Bastions from all mushroom category biomes including both modded and vanilla's.\n +// Use "all" as the key to affect all of RS's structures and configuredfeatures. +// You can find biome identifiers by doing "/locatebiome" command in game. +// All of RS's structure identifiers can be found by doing "/locate" command in game. +// RS's dungeons and wells identifiers can be found here on GitHub: +// + "disallowedBiomes": { + "repurposed_structures:village_oak": "vampirism:vampire_forest", + "repurposed_structures:well_forest": "vampirism:vampire_forest", + "repurposed_structures:outpost_oak": "vampirism:vampire_forest", + "repurposed_structures:witch_hut_oak": "vampirism:vampire_forest" + }, + // + + + + + + +// RS's Structures and ConfiguredFeatures has default settings of what biomes they are added to. +// This allowedBiomes config is for adding them to more biomes or for overriding disallowedBiomes config. +// NOTE: A Structure or ConfiguredFeature must be added to both the dimension and to the biomes in the dimension to spawn. + +// In the key part, specify the name of the structures or configuredfeatures from +// Repurposed Structures that you want to affect. Then in the value part, add the identifiers +// or regex for the biomes that you want Repurposed Structures stuff to ALWAYS spawn in. +// You can also do biome categories as well by doing #forest to add to all forest category biomes. + +// Separate multiple entries with a comma. +// Example usage (the actual config entry to edit are the lines not starting with // further down): +// "allowedBiomes": { +// "repurposed_structures:mansion_taiga": "minecraft:badlands, fantasy_overworld:.+, #desert" +// } + +// In this example, Taiga Mansions will spawn in the one Badlands biome because we specified that biomes's identifier. +// Then the Taiga Mansions will also spawn in all of fantasy_overworld's biomes because "fantasy_overworld:.+" is regex +// that will match all biomes that starts with "fantasy_overworld:" in their identifier. Powerful stuff! +// Then it will add the Taiga Mansion to all Desert category biomes including both modded and vanilla's. + +// Use "all" as the key to affect all of RS's structures and configuredfeatures. +// You can find biome identifiers by doing "/locatebiome" command in game. +// All of RS's structure identifiers can be found by doing "/locate" command in game. +// RS's dungeons and wells identifiers can be found here on GitHub: +// + "allowedBiomes": {}, + // + + + + + + +// for internal use only. Do not change this. + "configVersion": 6 +} diff --git a/config/repurposed_structures-forge/cities.toml b/config/repurposed_structures-forge/cities.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8b3bfaa --- /dev/null +++ b/config/repurposed_structures-forge/cities.toml @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +# +# Average distance between spawn attempts for Nether Cities. +# 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. +#Range: 1 ~ 1001 +citiesNetherMaxChunkDistance = 120 + diff --git a/config/repurposed_structures-forge/dungeons.toml b/config/repurposed_structures-forge/dungeons.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4e2f44c --- /dev/null +++ b/config/repurposed_structures-forge/dungeons.toml @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +# +# Whether End Dungeons spawns Shulker Boxes. if false, spawns regular Chests instead. +#(Configuredfeatures are unable to be overridden by datapack due to bad Forge hook placement. Hence this config option) +shulkerBoxInEndDungeons = true + +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# How many positions Repurposed Structures Dungeons will pick per chunk to check if it can spawn at those positions. +# Will replace Vanilla Dungeons with RS's themed dungeons if both would've been in same biome. (except for RS's Ocean Dungeon) +# 0 for no Dungeons at all and 1000 for max Dungeon spawnrate. +# Note: Vanilla Dungeons will spawn again if a RS Dungeon's entry is set to 0 for the biome. +[AttemptsPerChunk] + #Range: 0 ~ 1000 + jungleDungeonAttemptsPerChunk = 8 + #Range: 0 ~ 1000 + mushroomDungeonAttemptsPerChunk = 8 + #Range: 0 ~ 1000 + darkForestDungeonAttemptsPerChunk = 8 + #Range: 0 ~ 1000 + desertDungeonAttemptsPerChunk = 8 + #Range: 0 ~ 1000 + snowDungeonAttemptsPerChunk = 8 + #Range: 0 ~ 1000 + badlandsDungeonAttemptsPerChunk = 8 + #Range: 0 ~ 1000 + oceanDungeonAttemptsPerChunk = 4 + #Range: 0 ~ 1000 + endDungeonAttemptsPerChunk = 12 + #Range: 0 ~ 1000 + netherDungeonAttemptsPerChunk = 12 + #Range: 0 ~ 1000 + swampDungeonAttemptsPerChunk = 8 + +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Minimum Y height that this dungeon can spawn at. +# Note: The dungeon will spawn between min and max y height set in config. +["Min Height"] + #Range: 2 ~ 255 + desertDungeonMinHeight = 2 + #Range: 2 ~ 255 + mushroomDungeonMinHeight = 2 + #Range: 2 ~ 255 + badlandsDungeonMinHeight = 2 + #Range: 2 ~ 255 + darkForestDungeonMinHeight = 2 + #Range: 2 ~ 255 + netherDungeonMinHeight = 2 + #Range: 3 ~ 255 + oceanDungeonMinHeight = 3 + #Range: 2 ~ 255 + icyDungeonMinHeight = 2 + #Range: 2 ~ 255 + snowDungeonMinHeight = 2 + #Range: 2 ~ 255 + swampDungeonMinHeight = 2 + #Range: 2 ~ 255 + endDungeonMinHeight = 2 + #Range: 2 ~ 255 + jungleDungeonMinHeight = 2 + +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Maximum Y height that this dungeon can spawn at. +# Note: The dungeon will spawn between min and max y height set in config. +# Setting this to below min height config will make dungeon spawn only at min height. +["Max Height"] + #Range: 2 ~ 255 + icyDungeonMaxHeight = 255 + #Range: 2 ~ 255 + endDungeonMaxHeight = 255 + #Range: 2 ~ 255 + badlandsDungeonMaxHeight = 255 + #Range: 2 ~ 255 + netherDungeonMaxHeight = 255 + #Range: 3 ~ 255 + oceanDungeonMaxHeight = 255 + #Range: 2 ~ 255 + darkForestDungeonMaxHeight = 255 + #Range: 2 ~ 255 + mushroomDungeonMaxHeight = 255 + #Range: 2 ~ 255 + jungleDungeonMaxHeight = 255 + #Range: 2 ~ 255 + swampDungeonMaxHeight = 255 + #Range: 2 ~ 255 + desertDungeonMaxHeight = 255 + #Range: 2 ~ 255 + snowDungeonMaxHeight = 255 + diff --git a/config/repurposed_structures-forge/fortresses.toml b/config/repurposed_structures-forge/fortresses.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..36b394f --- /dev/null +++ b/config/repurposed_structures-forge/fortresses.toml @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +# +# Average distance between spawn attempts for Jungle Fortresses. +# 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for no spawn. +#Range: 1 ~ 1001 +jungleFortressMaxChunkDistance = 50 +# +# Size of the fortress. This is how many pieces long a branch can be from the start piece. +#Range: 1 ~ 30 +jungleFortressSize = 10 +# +# Min Y height that the starting point can spawn at. +#Range: 0 ~ 255 +jungleFortressMinHeight = 56 +# +# Max Y height that the starting point can spawn at. +# +#If below min height, this will be read as min. +#Range: 0 ~ 255 +jungleFortressMaxHeight = 63 +# +# How far above or below the fortress's pieces can generate away from the center piece. +#Range: 0 ~ 255 +jungleFortressVerticalRange = 33 + diff --git a/config/repurposed_structures-forge/igloos.toml b/config/repurposed_structures-forge/igloos.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..79e445c --- /dev/null +++ b/config/repurposed_structures-forge/igloos.toml @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +# +# Average distance between spawn attempts for Grassy Igloos in Plains and Forests. +# 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for no spawn. +#Range: 1 ~ 1001 +grassyIglooMaxChunkDistance = 20 +# +# Average distance between spawn attempts for Stone Igloos in Giant Tree Taiga biomes. +# 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for no spawn. +#Range: 1 ~ 1001 +stoneIglooMaxChunkDistance = 20 + diff --git a/config/repurposed_structures-forge/mansions.toml b/config/repurposed_structures-forge/mansions.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..51e6b83 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/repurposed_structures-forge/mansions.toml @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +# +# Only make supports downward if there is land below. +# (Helps make structure look better in floating island worlds instead of support going down to void at world bottom) +pillarOnlyToLand = true +# +# Average distance between spawn attempts for Repurposed Structures Mansions. +# 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. +#Range: 1 ~ 1001 +mansionBirchMaxChunkDistance = 180 +#Range: 1 ~ 1001 +mansionJungleMaxChunkDistance = 225 +#Range: 1 ~ 1001 +mansionOakMaxChunkDistance = 205 +#Range: 1 ~ 1001 +mansionSavannaMaxChunkDistance = 225 +#Range: 1 ~ 1001 +mansionTaigaMaxChunkDistance = 205 +#Range: 1 ~ 1001 +mansionDesertMaxChunkDistance = 225 +#Range: 1 ~ 1001 +mansionSnowyMaxChunkDistance = 225 + diff --git a/config/repurposed_structures-forge/mineshafts.toml b/config/repurposed_structures-forge/mineshafts.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8005b1e --- /dev/null +++ b/config/repurposed_structures-forge/mineshafts.toml @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ + +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Controls the probability of spawning a Repurposed Structures Mineshafts per chunk. +# Will replace Vanilla Mineshafts with RS's themed Mineshafts if both would've been in same biome. +# 0 is no Mineshafts while 1000 is max spawnrate. +# Note: Vanilla Mineshafts will spawn again if a RS Mineshafts's entry is set to 0 for the biome. +[Spawnrate] + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1000.0 + jungleMineshaftSpawnrate = 40.0 + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1000.0 + taigaMineshaftSpawnrate = 40.0 + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1000.0 + birchMineshaftSpawnrate = 40.0 + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1000.0 + desertMineshaftSpawnrate = 40.0 + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1000.0 + oceanMineshaftSpawnrate = 40.0 + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1000.0 + stoneMineshaftSpawnrate = 40.0 + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1000.0 + icyMineshaftSpawnrate = 40.0 + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1000.0 + swampMineshaftSpawnrate = 40.0 + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1000.0 + crimsonMineshaftSpawnrate = 40.0 + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1000.0 + darkForestMineshaftSpawnrate = 40.0 + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1000.0 + netherMineshaftSpawnrate = 40.0 + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1000.0 + savannaMineshaftSpawnrate = 40.0 + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1000.0 + endMineshaftSpawnrate = 60.0 + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1000.0 + warpedMineshaftSpawnrate = 40.0 + +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Minimum Y height that this mineshaft can spawn at. +# Note: The mineshaft will spawn between min and max y height set in config. +["Min height"] + #Range: 5 ~ 255 + swampMineshaftMinHeight = 8 + #Range: 5 ~ 255 + netherMineshaftMinHeight = 6 + #Range: 5 ~ 255 + oceanMineshaftMinHeight = 8 + #Range: 5 ~ 255 + savannaMineshaftMinHeight = 8 + #Range: 5 ~ 255 + icyMineshaftMinHeight = 8 + #Range: 5 ~ 255 + jungleMineshaftMinHeight = 8 + #Range: 5 ~ 255 + warpedMineshaftMinHeight = 6 + #Range: 5 ~ 255 + crimsonMineshaftMinHeight = 6 + #Range: 5 ~ 255 + taigaMineshaftMinHeight = 8 + #Range: 5 ~ 255 + darkForestMineshaftMinHeight = 8 + #Range: 5 ~ 255 + birchMineshaftMinHeight = 8 + #Range: 5 ~ 255 + stoneMineshaftMinHeight = 8 + #Range: 5 ~ 255 + desertMineshaftMinHeight = 8 + +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Maximum Y height that this mineshaft can spawn at. +# Note: The mineshaft will spawn between min and max y height set in config. +# Setting this to below min height config will make mineshaft spawn only at min height. +["Max height"] + #Range: 5 ~ 255 + swampMineshaftMaxHeight = 45 + #Range: 5 ~ 255 + taigaMineshaftMaxHeight = 45 + #Range: 5 ~ 255 + darkForestMineshaftMaxHeight = 45 + #Range: 5 ~ 255 + stoneMineshaftMaxHeight = 45 + #Range: 5 ~ 255 + icyMineshaftMaxHeight = 45 + #Range: 5 ~ 255 + oceanMineshaftMaxHeight = 26 + #Range: 5 ~ 255 + crimsonMineshaftMaxHeight = 14 + #Range: 5 ~ 255 + desertMineshaftMaxHeight = 45 + #Range: 5 ~ 255 + warpedMineshaftMaxHeight = 14 + #Range: 5 ~ 255 + birchMineshaftMaxHeight = 45 + #Range: 5 ~ 255 + netherMineshaftMaxHeight = 17 + #Range: 5 ~ 255 + jungleMineshaftMaxHeight = 45 + #Range: 5 ~ 255 + savannaMineshaftMaxHeight = 45 + +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Size of the mineshaft. This is how many pieces long a branch can be from the start piece. +[Size] + #Range: 1 ~ 30 + swampMineshaftSize = 9 + #Range: 1 ~ 30 + darkForestMineshaftSize = 9 + #Range: 1 ~ 30 + jungleMineshaftSize = 9 + #Range: 1 ~ 30 + endMineshaftSize = 11 + #Range: 1 ~ 30 + birchMineshaftSize = 9 + #Range: 1 ~ 30 + savannaMineshaftSize = 9 + #Range: 1 ~ 30 + desertMineshaftSize = 9 + #Range: 1 ~ 30 + crimsonMineshaftSize = 10 + #Range: 1 ~ 30 + netherMineshaftSize = 10 + #Range: 1 ~ 30 + oceanMineshaftSize = 9 + #Range: 1 ~ 30 + warpedMineshaftSize = 10 + #Range: 1 ~ 30 + stoneMineshaftSize = 9 + #Range: 1 ~ 30 + icyMineshaftSize = 9 + #Range: 1 ~ 30 + taigaMineshaftSize = 9 + +[Misc] + # + # The minimum thickness of End islands that the End Mineshaft can spawn in. + #So 30 means the End Mineshaft will spawn in land that is at least 30 blocks vertically in the area. + #Do 0 to turn off this check and allow the End Mineshaft to spawn anywhere including floating in midair. + #Range: 0 ~ 256 + endMineshaftMinIslandThickness = 30 + diff --git a/config/repurposed_structures-forge/modded_loot.toml b/config/repurposed_structures-forge/modded_loot.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2fb803c --- /dev/null +++ b/config/repurposed_structures-forge/modded_loot.toml @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +#Adds modded loot from vanilla structure's loot tables and injects them into Repurposed Structure's loot tables. +#Example: Snowy Pyramid gets all modded items that vanilla Desert Temple can have. +importModdedItems = true +#Add the identifiers for Repurposed Structures's loottable you want to turn off the automatic modded item importing code for. +#Separate multiple entries with a comma. +#Example: "repurposed_structures:chests/mansions/birch, repurposed_structures:chests/mineshafts/jungle" +blacklistedRSLoottablesFromImportingModdedItems = "" + diff --git a/config/repurposed_structures-forge/natural_mob_spawning_configs.json5 b/config/repurposed_structures-forge/natural_mob_spawning_configs.json5 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0a85a6f --- /dev/null +++ b/config/repurposed_structures-forge/natural_mob_spawning_configs.json5 @@ -0,0 +1,374 @@ +{ + // + + + + + + +// In the key part, specify the name of the structures from Repurposed Structures that +// you want to affect. Then in the value part, add entries for all the mobs you would like +// to spawn over time in the structure's bounds. This entry will ignore biome's mob spawns +// entirely when spawning a mob in the structure's boundary after worldgen is done. +// This means you will not see the biome's mobs in the structure. + +// The change only applies to SpawnGroups of the mobs you add to this config. +// Example: adding Wither Skeletons here to Birch Villages will make all Monster +// SpawnGroup spawns be Wither Skeletons in the village but Creature and other +// SpawnGroups will spawn just fine over time in the village such as sheep or cow. + +// Use "all" as the key to affect all of RS's structures. +// You can find entity's identifiers by doing "/effect @e[type=" command in game. +// All of RS's structure identifiers can be found by doing "/locate" command in game. + +// NOTE: replaceMobSpawns will always override appendMobSpawns for the same structure and mob's SpawnGroups. + "replaceMobSpawns": { + "repurposed_structures:city_nether": [ + { + "type": "minecraft:blaze", + "weight": 120, + "minGroupSize": 1, + "maxGroupSize": 4, + "logErrorIfNotFound": true + }, + { + "type": "minecraft:wither_skeleton", + "weight": 10, + "minGroupSize": 2, + "maxGroupSize": 3, + "logErrorIfNotFound": true + } + ], + "repurposed_structures:outpost_snowy": [ + { + "type": "minecraft:pillager", + "weight": 10, + "minGroupSize": 1, + "maxGroupSize": 1, + "logErrorIfNotFound": true + } + ], + "repurposed_structures:witch_hut_birch": [ + { + "type": "minecraft:witch", + "weight": 10, + "minGroupSize": 1, + "maxGroupSize": 1, + "logErrorIfNotFound": true + }, + { + "type": "minecraft:cat", + "weight": 10, + "minGroupSize": 1, + "maxGroupSize": 1, + "logErrorIfNotFound": true + } + ], + "repurposed_structures:outpost_jungle": [ + { + "type": "minecraft:pillager", + "weight": 10, + "minGroupSize": 1, + "maxGroupSize": 1, + "logErrorIfNotFound": true + } + ], + "repurposed_structures:outpost_taiga": [ + { + "type": "minecraft:pillager", + "weight": 10, + "minGroupSize": 1, + "maxGroupSize": 1, + "logErrorIfNotFound": true + } + ], + "repurposed_structures:outpost_crimson": [ + { + "type": "minecraft:piglin", + "weight": 10, + "minGroupSize": 1, + "maxGroupSize": 1, + "logErrorIfNotFound": true + } + ], + "repurposed_structures:witch_hut_dark_forest": [ + { + "type": "minecraft:witch", + "weight": 10, + "minGroupSize": 1, + "maxGroupSize": 1, + "logErrorIfNotFound": true + }, + { + "type": "minecraft:cat", + "weight": 10, + "minGroupSize": 1, + "maxGroupSize": 1, + "logErrorIfNotFound": true + } + ], + "repurposed_structures:witch_hut_taiga": [ + { + "type": "minecraft:witch", + "weight": 10, + "minGroupSize": 1, + "maxGroupSize": 1, + "logErrorIfNotFound": true + }, + { + "type": "minecraft:cat", + "weight": 10, + "minGroupSize": 1, + "maxGroupSize": 1, + "logErrorIfNotFound": true + } + ], + "repurposed_structures:outpost_desert": [ + { + "type": "minecraft:pillager", + "weight": 10, + "minGroupSize": 1, + "maxGroupSize": 1, + "logErrorIfNotFound": true + } + ], + "repurposed_structures:bastion_underground": [ + { + "type": "minecraft:skeleton", + "weight": 10, + "minGroupSize": 1, + "maxGroupSize": 4, + "logErrorIfNotFound": true + } + ], + "repurposed_structures:outpost_nether_brick": [ + { + "type": "minecraft:piglin", + "weight": 10, + "minGroupSize": 1, + "maxGroupSize": 1, + "logErrorIfNotFound": true + } + ], + "repurposed_structures:outpost_giant_tree_taiga": [ + { + "type": "minecraft:pillager", + "weight": 10, + "minGroupSize": 1, + "maxGroupSize": 1, + "logErrorIfNotFound": true + } + ], + "repurposed_structures:outpost_badlands": [ + { + "type": "minecraft:pillager", + "weight": 10, + "minGroupSize": 1, + "maxGroupSize": 1, + "logErrorIfNotFound": true + } + ], + "repurposed_structures:outpost_icy": [ + { + "type": "minecraft:pillager", + "weight": 10, + "minGroupSize": 1, + "maxGroupSize": 1, + "logErrorIfNotFound": true + } + ], + "repurposed_structures:outpost_birch": [ + { + "type": "minecraft:pillager", + "weight": 1, + "minGroupSize": 1, + "maxGroupSize": 1, + "logErrorIfNotFound": true + } + ], + "repurposed_structures:witch_hut_giant_tree_taiga": [ + { + "type": "minecraft:witch", + "weight": 10, + "minGroupSize": 1, + "maxGroupSize": 1, + "logErrorIfNotFound": true + }, + { + "type": "minecraft:cat", + "weight": 10, + "minGroupSize": 1, + "maxGroupSize": 1, + "logErrorIfNotFound": true + } + ], + "repurposed_structures:outpost_warped": [ + { + "type": "minecraft:piglin", + "weight": 10, + "minGroupSize": 1, + "maxGroupSize": 1, + "logErrorIfNotFound": true + } + ], + "repurposed_structures:outpost_end": [ + { + "type": "minecraft:phantom", + "weight": 10, + "minGroupSize": 1, + "maxGroupSize": 1, + "logErrorIfNotFound": true + } + ], + "repurposed_structures:outpost_oak": [ + { + "type": "minecraft:pillager", + "weight": 10, + "minGroupSize": 1, + "maxGroupSize": 1, + "logErrorIfNotFound": true + } + ], + "repurposed_structures:stronghold_nether": [ + { + "type": "minecraft:blaze", + "weight": 10, + "minGroupSize": 2, + "maxGroupSize": 3, + "logErrorIfNotFound": true + }, + { + "type": "minecraft:zombified_piglin", + "weight": 3, + "minGroupSize": 4, + "maxGroupSize": 4, + "logErrorIfNotFound": true + }, + { + "type": "minecraft:wither_skeleton", + "weight": 10, + "minGroupSize": 5, + "maxGroupSize": 5, + "logErrorIfNotFound": true + }, + { + "type": "minecraft:skeleton", + "weight": 2, + "minGroupSize": 5, + "maxGroupSize": 5, + "logErrorIfNotFound": true + }, + { + "type": "minecraft:magma_cube", + "weight": 3, + "minGroupSize": 4, + "maxGroupSize": 4, + "logErrorIfNotFound": true + } + ], + "repurposed_structures:witch_hut_oak": [ + { + "type": "minecraft:witch", + "weight": 10, + "minGroupSize": 1, + "maxGroupSize": 1, + "logErrorIfNotFound": true + }, + { + "type": "minecraft:cat", + "weight": 10, + "minGroupSize": 1, + "maxGroupSize": 1, + "logErrorIfNotFound": true + } + ] + }, + // + + + + + + +// In the key part, specify the name of the structures from Repurposed Structures that +// you want to affect. Then in the value part, add entries for all the mobs you would like +// to spawn over time in the structure's bounds. This entry will combine with the biome's +// mob spawns when spawning a mob in the structure's boundary after worldgen is done. +// This means you will see both biome's and structure's mobs in the structure. + +// Use "all" as the key to affect all of RS's structures. +// You can find entity's identifiers by doing "/effect @e[type=" command in game. +// All of RS's structure identifiers can be found by doing "/locate" command in game. + "appendMobSpawns": { + "repurposed_structures:mineshaft_end": [ + { + "type": "minecraft:endermite", + "weight": 10, + "minGroupSize": 2, + "maxGroupSize": 5, + "logErrorIfNotFound": true + }, + { + "type": "minecraft:enderman", + "weight": 5, + "minGroupSize": 1, + "maxGroupSize": 3, + "logErrorIfNotFound": true + } + ], + "repurposed_structures:shipwreck_nether_bricks": [ + { + "type": "minecraft:wither_skeleton", + "weight": 25, + "minGroupSize": 1, + "maxGroupSize": 1, + "logErrorIfNotFound": true + } + ], + "repurposed_structures:shipwreck_crimson": [ + { + "type": "minecraft:wither_skeleton", + "weight": 25, + "minGroupSize": 1, + "maxGroupSize": 1, + "logErrorIfNotFound": true + } + ], + "repurposed_structures:stronghold_end": [ + { + "type": "minecraft:endermite", + "weight": 100, + "minGroupSize": 2, + "maxGroupSize": 4, + "logErrorIfNotFound": true + } + ], + "repurposed_structures:shipwreck_warped": [ + { + "type": "minecraft:wither_skeleton", + "weight": 25, + "minGroupSize": 1, + "maxGroupSize": 1, + "logErrorIfNotFound": true + } + ], + "repurposed_structures:fortress_jungle": [ + { + "type": "minecraft:wither_skeleton", + "weight": 27, + "minGroupSize": 1, + "maxGroupSize": 1, + "logErrorIfNotFound": true + } + ] + }, + // + + + + + + +// for internal use only. Do not change this. + "configVersion": 2 +} diff --git a/config/repurposed_structures-forge/outposts.toml b/config/repurposed_structures-forge/outposts.