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#Make cicadas silent for those having sound library problems, or otherwise finding them annoying.
silentCicadas = false
#Controls whether various effects from the mod are rendered while in first-person view. Turn this off if you find them distracting.
firstPersonEffects = true
#Rotate trophy heads on item model. Has no performance impact at all. For those who don't like fun.
rotateTrophyHeadsGui = true
#Disable the nag screen when Optifine is installed.
disableOptifineNagScreen = false
#Client only: Controls for the Loading screen
["Loading Screen"]
#Wobble the Loading icon. Has no performance impact at all. For those who don't like fun.
enable = true
#How many ticks between each loading screen change. Set to 0 to not cycle at all.
#Range: > 0
cycleLoadingScreenFrequency = 0
#Frequency of wobble and bounce.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308
frequency = 5.0
#Scale of whole bouncy loading icon.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308
scale = 3.0
#How much the loading icon bounces.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308
scaleDeviation = 5.25
#How far the loading icon wobbles.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 360.0
tiltRange = 11.25
#Pushback value to re-center the wobble of loading icon.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 360.0
tiltConstant = 22.5
#List of items to be used for the wobbling Loading Icon. (domain:item).
loadingIconStacks = ["twilightforest:experiment_115", "twilightforest:magic_map", "twilightforest:charm_of_life_2", "twilightforest:charm_of_keeping_3", "twilightforest:phantom_helmet", "twilightforest:lamp_of_cinders", "twilightforest:carminite", "twilightforest:block_and_chain", "twilightforest:yeti_helmet", "twilightforest:hydra_chop", "twilightforest:magic_beans", "twilightforest:ironwood_raw", "twilightforest:naga_scale", "twilightforest:experiment_115{think:1}", "twilightforest:twilight_portal_miniature_structure", "twilightforest:lich_tower_miniature_structure", "twilightforest:knightmetal_block", "twilightforest:ghast_trap", "twilightforest:time_sapling", "twilightforest:transformation_sapling", "twilightforest:mining_sapling", "twilightforest:sorting_sapling", "twilightforest:rainboak_sapling", "twilightforest:borer_essence"]