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1b62876 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/repurposed_structures-forge/outposts.toml @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ + +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Average distance between spawn attempts for Repurposed Structures Outposts. +# Will replace Vanilla Outposts with RS's themed Outposts if both would've been in same biome. +# 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. +# Note: Vanilla Outposts will spawn again if a RS Outpost's entry is set to 1001 for the biome. +[Outposts] + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + warpedOutpostMaxChunkDistance = 34 + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + crimsonOutpostMaxChunkDistance = 34 + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + outpostOakMaxChunkDistance = 45 + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + netherBrickOutpostMaxChunkDistance = 34 + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + outpostBadlandsMaxChunkDistance = 45 + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + outpostTaigaMaxChunkDistance = 45 + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + outpostJungleMaxChunkDistance = 45 + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + outpostEndMaxChunkDistance = 61 + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + outpostSnowyMaxChunkDistance = 45 + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + outpostBirchMaxChunkDistance = 45 + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + outpostIcyMaxChunkDistance = 41 + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + outpostGiantTreeTaigaMaxChunkDistance = 45 + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + outpostDesertMaxChunkDistance = 45 + diff --git a/config/repurposed_structures-forge/pyramids.toml b/config/repurposed_structures-forge/pyramids.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d316711 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/repurposed_structures-forge/pyramids.toml @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +# +# Average distance between spawn attempts for Repurposed Structures Pyramids. +# 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. +#Range: 1 ~ 1001 +badlandsPyramidMaxChunkDistance = 40 +#Range: 1 ~ 1001 +pyramidSnowyMaxChunkDistance = 40 +#Range: 1 ~ 1001 +pyramidIcyMaxChunkDistance = 37 +#Range: 1 ~ 1001 +pyramidJungleMaxChunkDistance = 44 +#Range: 1 ~ 1001 +pyramidMushroomMaxChunkDistance = 24 +#Range: 1 ~ 1001 +pyramidOceanMaxChunkDistance = 40 +#Range: 1 ~ 1001 +pyramidGiantTreeTaigaMaxChunkDistance = 40 +#Range: 1 ~ 1001 +pyramidFlowerForestMaxChunkDistance = 36 +#Range: 1 ~ 1001 +netherPyramidMaxChunkDistance = 37 +#Range: 1 ~ 1001 +pyramidEndMaxChunkDistance = 68 + diff --git a/config/repurposed_structures-forge/ruined_portals.toml b/config/repurposed_structures-forge/ruined_portals.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..305a2fc --- /dev/null +++ b/config/repurposed_structures-forge/ruined_portals.toml @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +# +# Average distance between spawn attempts for End themed Ruined Portals in End category biomes. +# 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. +#Range: 1 ~ 1001 +ruinedPortalEndMaxChunkDistance = 57 + diff --git a/config/repurposed_structures-forge/ruins.toml b/config/repurposed_structures-forge/ruins.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..81fa20a --- /dev/null +++ b/config/repurposed_structures-forge/ruins.toml @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +# +# Average distance between spawn attempts for Repurposed Structures Ruins. +# 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. +#Range: 1 ~ 1001 +ruinsNetherMaxChunkDistance = 35 +#Range: 1 ~ 1001 +ruinsLandWarmMaxChunkDistance = 42 +#Range: 1 ~ 1001 +ruinsLandHotMaxChunkDistance = 45 + diff --git a/config/repurposed_structures-forge/shipwrecks.toml b/config/repurposed_structures-forge/shipwrecks.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4f8b9c4 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/repurposed_structures-forge/shipwrecks.toml @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ + +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Average distance between spawn attempts for Repurposed Structures Shipwrecks. +# 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. +[Shipwrecks] + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + netherBricksShipwreckMaxChunkDistance = 21 + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + crimsonShipwreckMaxChunkDistance = 18 + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + endShipwreckMaxChunkDistance = 24 + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + warpedShipwreckMaxChunkDistance = 18 + diff --git a/config/repurposed_structures-forge/strongholds.toml b/config/repurposed_structures-forge/strongholds.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b79550e --- /dev/null +++ b/config/repurposed_structures-forge/strongholds.toml @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ + +[Nether] + # + # Minimum Y height that Nether stronghold's starting point can spawn at. + # Note: Strongholds will spawn between min and max y height set in config. + #Range: 0 ~ 255 + netherStrongholdMinHeight = 5 + # + # Size of Nether Stronghold. This number is how many pieces deep a branch can go from the center piece. + # 1 for supertiny and 30 for supermassive Strongholds. + #Range: 1 ~ 30 + netherStrongholdSize = 15 + # + # Average distance between spawn attempts for Nether-styled Strongholds in Nether-category biomes. + # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for no spawn. + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + netherStrongholdMaxChunkDistance = 85 + # + # Maximum Y height that Nether stronghold's starting point can spawn at. + # Note: Strongholds will spawn between min and max y height set in config. + # Setting this to below min height config will make strongholds spawn only at min height. + #Range: 0 ~ 255 + netherStrongholdMaxHeight = 31 + +[End] + # + # Average distance between spawn attempts for End-styped Strongholds in End biome's islands. + # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + strongholdEndAverageChunkDistance = 130 + # + # How far above or below the End Stronghold's pieces can generate away from the center piece. + #Range: 0 ~ 255 + strongholdEndVerticalRange = 45 + # + # Minimum Y height that End stronghold's starting point can spawn at. + # Note: Strongholds will spawn between min and max y height set in config. + #Range: 0 ~ 255 + endStrongholdMinHeight = 5 + # + # Maximum Y height that End stronghold's starting point can spawn at. + # Note: Strongholds will spawn between min and max y height set in config. + # Setting this to below min height config will make strongholds spawn only at min height. + #Range: 0 ~ 255 + endStrongholdMaxHeight = 6 + # + # Size of End Stronghold. This number is how many pieces deep a branch can go from the center piece. + # 1 for supertiny and 30 for supermassive Strongholds. + #Range: 1 ~ 30 + endStrongholdSize = 15 + diff --git a/config/repurposed_structures-forge/temples.toml b/config/repurposed_structures-forge/temples.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a17a12a --- /dev/null +++ b/config/repurposed_structures-forge/temples.toml @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# +# Average distance between spawn attempts for Repurposed Structures Temples. +# 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. +#Range: 1 ~ 1001 +netherWastelandTempleMaxChunkDistance = 27 +#Range: 1 ~ 1001 +netherBasaltTempleMaxChunkDistance = 27 +#Range: 1 ~ 1001 +netherCrimsonTempleMaxChunkDistance = 27 +#Range: 1 ~ 1001 +netherWarpedTempleMaxChunkDistance = 27 +#Range: 1 ~ 1001 +netherSoulTempleMaxChunkDistance = 27 + diff --git a/config/repurposed_structures-forge/villages.toml b/config/repurposed_structures-forge/villages.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..02f9f97 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/repurposed_structures-forge/villages.toml @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ + +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Average distance between spawn attempts for Repurposed Structures Villages +# 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for no spawn. +[Spawnrates] + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + crimsonVillageMaxChunkDistance = 30 + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + villageMushroomAverageChunkDistance = 24 + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + birchVillageMaxChunkDistance = 47 + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + swampVillageMaxChunkDistance = 47 + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + darkForestVillageMaxChunkDistance = 47 + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + mountainsVillageMaxChunkDistance = 47 + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + jungleVillageMaxChunkDistance = 47 + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + warpedVillageMaxChunkDistance = 30 + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + badlandsVillageMaxChunkDistance = 34 + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + giantTaigaVillageMaxChunkDistance = 47 + #Range: 1 ~ 1001 + oakVillageMaxChunkDistance = 47 + +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Size of the village. This is how many pieces long a path can be from the start piece. +[Size] + #Range: 1 ~ 30 + mountainsVillageSize = 6 + #Range: 1 ~ 30 + warpedVillageSize = 6 + #Range: 1 ~ 30 + oakVillageSize = 6 + #Range: 1 ~ 30 + crimsonVillageSize = 6 + #Range: 1 ~ 30 + giantTaigaVillageSize = 6 + #Range: 1 ~ 30 + mushroomVillageSize = 8 + #Range: 1 ~ 30 + jungleVillageSize = 8 + #Range: 1 ~ 30 + birchVillageSize = 6 + #Range: 1 ~ 30 + swampVillageSize = 6 + #Range: 1 ~ 30 + badlandsVillageSize = 10 + #Range: 1 ~ 30 + darkForestVillageSize = 6 + diff --git a/config/repurposed_structures-forge/wells.toml b/config/repurposed_structures-forge/wells.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0d41869 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/repurposed_structures-forge/wells.toml @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +# +# Rarity of Repurposed Structures Wells. +# This affects the chances of a well spawning in a chunk. +# The chance of a well generating at a chunk is 1/rarityPerChunk. +# 1 for wells spawning in every chunk and 10000 for no wells. +#Range: 1 ~ 10000 +badlandsWellRarityPerChunk = 250 +#Range: 1 ~ 10000 +netherWellRarityPerChunk = 200 +#Range: 1 ~ 10000 +snowWellRarityPerChunk = 350 +#Range: 1 ~ 10000 +mossyStoneWellRarityPerChunk = 350 +#Range: 1 ~ 10000 +forestWellRarityPerChunk = 350 +#Range: 1 ~ 10000 +mushroomWellRarityPerChunk = 350 + diff --git a/config/repurposed_structures-forge/witch_huts.toml b/config/repurposed_structures-forge/witch_huts.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f61e0a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/repurposed_structures-forge/witch_huts.toml @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# +# Average distance between spawn attempts for Repurposed Structures Witch Huts. +# 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for no spawn. +#Range: 1 ~ 1001 +witchHutsOakMaxChunkDistance = 48 +#Range: 1 ~ 1001 +witchHutsTaigaMaxChunkDistance = 48 +#Range: 1 ~ 1001 +witchHutsGiantTreeTaigaMaxChunkDistance = 48 +#Range: 1 ~ 1001 +witchHutsBirchMaxChunkDistance = 48 +#Range: 1 ~ 1001 +witchHutsDarkForestMaxChunkDistance = 48 + diff --git a/config/rereskillablerereforked-common.toml b/config/rereskillablerereforked-common.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d6ec581 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/rereskillablerereforked-common.toml @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +#Disable wool drops to force the player to get shears. +disableWoolDrops = true +#Use skill fragments as the way of leveling up skills instead of XP levels. +useSkillFragments = false +#This makes it so that when you level up from a higher level, no more XP points will be consumed than when levelling up from a lower level +useXpPoints = false +#The minimum amount of skill levels lost on death. +#Range: 0 ~ 100 +deathLevelLossMin = 0 +#The maximum amount of skill levels lost on death. +#Range: 0 ~ 100 +deathLevelLossMax = 0 +#Amount of skill fragments obtained by completing task advancements. +#Range: 0 ~ 64 +skillFragmentsFromTasks = 1 +#Amount of skill fragments obtained by completing goal advancements. +#Range: 0 ~ 64 +skillFragmentsFromGoals = 2 +#Amount of skill fragments obtained by completing challenge advancements. +#Range: 0 ~ 64 +skillFragmentsFromChallenges = 3 +#Starting cost of upgrading to level 2, in levels. +#Range: 0 ~ 10 +startingCost = 2 +#Amount of levels added to the cost with each upgrade (use 0 for constant cost). +#Range: 0 ~ 10 +costIncrease = 1 +#Maximum level each skill can be upgraded to. +#Range: 2 ~ 100 +maximumLevel = 32 +#List of item and block skill requirements. +#Format: mod:id skill:level +#Valid skills: attack, defence/defense, mining, gathering, farming, building, agility, magic +skillLocks = ["minecraft:iron_sword attack:5", "minecraft:iron_shovel gathering:5", "minecraft:iron_pickaxe mining:5", "minecraft:iron_axe gathering:5", "minecraft:iron_hoe farming:5", "minecraft:iron_helmet defence:5", "minecraft:iron_chestplate defence:5", "minecraft:iron_leggings defence:5", "minecraft:iron_boots defence:5", "minecraft:diamond_sword attack:15", "minecraft:diamond_shovel gathering:15", "minecraft:diamond_pickaxe mining:15", "minecraft:diamond_axe gathering:15", "minecraft:diamond_hoe farming:15", "minecraft:diamond_helmet defence:15", "minecraft:diamond_chestplate defence:15", "minecraft:diamond_leggings defence:15", "minecraft:diamond_boots defence:15", "minecraft:netherite_sword attack:30", "minecraft:netherite_shovel gathering:30", "minecraft:netherite_pickaxe mining:30", "minecraft:netherite_axe gathering:30", "minecraft:netherite_hoe farming:30", "minecraft:netherite_helmet defence:30", "minecraft:netherite_chestplate defence:30", "minecraft:netherite_leggings defence:30", "minecraft:netherite_boots defence:30", "minecraft:fishing_rod gathering:5", "minecraft:shears gathering:5", "minecraft:lead farming:5", "minecraft:bow attack:5 agility:3", "minecraft:turtle_helmet defence:10", "minecraft:shield defence:5", "minecraft:crossbow attack:5 agility:5", "minecraft:trident attack:15 agility:10", "minecraft:golden_apple magic:5", "minecraft:enchanted_golden_apple magic:10", "minecraft:ender_pearl magic:5", "minecraft:ender_eye magic:10", "minecraft:piston building:5", "minecraft:sticky_piston building:10", "minecraft:tnt building:5", "minecraft:ender_chest magic:15", "minecraft:enchanting_table magic:10", "minecraft:anvil building:5", "minecraft:chipped_anvil building:5", "minecraft:damaged_anvil building:5", "minecraft:smithing_table building:10", "minecraft:end_crystal magic:20", "minecraft:boat agility:5", "minecraft:minecart agility:10", "minecraft:elytra agility:20", "minecraft:horse agility:10", "minecraft:donkey agility:10", "minecraft:mule agility:10", "minecraft:strider agility:15"] + diff --git a/config/sidebar_buttons.json b/config/sidebar_buttons.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a20c839 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/sidebar_buttons.json @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{ + "ftbteams": { + "my_team": true + }, + "ftblibrary": { + "toggle.gamemode": true, + "toggle.rain": true, + "": true, + "toggle.night": true + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/smoothboot.json b/config/smoothboot.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b0d93de --- /dev/null +++ b/config/smoothboot.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "bootstrapThreads": 1, + "mainThreads": 4, + "gamePriority": 5, + "integratedServerPriority": 5, + "bootstrapPriority": 1, + "mainPriority": 1, + "ioPriority": 1, + "modLoadingPriority": 1 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/sophisticatedbackpacks-client.toml b/config/sophisticatedbackpacks-client.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..162304d --- /dev/null +++ b/config/sophisticatedbackpacks-client.toml @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ + +#Client Settings +[client] + #Whether click sound should play when custom buttons are clicked in backpack gui + playButtonSound = true + #Positions where sort buttons can display to help with conflicts with controls from other mods + #Allowed Values: TITLE_LINE_RIGHT, ABOVE_UPGRADES, BELOW_UPGRADES, BELOW_UPGRADE_TABS, HIDDEN + sortButtonsPosition = "TITLE_LINE_RIGHT" + diff --git a/config/sophisticatedbackpacks-common.toml b/config/sophisticatedbackpacks-common.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d6b78d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/sophisticatedbackpacks-common.toml @@ -0,0 +1,398 @@ + +#Common Settings +[common] + #Turns on/off item fluid handler of backpack in its item form. There are some dupe bugs caused by default fluid handling implementation that manifest when backpack is drained / filled in its item form in another mod's tank and the only way to prevent them is disallowing drain/fill in item form altogether + itemFluidHandlerEnabled = true + #Turns on/off loot added to various vanilla chest loot tables + chestLootEnabled = true + #List of items that are not allowed to be put in backpacks - e.g. "minecraft:shulker_box" + disallowedItems = [] + #Disable / enable any items here (disables their recipes) + enabledItems = ["backpack:true", "iron_backpack:true", "gold_backpack:true", "diamond_backpack:true", "netherite_backpack:true", "pickup_upgrade:true", "advanced_pickup_upgrade:true", "filter_upgrade:true", "advanced_filter_upgrade:true", "magnet_upgrade:true", "advanced_magnet_upgrade:true", "feeding_upgrade:true", "advanced_feeding_upgrade:true", "compacting_upgrade:true", "advanced_compacting_upgrade:true", "void_upgrade:true", "advanced_void_upgrade:true", "restock_upgrade:true", "advanced_restock_upgrade:true", "deposit_upgrade:true", "advanced_deposit_upgrade:true", "refill_upgrade:true", "inception_upgrade:true", "everlasting_upgrade:true", "smelting_upgrade:true", "auto_smelting_upgrade:true", "smoking_upgrade:true", "auto_smoking_upgrade:true", "blasting_upgrade:true", "auto_blasting_upgrade:true", "crafting_upgrade:true", "stonecutter_upgrade:true", "stack_upgrade_tier_1:true", "stack_upgrade_tier_2:true", "stack_upgrade_tier_3:true", "stack_upgrade_tier_4:true", "jukebox_upgrade:true", "tool_swapper_upgrade:true", "advanced_tool_swapper_upgrade:true", "tank_upgrade:true", "battery_upgrade:true", "pump_upgrade:true", "advanced_pump_upgrade:true", "xp_pump_upgrade:true", "upgrade_base:true"] + + #Advanced Filter Upgrade Settings + [common.advancedFilterUpgrade] + #Number of Advanced Filter Upgrade's filter slots + #Range: 1 ~ 20 + filterSlots = 16 + #Number of filter slots displayed in a row + #Range: 1 ~ 6 + slotsInRow = 4 + + #Advanced Void Upgrade Settings + [common.advancedVoidUpgrade] + #Number of Advanced Void Upgrade's filter slots + #Range: 1 ~ 20 + filterSlots = 16 + #Number of filter slots displayed in a row + #Range: 1 ~ 6 + slotsInRow = 4 + + #Advanced Magnet Upgrade Settings + [common.advancedMagnetUpgrade] + #Number of Advanced Magnet Upgrade's filter slots + #Range: 1 ~ 20 + filterSlots = 16 + #Range around backpack in blocks at which magnet will pickup items + #Range: 1 ~ 20 + magnetRange = 5 + #Number of filter slots displayed in a row + #Range: 1 ~ 6 + slotsInRow = 4 + + #Smoking Upgrade Settings + [common.smokingUpgrade] + #Smelting speed multiplier (1.0 equals speed at which vanilla furnace smelts items) + #Range: 0.25 ~ 4.0 + smeltingSpeedMultiplier = 1.0 + #Fuel efficiency multiplier (1.0 equals speed at which it's used in vanilla furnace) + #Range: 0.25 ~ 4.0 + fuelEfficiencyMultiplier = 1.0 + + #Pickup Upgrade Settings + [common.pickupUpgrade] + #Number of Pickup Upgrade's filter slots + #Range: 1 ~ 20 + filterSlots = 9 + #Number of filter slots displayed in a row + #Range: 1 ~ 6 + slotsInRow = 3 + + #Diamond Backpack Settings + [common.diamondBackpack] + #Number of upgrade slots in the backpack + #Range: 0 ~ 10 + upgradeSlotCount = 5 + #Number of inventory slots in the backpack + #Range: 1 ~ 144 + inventorySlotCount = 108 + + #Filter Upgrade Settings + [common.filterUpgrade] + #Number of Filter Upgrade's filter slots + #Range: 1 ~ 20 + filterSlots = 9 + #Number of filter slots displayed in a row + #Range: 1 ~ 6 + slotsInRow = 3 + + #Compacting Upgrade Settings + [common.compactingUpgrade] + #Number of Compacting Upgrade's filter slots + #Range: 1 ~ 20 + filterSlots = 9 + #Number of filter slots displayed in a row + #Range: 1 ~ 6 + slotsInRow = 3 + + #Advanced Compacting Upgrade Settings + [common.advancedCompactingUpgrade] + #Number of Advanced Compacting Upgrade's filter slots + #Range: 1 ~ 20 + filterSlots = 16 + #Number of filter slots displayed in a row + #Range: 1 ~ 6 + slotsInRow = 4 + + #Void Upgrade Settings + [common.voidUpgrade] + #Number of Void Upgrade's filter slots + #Range: 1 ~ 20 + filterSlots = 9 + #Number of filter slots displayed in a row + #Range: 1 ~ 6 + slotsInRow = 3 + + #Tool Swapper Upgrade Settings + [common.toolSwapperUpgrade] + #Number of tool filter slots displayed in a row + #Range: 1 ~ 6 + slotsInRow = 4 + + [common.nerfs] + #Ratio of slowness levels per every backpack above the maximum number allowed. (number of backpacks above the max gets multiplied by this number and ceiled) + #Range: 0.1 ~ 5.0 + slownessLevelsPerAdditionalBackpack = 1.0 + #Maximum number of backpacks in player's inventory that will not cause slowness + #Range: 1 ~ 27 + maxNumberOfBackpacks = 3 + #Determines if too many backpacks in player's inventory cause slowness to the player + tooManyBackpacksSlowness = false + + #Inception Upgrade Settings + [common.inceptionUpgrade] + #Allows / Disallows backpack upgrades to work with inventories of Backpacks in the Backpack with Inception Upgrade + upgradesUseInventoriesOfBackpacksInBackpack = true + #Allows / Disallows upgrades to be functional even when they are in Backpacks in the inventory of Backpack with Inception Upgrade + upgradesInContainedBackpacksAreFunctional = true + + #Restock Upgrade Settings + [common.restockUpgrade] + #Number of Restock Upgrade's filter slots + #Range: 1 ~ 20 + filterSlots = 9 + #Number of filter slots displayed in a row + #Range: 1 ~ 6 + slotsInRow = 3 + + #Auto-Blasting Upgrade Settings + [common.autoBlastingUpgrade] + #Number of fuel filter slots displayed in a row + #Range: 1 ~ 6 + fuelFilterSlotsInRow = 4 + #Number of input filter slots + #Range: 1 ~ 20 + inputFilterSlots = 8 + #Smelting speed multiplier (1.0 equals speed at which vanilla furnace smelts items) + #Range: 0.25 ~ 4.0 + smeltingSpeedMultiplier = 1.0 + #Number of fuel filter slots + #Range: 1 ~ 20 + fuelFilterSlots = 4 + #Fuel efficiency multiplier (1.0 equals speed at which it's used in vanilla furnace) + #Range: 0.25 ~ 4.0 + fuelEfficiencyMultiplier = 1.0 + #Number of input filter slots displayed in a row + #Range: 1 ~ 6 + inputFilterSlotsInRow = 4 + + #Auto-Smoking Upgrade Settings + [common.autoSmokingUpgrade] + #Number of fuel filter slots displayed in a row + #Range: 1 ~ 6 + fuelFilterSlotsInRow = 4 + #Number of input filter slots + #Range: 1 ~ 20 + inputFilterSlots = 8 + #Smelting speed multiplier (1.0 equals speed at which vanilla furnace smelts items) + #Range: 0.25 ~ 4.0 + smeltingSpeedMultiplier = 1.0 + #Number of fuel filter slots + #Range: 1 ~ 20 + fuelFilterSlots = 4 + #Fuel efficiency multiplier (1.0 equals speed at which it's used in vanilla furnace) + #Range: 0.25 ~ 4.0 + fuelEfficiencyMultiplier = 1.0 + #Number of input filter slots displayed in a row + #Range: 1 ~ 6 + inputFilterSlotsInRow = 4 + + #Advanced Deposit Upgrade Settings + [common.advancedDepositUpgrade] + #Number of Advanced Deposit Upgrade's filter slots + #Range: 1 ~ 20 + filterSlots = 16 + #Number of filter slots displayed in a row + #Range: 1 ~ 6 + slotsInRow = 4 + + #Netherite Backpack Settings + [common.netheriteBackpack] + #Number of upgrade slots in the backpack + #Range: 0 ~ 10 + upgradeSlotCount = 7 + #Number of inventory slots in the backpack + #Range: 1 ~ 144 + inventorySlotCount = 120 + + #Deposit Upgrade Settings + [common.depositUpgrade] + #Number of Deposit Upgrade's filter slots + #Range: 1 ~ 20 + filterSlots = 9 + #Number of filter slots displayed in a row + #Range: 1 ~ 6 + slotsInRow = 3 + + #Pump Upgrade Settings + [common.pumpUpgrade] + #Ratio that gets applied (multiplies) to inventory stack multiplier before this is applied to max input/output value. Value lower than 1 makes stack multiplier affect the capacity less, higher makes it affect the capacity more. 0 turns off stack multiplier affecting input/output + #Range: 0.0 ~ 5.0 + stackMultiplierRatio = 1.0 + #Number of fluid filter slots + #Range: 1 ~ 20 + filterSlots = 4 + #How much mB can be transfered in / out per operation. This is a base transfer rate that gets multiplied by number of rows in backpack and stack multiplier. + #Range: 1 ~ 1000 + maxInputOutput = 20 + + #Auto-Smelting Upgrade Settings + [common.autoSmeltingUpgrade] + #Number of fuel filter slots displayed in a row + #Range: 1 ~ 6 + fuelFilterSlotsInRow = 4 + #Number of input filter slots + #Range: 1 ~ 20 + inputFilterSlots = 8 + #Smelting speed multiplier (1.0 equals speed at which vanilla furnace smelts items) + #Range: 0.25 ~ 4.0 + smeltingSpeedMultiplier = 1.0 + #Number of fuel filter slots + #Range: 1 ~ 20 + fuelFilterSlots = 4 + #Fuel efficiency multiplier (1.0 equals speed at which it's used in vanilla furnace) + #Range: 0.25 ~ 4.0 + fuelEfficiencyMultiplier = 1.0 + #Number of input filter slots displayed in a row + #Range: 1 ~ 6 + inputFilterSlotsInRow = 4 + + #Advanced Restock Upgrade Settings + [common.advancedRestockUpgrade] + #Number of Advanced Restock Upgrade's filter slots + #Range: 1 ~ 20 + filterSlots = 16 + #Number of filter slots displayed in a row + #Range: 1 ~ 6 + slotsInRow = 4 + + #Blasting Upgrade Settings + [common.blastingUpgrade] + #Smelting speed multiplier (1.0 equals speed at which vanilla furnace smelts items) + #Range: 0.25 ~ 4.0 + smeltingSpeedMultiplier = 1.0 + #Fuel efficiency multiplier (1.0 equals speed at which it's used in vanilla furnace) + #Range: 0.25 ~ 4.0 + fuelEfficiencyMultiplier = 1.0 + + #Leather Backpack Settings + [common.leatherBackpack] + #Number of upgrade slots in the backpack + #Range: 0 ~ 10 + upgradeSlotCount = 1 + #Number of inventory slots in the backpack + #Range: 1 ~ 144 + inventorySlotCount = 27 + + #Gold Backpack Settings + [common.goldBackpack] + #Number of upgrade slots in the backpack + #Range: 0 ~ 10 + upgradeSlotCount = 3 + #Number of inventory slots in the backpack + #Range: 1 ~ 144 + inventorySlotCount = 81 + + #Iron Backpack Settings + [common.ironBackpack] + #Number of upgrade slots in the backpack + #Range: 0 ~ 10 + upgradeSlotCount = 2 + #Number of inventory slots in the backpack + #Range: 1 ~ 144 + inventorySlotCount = 54 + + #Advanced Feeding Upgrade Settings + [common.advancedFeedingUpgrade] + #Number of Advanced Feeding Upgrade's filter slots + #Range: 1 ~ 20 + filterSlots = 16 + #Number of filter slots displayed in a row + #Range: 1 ~ 6 + slotsInRow = 4 + + #Feeding Upgrade Settings + [common.feedingUpgrade] + #Number of Feeding Upgrade's filter slots + #Range: 1 ~ 20 + filterSlots = 9 + #Number of filter slots displayed in a row + #Range: 1 ~ 6 + slotsInRow = 3 + + #Magnet Upgrade Settings + [common.magnetUpgrade] + #Number of Magnet Upgrade's filter slots + #Range: 1 ~ 20 + filterSlots = 9 + #Range around backpack in blocks at which magnet will pickup items + #Range: 1 ~ 20 + magnetRange = 3 + #Number of filter slots displayed in a row + #Range: 1 ~ 6 + slotsInRow = 3 + + #Smelting Upgrade Settings + [common.smeltingUpgrade] + #Smelting speed multiplier (1.0 equals speed at which vanilla furnace smelts items) + #Range: 0.25 ~ 4.0 + smeltingSpeedMultiplier = 1.0 + #Fuel efficiency multiplier (1.0 equals speed at which it's used in vanilla furnace) + #Range: 0.25 ~ 4.0 + fuelEfficiencyMultiplier = 1.0 + + #Xp Pump Upgrade Settings + [common.xpPumpUpgrade] + #Whether xp pump can mend items with mending. Set false here to turn off the feature altogether. + mendingOn = true + #How many experience points at a maximum would be used to mend an item per operation (every 5 ticks and 1 xp point usually translates to 2 damage repaired). + #Range: 1 ~ 20 + maxXpPointsPerMending = 5 + + #Tank Upgrade Settings + [common.tankUpgrade] + #Ratio that gets applied (multiplies) to inventory stack multiplier before this is applied to max energy of the battery and max in/out. Value lower than 1 makes stack multiplier affect the max energy less, higher makes it affect the max energy more. 0 turns off stack multiplier affecting battery upgrade + #Range: 0.0 ~ 5.0 + stackMultiplierRatio = 1.0 + #How much FE can be transfered in / out per operation. This is a base transfer rate and same as max storage gets multiplied by number of rows in backpack and stack multiplier. + #Range: 1 ~ 1000 + maxInputOutput = 20 + #Capacity in mB the tank upgrade will have per row of backpack slots + #Range: 500 ~ 20000 + capacityPerSlotRow = 4000 + #Energy in FE the battery upgrade will have per row of backpack slots + #Range: 500 ~ 50000 + energyPerSlotRow = 10000 + #Cooldown between fill/drain actions done on fluid containers in tank slots. Only fills/drains one bucket worth to/from container after this cooldown and then waits again. + #Range: 1 ~ 100 + autoFillDrainContainerCooldown = 20 + + #Advanced Pickup Upgrade Settings + [common.advancedPickupUpgrade] + #Number of Advanced Pickup Upgrade's filter slots + #Range: 1 ~ 20 + filterSlots = 16 + #Number of filter slots displayed in a row + #Range: 1 ~ 6 + slotsInRow = 4 + + #Refill Upgrade Settings + [common.refillUpgrade] + #Number of Refill Upgrade's filter slots + #Range: 1 ~ 20 + filterSlots = 6 + #Number of filter slots displayed in a row + #Range: 1 ~ 6 + slotsInRow = 3 + + #Stack Upgrade Settings + [common.stackUpgrade] + #List of items that are not supposed to stack in backpack even when stack upgrade is inserted. Item registry names are expected here. + nonStackableItems = [] + + #Settings for Spawning Entities with Backpack + [common.entityBackpackAdditions] + #Chance of an entity spawning with Backpack + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + chance = 0.01 + #Chance increase per looting level of mob dropping backpack + #Range: 0.0 ~ 0.2 + lootingChanceIncreasePerLevel = 0.01 + #Turns on/off buffing the entity that wears backpack with potion effects. These are scaled based on how much loot is added. + buffWithPotionEffects = true + #Map of entities that can spawn with backpack and related loot tables (if adding a loot is enabled) in format of "EntityRegistryName|LootTableName" + entityLootTableList = ["minecraft:creeper|minecraft:chests/desert_pyramid", "minecraft:drowned|minecraft:chests/shipwreck_treasure", "minecraft:enderman|minecraft:chests/end_city_treasure", "minecraft:evoker|minecraft:chests/woodland_mansion", "minecraft:husk|minecraft:chests/desert_pyramid", "minecraft:piglin|minecraft:chests/bastion_bridge", "minecraft:piglin_brute|minecraft:chests/bastion_treasure", "minecraft:pillager|minecraft:chests/pillager_outpost", "minecraft:skeleton|minecraft:chests/simple_dungeon", "minecraft:stray|minecraft:chests/igloo_chest", "minecraft:vex|minecraft:chests/woodland_mansion", "minecraft:vindicator|minecraft:chests/woodland_mansion", "minecraft:witch|minecraft:chests/buried_treasure", "minecraft:wither_skeleton|minecraft:chests/nether_bridge", "minecraft:zombie|minecraft:chests/simple_dungeon", "minecraft:zombie_villager|minecraft:chests/village/village_armorer", "minecraft:zombified_piglin|minecraft:chests/bastion_other"] + #List of music discs that are not supposed to be played by entities + discBlockList = ["botania:record_gaia_1", "botania:record_gaia_2"] + #Chance of mob dropping backpack when killed by player + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + backpackDropChance = 0.085 + #Turns on/off buffing the entity that wears backpack with additional health. Health is scaled based on backpack tier the mob wears. + buffHealth = true + #Turns on/off equiping the entity that wears backpack with armor. What armor material and how enchanted is scaled based on backpack tier the mob wears. + equipWithArmor = true + #Turns on/off addition of loot into backpacks + addLoot = true + #Turns on/off a chance that the entity that wears backpack gets jukebox upgrade and plays a music disc. + playJukebox = true + diff --git a/config/spartanweaponry-client.toml b/config/spartanweaponry-client.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..10dc9fc --- /dev/null +++ b/config/spartanweaponry-client.toml @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ + +[hud] + #Sets where on the X-axis the Quiver HUD element should be off-set from it's alignment point + #Range: -400 ~ 400 + quiver_hud_offset_x = -138 + #Sets where on the Y-axis the Quiver HUD element should be off-set from it's alignment point + #Range: -400 ~ 400 + quiver_hud_offset_y = 65 + #Set to true to disable a new Crosshair for Throwing Weapons which show the charge for them, using the default Crosshair instead; false otherwise + disable_new_crosshairs_throwing_weapons = false + #Sets where the Quiver HUD Element should be aligned + #Allowed Values: TOP_LEFT, TOP_CENTER, TOP_RIGHT, CENTER_LEFT, CENTER, CENTER_RIGHT, BOTTOM_LEFT, BOTTOM_CENTER, BOTTOM_RIGHT + quiver_hud_alignment = "BOTTOM_CENTER" + #Set to force compatibility crosshairs for Crosshairs and Throwing Weapons. This won't work if the new crosshairs are disabled + force_compatibility_crosshairs = false + #Set to true to disable a new Crosshair for the Crossbow which visually shows inaccuracy, using the default Crosshair instead; false otherwise + disable_new_crosshairs_crossbow = false + diff --git a/config/spartanweaponry-common-1.toml.bak b/config/spartanweaponry-common-1.toml.bak new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a562b66 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/spartanweaponry-common-1.toml.bak @@ -0,0 +1,601 @@ + +[dagger] + #Disables all recipes for all Daggers. + disable = false + #Attack speed of Daggers. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 4.0 + speed = 2.5 + #Base Damage of Daggers. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 2.5 + #Damage Multiplier for Daggers. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 10.0 + damage_multiplier = 1.0 + +[parrying_dagger] + #Disables all recipes for all Parrying Daggers. + disable = false + #Attack speed of Parrying Daggers. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 4.0 + speed = 2.5 + #Base Damage of Parrying Daggers. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 2.5 + #Damage Multiplier for Parrying Daggers. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 10.0 + damage_multiplier = 1.0 + +[longsword] + #Disables all recipes for all Longswords. + disable = false + #Attack speed of Longswords. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 4.0 + speed = 1.399999976158142 + #Base Damage of Longswords. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 4.5 + #Damage Multiplier for Longswords. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 10.0 + damage_multiplier = 1.5 + +[katana] + #Disables all recipes for all Katanas. + disable = false + #Attack speed of Katanas. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 4.0 + speed = 2.0 + #Base Damage of Katanas. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 3.5 + #Damage Multiplier for Katanas. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 10.0 + damage_multiplier = 0.5 + +[saber] + #Disables all recipes for all Sabers. + disable = false + #Attack speed of Sabers. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 4.0 + speed = 1.600000023841858 + #Base Damage of Sabers. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 3.5 + #Damage Multiplier for Sabers. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 10.0 + damage_multiplier = 0.5 + +[rapier] + #Disables all recipes for all Rapiers. + disable = false + #Attack speed of Rapiers. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 4.0 + speed = 2.4000000953674316 + #Base Damage of Rapiers. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 2.0 + #Damage Multiplier for Rapiers. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 10.0 + damage_multiplier = 0.5 + +[greatsword] + #Disables all recipes for all Greatswords. + disable = false + #Attack speed of Greatswords. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 4.0 + speed = 1.399999976158142 + #Base Damage of Greatswords. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 4.0 + #Damage Multiplier for Greatswords. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 10.0 + damage_multiplier = 1.5 + +[club] + #Disables all recipes for all Clubs. + disable = false + #Attack speed of Clubs. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 4.0 + speed = 1.2999999523162842 + #Base Damage of Clubs. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 4.0 + #Damage Multiplier for Clubs. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 10.0 + damage_multiplier = 1.0 + +[cestus] + #Disables all recipes for all Cestusae. + disable = false + #Attack speed of Cestusae. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 4.0 + speed = 3.5 + #Base Damage of Cestusae. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 2.0 + #Damage Multiplier for Cestusae. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 10.0 + damage_multiplier = 0.5 + +[battle_hammer] + #Disables all recipes for all Battle Hammers. + disable = false + #Attack speed of Battle Hammers. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 4.0 + speed = 0.800000011920929 + #Base Damage of Battle Hammers. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 5.0 + #Damage Multiplier for Battle Hammers. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 10.0 + damage_multiplier = 2.0 + +[warhammer] + #Disables all recipes for all Warhammers. + disable = false + #Attack speed of Warhammers. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 4.0 + speed = 1.100000023841858 + #Base Damage of Warhammers. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 4.0 + #Damage Multiplier for Warhammers. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 10.0 + damage_multiplier = 1.5 + +[spear] + #Disables all recipes for all Spears. + disable = false + #Attack speed of Spears. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 4.0 + speed = 1.399999976158142 + #Base Damage of Spears. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 5.5 + #Damage Multiplier for Spears. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 10.0 + damage_multiplier = 0.5 + +[halberd] + #Disables all recipes for all Halberds. + disable = false + #Attack speed of Halberds. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 4.0 + speed = 1.2000000476837158 + #Base Damage of Halberds. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 5.0 + #Damage Multiplier for Halberds. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 10.0 + damage_multiplier = 1.5 + +[pike] + #Disables all recipes for all Pikes. + disable = false + #Attack speed of Pikes. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 4.0 + speed = 1.399999976158142 + #Base Damage of Pikes. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 4.0 + #Damage Multiplier for Pikes. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 10.0 + damage_multiplier = 1.0 + +[lance] + #Disables all recipes for all Lances. + disable = false + #Attack speed of Lances. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 4.0 + speed = 1.0 + #Base Damage of Lances. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 4.0 + #Damage Multiplier for Lances. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 10.0 + damage_multiplier = 1.0 + +[longbow] + #Disables all recipes for all Longbows. + disable = false + +[heavy_crossbow] + #Disables all recipes for all Heavy Crossbows. + disable = false + +[throwing_knife] + #Disables all recipes for all Throwing Knives. + disable = false + #Attack speed of Throwing Knives. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 4.0 + speed = 2.5 + #Base Damage of Throwing Knives. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 1.5 + #Damage Multiplier for Throwing Knives. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 10.0 + damage_multiplier = 1.0 + #Charge time in ticks for Throwing Knives. + #Range: 1 ~ 1000 + charge_ticks = 5 + +[tomahawk] + #Disables all recipes for all Tomahawks. + disable = false + #Attack speed of Tomahawks. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 4.0 + speed = 0.8999999761581421 + #Base Damage of Tomahawks. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 2.0 + #Damage Multiplier for Tomahawks. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 10.0 + damage_multiplier = 1.5 + #Charge time in ticks for Tomahawks. + #Range: 1 ~ 1000 + charge_ticks = 8 + +[javelin] + #Disables all recipes for all Javelins. + disable = false + #Attack speed of Javelins. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 4.0 + speed = 1.2000000476837158 + #Base Damage of Javelins. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 1.5 + #Damage Multiplier for Javelins. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 10.0 + damage_multiplier = 1.0 + #Charge time in ticks for Javelins. + #Range: 1 ~ 1000 + charge_ticks = 10 + +[boomerang] + #Disables all recipes for all Boomerangs. + disable = false + #Attack speed of Boomerangs. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 4.0 + speed = 2.0 + #Base Damage of Boomerangs. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 4.0 + #Damage Multiplier for Boomerangs. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 10.0 + damage_multiplier = 1.0 + #Charge time in ticks for Boomerangs. + #Range: 1 ~ 1000 + charge_ticks = 5 + +[battleaxe] + #Disables all recipes for all Battleaxes. + disable = false + #Attack speed of Battleaxes. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 4.0 + speed = 1.0 + #Base Damage of Battleaxes. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 4.0 + #Damage Multiplier for Battleaxes. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 10.0 + damage_multiplier = 2.0 + +[flanged_mace] + #Disables all recipes for all Flanged Maces. + disable = false + #Attack speed of Flanged Maces. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 4.0 + speed = 1.2000000476837158 + #Base Damage of Flanged Maces. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 3.0 + #Damage Multiplier for Flanged Maces. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 10.0 + damage_multiplier = 1.5 + +[glaive] + #Disables all recipes for all Glaives. + disable = false + #Attack speed of Glaives. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 4.0 + speed = 1.0 + #Base Damage of Glaives. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 4.0 + #Damage Multiplier for Glaives. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 10.0 + damage_multiplier = 1.5 + +[quarterstaff] + #Disables all recipes for all Quarterstaves. + disable = false + #Attack speed of Quarterstaves. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 4.0 + speed = 1.399999976158142 + #Base Damage of Quarterstaves. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 3.0 + #Damage Multiplier for Quarterstaves. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 10.0 + damage_multiplier = 1.5 + +[scythes] + #Disables all recipes for all Scythes. + disable = false + #Attack speed of Scythes. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 4.0 + speed = 1.0 + #Base Damage of Scythes. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 5.0 + #Damage Multiplier for Scythes. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 10.0 + damage_multiplier = 1.0 + +[copper] + #Base Damage for copper weapons + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 1.5 + #Durability for copper weapons + #Range: 1 ~ 100000 + durability = 200 + #Set to true to disable copper weapons + disable = false + +[tin] + #Base Damage for tin weapons + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 1.75 + #Durability for tin weapons + #Range: 1 ~ 100000 + durability = 180 + #Set to true to disable tin weapons + disable = false + +[bronze] + #Base Damage for bronze weapons + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 2.0 + #Durability for bronze weapons + #Range: 1 ~ 100000 + durability = 320 + #Set to true to disable bronze weapons + disable = false + +[steel] + #Base Damage for steel weapons + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 2.5 + #Durability for steel weapons + #Range: 1 ~ 100000 + durability = 480 + #Set to true to disable steel weapons + disable = false + +[silver] + #Base Damage for silver weapons + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 1.5 + #Durability for silver weapons + #Range: 1 ~ 100000 + durability = 48 + #Set to true to disable silver weapons + disable = false + +[invar] + #Base Damage for invar weapons + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 2.200000047683716 + #Durability for invar weapons + #Range: 1 ~ 100000 + durability = 440 + #Set to true to disable invar weapons + disable = false + +[platinum] + #Base Damage for platinum weapons + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 3.5 + #Durability for platinum weapons + #Range: 1 ~ 100000 + durability = 1024 + #Set to true to disable platinum weapons + disable = false + +[electrum] + #Base Damage for electrum weapons + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 2.0 + #Durability for electrum weapons + #Range: 1 ~ 100000 + durability = 180 + #Set to true to disable electrum weapons + disable = false + +[nickel] + #Base Damage for nickel weapons + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 2.0 + #Durability for nickel weapons + #Range: 1 ~ 100000 + durability = 200 + #Set to true to disable nickel weapons + disable = false + +[lead] + #Base Damage for lead weapons + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 2.0 + #Durability for lead weapons + #Range: 1 ~ 100000 + durability = 240 + #Set to true to disable lead weapons + disable = false + +[explosives] + #Disables all recipes for explosive related items + disable_recipe = false + #Disables terrain damage for explosives in this mod such as Dynamite and Explosive Arrows. Is overridden by the 'mobGriefing' gamerule. + disable_terrain_damage = false + #Time (in ticks) it takes for Dynamite to explode + #Range: 20 ~ 600 + fuse_ticks_dynamite = 60 + #Explosion strength for Dynamite + #Range: 0.10000000149011612 ~ 10.0 + explosion_strength_dynamite = 2.0 + +[projectiles] + #Disables Recipes for all new Arrows. + disable_new_arrow_recipes = false + #Disables Recipes for both Diamond Arrows and Diamond Bolts. + disable_diamond_ammo_recipes = false + #Disables all variants of the Arrow Quiver and the Bolt Quiver in this mod + disable_quiver_recipes = false + #Bows in this blacklist will not get Arrows pulled out of the Arrow Quiver. Use the registry ID of the bow to add to this. e.g. "minecraft:bow" + quiver_bow_blacklist = ["botania:crystal_bow", "iceandfire:dragonbone_bow"] + + [projectiles.wood_arrow] + #Base damage for wood arrows + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 0.20000000298023224 + #Range muliplier for wood arrows + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + range_multiplier = 1.5 + + [projectiles.iron_arrow] + #Base damage for iron arrows + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 3.0 + #Range muliplier for iron arrows + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + range_multiplier = 0.75 + + [projectiles.diamond_arrow] + #Base damage for diamond arrows + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 3.5 + #Range muliplier for diamond arrows + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + range_multiplier = 1.25 + + [projectiles.bolt] + #Base damage for bolts + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 4.0 + #Range muliplier for bolts + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + range_multiplier = 1.0 + #Armor Piercing factor for bolts + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + armor_piercing_factor = 0.25 + + [projectiles.diamond_bolt] + #Base damage for diamond bolts + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 5.0 + #Range muliplier for diamond bolts + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + range_multiplier = 1.0 + #Armor Piercing factor for diamond bolts + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + armor_piercing_factor = 0.5 + + [projectiles.explosive] + #Base damage for explosive arrows + #Range: 0.1 ~ 10.0 + base_damage = 2.0 + #Range muliplier for explosive arrows + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + range_multiplier = 1.0 + +[loot] + #Set to false to disable spawning Iron Weapons in Village Weaponsmith chests via loot table injection + add_iron_weapons_to_village_blacksmith = true + #Set to false to disable spawning Longbow and Heavy Crossbow-related loot in Village Fletcher chests via loot table injection + add_bow_and_crossbow_loot_to_village_fletcher = true + #Set to false to disable spawning Diamond Weapons in End City chests via loot table injection + add_diamond_weapons_to_end_city = true + #Chance for Zombies to spawn with Iron Melee Weapons on all difficulties apart from Hard and Hardcore + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + zombie_with_melee_spawn_chance_normal = 0.05000000074505806 + #Chance for Zombies to spawn with Iron Melee Weapons on Hard or Hardcore difficulty + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + zombie_with_melee_spawn_chance_hard = 0.25 + #Set to true to disable spawning a Zombie with any weapons from this mod + disable_spawning_zombie_with_weapon = false + #Set to true to disable the new mob heads from being dropped from mobs using the Decapitate Weapon Trait from this mod. + disable_new_head_drops = false + +[trading] + #Set to true to disable Villagers (Weaponsmiths and Fletchers) from trading weapons from this mod + disable = false + +[traits] + + [traits.damage_bonus] + #Changes the "Chest Damage Bonus" Weapon Trait multiplier value + #Range: 1.0 ~ 50.0 + chest_multiplier = 2.0 + #Changes the "Riding Damage Bonus" Weapon Trait multiplier value + #Range: 1.0 ~ 50.0 + riding_multiplier = 2.0 + #Changes the "Throwing Damage Bonus" Weapon Trait multiplier value + #Range: 1.0 ~ 50.0 + throw_multiplier = 2.0 + #Changes the "Chest Damage Bonus" Weapon Trait multiplier value + #Range: 1.0 ~ 50.0 + throw_javelin_multiplier = 3.0 + #Changes the "Unarmored Damage Bonus" Weapon Trait multiplier value + #Range: 1.0 ~ 50.0 + unarmored_multiplier = 3.0 + #If set to true, any damage bonus that checks for armor will only apply if the hit mob has less than the total armor value threshold, while still checking for armor + check_armor_value = false + #Max armor value allowed for any damage bonus that checks for armor to apply, without any armor equipped + #Range: 1.0 ~ 50.0 + max_armor_value = 0.0 + #Changes the "Undead Damage Bonus" Weapon Trait multiplier value + #Range: 1.0 ~ 50.0 + undead_multiplier = 1.5 + #Changes the "Backstab Damage Bonus" Weapon Trait multiplier value + #Range: 1.0 ~ 50.0 + backstab_multiplier = 3.0 + + [traits.damage_absorption] + #Changes the percentage of damage absorbed by the "Damage Absorption" Weapon Trait + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + damage_absorption_factor = 0.25 + + [traits.reach] + #Changes the reach of any weapons with the "Reach I" Weapon Trait + #Range: 5.0 ~ 15.0 + reach1_value = 6.0 + #Changes the reach of any weapons with the "Reach II" Weapon Trait + #Range: 5.0 ~ 15.0 + reach2_value = 7.0 + + [traits.sweep] + #Changes the percentage of damage inflicted to enemies when sweep attacked on weapons with the "Sweep II" Weapon Trait + #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 + sweep2_percentage = 50.0 + #Changes the percentage of damage inflicted to enemies when sweep attacked on weapons with the "Sweep III" Weapon Trait + #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 + sweep3_percentage = 100.0 + + [traits.armor_pierce] + #Changes the percentage of damage that ignores armor on weapons with the "Armor Piercing" Weapon Trait + #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 + percentage = 50.0 + + [traits.quick_strike] + #Tweaks the hurt resistance ticks for weapons that use the "Quick Strike" Weapon Trait + #Range: 10 ~ 20 + hurt_resistance_ticks = 14 + + [traits.decapitate] + #Tweaks the percentage of Skull drops from weapons with the "Decapitate" Weapon Trait + #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 + skull_drop_percentage = 25.0 + +[jei] + #Set to true to forcibly show disabled items in JEI, even if they cannot be crafted. Should be useful for modpack makers defining their own recipes. + force_show_disabled_items = false + diff --git a/config/spartanweaponry-common.toml b/config/spartanweaponry-common.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b7e2205 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/spartanweaponry-common.toml @@ -0,0 +1,601 @@ + +[dagger] + #Disables all recipes for all Daggers. + disable = false + #Damage Multiplier for Daggers. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 10.0 + damage_multiplier = 1.0 + #Attack speed of Daggers. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 4.0 + speed = 2.5 + #Base Damage of Daggers. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 2.5 + +[parrying_dagger] + #Disables all recipes for all Parrying Daggers. + disable = false + #Damage Multiplier for Parrying Daggers. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 10.0 + damage_multiplier = 1.0 + #Attack speed of Parrying Daggers. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 4.0 + speed = 2.5 + #Base Damage of Parrying Daggers. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 2.5 + +[longsword] + #Disables all recipes for all Longswords. + disable = false + #Damage Multiplier for Longswords. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 10.0 + damage_multiplier = 1.5 + #Attack speed of Longswords. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 4.0 + speed = 1.399999976158142 + #Base Damage of Longswords. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 4.5 + +[katana] + #Disables all recipes for all Katanas. + disable = false + #Damage Multiplier for Katanas. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 10.0 + damage_multiplier = 0.5 + #Attack speed of Katanas. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 4.0 + speed = 2.0 + #Base Damage of Katanas. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 3.5 + +[saber] + #Disables all recipes for all Sabers. + disable = false + #Damage Multiplier for Sabers. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 10.0 + damage_multiplier = 0.5 + #Attack speed of Sabers. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 4.0 + speed = 1.600000023841858 + #Base Damage of Sabers. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 3.5 + +[rapier] + #Disables all recipes for all Rapiers. + disable = false + #Damage Multiplier for Rapiers. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 10.0 + damage_multiplier = 0.5 + #Attack speed of Rapiers. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 4.0 + speed = 2.4000000953674316 + #Base Damage of Rapiers. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 2.0 + +[greatsword] + #Disables all recipes for all Greatswords. + disable = false + #Damage Multiplier for Greatswords. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 10.0 + damage_multiplier = 1.5 + #Attack speed of Greatswords. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 4.0 + speed = 1.399999976158142 + #Base Damage of Greatswords. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 4.0 + +[club] + #Disables all recipes for all Clubs. + disable = false + #Damage Multiplier for Clubs. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 10.0 + damage_multiplier = 1.0 + #Attack speed of Clubs. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 4.0 + speed = 1.2999999523162842 + #Base Damage of Clubs. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 4.0 + +[cestus] + #Disables all recipes for all Cestusae. + disable = false + #Damage Multiplier for Cestusae. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 10.0 + damage_multiplier = 0.5 + #Attack speed of Cestusae. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 4.0 + speed = 3.5 + #Base Damage of Cestusae. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 2.0 + +[battle_hammer] + #Disables all recipes for all Battle Hammers. + disable = false + #Damage Multiplier for Battle Hammers. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 10.0 + damage_multiplier = 2.0 + #Attack speed of Battle Hammers. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 4.0 + speed = 0.800000011920929 + #Base Damage of Battle Hammers. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 5.0 + +[warhammer] + #Disables all recipes for all Warhammers. + disable = false + #Damage Multiplier for Warhammers. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 10.0 + damage_multiplier = 1.5 + #Attack speed of Warhammers. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 4.0 + speed = 1.100000023841858 + #Base Damage of Warhammers. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 4.0 + +[spear] + #Disables all recipes for all Spears. + disable = false + #Damage Multiplier for Spears. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 10.0 + damage_multiplier = 0.5 + #Attack speed of Spears. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 4.0 + speed = 1.399999976158142 + #Base Damage of Spears. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 5.5 + +[halberd] + #Disables all recipes for all Halberds. + disable = false + #Damage Multiplier for Halberds. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 10.0 + damage_multiplier = 1.5 + #Attack speed of Halberds. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 4.0 + speed = 1.2000000476837158 + #Base Damage of Halberds. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 5.0 + +[pike] + #Disables all recipes for all Pikes. + disable = false + #Damage Multiplier for Pikes. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 10.0 + damage_multiplier = 1.0 + #Attack speed of Pikes. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 4.0 + speed = 1.399999976158142 + #Base Damage of Pikes. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 4.0 + +[lance] + #Disables all recipes for all Lances. + disable = false + #Damage Multiplier for Lances. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 10.0 + damage_multiplier = 1.0 + #Attack speed of Lances. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 4.0 + speed = 1.0 + #Base Damage of Lances. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 4.0 + +[longbow] + #Disables all recipes for all Longbows. + disable = false + +[heavy_crossbow] + #Disables all recipes for all Heavy Crossbows. + disable = false + +[throwing_knife] + #Disables all recipes for all Throwing Knives. + disable = false + #Damage Multiplier for Throwing Knives. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 10.0 + damage_multiplier = 1.0 + #Charge time in ticks for Throwing Knives. + #Range: 1 ~ 1000 + charge_ticks = 5 + #Attack speed of Throwing Knives. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 4.0 + speed = 2.5 + #Base Damage of Throwing Knives. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 1.5 + +[tomahawk] + #Disables all recipes for all Tomahawks. + disable = false + #Damage Multiplier for Tomahawks. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 10.0 + damage_multiplier = 1.5 + #Charge time in ticks for Tomahawks. + #Range: 1 ~ 1000 + charge_ticks = 8 + #Attack speed of Tomahawks. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 4.0 + speed = 0.8999999761581421 + #Base Damage of Tomahawks. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 2.0 + +[javelin] + #Disables all recipes for all Javelins. + disable = false + #Damage Multiplier for Javelins. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 10.0 + damage_multiplier = 1.0 + #Charge time in ticks for Javelins. + #Range: 1 ~ 1000 + charge_ticks = 10 + #Attack speed of Javelins. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 4.0 + speed = 1.2000000476837158 + #Base Damage of Javelins. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 1.5 + +[boomerang] + #Disables all recipes for all Boomerangs. + disable = false + #Damage Multiplier for Boomerangs. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 10.0 + damage_multiplier = 1.0 + #Charge time in ticks for Boomerangs. + #Range: 1 ~ 1000 + charge_ticks = 5 + #Attack speed of Boomerangs. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 4.0 + speed = 2.0 + #Base Damage of Boomerangs. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 4.0 + +[battleaxe] + #Disables all recipes for all Battleaxes. + disable = false + #Damage Multiplier for Battleaxes. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 10.0 + damage_multiplier = 2.0 + #Attack speed of Battleaxes. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 4.0 + speed = 1.0 + #Base Damage of Battleaxes. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 4.0 + +[flanged_mace] + #Disables all recipes for all Flanged Maces. + disable = false + #Damage Multiplier for Flanged Maces. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 10.0 + damage_multiplier = 1.5 + #Attack speed of Flanged Maces. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 4.0 + speed = 1.2000000476837158 + #Base Damage of Flanged Maces. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 3.0 + +[glaive] + #Disables all recipes for all Glaives. + disable = false + #Damage Multiplier for Glaives. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 10.0 + damage_multiplier = 1.5 + #Attack speed of Glaives. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 4.0 + speed = 1.0 + #Base Damage of Glaives. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 4.0 + +[quarterstaff] + #Disables all recipes for all Quarterstaves. + disable = false + #Damage Multiplier for Quarterstaves. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 10.0 + damage_multiplier = 1.5 + #Attack speed of Quarterstaves. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 4.0 + speed = 1.399999976158142 + #Base Damage of Quarterstaves. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 3.0 + +[scythes] + #Disables all recipes for all Scythes. + disable = false + #Damage Multiplier for Scythes. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 10.0 + damage_multiplier = 1.0 + #Attack speed of Scythes. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 4.0 + speed = 1.0 + #Base Damage of Scythes. + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 5.0 + +[copper] + #Set to true to disable copper weapons + disable = false + #Durability for copper weapons + #Range: 1 ~ 100000 + durability = 200 + #Base Damage for copper weapons + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 1.5 + +[tin] + #Set to true to disable tin weapons + disable = false + #Durability for tin weapons + #Range: 1 ~ 100000 + durability = 180 + #Base Damage for tin weapons + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 1.75 + +[bronze] + #Set to true to disable bronze weapons + disable = false + #Durability for bronze weapons + #Range: 1 ~ 100000 + durability = 320 + #Base Damage for bronze weapons + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 2.0 + +[steel] + #Set to true to disable steel weapons + disable = false + #Durability for steel weapons + #Range: 1 ~ 100000 + durability = 480 + #Base Damage for steel weapons + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 2.5 + +[silver] + #Set to true to disable silver weapons + disable = false + #Durability for silver weapons + #Range: 1 ~ 100000 + durability = 48 + #Base Damage for silver weapons + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 1.5 + +[invar] + #Set to true to disable invar weapons + disable = false + #Durability for invar weapons + #Range: 1 ~ 100000 + durability = 440 + #Base Damage for invar weapons + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 2.200000047683716 + +[platinum] + #Set to true to disable platinum weapons + disable = false + #Durability for platinum weapons + #Range: 1 ~ 100000 + durability = 1024 + #Base Damage for platinum weapons + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 3.5 + +[electrum] + #Set to true to disable electrum weapons + disable = false + #Durability for electrum weapons + #Range: 1 ~ 100000 + durability = 180 + #Base Damage for electrum weapons + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 2.0 + +[nickel] + #Set to true to disable nickel weapons + disable = false + #Durability for nickel weapons + #Range: 1 ~ 100000 + durability = 200 + #Base Damage for nickel weapons + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 2.0 + +[lead] + #Set to true to disable lead weapons + disable = false + #Durability for lead weapons + #Range: 1 ~ 100000 + durability = 240 + #Base Damage for lead weapons + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 2.0 + +[explosives] + #Disables terrain damage for explosives in this mod such as Dynamite and Explosive Arrows. Is overridden by the 'mobGriefing' gamerule. + disable_terrain_damage = false + #Explosion strength for Dynamite + #Range: 0.10000000149011612 ~ 10.0 + explosion_strength_dynamite = 2.0 + #Disables all recipes for explosive related items + disable_recipe = false + #Time (in ticks) it takes for Dynamite to explode + #Range: 20 ~ 600 + fuse_ticks_dynamite = 60 + +[projectiles] + #Bows in this blacklist will not get Arrows pulled out of the Arrow Quiver. Use the registry ID of the bow to add to this. e.g. "minecraft:bow" + quiver_bow_blacklist = ["botania:crystal_bow", "iceandfire:dragonbone_bow"] + #Disables Recipes for all new Arrows. + disable_new_arrow_recipes = false + #Disables all variants of the Arrow Quiver and the Bolt Quiver in this mod + disable_quiver_recipes = false + #Disables Recipes for both Diamond Arrows and Diamond Bolts. + disable_diamond_ammo_recipes = false + + [projectiles.explosive] + #Range muliplier for explosive arrows + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + range_multiplier = 1.0 + #Base damage for explosive arrows + #Range: 0.1 ~ 10.0 + base_damage = 2.0 + + [projectiles.iron_arrow] + #Range muliplier for iron arrows + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + range_multiplier = 0.75 + #Base damage for iron arrows + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 3.0 + + [projectiles.diamond_arrow] + #Range muliplier for diamond arrows + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + range_multiplier = 1.25 + #Base damage for diamond arrows + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 3.5 + + [projectiles.diamond_bolt] + #Armor Piercing factor for diamond bolts + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + armor_piercing_factor = 0.5 + #Range muliplier for diamond bolts + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + range_multiplier = 1.0 + #Base damage for diamond bolts + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 5.0 + + [projectiles.bolt] + #Armor Piercing factor for bolts + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + armor_piercing_factor = 0.25 + #Range muliplier for bolts + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + range_multiplier = 1.0 + #Base damage for bolts + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 4.0 + + [projectiles.wood_arrow] + #Range muliplier for wood arrows + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + range_multiplier = 1.5 + #Base damage for wood arrows + #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 + base_damage = 0.20000000298023224 + +[loot] + #Set to false to disable spawning Longbow and Heavy Crossbow-related loot in Village Fletcher chests via loot table injection + add_bow_and_crossbow_loot_to_village_fletcher = true + #Set to false to disable spawning Diamond Weapons in End City chests via loot table injection + add_diamond_weapons_to_end_city = true + #Chance for Zombies to spawn with Iron Melee Weapons on all difficulties apart from Hard and Hardcore + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + zombie_with_melee_spawn_chance_normal = 0.05000000074505806 + #Chance for Zombies to spawn with Iron Melee Weapons on Hard or Hardcore difficulty + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + zombie_with_melee_spawn_chance_hard = 0.25 + #Set to false to disable spawning Iron Weapons in Village Weaponsmith chests via loot table injection + add_iron_weapons_to_village_blacksmith = true + #Set to true to disable spawning a Zombie with any weapons from this mod + disable_spawning_zombie_with_weapon = false + #Set to true to disable the new mob heads from being dropped from mobs using the Decapitate Weapon Trait from this mod. + disable_new_head_drops = false + +[trading] + #Set to true to disable Villagers (Weaponsmiths and Fletchers) from trading weapons from this mod + disable = false + +[traits] + + [traits.sweep] + #Changes the percentage of damage inflicted to enemies when sweep attacked on weapons with the "Sweep III" Weapon Trait + #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 + sweep3_percentage = 100.0 + #Changes the percentage of damage inflicted to enemies when sweep attacked on weapons with the "Sweep II" Weapon Trait + #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 + sweep2_percentage = 50.0 + + [traits.damage_absorption] + #Changes the percentage of damage absorbed by the "Damage Absorption" Weapon Trait + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + damage_absorption_factor = 0.25 + + [traits.reach] + #Changes the reach of any weapons with the "Reach I" Weapon Trait + #Range: 5.0 ~ 15.0 + reach1_value = 6.0 + #Changes the reach of any weapons with the "Reach II" Weapon Trait + #Range: 5.0 ~ 15.0 + reach2_value = 7.0 + + [traits.decapitate] + #Tweaks the percentage of Skull drops from weapons with the "Decapitate" Weapon Trait + #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 + skull_drop_percentage = 25.0 + + [traits.damage_bonus] + #If set to true, any damage bonus that checks for armor will only apply if the hit mob has less than the total armor value threshold, while still checking for armor + check_armor_value = false + #Changes the "Chest Damage Bonus" Weapon Trait multiplier value + #Range: 1.0 ~ 50.0 + chest_multiplier = 2.0 + #Changes the "Backstab Damage Bonus" Weapon Trait multiplier value + #Range: 1.0 ~ 50.0 + backstab_multiplier = 3.0 + #Changes the "Throwing Damage Bonus" Weapon Trait multiplier value + #Range: 1.0 ~ 50.0 + throw_multiplier = 2.0 + #Changes the "Chest Damage Bonus" Weapon Trait multiplier value + #Range: 1.0 ~ 50.0 + throw_javelin_multiplier = 3.0 + #Changes the "Undead Damage Bonus" Weapon Trait multiplier value + #Range: 1.0 ~ 50.0 + undead_multiplier = 1.5 + #Max armor value allowed for any damage bonus that checks for armor to apply, without any armor equipped + #Range: 1.0 ~ 50.0 + max_armor_value = 1.0 + #Changes the "Riding Damage Bonus" Weapon Trait multiplier value + #Range: 1.0 ~ 50.0 + riding_multiplier = 2.0 + #Changes the "Unarmored Damage Bonus" Weapon Trait multiplier value + #Range: 1.0 ~ 50.0 + unarmored_multiplier = 3.0 + + [traits.armor_pierce] + #Changes the percentage of damage that ignores armor on weapons with the "Armor Piercing" Weapon Trait + #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 + percentage = 50.0 + + [traits.quick_strike] + #Tweaks the hurt resistance ticks for weapons that use the "Quick Strike" Weapon Trait + #Range: 10 ~ 20 + hurt_resistance_ticks = 14 + +[jei] + #Set to true to forcibly show disabled items in JEI, even if they cannot be crafted. Should be useful for modpack makers defining their own recipes. + force_show_disabled_items = false + diff --git a/config/storagedrawers-client.toml b/config/storagedrawers-client.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3809d7a --- /dev/null +++ b/config/storagedrawers-client.toml @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ + +[General] + #Invert the behavior of the shift key for extracting items + invertShift = false + +[Render] + #Distance in blocks before quantity numbers begin to fade out + quantityFadeDistance = 4.0 + #Distance in blocks before quantity numbers stop rendering + quantityRenderDistance = 10.0 + #Distance in blocks before item labels stop rendering + labelRenderDistance = 25.0 + +[Integration] + #Enable extended data display in The One Probe if present + enableTheOneProbe = true + #Enable extended data display in WAILA if present + enableWaila = true + diff --git a/config/storagedrawers-common.toml b/config/storagedrawers-common.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6e74c73 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/storagedrawers-common.toml @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ + +[General] + #List of rules in format "domain:item1, domain:item2, n". + #Creates a compacting drawer rule to convert 1 of item1 into n of item2. + compactingRules = ["minecraft:clay, minecraft:clay_ball, 4"] + enableUI = true + debugTrace = false + enableItemConversion = true + enableSidedInput = true + #The number of item stacks held in a basic unit of storage. + #1x1 drawers hold 8 units, 1x2 drawers hold 4 units, 2x2 drawers hold 2 units. + #Half-depth drawers hold half those amounts. + baseStackStorage = 4 + enableExtraCompactingRules = true + #Controller range defines how far away a drawer can be connected + #on X, Y, or Z planes. The default value of 50 gives the controller a very + #large range, but not beyond the chunk load distance. + #Range: 1 ~ 75 + controllerRange = 50 + enableSidedOutput = true + +[StorageUpgrades] + level2Mult = 4 + #Storage upgrades multiply storage capacity by the given amount. + #When multiple storage upgrades are used together, their multipliers are added before being applied. + level1Mult = 2 + level3Mult = 8 + level5Mult = 32 + level4Mult = 16 + +[Integration] + #When true, shows quantity as NxS + R (by stack size) rather than count + wailaStackRemainder = true + #When true, does not show current quantities unless quantify key was used + wailaRespectQuantifyKey = false + diff --git a/config/structure_gel-client.toml b/config/structure_gel-client.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9452d62 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/structure_gel-client.toml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ + +[gui] + #Displays info on top of Structure Blocks and Jigsaws, similarly to pre-1.13 versions. + show_structure_block_info = true + #Skips the screen that tells you that a world uses experimental settings. + skip_experimental_backup_screen = true + diff --git a/config/structure_gel-common.toml b/config/structure_gel-common.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..551d2be --- /dev/null +++ b/config/structure_gel-common.toml @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ + +[features] + #Adds more vanilla structures to the list of structures that lakes cannot generate inside of. Only villages when set to false. Requires reload. + extra_lake_proofing = true + +[biome_dictionary] + #A list of mod IDs that will be ignored when the biome dictionary attempts to register unregistered biomes. Mod IDs must be comma separated ("biomesoplenty, byg, blue_skies"). + ignored_mods = "" + #Determines if the biome dictionary make assumptions for unregistered biomes. Setting this to false can fix issues where a structure generates in the wrong dimension. + make_best_guess = true + +[commands] + #When true, removes the size limit from the fill and clone commands. + exceed_fill_clone_limit = true + diff --git a/config/structurescompass-client.toml b/config/structurescompass-client.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..12c1905 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/structurescompass-client.toml @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ + +#configs only for clients +[Client] + # + #The Y offset for information rendered on the HUD.(default:16) + #Range: 0 ~ 5400 + yOffset = 16 + # + #The X offset for information rendered on the HUD.(default:7) + #Range: 0 ~ 9600 + xOffset = 7 + # + #The X/Y/Z-distance won't be shown if it is smaller than the value.(default:0.3) + #Range: 0.0 ~ 50.0 + CloseEnough = 0.3 + # + #The line offset for information rendered on the HUD.(default:1) + #Range: 0 ~ 50 + OverlayLineOffset = 1 + # + #The side of the information HUD. Ex: LEFT, RIGHT + #Allowed Values: LEFT, RIGHT + HUDPosition = "LEFT" + # + #Displays the compass information HUD even while chat is open.(default:true) + DisplayWithChatOpen = true + diff --git a/config/structurescompass-common.toml b/config/structurescompass-common.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3a94be4 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/structurescompass-common.toml @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ + +#configs for both server and clients +[General] + # + #A list of structures that the compass will not search in blacklist mode or will only search in whitelist mode, specified by resource location, supporting regex. + #Ex: ["minecraft:stronghold", "quark:big_dungeon"] + filter = [] + # + #The mode of the filter, either blacklist or whitelist, default is blacklist + #Allowed Values: blacklist, whitelist + filterMode = "blacklist" + # + #HUD information detail level. + #0: Nothing. + #1+: Structure and Dimension name. + #2+: Distance to the structure. + #3: Position of the structure and distance in x/y/z axis. + #Range: 0 ~ 3 + HUD_Level = 3 + # + #The real maximum searching radius used by the underlying method (no idea how it works.) + #If you still couldn't find a structure with a big enough MaxSearchRadius, increase this one. + #If you think searching makes the server slow, decrease this one. + #Range: 1 ~ 128 + RealRadius = 64 + # + #The pseudo maximum searching radius. + #If the distance to the structure exceeds this value, HUD would display 'Not Found' + #Range: 20.0 ~ 20000.0 + MaxSearchRadius = 5000.0 + diff --git a/config/supplementaries-client.toml b/config/supplementaries-client.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..701f168 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/supplementaries-client.toml @@ -0,0 +1,205 @@ + +#Tweak and change the various block animations. +#Only cosmetic stuff in here so to leave default if not interested. +#Remember to delete this and server configs and let it refresh every once in a while since I might have tweaked it +[blocks] + + [blocks.clock_block] + #Display 24h time format. False for 12h format + 24h_format = true + + [blocks.pedestal] + #Enable displayed item spin + spin = true + #Spin speed + #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 + speed = 2.0 + #Enable special display types for items like swords, tridents or end crystals + fancy_renderers = true + + [blocks.wall_lantern] + #Makes wall lantern use a simple block model instead of the animated tile entity renderer. This will make them render much faster but will also remove the animation. Needs texture pack reload + fast_lanterns = false + + [blocks.captured_mobs] + #Here you can customize how mobs are displayed in jars and cages. + #Following will have to be a list with the format below: + #[[,,,,],[,...],...] + #With the following description: + # - being the mob id (ie: minecraft:bee) + # - ,: these are the added height and width that will be added to the actual mob hitbox to determine its scale inside a cage or jar + # You can increase them so this 'adjusted hitbox' will match the actual mob shape + # In other words increase the to make the mob smaller + # - determines if and how much light should the mob emit (currently broken) + # - is used to associate each mob an animation. + #It can be set to the following values: + # - 'air' to make it stand in mid air like a flying animal (note that such mobs are set to this value by default) + # - 'land' to force it to stand on the ground even if it is a flying animal + # - 'floating' to to make it stand in mid air and wobble up and down + # - any number > 0 to make it render as a 2d fish whose index matches the 'fishies' texture sheet + # - 0 or any other values will be ignored and treated as default + #Note that only the first 3 parameters are needed, the others are optional + rendering_parameters = [["minecraft:bee", "0.3125", "0.0"], ["minecraft:vex", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "FLOATING"], ["minecraft:silverfish", "0.0", "0.25"], ["minecraft:chicken", "0.25", "0.3125"], ["minecraft:endermite", "0.0", "0.0", "5"], ["minecraft:fox", "0.0", "0.2"], ["supplementaries:firefly", "0.0", "0.0", "9", "FLOATING"], ["druidcraft:lunar_moth", "0.375", "0.1375", "10", "FLOATING"], ["iceandfire:pixie", "0.0", "0.0", "10"], ["feywild:winter_pixie", "0.125", "0.0", "8", "FLOATING"], ["feywild:summer_pixie", "0.125", "0.0", "8", "FLOATING"], ["feywild:spring_pixie", "0.125", "0.0", "8", "FLOATING"], ["feywild:autumn_pixie", "0.25", "0.0", "8", "FLOATING"], ["minecraft:fish", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "1"], ["minecraft:tropical_fish", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "2"], ["minecraft:salmon", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "3"], ["minecraft:cod", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "4"], ["minecraft:pufferfish", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "5"], ["minecraft:axolotl", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "6"], ["fins:pea_wee", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "7"], ["fins:wee_wee", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "8"], ["fins:vibra_wee", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "9"], ["fins:blu_wee", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "10"], ["fins:ornate_bugfish", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "11"], ["fins:spindly_gem_crab", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "12"], ["fins:phantom_nudibranch", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "13"], ["fins:high_finned_blue", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "14"], ["fins:teal_arrowfish", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "15"], ["fins:midnight_squid", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "16"], ["fins:banded_redback_shrimp", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "17"], ["fins:flatback_sucker", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "18"], ["fins:swamp_mucker", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "19"], ["upgrade_aquatic:lionfish", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "20"], ["upgrade_aquatic:nautilus", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "21"], ["upgrade_aquatic:pike", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "22"], ["alexsmobs:stradpole", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "23"], ["alexsmobs:blobfish", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "24"], ["unnamedanimalmod:flashlight_fish", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "25"], ["unnamedanimalmod:elephantnose_fish", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "26"], ["unnamedanimalmod:black_diamond_stingray", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "27"], ["unnamedanimalmod:humphead_parrotfish", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "28"], ["unnamedanimalmod:tomato_frog", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "29"], ["unnamedanimalmod:pacman_frog", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "30"], ["bettas:betta_fish", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "31"], ["pogfish:pogfish", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "32"], ["undergarden:gwibling", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "33"], ["environmental:koi", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "34"], ["betterendforge:end_fish", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "35"], ["betteranimalsplus:flying_fish", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "36"], ["betteranimalsplus:nautilus", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "37"], ["betteranimalsplus:eel_freshwater", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "38"], ["betteranimalsplus:eel_saltwater", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "39"], ["betteranimalsplus:lamprey", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "40"], ["betteranimalsplus:piranha", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "41"], ["betteranimalsplus:barracuda", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "42"], ["rediscovered:fish", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "1"]] + #A list of mobs that can be ticked on client side when inside jars. Mainly used for stuff that has particles. Can cause issues and side effects so use with care + tickable_inside_jars = ["iceandfire:pixie", "druidcraft:dreadfish", "druidcraft:lunar_moth", "alexsmobs:hummingbird"] + + [blocks.firefly_jar] + #Particle in firefly jars spawn as explained below: + #Every ticks a particle has a chance to spawn determined by x100 %. + #Range: 1 ~ 20 + spawn_period = 8 + #Spawn chance every period + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + spawn_chance = 0.3 + + [blocks.turn_table] + #Display visual particles when a block is rotated + turn_particles = true + + [blocks.globe] + #Enable a random globe texture for each world + random_world = true + #Here you can put custom colors that will be assigned to each globe depending on the dimension where its placed: + #To do so you'll have to make a list for one entry for every dimension you want to recolor as follows: + #[[,,...,],[,,...,],...] + #With the following description: + # - being the dimension id (ie: minecraft:the_nether) + # - to will have to be 12 hex colors (without the #) that will represent each of the 17 globe own 'virtual biome' + #Following are the virtual biomes that each index is associated with: + # - 1: water light + # - 2: water medium + # - 3: water dark + # - 4: coast/taiga + # - 5: forest + # - 6: plains + # - 7: savanna + # - 8: desert + # - 9: snow + # - 10: ice + # - 11: iceberg/island + # - 12: mushroom island + globe_colors = [["minecraft:overworld", "23658d", "25527d", "1d396d", "2d8a5c", "34a03a", "6ea14b", "89a83d", "b5ba65", "ccd7d5", "83b4c6", "2f83a2", "826e71"], ["minecraft:the_nether", "941818", "7b0000", "6a0400", "16615b", "941818", "ca4e06", "e66410", "f48522", "5a0000", "32333d", "118066", "100c1c"], ["minecraft:the_end", "061914", "000000", "2a0d2a", "000000", "d5da94", "cdc68b", "061914", "2a0d2a", "cdc68b", "000000", "eef6b4", "b286b2"]] + + [blocks.flag] + #How tall the wave lobes will be. (Wave amplitude) + #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 + intensity = 1.0 + #How wavy the animation will be in pixels. (Wavelength) + #Range: 0.001 ~ 100.0 + wavyness = 4.0 + #How slow a flag will oscillate. (Period of oscillation) + #Lower value = faster oscillation + #Range: 0 ~ 10000 + slowness = 100 + #At which graphic settings flags will have a fancy renderer: 0=fast, 1=fancy, 2=fabulous + #Allowed Values: FAST, FANCY, FABULOUS + fanciness = "FABULOUS" + #How much the wave amplitude increases each pixel. (Amplitude increment per pixel) + #Range: 0.0 ~ 10.0 + intensity_increment = 0.3 + + [blocks.bamboo_spikes] + #Populate the creative inventory with all tipped spikes variations + populate_creative_tab = true + + [blocks.wind_vane] + #This should be kept period_1/3 for a symmetric animation + #Range: 0.0 ~ 2000.0 + period_2 = 150.0 + #Wind vane animation swings according to this equation: + #angle(time) = max_angle_1*sin(2pi*time*pow/period_1) + *sin(2pi*time*pow/) + #where: + # - pow = max(1,redstone_power*) + # - time = time in ticks + # - redstone_power = block redstone power + # = how much frequency changes depending on power. 2 means it spins twice as fast each power level (2* for rain, 4* for thunder) + #increase to have more distinct indication when weather changes + #Range: 1.0 ~ 100.0 + power_scaling = 3.0 + #Range: 0.0 ~ 360.0 + max_angle_2 = 10.0 + #Amplitude (maximum angle) of first sine wave + #Range: 0.0 ~ 360.0 + max_angle_1 = 30.0 + #Base period in ticks at 0 power of first sine wave + #Range: 0.0 ~ 2000.0 + period_1 = 450.0 + + [blocks.item_shelf] + #Translate down displayed 3d blocks so that they are touching the shelf. + #Note that they will not be centered vertically this way + supported_blocks = true + +#Particle parameters +[particles] + + #Firefly jar particle + [particles.firefly_glow] + #Maximum age in ticks. Note that actual max age with be this + a random number between 0 and 10 + #Range: 1 ~ 256 + max_age = 40 + #Scale + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + scale = 0.075 + +#Entities parameters +[entities] + + [entities.firefly] + #Firefly glow animation uses following equation: + #scale = {max[(1-)*sin(time*2pi/)+, 0]}^ + #Where: + # - scale = entity transparency & entity scale + # - period = period of the animation. This variable is located in common configs affects how long the pulse last, not how frequently it occurs. + #Use 0.5 for normal sin wave. Higher and it won't turn off completely + # + #Range: -100.0 ~ 1.0 + intensity = 0.2 + #Affects the shape of the wave. Stay under 0.5 for sharper transitions + #Range: 0.0 ~ 10.0 + exponent = 0.5 + +#General settings +[general] + #Tries to detect when the mod hasn't been downloaded from Curseforge.Set to false if you have manually changed the mod jar name + anti_reposting_warning = true + #ignore this + #Range: -10.0 ~ 10.0 + test2 = 0.0 + #ignore this + #Range: -10.0 ~ 10.0 + test3 = 0.0 + #Enable Quark style config button on main menu. Needs Configured installed to work + config_button = false + #Show some tooltip hints to guide players through the mod + tooltip_hints = true + #ignore this + #Range: -10.0 ~ 10.0 + test1 = 0.0 + +#Game tweaks +[tweaks] + #Colors the brewing stand potion texture depending on the potions it's brewing. + #If using a resource pack add tint index from 0 to 3 to the 3 potion layers + brewing_stand_colors = true + #Allow to right click with a clock to display current time in numerical form + clock_right_click = true + #Makes tipped arrows show their colors when loaded with a crossbow + crossbows_colors = true + #Renders an enchantment glint on placeable enchanted books + placeable_books_glint = false + +#Items +[items] + + [items.slingshot] + #How big should a slingshot projectile look + #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 + projectile_scale = 0.5 + #Adds an overlay to slingshots in gui displaying currently selected block + overlay = true + #An RGBA color for the block outline in hex format, for example 0x00000066 for vanilla outline colors + block_outline_color = "ffffff66" + #Render the block outline for distant blocks that are reachable with a slingshot enchanted with Stasis + stasis_block_outline = true + diff --git a/config/supplementaries-common.toml b/config/supplementaries-common.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1699cc0 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/supplementaries-common.toml @@ -0,0 +1,367 @@ + +#Server side blocks configs +[blocks] + + [blocks.blackboard] + #Enable to draw directly on a blackboard using any dye. Gui still only works in black and white + colored_blackboard = false + + [blocks.turn_table] + #can rotate entities standing on it? + rotate_entities = true + #blocks that can't be rotated. Some special ones like chests, beds and pistons are already hardcoded + blacklist = ["minecraft:end_portal_frame"] + + [blocks.candle_holder] + #Candle holder light level + #Range: 1 ~ 15 + light_level = 12 + + [blocks.speaker_block] + #Enable/disable speaker block narrator mode + narrator_enabled = true + #Maximum block range + #Range: 0 ~ 100000000 + range = 64 + + [blocks.sack] + #How many slots should a sack have + #Range: 1 ~ 27 + slots = 9 + #Penalize the player with slowness effect when carrying too many sacks + sack_penalty = true + #Maximum number of sacks after which the slowness effect will be applied. each multiple of this number will further slow the player down + #Range: 0 ~ 50 + sack_increment = 2 + + [blocks.flag] + #Maximum allowed pole length + #Range: 0 ~ 256 + pole_length = 16 + #Allows right/left clicking on a stick to lower/raise a flag attached to it + stick_pole = true + + [blocks.bellows] + #velocity increase uses this equation: + #vel = base_vel*((range-entity_distance)/range) with base_vel = base_velocity_scaling/period + #note that the block will push further the faster it's pulsing + #Range: 0.0 ~ 64.0 + base_velocity_scaling = 5.0 + #bellows pushes air following this equation: + #air=(sin(2PI*ticks/period)<0), with period = base_period-(redstone_power-1)*power_scaling + #represents base period at 1 power + #Range: 1 ~ 512 + base_period = 78 + #note that it will still only keep alive the two fire blocks closer to it + #Range: 0 ~ 16 + range = 5 + #entities with velocity greated than this won't be pushed + #Range: 0.0 ~ 16.0 + power_scaling = 2.0 + #sets velocity changed flag when pushing entities + + #causes pushing animation to be smooth client side but also restricts player movement when being pushed + velocity_changed_flag = true + + [blocks.notice_board] + #Allows notice boards to accept and display any item, not just maps and books + allow_any_item = false + + [blocks.iron_gate] + #Allows two iron gates to be opened simultaneously when on top of the other + double_opening = true + #Makes iron (ang gold) gates behave like their door counterpart so for example iron gates will only be openeable by redstone + door-like_gates = false + + [blocks.cage] + #Allows all baby mobs to be captured by cages + cage_allow_all_babies = false + #Health percentage under which mobs will be allowed to be captured by cages and jars. Leave at 100 to accept any health level + #Range: 1 ~ 100 + health_threshold = 100 + #Allows all entities to be captured by cages and jars. Not meant for survival + allow_all_mobs = false + #Dynamically allows all small mobs inside cages depending on their hitbox size + cage_auto_detect = false + + [blocks.globe] + #how many globe trades to give to the wandering trader. This will effectively increase the chance of him having a globe trader. Increase this if you have other mods that add stuff to that trader + #Range: 0 ~ 50 + chance = 2 + + [blocks.timber_frame] + #Replace a timber frame with wattle and daub block when daub is placed in it + replace_daub = true + #Allow placing a timber frame directly on a block by holding shift + swap_on_shift = false + + [blocks.spring_launcher] + #fall distance needed to trigger the automatic spring launch + #Range: 0 ~ 512 + fall_height_required = 5 + #spring launcher launch speed + #Range: 0.0 ~ 16.0 + velocity = 1.5 + + [blocks.hourglass] + #Time in ticks for sugar + #Range: 0 ~ 10000 + sugar_time = 40 + #Time in ticks for honey + #Range: 0 ~ 10000 + honey_time = 2000 + #Time in ticks for glowstone dust + #Range: 0 ~ 10000 + glowstone_time = 190 + #Time in ticks for redstone dust + #Range: 0 ~ 10000 + redstone_time = 400 + #Time in ticks for blaze powder + #Range: 0 ~ 10000 + blaze_powder_time = 277 + #Time in ticks for sand blocks + #Range: 0 ~ 10000 + sand_time = 70 + #Time in ticks for concrete blocks + #Range: 0 ~ 10000 + concrete_time = 105 + #Time in ticks for slime balls + #Range: 0 ~ 10000 + slime_time = 1750 + #Time in ticks for generic dust + #Range: 0 ~ 10000 + dust_time = 150 + + [] + #Makes safes only breakable by their owner or by a player in creative + prevent_breaking = false + #Make safes simpler so they do not require keys: + #they will be bound to the first person that opens one and only that person will be able to interact with them + simple_safes = false + + [blocks.jar] + #Dynamically allows all small mobs inside jars depending on their hitbox size. Tinted jars can accept hostile mbos too + jar_auto_detect = false + #Allow right click to instantly eat or drink food or potions inside a placed jar. + #Disable if you think this ability is op (honey for example). Cookies are excluded + drink_from_jar = false + #Allows the player to directly drink from jar items + drink_from_jar_item = false + #Jar liquid capacity: leave at 12 for pixel accuracy + #Range: 0 ~ 1024 + capacity = 12 + + [blocks.item_shelf] + #Makes item shelves climbable + climbable_shelves = false + +#Configure spawning conditions +[spawns] + + [spawns.firefly] + #Minimum group size + #Range: 0 ~ 64 + min = 5 + #Spawnable biomes + biomes = ["minecraft:swamp", "minecraft:swamp_hills", "minecraft:plains", "minecraft:sunflower_plains", "minecraft:dark_forest", "minecraft:dark_forest_hills", "byg:bayou", "byg:cypress_swamplands", "byg:glowshroom_bayou", "byg:mangrove_marshes", "byg:vibrant_swamplands", "byg:fresh_water_lake", "byg:grassland_plateau", "byg:wooded_grassland_plateau", "byg:flowering_grove", "byg:guiana_shield", "byg:guiana_clearing", "byg:meadow", "byg:orchard", "byg:seasonal_birch_forest", "byg:seasonal_deciduous_forest", "byg:seasonal_forest", "biomesoplenty:flower_meadow", "biomesoplenty:fir_clearing", "biomesoplenty:grove_lakes", "biomesoplenty:grove", "biomesoplenty:highland_moor", "biomesoplenty:wetland_marsh", "biomesoplenty:deep_bayou", "biomesoplenty:wetland"] + #Maximum group size + #Range: 0 ~ 64 + max = 9 + #Whitelisted mods. All biomes from said mods will be able to spawn fireflies. Use the one above for more control + mod_whitelist = [] + #Spawn weight + #Set to 0 to disable spawning entirely + #Range: 0 ~ 100 + weight = 3 + + [spawns.structures] + + [spawns.structures.wild_flax] + enabled = true + + [spawns.structures.way_sign] + #Average distance apart in chunks between spawn attempts + #Range: 0 ~ 1001 + average_distance = 19 + #With this option road signs will display the distance to the structure that they are pointing to + show_distance_text = true + #list of structure that a sign can point to. Note that they will only spawn in dimensions where vanilla villages can + villages = ["minecraft:village", "repurposed_structures:village_badlands", "repurposed_structures:village_dark_oak", "repurposed_structures:village_birch", "repurposed_structures:village_giant_taiga", "repurposed_structures:village_mushroom", "repurposed_structures:village_jungle", "repurposed_structures:village_mountains", "repurposed_structures:village_oak", "repurposed_structures:village_swamp", "pokecube:village", "pokecube_legends:village", "pokecube_legends:village/ocean", "valhelsia_structures:castle", "valhelsia_structures:castle_ruin", "valhelsia_structures:small_castle", "valhelsia_structures:tower_ruin", "stoneholm:underground_village", "blue_skies:gatekeeper_house", "feywild:library", "feywild:blacksmith"] + #Minimum distance apart in chunks between spawn attempts. 1001 to disable them entirely + #Range: 0 ~ 1001 + minimum_distance = 10 + +#entities parameters +[entities] + + [entities.firefly] + #firefly animation period + #note that actual period will be this + a random number between 0 and 10 + #this needs to be here to allow correct despawning of the entity when it's not glowing + #check client configs come more animation settings + #Range: 1 ~ 200 + period = 65 + #despawn during the day + despawn = true + #firefly flying speed + #Range: 0.0 ~ 10.0 + speed = 0.3 + +#Vanilla tweaks +[tweaks] + + [tweaks.wall_lantern] + #Mod ids of mods that have lantern block that extend the base lantern class but don't look like one + mod_blacklist = ["extlights", "betterendforge", "tconstruct"] + #Allow wall lanterns placement + enabled = true + #Gives high priority to wall lantern placement. Enable to override other wall lanterns placements, disable if it causes issues with other mods that use lower priority block click events + high_priority = true + + [tweaks.zombie_horse] + #Amount of rotten flesh needed + #Range: 1 ~ 1000 + rotten_flesh = 64 + #Allows zombie horses to be ridden underwater + rideable_underwater = true + #Feed a stack of rotten flesh to a skeleton horse to buff him up to a zombie horse + zombie_horse_conversion = true + + [tweaks.placeable_gunpowder] + #Allow placeable gunpowder + enabled = true + #Number of ticks it takes for gunpowder to burn 1 stage (out of 8). Increase to slow it down + #Range: 0 ~ 20 + speed = 2 + #Age at which it spread to the next gunpowder block. Also affects speed + #Range: 0 ~ 8 + spread_age = 2 + + [tweaks.hanging_flower_pots] + #allows you to place hanging flower pots. Works with any modded pot too + enabled = true + + [tweaks.placeable_sticks] + #Allow placeable sticks + sticks = true + #Allow placeable blaze rods + blaze_rods = true + + [tweaks.bottle_xp] + #bottling health cost + #Range: 0 ~ 20 + cost = 2 + #Allow bottling up xp by using a bottle on an enchanting table + enabled = true + + [tweaks.bells_tweaks] + #Ring a bell by clicking on a chain that's connected to it + chain_ringing = true + #Max chain length that allows a bell to ring + #Range: 0 ~ 256 + chain_length = 16 + + [tweaks.ceiling_banners] + #Allow banners to be placed on ceilings + enabled = true + + [tweaks.throwable_bricks] + #Throw bricks at your foes! Might break glass blocks + enabled = true + + [tweaks.raked_gravel] + #allow gravel to be raked with a hoe + enabled = true + + [tweaks.cake_tweaks] + #Allows you to place a cake on top of another + double_cake = true + #Replaces normal cake placement with a directional one + directional_cake = true + + [tweaks.placeable_books] + #Allows written books to be placeable (will need shift clicking) + written_books = false + #Allow all books to be placed both vertically and horizontally + mixed_books = false + #Enchantment power bonus given by normal book piles with 4 books. Piles with less books will have their respective fraction of this total. For reference a vanilla bookshelf provides 1 + #Range: 0.0 ~ 5.0 + enchanted_book_power = 1.334 + #Allow books and enchanted books to be placed on the ground + enabled = true + #Enchantment power bonus given by normal book piles with 4 books. Piles with less books will have their respective fraction of this total. For reference a vanilla bookshelf provides 1 + #Range: 0.0 ~ 5.0 + book_power = 1.0 + + [tweaks.map_tweaks] + #In this section you can add custom structure maps to cartographers + #The format required is as follows: + #[[,,,,,,],[,...,],...] + #With the following parameters: + # - structure id to be located (ie: minecraft:igloo) + # - villager trading level at which the map will be sold. Must be between 1 and 5 + # - minimum emerald price + # - maximum emerald price + # - map item name + # - hex color of the map item overlay texture + # - id of the map marker to be used (ie: supplementaries:igloo). + #See texture folder for all the names. Leave empty for default ones + #Note that ony the first parameter is required, each of the others others can me removed and will be defaulted to reasonable values + #example: ['minecraft:swamp_hut','2','5','7','witch hut map','0x00ff33'] + custom_adventurer_maps = [[""]] + #enables beacons, lodestones, respawn anchors, beds, conduits, portals to be displayed on maps by clicking one of them with a map + block_map_markers = true + #Cartographers will sell 'adventurer maps' that will lead to a random vanilla structure (choosen from a thought out preset list). + #Best kept disabled if you are adding custom adventurer maps with its config + random_adventurer_maps = true + +[items] + + [items.flute] + #max distance at which a bound flute will allow a pet to teleport + #Range: 0 ~ 500 + bound_distance = 64 + #radius in which an unbound flute will search pets + #Range: 0 ~ 500 + unbound_radius = 64 + + [items.slingshot] + #Deceleration for the stasis projectile + #Range: 0.1 ~ 1.0 + stasis_deceleration = 0.9625 + #Slingshot range multiplier. Affect the initial projectile speed + #Range: 0.0 ~ 5.0 + range_multiplier = 1.0 + #Allow enderman to intercept any slingshot projectile + unrestricted_enderman_intercept = true + #Time in ticks to fully charge a slingshot + #Range: 0 ~ 100 + charge_time = 20 + + [items.blue_bomb] + #Do bombs break blocks like tnt? + #Allowed Values: ALL, WEAK, NONE + break_blocks = "WEAK" + #Bomb explosion radius (damage depends on this) + #Range: 0.1 ~ 10.0 + explosion_radius = 5.15 + + [items.bomb] + #Do bombs break blocks like tnt? + #Allowed Values: ALL, WEAK, NONE + break_blocks = "WEAK" + #Bomb explosion radius (damage depends on this) + #Range: 0.1 ~ 10.0 + explosion_radius = 2.0 + + [items.rope_arrow] + #If you don't like my ropes you can specify here the block id ofa rope from another mod which will get deployed by rope arrows instead of mine + rope_arrow_override = "supplementaries:rope" + #Max number of robe items allowed to be stored inside a rope arrow + #Range: 1 ~ 256 + capacity = 24 + +#General settings +[general] + #Turn this on to disable any interaction on blocks placed by other players. This affects item shelves, signs, flower pots, and boards. Useful for protected servers. Note that it will affect only blocks placed after this is turned on and such blocks will keep being protected after this option is disabled + server_protection = false + diff --git a/config/supplementaries-registry.toml b/config/supplementaries-registry.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..45a91bd --- /dev/null +++ b/config/supplementaries-registry.toml @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ + +#Here are configs that need reloading to take effect +[initialization] + + [initialization.general] + #Enable Creative Tab + creative_tab = false + #Enables custom Configured config screen + custom_configured_screen = true + #Set to false to disable custom dispenser behaviors (i.e: filling jars) if for some reason they are causing trouble + dispensers = true + #Creates a creative tab full of filled jars + jar_tab = false + + [initialization.entities] + firefly = true + + [initialization.blocks] + clock_block = true + speaker_block = true + sack = true + #WIP + laser_block = false + bellows = true + hanging_sign = true + bomb = true + #WIP + amethyst_arrow = false + cage = true + stone_tile = true + blaze_rod = true + bamboo_spikes = true + hourglass = true + raked_gravel = true + jar = true + stick = true + rope_arrow = true + checker_block = true + slingshot = true + wattle_and_daub = true + stone_lamp = true + cog_block = true + crank = true + copper_lantern = true + pancake = true + statue = true + iron_gate = true + bamboo_spikes_tipped = true + netherite_trapdoor = true + wrench = true + fodder = true + end_stone_lamp = true + globe = true + sconce = true + candelabra = true + timber_frame = true + spring_launcher = true + safe = true + sconce_lever = true + #WIP + present = true + sign_post = true + pedestal = true + blackboard = true + netherite_door = true + candle_holder = true + flag = true + flint_block = true + candy = true + rope = true + notice_board = true + redstone_illuminator = true + crimson_lantern = true + lock_block = true + flax = true + planter = true + wind_vane = true + item_shelf = true + turn_table = true + faucet = true + blackstone_lamp = true + daub = true + gold_trapdoor = true + feather_block = true + deepslate_lamp = true + magma_cream_block = true + goblet = true + sconce_green = false + flute = true + pulley_block = true + gold_door = true + shulker_shell = true + diff --git a/config/tconstruct-client.toml b/config/tconstruct-client.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a9d65e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/tconstruct-client.toml @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ + +#Client only settings +[client] + #If true tools will show additional info in their tooltips + extraToolTips = true + #Maximum number of quads to render for items in the smeltery. Most blocks are about 6 quads, items like ingots are around 26. + #Setting this lower will cause fewer items to be renderer (but never a partial item). Set to -1 to allow unlimited quads, and 0 to disable the item renderer. + #Range: -1 ~ 32767 + maxSmelteryItemQuads = 3500 + #Experimental. If true, renders fluids in tanks using a dynamic model, being more efficient when the tank is static + #If false, renders fluids in tanks using a TESR, which is more efficient when the tank contents are changing + tankFluidModel = false + #If true, the game will log all modifier textures which do not exist in resource packs but can be added, can be helpful for moddevs or resourcepack makers + logMissingModifierTextures = false + #If true, modifiers will be added to the JEI ingredient list. If false, they will only be visible in the modifiers recipe tab. + showModifiersInJEI = true + #If true, the game will log all material textures which do not exist in resource packs but can be added, can be helpful for moddevs or resourcepack makers + logMissingMaterialTextures = false + + #Settings related to modifiers + [client.modifiers] + #If true, the shield slot legging modifier will render the next offhand item above the offhand slot. + renderShieldSlotItem = true + + #Settings related to the frame helmet modifier + [client.modifiers.itemFrame] + #Offset in the Y direction for the frame items. + #Range: -32768 ~ 32767 + yOffset = 0 + #Offset in the X direction for the frame items. + #Range: -32768 ~ 32767 + xOffset = 0 + #Number of items to display in each row of the item frame. + #Range: 0 ~ 100 + itemsPerRow = 5 + #Location of the frame on the screen. + #Allowed Values: TOP_LEFT, TOP, TOP_RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, BOTTOM_LEFT, BOTTOM, BOTTOM_RIGHT + location = "TOP_LEFT" + #If true, the item frame modifier for helmets will render its items. Turning this to false makes the modifier useless. + render = true + diff --git a/config/tconstruct-common.toml b/config/tconstruct-common.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e4eb3dd --- /dev/null +++ b/config/tconstruct-common.toml @@ -0,0 +1,128 @@ + +#Everything to do with gameplay +[gameplay] + #If true, anvils will show all metal variants. If false, shows only a variant with the default texture + showAllAnvilVariants = true + #If true, tables such as the part builder and tinker station will show all variants. If false shows only a variant with a default texture. + showAllTableVariants = true + #Set this to false to disable new players spawning with the Tinkers' Book. + shouldSpawnWithTinkersBook = true + #If non-empty, only this material will be shown on tools in creative and JEI (or the first valid material if this is invalid for the tool). + #If empty, all materials will show + showOnlyToolMaterial = "" + #If non-empty, only material will be shown on parts in creative and JEI (or the first valid material if this is invalid for the part). + #If empty, all materials will show + showOnlyPartMaterial = "" + +#Options related to recipes, limited options as a datapack allows most recipes to be modified +[recipes] + #Makes wither skeletons drop necrotic bones + witherBoneDrop = true + #Number of nuggets produced when an ore block is melted in the smeltery. 9 nuggets would give 1 ingot + #Range: 1 ~ 45 + smelteryNuggetsPerOre = 18 + #Makes the recipe to alloy netherite in the smeltery only cost 2 gold per netherite ingot. If false uses the vanilla rate of 4 gold per ingot. Disable if there are crafting duplications. + cheaperNetheriteAlloy = true + #Add a recipe that allows you to craft a piece of flint using 3 gravel + addGravelToFlintRecipe = true + #Fixes clear glass not being usable in vanilla recipes that require glass. Config option exists to disable easily in case this fix is redundant to another mod + glassRecipeFix = true + #Number of nuggets produced when an ore block is melted in the foundry. 9 nuggets would give 1 ingot + #Range: 1 ~ 45 + foundryNuggetsPerOre = 15 + #Allows converting wither bones to regular bones + witherBoneConversion = true + #Slimealls not being usable in vanilla recipes that require slimeballs. Config option exists to disable easily in case this fix is redundant to another mod + slimeRecipeFix = true + #Number of nuggets produced when an ore block is melted in the melter. 9 would give 1 ingot + #Range: 1 ~ 45 + melterNuggetsPerOre = 12 + + #Entity head drops when killed by a charged creeper + [recipes.heads] + stray = true + husk = true + zombified_piglin = true + blaze = true + piglin = true + cave_spider = true + piglin_brute = true + drowned = true + spider = true + enderman = true + +#Options related to loot table injections. Note some of the changes are done via global loot managers, these only control injecting loot into loot pools +#If your modpack makes extensive loot table changes, many of these may be automatically disabled. You can also manually set up tables for more control. +[loot] + #Weight of blazing blood in the piglin bartering tables. Set to 0 to disable + #Range: 0 ~ 100 + barter_blazing_blood = 20 + #Adds slimy saplings and seeds into various loot chests. Helps for worlds without slime islands + slimy_loot = true + #If true, ender dragons will drop scales when damaged by explosions + drop_dragon_Scales = true + #Weight of tinker tools in the vanilla spawn bonus chest, randomly replacing the vanilla axe or shovel. Tool will have a random tier 1 head and binding, plus a wooden handle. Set to 0 to disable. + #For comparison, vanilla wooden axes and pickaxes have a weight of 3, and stone axes/pickaxes have a weight of 1 + #Range: 0 ~ 25 + tinker_tool_bonus_chest = 2 + +#Everything to do with world generation +[worldgen] + #Generate Cobalt + generateCobalt = true + #Generate Copper + generateCopper = true + #Approx Ores per Chunk + veinCountCobalt = 8 + #Approx Ores per Chunk + veinCountCopper = 20 + + #Options related to slime islands + [worldgen.slime_islands] + + #Settings for sky slime islands in the overworld sky + [] + #How many chunks on average between islands + #Range: 10 ~ 500 + separation = 30 + #If true, this island generates + generate = true + + #Options related to earth slime islands spawning in the oceans + [] + #How many chunks on average between islands + #Range: 10 ~ 500 + separation = 25 + #If true, this island generates + generate = true + + #Settings for end slime islands in the outer end islands + [worldgen.slime_islands.end] + #How many chunks on average between islands + #Range: 10 ~ 500 + separation = 25 + #If true, this island generates + generate = true + + #Settings for blood islands in the nether lava ocean + [worldgen.slime_islands.blood] + #How many chunks on average between islands + #Range: 10 ~ 500 + separation = 13 + #If true, this island generates + generate = true + + #Settings for clay islands in the overworld sky + [worldgen.slime_islands.clay] + #How many chunks on average between islands + #Range: 10 ~ 500 + separation = 100 + #If true, this island generates + generate = true + +#Features to use in debugging gameplay and mechanics, generally should not be enabled in packs +[debug] + #If true, forces integration materials to be enabled, even if the relevant metal is missing. Useful for testing material balance. + #Does not provide recipes for any of them, they will only be available to cheat in creative. + forceIntegrationMaterials = false + diff --git a/config/toastcontrol-common.toml b/config/toastcontrol-common.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a7ccb03 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/toastcontrol-common.toml @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ + +#Client Configuration +[client] + + [client.debug] + #If toast classes are printed when they are shown. + print_classes = false + + [client.blocked_toasts] + #If recipe toasts are blocked. + recipes = true + #If all vanilla toasts are blocked. + global_vanilla = false + #If advancement toasts are blocked. + advancements = true + #If system toasts are blocked. + system = false + #If all non-vanilla toasts are blocked. + global_modded = false + #If all toasts are blocked. + global = false + #If tutorial toasts are blocked. + tutorial = true + #Toast Classes that are blocked from being shown. + blocked_classes = [] + + [client.visual_options] + #If toasts are translucent. + translucent = true + #How many toasts will be displayed on screen at once. + #Range: 1 ~ 7 + toast_count = 3 + #If toasts will come in from the top of the screen, rather than the side. + top_down = false + #How long a toast must be on the screen for, in ticks. Use 0 to use the default time. + #Range: 0 ~ 4000 + force_time = 0 + #If toasts automatically pop into the screen without animations. + no_slide = false + #The Y offset for toasts to be drawn at. + #Range: -8192 ~ 8192 + y_offset = 0 + #If toasts show on the left of the screen. + start_left = false + #If toasts are transparent. Overrides translucency. + transparent = false + #The X offset for toasts to be drawn at. + #Range: -8192 ~ 8192 + x_offset = 0 + diff --git a/config/treasure2-common-1.toml.bak b/config/treasure2-common-1.toml.bak new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dce932f --- /dev/null +++ b/config/treasure2-common-1.toml.bak @@ -0,0 +1,917 @@ + +############################### +# Mod properties +############################### +[01-mod] + #Enables/Disables mod. + enabled = true + # The directory where mods are located + #This is relative to the Minecraft install path. + modFolder = "mods" + # The directory where configs are located. + #Resource files will be located here as well. + # This is relative to the Minecraft install path. + configFolder = "config" + #Enables/Disables version checking. + enableVersionChecker = true + # Remind the user of the latest version update. + enableLatestVersionReminder = true + +############################### +# Logging properties +############################### +[02-logging] + # The logging level. Set to 'off' to disable logging. + # Values = [trace|debug|info|warn|error|off] + level = "info" + # The size a log file can be before rolling over to a new file. + size = "1000K" + # The directory where the logs should be stored. + # This is relative to the Minecraft install path. + folder = "logs" + # The base filename of the log file. + filename = "log" + +############################### +# General properties for Treasure mod. +############################### +[general] + # Enable/Disable a check to ensure the default loot tables exist on the file system. + #If enabled, then you will not be able to remove any default loot tables (but they can be edited). + #This option should be enabled at least for the first run of the mod to create the default settings. + #Only disable if you know what you're doing. + "Enable default loot tables check:" = true + # Enable/Disable a check to ensure the default templates exist on the file system. + # If enabled, then you will not be able to remove any default templates. + # Only disable if you know what you're doing. + "Enable default templates check:" = true + # Enable/Disable a check to ensure the default decay rulesets exist on the file system. + # If enabled, then you will not be able to remove any default decay rulesets (but they can be edited). + # Only disable if you know what you're doing. + "Enable default decay rulesets check:" = true + #The probability that a surface structure will generate. + #Range: 0 ~ 100 + "Probability of surface structure spawn:" = 25 + # Allowed Dimensions for generation. + # Treasure2 was designed for 'normal' overworld-type dimensions. + # This setting does not use any wildcards (*). You must explicitly set the dimensions that are allowed. + # ex. minecraft:overworld + "Dimension White List:" = ["minecraft:overworld", "twilightforest:twilightforest", "twilightforest:skylight_forest"] + +############################### +# Integration properties +############################### +[integration] + #Enable/Disable Curios integration. + #Enabled by default, but Curios must be installed as well. + "Enable Curios Integration:" = true + +############################### +# Chest properties +############################### +[chests] + #The probability that a chest will contain a treasure map to another chest. + #Range: 20.0 ~ 100.0 + "Treasure Chest Probability:" = 0.0 + + ############################### + # Chest Generation properties + ############################### + [chests."surface chest Gen"] + # The number of chests that are monitored. Most recent additions replace least recent when the registry is full. + # This is the set of chests used to measure distance between newly generated chests. + # A high count is better than a low count, especially in a multiplayer world. + #Range: 50 ~ 5000 + "Maximum size of chest registry:" = 1000 + # The probability that a chest will generate at selected spawn location. + # Including a non-100 value increases the randomization of chest placement. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 + "Probability:" = 80.0 + # The minimum distance, measured in blocks, that two chests can be in proximity (ie radius). + # Note: Only chests in the chest registry are checked against this property. + # Default = 256 blocks, or 16 chunks. + #Range: 80 ~ 32768 + "Minimum distance per chest spawn:" = 192 + # The number of chunks that are generated in a new world before a chests start to spawn. + #Range: 10 ~ 32000 + "Wait for first chunks:" = 25 + + ############################### + # Chest Generation properties + ############################### + [chests."submerged chest gen"] + # The number of chests that are monitored. Most recent additions replace least recent when the registry is full. + # This is the set of chests used to measure distance between newly generated chests. + # A high count is better than a low count, especially in a multiplayer world. + #Range: 50 ~ 5000 + "Maximum size of chest registry:" = 500 + # The probability that a chest will generate at selected spawn location. + # Including a non-100 value increases the randomization of chest placement. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 + "Probability:" = 70.0 + # The minimum distance, measured in blocks, that two chests can be in proximity (ie radius). + # Note: Only chests in the chest registry are checked against this property. + # Default = 256 blocks, or 16 chunks. + #Range: 80 ~ 32768 + "Minimum distance per chest spawn:" = 560 + # The number of chunks that are generated in a new world before a chests start to spawn. + #Range: 10 ~ 32000 + "Wait for first chunks:" = 100 + + ############################### + # Chests that generate on land. + #------------------------------ + # Note: There is a build-in check against ocean biomes for surface chests. Adding ocean biomes to the white lists will not change this functionality. + ############################### + [chests."surface chests"] + # The probability chest will appear on the surface, instead of in a pit. + #Range: 0 ~ 100 + "Probability of chest spawn on the surface:" = 20 + + ############################### + # Common chest properties + ############################### + [chests."surface chests".common] + # Enable/Disable generating chests associated with this rarity. + "Enable chests for rarity:" = true + #The weight for this rarity to spawn a chest. + #Higher number relative to other weight means this has a high chance to be selected. + #Range: 0 ~ 32000 + "Weight of rarity:" = 100 + #The minimum blocks deep from the surface that a chest can generate at. + #Range: 5 ~ 250 + "Minimum depth for spawn location:" = 6 + #The maximum blocks deep from the surface that a chest can generate at. + #Range: 5 ~ 250 + "Maximum depth for spawn location:" = 15 + #The probability that a chest will be a mimic. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 + "Mimic probability:" = 20.0 + #No comment + "Enable surface spawn:" = true + #No comment + "Enable subterranean spawn:" = true + + ############################### + # Biome white and black list properties + ############################### + [chests."surface chests".common.biomes] + # Allowed Biomes for generation. Must match the Biome Registry Name(s). ex. minecraft:plains + "White list by biome name:" = [] + # Disallowed Biomes for generation. Must match the Biome Registry Name(s). ex. minecraft:plains + "Black list by biome name:" = [] + # Allowabled Biome Types for generation. Must match the Type identifer(s). + "White list by biome type:" = [] + # Disallowed Biome Types for generation. Must match the Type identifer(s). + "Black list by biome type:" = [] + + ############################### + # Uncommon chest properties + ############################### + [chests."surface chests".uncommon] + # Enable/Disable generating chests associated with this rarity. + "Enable chests for rarity:" = true + #The weight for this rarity to spawn a chest. + #Higher number relative to other weight means this has a high chance to be selected. + #Range: 0 ~ 32000 + "Weight of rarity:" = 70 + #The minimum blocks deep from the surface that a chest can generate at. + #Range: 5 ~ 250 + "Minimum depth for spawn location:" = 10 + #The maximum blocks deep from the surface that a chest can generate at. + #Range: 5 ~ 250 + "Maximum depth for spawn location:" = 25 + #The probability that a chest will be a mimic. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 + "Mimic probability:" = 17.5 + #No comment + "Enable surface spawn:" = true + #No comment + "Enable subterranean spawn:" = true + + ############################### + # Biome white and black list properties + ############################### + [chests."surface chests".uncommon.biomes] + # Allowed Biomes for generation. Must match the Biome Registry Name(s). ex. minecraft:plains + "White list by biome name:" = [] + # Disallowed Biomes for generation. Must match the Biome Registry Name(s). ex. minecraft:plains + "Black list by biome name:" = [] + # Allowabled Biome Types for generation. Must match the Type identifer(s). + "White list by biome type:" = [] + # Disallowed Biome Types for generation. Must match the Type identifer(s). + "Black list by biome type:" = [] + + ############################### + # Scarce chest properties + ############################### + [chests."surface chests".scarce] + # Enable/Disable generating chests associated with this rarity. + "Enable chests for rarity:" = true + #The weight for this rarity to spawn a chest. + #Higher number relative to other weight means this has a high chance to be selected. + #Range: 0 ~ 32000 + "Weight of rarity:" = 40 + #The minimum blocks deep from the surface that a chest can generate at. + #Range: 5 ~ 250 + "Minimum depth for spawn location:" = 20 + #The maximum blocks deep from the surface that a chest can generate at. + #Range: 5 ~ 250 + "Maximum depth for spawn location:" = 35 + #The probability that a chest will be a mimic. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 + "Mimic probability:" = 15.0 + #No comment + "Enable surface spawn:" = true + #No comment + "Enable subterranean spawn:" = true + + ############################### + # Biome white and black list properties + ############################### + [chests."surface chests".scarce.biomes] + # Allowed Biomes for generation. Must match the Biome Registry Name(s). ex. minecraft:plains + "White list by biome name:" = [] + # Disallowed Biomes for generation. Must match the Biome Registry Name(s). ex. minecraft:plains + "Black list by biome name:" = [] + # Allowabled Biome Types for generation. Must match the Type identifer(s). + "White list by biome type:" = [] + # Disallowed Biome Types for generation. Must match the Type identifer(s). + "Black list by biome type:" = [] + + ############################### + # Rare chest properties + ############################### + [chests."surface chests".rare] + # Enable/Disable generating chests associated with this rarity. + "Enable chests for rarity:" = true + #The weight for this rarity to spawn a chest. + #Higher number relative to other weight means this has a high chance to be selected. + #Range: 0 ~ 32000 + "Weight of rarity:" = 20 + #The minimum blocks deep from the surface that a chest can generate at. + #Range: 5 ~ 250 + "Minimum depth for spawn location:" = 30 + #The maximum blocks deep from the surface that a chest can generate at. + #Range: 5 ~ 250 + "Maximum depth for spawn location:" = 45 + #The probability that a chest will be a mimic. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 + "Mimic probability:" = 0.0 + #No comment + "Enable surface spawn:" = true + #No comment + "Enable subterranean spawn:" = true + + ############################### + # Biome white and black list properties + ############################### + [chests."surface chests".rare.biomes] + # Allowed Biomes for generation. Must match the Biome Registry Name(s). ex. minecraft:plains + "White list by biome name:" = [] + # Disallowed Biomes for generation. Must match the Biome Registry Name(s). ex. minecraft:plains + "Black list by biome name:" = ["minecraft:plains", "minecraft:sunflower_plains"] + # Allowabled Biome Types for generation. Must match the Type identifer(s). + "White list by biome type:" = [] + # Disallowed Biome Types for generation. Must match the Type identifer(s). + "Black list by biome type:" = ["minecraft:plains"] + + ############################### + # Epic chest properties + ############################### + [chests."surface chests".epic] + # Enable/Disable generating chests associated with this rarity. + "Enable chests for rarity:" = true + #The weight for this rarity to spawn a chest. + #Higher number relative to other weight means this has a high chance to be selected. + #Range: 0 ~ 32000 + "Weight of rarity:" = 10 + #The minimum blocks deep from the surface that a chest can generate at. + #Range: 5 ~ 250 + "Minimum depth for spawn location:" = 40 + #The maximum blocks deep from the surface that a chest can generate at. + #Range: 5 ~ 250 + "Maximum depth for spawn location:" = 55 + #The probability that a chest will be a mimic. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 + "Mimic probability:" = 0.0 + #No comment + "Enable surface spawn:" = true + #No comment + "Enable subterranean spawn:" = true + + ############################### + # Biome white and black list properties + ############################### + [chests."surface chests".epic.biomes] + # Allowed Biomes for generation. Must match the Biome Registry Name(s). ex. minecraft:plains + "White list by biome name:" = [] + # Disallowed Biomes for generation. Must match the Biome Registry Name(s). ex. minecraft:plains + "Black list by biome name:" = ["minecraft:plains", "minecraft:sunflower_plains"] + # Allowabled Biome Types for generation. Must match the Type identifer(s). + "White list by biome type:" = [] + # Disallowed Biome Types for generation. Must match the Type identifer(s). + "Black list by biome type:" = ["minecraft:plains"] + + ############################### + # Legendary chest properties + ############################### + [chests."surface chests".legendary] + # Enable/Disable generating chests associated with this rarity. + "Enable chests for rarity:" = true + #The weight for this rarity to spawn a chest. + #Higher number relative to other weight means this has a high chance to be selected. + #Range: 0 ~ 32000 + "Weight of rarity:" = 5 + #The minimum blocks deep from the surface that a chest can generate at. + #Range: 5 ~ 250 + "Minimum depth for spawn location:" = 50 + #The maximum blocks deep from the surface that a chest can generate at. + #Range: 5 ~ 250 + "Maximum depth for spawn location:" = 65 + #The probability that a chest will be a mimic. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 + "Mimic probability:" = 0.0 + #No comment + "Enable surface spawn:" = true + #No comment + "Enable subterranean spawn:" = true + + ############################### + # Biome white and black list properties + ############################### + [chests."surface chests".legendary.biomes] + # Allowed Biomes for generation. Must match the Biome Registry Name(s). ex. minecraft:plains + "White list by biome name:" = [] + # Disallowed Biomes for generation. Must match the Biome Registry Name(s). ex. minecraft:plains + "Black list by biome name:" = ["plains", "sunflower_plains"] + # Allowabled Biome Types for generation. Must match the Type identifer(s). + "White list by biome type:" = [] + # Disallowed Biome Types for generation. Must match the Type identifer(s). + "Black list by biome type:" = ["plains"] + + ############################### + # Mythical chest properties + ############################### + [chests."surface chests".mythical] + # Enable/Disable generating chests associated with this rarity. + "Enable chests for rarity:" = true + #The weight for this rarity to spawn a chest. + #Higher number relative to other weight means this has a high chance to be selected. + #Range: 0 ~ 32000 + "Weight of rarity:" = 2 + #The minimum blocks deep from the surface that a chest can generate at. + #Range: 5 ~ 250 + "Minimum depth for spawn location:" = 60 + #The maximum blocks deep from the surface that a chest can generate at. + #Range: 5 ~ 250 + "Maximum depth for spawn location:" = 75 + #The probability that a chest will be a mimic. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 + "Mimic probability:" = 0.0 + #No comment + "Enable surface spawn:" = true + #No comment + "Enable subterranean spawn:" = true + + ############################### + # Biome white and black list properties + ############################### + [chests."surface chests".mythical.biomes] + # Allowed Biomes for generation. Must match the Biome Registry Name(s). ex. minecraft:plains + "White list by biome name:" = [] + # Disallowed Biomes for generation. Must match the Biome Registry Name(s). ex. minecraft:plains + "Black list by biome name:" = ["plains", "sunflower_plains"] + # Allowabled Biome Types for generation. Must match the Type identifer(s). + "White list by biome type:" = [] + # Disallowed Biome Types for generation. Must match the Type identifer(s). + "Black list by biome type:" = ["plains"] + + ############################### + # Chests that generate underwater (in ocean biomes). + #------------------------------ + # Note: There is a build-in check to only allow ocean biomes for submerged chests. Adding other biomes to the white lists will not change this functionality. + ############################### + [chests."submerged chests"] + # The probability chest will appear on the surface, instead of in a pit. + #Range: 0 ~ 100 + "Probability of chest spawn on the surface:" = 20 + + ############################### + # Common chest properties + ############################### + [chests."submerged chests".common] + # Enable/Disable generating chests associated with this rarity. + "Enable chests for rarity:" = false + #The weight for this rarity to spawn a chest. + #Higher number relative to other weight means this has a high chance to be selected. + #Range: 0 ~ 32000 + "Weight of rarity:" = 76 + #The minimum blocks deep from the surface that a chest can generate at. + #Range: 5 ~ 250 + "Minimum depth for spawn location:" = 5 + #The maximum blocks deep from the surface that a chest can generate at. + #Range: 5 ~ 250 + "Maximum depth for spawn location:" = 5 + #The probability that a chest will be a mimic. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 + "Mimic probability:" = 0.0 + #No comment + "Enable surface spawn:" = true + #No comment + "Enable subterranean spawn:" = true + + ############################### + # Biome white and black list properties + ############################### + [chests."submerged chests".common.biomes] + # Allowed Biomes for generation. Must match the Biome Registry Name(s). ex. minecraft:plains + "White list by biome name:" = [] + # Disallowed Biomes for generation. Must match the Biome Registry Name(s). ex. minecraft:plains + "Black list by biome name:" = [] + # Allowabled Biome Types for generation. Must match the Type identifer(s). + "White list by biome type:" = [] + # Disallowed Biome Types for generation. Must match the Type identifer(s). + "Black list by biome type:" = [] + + ############################### + # Uncommon chest properties + ############################### + [chests."submerged chests".uncommon] + # Enable/Disable generating chests associated with this rarity. + "Enable chests for rarity:" = false + #The weight for this rarity to spawn a chest. + #Higher number relative to other weight means this has a high chance to be selected. + #Range: 0 ~ 32000 + "Weight of rarity:" = 56 + #The minimum blocks deep from the surface that a chest can generate at. + #Range: 5 ~ 250 + "Minimum depth for spawn location:" = 5 + #The maximum blocks deep from the surface that a chest can generate at. + #Range: 5 ~ 250 + "Maximum depth for spawn location:" = 5 + #The probability that a chest will be a mimic. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 + "Mimic probability:" = 0.0 + #No comment + "Enable surface spawn:" = true + #No comment + "Enable subterranean spawn:" = true + + ############################### + # Biome white and black list properties + ############################### + [chests."submerged chests".uncommon.biomes] + # Allowed Biomes for generation. Must match the Biome Registry Name(s). ex. minecraft:plains + "White list by biome name:" = [] + # Disallowed Biomes for generation. Must match the Biome Registry Name(s). ex. minecraft:plains + "Black list by biome name:" = [] + # Allowabled Biome Types for generation. Must match the Type identifer(s). + "White list by biome type:" = [] + # Disallowed Biome Types for generation. Must match the Type identifer(s). + "Black list by biome type:" = [] + + ############################### + # Scarce chest properties + ############################### + [chests."submerged chests".scarce] + # Enable/Disable generating chests associated with this rarity. + "Enable chests for rarity:" = true + #The weight for this rarity to spawn a chest. + #Higher number relative to other weight means this has a high chance to be selected. + #Range: 0 ~ 32000 + "Weight of rarity:" = 36 + #The minimum blocks deep from the surface that a chest can generate at. + #Range: 5 ~ 250 + "Minimum depth for spawn location:" = 5 + #The maximum blocks deep from the surface that a chest can generate at. + #Range: 5 ~ 250 + "Maximum depth for spawn location:" = 5 + #The probability that a chest will be a mimic. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 + "Mimic probability:" = 0.0 + #No comment + "Enable surface spawn:" = true + #No comment + "Enable subterranean spawn:" = true + + ############################### + # Biome white and black list properties + ############################### + [chests."submerged chests".scarce.biomes] + # Allowed Biomes for generation. Must match the Biome Registry Name(s). ex. minecraft:plains + "White list by biome name:" = ["minecraft:ocean", "minecraft:deep_ocean", "minecraft:cold_ocean", "minecraft:deep_cold_ocean", "minecraft:frozen_ocean", "minecraft:deep_frozen_ocean", "minecraft:lukewarm_ocean", "minecraft:deep_lukewarm_ocean", "minecraft:warm_ocean", "minecraft:deep_warm_ocean"] + # Disallowed Biomes for generation. Must match the Biome Registry Name(s). ex. minecraft:plains + "Black list by biome name:" = [] + # Allowabled Biome Types for generation. Must match the Type identifer(s). + "White list by biome type:" = [] + # Disallowed Biome Types for generation. Must match the Type identifer(s). + "Black list by biome type:" = [] + + ############################### + # Rare chest properties + ############################### + [chests."submerged chests".rare] + # Enable/Disable generating chests associated with this rarity. + "Enable chests for rarity:" = true + #The weight for this rarity to spawn a chest. + #Higher number relative to other weight means this has a high chance to be selected. + #Range: 0 ~ 32000 + "Weight of rarity:" = 16 + #The minimum blocks deep from the surface that a chest can generate at. + #Range: 5 ~ 250 + "Minimum depth for spawn location:" = 5 + #The maximum blocks deep from the surface that a chest can generate at. + #Range: 5 ~ 250 + "Maximum depth for spawn location:" = 5 + #The probability that a chest will be a mimic. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 + "Mimic probability:" = 0.0 + #No comment + "Enable surface spawn:" = true + #No comment + "Enable subterranean spawn:" = true + + ############################### + # Biome white and black list properties + ############################### + [chests."submerged chests".rare.biomes] + # Allowed Biomes for generation. Must match the Biome Registry Name(s). ex. minecraft:plains + "White list by biome name:" = ["minecraft:ocean", "minecraft:deep_ocean", "minecraft:cold_ocean", "minecraft:deep_cold_ocean", "minecraft:frozen_ocean", "minecraft:deep_frozen_ocean", "minecraft:lukewarm_ocean", "minecraft:deep_lukewarm_ocean", "minecraft:warm_ocean", "minecraft:deep_warm_ocean"] + # Disallowed Biomes for generation. Must match the Biome Registry Name(s). ex. minecraft:plains + "Black list by biome name:" = [] + # Allowabled Biome Types for generation. Must match the Type identifer(s). + "White list by biome type:" = [] + # Disallowed Biome Types for generation. Must match the Type identifer(s). + "Black list by biome type:" = [] + + ############################### + # Epic chest properties + ############################### + [chests."submerged chests".epic] + # Enable/Disable generating chests associated with this rarity. + "Enable chests for rarity:" = true + #The weight for this rarity to spawn a chest. + #Higher number relative to other weight means this has a high chance to be selected. + #Range: 0 ~ 32000 + "Weight of rarity:" = 9 + #The minimum blocks deep from the surface that a chest can generate at. + #Range: 5 ~ 250 + "Minimum depth for spawn location:" = 5 + #The maximum blocks deep from the surface that a chest can generate at. + #Range: 5 ~ 250 + "Maximum depth for spawn location:" = 5 + #The probability that a chest will be a mimic. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 + "Mimic probability:" = 0.0 + #No comment + "Enable surface spawn:" = true + #No comment + "Enable subterranean spawn:" = true + + ############################### + # Biome white and black list properties + ############################### + [chests."submerged chests".epic.biomes] + # Allowed Biomes for generation. Must match the Biome Registry Name(s). ex. minecraft:plains + "White list by biome name:" = ["minecraft:ocean", "minecraft:deep_ocean", "minecraft:cold_ocean", "minecraft:deep_cold_ocean", "minecraft:frozen_ocean", "minecraft:deep_frozen_ocean", "minecraft:lukewarm_ocean", "minecraft:deep_lukewarm_ocean", "minecraft:warm_ocean", "minecraft:deep_warm_ocean"] + # Disallowed Biomes for generation. Must match the Biome Registry Name(s). ex. minecraft:plains + "Black list by biome name:" = [] + # Allowabled Biome Types for generation. Must match the Type identifer(s). + "White list by biome type:" = [] + # Disallowed Biome Types for generation. Must match the Type identifer(s). + "Black list by biome type:" = [] + + ############################### + # Legendary chest properties + ############################### + [chests."submerged chests".legendary] + # Enable/Disable generating chests associated with this rarity. + "Enable chests for rarity:" = true + #The weight for this rarity to spawn a chest. + #Higher number relative to other weight means this has a high chance to be selected. + #Range: 0 ~ 32000 + "Weight of rarity:" = 5 + #The minimum blocks deep from the surface that a chest can generate at. + #Range: 5 ~ 250 + "Minimum depth for spawn location:" = 5 + #The maximum blocks deep from the surface that a chest can generate at. + #Range: 5 ~ 250 + "Maximum depth for spawn location:" = 5 + #The probability that a chest will be a mimic. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 + "Mimic probability:" = 0.0 + #No comment + "Enable surface spawn:" = true + #No comment + "Enable subterranean spawn:" = true + + ############################### + # Biome white and black list properties + ############################### + [chests."submerged chests".legendary.biomes] + # Allowed Biomes for generation. Must match the Biome Registry Name(s). ex. minecraft:plains + "White list by biome name:" = ["ocean", "deep_ocean", "deep_frozen_ocean", "cold_ocean", "deep_cold_ocean", "lukewarm_ocean", "warm_ocean"] + # Disallowed Biomes for generation. Must match the Biome Registry Name(s). ex. minecraft:plains + "Black list by biome name:" = [] + # Allowabled Biome Types for generation. Must match the Type identifer(s). + "White list by biome type:" = ["ocean", "deep_ocean"] + # Disallowed Biome Types for generation. Must match the Type identifer(s). + "Black list by biome type:" = [] + + ############################### + # Mythical chest properties + ############################### + [chests."submerged chests".mythical] + # Enable/Disable generating chests associated with this rarity. + "Enable chests for rarity:" = true + #The weight for this rarity to spawn a chest. + #Higher number relative to other weight means this has a high chance to be selected. + #Range: 0 ~ 32000 + "Weight of rarity:" = 2 + #The minimum blocks deep from the surface that a chest can generate at. + #Range: 5 ~ 250 + "Minimum depth for spawn location:" = 5 + #The maximum blocks deep from the surface that a chest can generate at. + #Range: 5 ~ 250 + "Maximum depth for spawn location:" = 5 + #The probability that a chest will be a mimic. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 + "Mimic probability:" = 0.0 + #No comment + "Enable surface spawn:" = true + #No comment + "Enable subterranean spawn:" = true + + ############################### + # Biome white and black list properties + ############################### + [chests."submerged chests".mythical.biomes] + # Allowed Biomes for generation. Must match the Biome Registry Name(s). ex. minecraft:plains + "White list by biome name:" = ["ocean", "deep_ocean", "deep_frozen_ocean", "cold_ocean", "deep_cold_ocean", "lukewarm_ocean", "warm_ocean"] + # Disallowed Biomes for generation. Must match the Biome Registry Name(s). ex. minecraft:plains + "Black list by biome name:" = [] + # Allowabled Biome Types for generation. Must match the Type identifer(s). + "White list by biome type:" = ["ocean", "deep_ocean"] + # Disallowed Biome Types for generation. Must match the Type identifer(s). + "Black list by biome type:" = [] + +############################### +# Pit properties +############################### +[pits] + #The probability that a pit will contain a structure (treasure room(s), cavern etc.) + #Range: 0 ~ 100 + "Probability of pit structure spawn:" = 25 + +############################### +# Gravestones and Markers properties +############################### +[markers] + # Enable/disable whether chest markers (gravestones, bones) are generated when generating treasure chests. + "Enable markers:" = true + # Enable/disable whether structures (buildings) are generated when generating treasure chests. + "Enable structure markers:" = true + # The minimum number of markers (gravestones, bones) per chest. + #Range: 1 ~ 5 + "Minimum markers per chest:" = 2 + # The maximum number of markers (gravestones, bones) per chest. + #Range: 1 ~ 10 + "Maximum markers per chest:" = 5 + # The probability that a marker will be a structure. + #Range: 1 ~ 100 + "Probability that marker will be a structure:" = 15 + # Enable/disable whether gravestone markers can spawn mobs (ex. Bound Soul). + "Enable gravestone markers to spawn mobs:" = true + # The probability that a gravestone will spawn a mob. + # Currently gravestones can spawn Bound Souls. + #Range: 1 ~ 100 + "Probability that grave marker will spawn a mob:" = 25 + +############################### +# Well properties +############################### +[wells] + #Enable/disable whether wells will spawn. + "Enable wells:" = true + # The minimum distance, measured in blocks, that two wells can be in proximity. + # Note: Only wells in the wells registry are checked against this property. + # Used in conjunction with the chunks per well and spawn probability. + # Ex. TODO + #Range: 100 ~ 32000 + "Minimum block distance per well spawn:" = 600 + #The probability that a well will generate. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 + "Generation probability:" = 50.0 + # The number of chunks that are generated in a new world before wells start to spawn. + #Range: 10 ~ 32000 + "Wait for first chunks:" = 100 + #The number of wells that are monitored. Most recent additions replace oldest when the registry is full. + #This is the set of wells used to measure distance between newly generated wells. + #Range: 5 ~ 1000 + "Maximum size of chest registry:" = 100 + + ############################### + # Biome white and black list properties + ############################### + [wells.biomes] + # Allowed Biomes for generation. Must match the Biome Registry Name(s). ex. minecraft:plains + "White list by biome name:" = [] + # Disallowed Biomes for generation. Must match the Biome Registry Name(s). ex. minecraft:plains + "Black list by biome name:" = ["minecraft:ocean", "minecraft:deep_ocean", "minecraft:deep_frozen_ocean", "minecraft:cold_ocean", "minecraft:deep_cold_ocean", "minecraft:lukewarm_ocean", "minecraft:warm_ocean"] + # Allowabled Biome Types for generation. Must match the Type identifer(s). + "White list by biome type:" = [] + # Disallowed Biome Types for generation. Must match the Type identifer(s). + "Black list by biome type:" = ["minecraft:ocean", "minecraft:deep_ocean"] + +############################### +# Keys and Locks properties +############################### +["keys and locks"] + # Enable/Disable whether a Key can break when attempting to unlock a Lock. + "Enable key breaks:" = true + #Enable/Disable whether a Lock item is dropped when unlocked by Key item. + "Enable lock drops:" = true + # The maximum uses for a given pilferers lock pick. + #Range: 1 ~ 32000 + "Pilferer's lockpick max uses:" = 10 + # The maximum uses for a given thiefs lock pick. + #Range: 1 ~ 32000 + "Thief's lockpick max uses:" = 10 + # The maximum uses for a given wooden key. + #Range: 1 ~ 32000 + "Wood key max uses:" = 20 + # The maximum uses for a given lightning key. + #Range: 1 ~ 32000 + "Stone key max uses:" = 10 + # The maximum uses for a given iron key. + #Range: 1 ~ 32000 + "Iron key max uses:" = 10 + # The maximum uses for a given gold key. + #Range: 1 ~ 32000 + "Gold key max uses:" = 15 + # The maximum uses for a given diamond key. + #Range: 1 ~ 32000 + "Diamond key max uses:" = 20 + # The maximum uses for a given emerald key. + #Range: 1 ~ 32000 + "Emerald key max uses:" = 10 + # The maximum uses for a given ruby key. + #Range: 1 ~ 32000 + "Ruby key max uses:" = 5 + # The maximum uses for a given sapphire key. + #Range: 1 ~ 32000 + "Sapphire key max uses:" = 5 + # The maximum uses for a given metallurgists key. + #Range: 1 ~ 32000 + "Metallurgists key max uses:" = 25 + # The maximum uses for a given skeleton key. + #Range: 1 ~ 32000 + "Skeleton key max uses:" = 5 + # The maximum uses for a given jewelled key. + #Range: 1 ~ 32000 + "Jewelled Key max uses:" = 5 + # The maximum uses for a given spider key. + #Range: 1 ~ 32000 + "Spider key max uses:" = 5 + # The maximum uses for a given wither key. + #Range: 1 ~ 32000 + "Wither key max uses:" = 5 + +############################### +# Treasure Loot and Valuables properties +############################### +[booty] + # The maximum size of a wealth item stacks. ex. Coins, Gems, Pearls + #Range: 1 ~ 64 + "Maximum Stack Size:" = 8 + +############################### +# Coins and Valuables properties +############################### +[coins] + # The maximum size of a coin item stack. + #Range: 1 ~ 64 + "Maximum Stack Size:" = 8 + +############################### +# Gems and Ores properties +############################### +["gems and ores"] + # Enable/disable whether a gem ore will spawn. + "Enable gem ore spawn:" = true + # The probability that a ruby ore will spawn. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 + "Probability of ruby ore spawn:" = 65.0 + # The minimum y-value where a ruby ore can spawn. + #Range: 1 ~ 255 + "Minimum y-value for ruby ore spawn location:" = 6 + # The maximum y-value where a ruby ore can spawn. + #Range: 1 ~ 255 + "Maximum y-value for ruby ore spawn location:" = 17 + # The number of ruby ore blocks in a vein. + #Range: 3 ~ 20 + "Ruby ore vein size:" = 3 + # The number of ruby ore veins in a chunk. + #Range: 1 ~ 20 + "Ruby ore veins per chunk:" = 1 + # The probability that a sapphire ore will spawn. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 + "Probability of sapphire ore spawn:" = 65.0 + # The minimum y-value where a sapphire ore can spawn. + #Range: 1 ~ 255 + "Minimum y-value for sapphire ore spawn location:" = 6 + # The maximum y-value where a sapphire ore can spawn. + #Range: 1 ~ 255 + "Maximum y-value for sapphire ore spawn location:" = 17 + # The number of sapphire ore blocks in a vein. + #Range: 3 ~ 20 + "Sapphire ore vein size:" = 3 + # The number of sapphire ore veins in a chunk. + #Range: 3 ~ 20 + "Sapphire ore veins per chunk:" = 1 + # The probability that a topaz ore will spawn. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 + "Probability of topaz ore spawn:" = 75.0 + # The minimum y-value where a topaz ore can spawn. + #Range: 1 ~ 255 + "Minimum y-value for topaz ore spawn location:" = 9 + # The maximum y-value where a topaz ore can spawn. + #Range: 1 ~ 255 + "Maximum y-value for topaz ore spawn location:" = 25 + # The number of topaz ore blocks in a vein. + #Range: 3 ~ 20 + "Topaz ore vein size:" = 3 + # The number of topaz ore veins in a chunk. + #Range: 1 ~ 20 + "Topaz ore veins per chunk:" = 1 + # The probability that a onyx ore will spawn. + #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 + "Probability of onyx ore spawn:" = 70.0 + # The minimum y-value where a onyx ore can spawn. + #Range: 1 ~ 255 + "Minimum y-value for onyx ore spawn location:" = 9 + # The maximum y-value where a onyx ore can spawn. + #Range: 1 ~ 255 + "Maximum y-value for onyx ore spawn location:" = 24 + # The number of onyx ore blocks in a vein. + #Range: 3 ~ 20 + "Onyx ore vein size:" = 3 + # The number of onyx ore veins in a chunk. + #Range: 1 ~ 20 + "Onyx ore veins per chunk:" = 1 + +############################### +# Fog properties +############################### +[fog] + # Enable/disable white fog. + "Enable fog:" = true + +############################### +# Wither Tree properties +############################### +["wither tree"] + # Enable/disable whether wither trees will spawn. + "Enable wither trees:" = true + # The minimum distance, measured in blocks, that two wither trees can be in proximity. + # Note: Only wither trees in the wither tree registry are checked against this property. + # Used in conjunction with the chunks per wither tree and spawn probability. + # Ex. TODO + #Range: 100 ~ 32000 + "Minimum block distance per wither tree spawn:" = 1000 + # The proba