You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

918 lines
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# Mod properties
# Remind the user of the latest version update.
enableLatestVersionReminder = true
# The directory where mods are located
#This is relative to the Minecraft install path.
modFolder = "mods"
#Enables/Disables version checking.
enableVersionChecker = true
#Enables/Disables mod.
enabled = true
# The directory where configs are located.
#Resource files will be located here as well.
# This is relative to the Minecraft install path.
configFolder = "config"
# Logging properties
# The directory where the logs should be stored.
# This is relative to the Minecraft install path.
folder = "logs"
# The base filename of the log file.
filename = "log"
# The size a log file can be before rolling over to a new file.
size = "1000K"
# The logging level. Set to 'off' to disable logging.
# Values = [trace|debug|info|warn|error|off]
level = "info"
# General properties for Treasure mod.
# Enable/Disable a check to ensure the default templates exist on the file system.
# If enabled, then you will not be able to remove any default templates.
# Only disable if you know what you're doing.
"Enable default templates check:" = true
# Enable/Disable a check to ensure the default loot tables exist on the file system.
#If enabled, then you will not be able to remove any default loot tables (but they can be edited).
#This option should be enabled at least for the first run of the mod to create the default settings.
#Only disable if you know what you're doing.
"Enable default loot tables check:" = true
#The probability that a surface structure will generate.
#Range: 0 ~ 100
"Probability of surface structure spawn:" = 25
# Allowed Dimensions for generation.
# Treasure2 was designed for 'normal' overworld-type dimensions.
# This setting does not use any wildcards (*). You must explicitly set the dimensions that are allowed.
# ex. minecraft:overworld
"Dimension White List:" = ["minecraft:overworld", "twilightforest:twilightforest", "twilightforest:skylight_forest"]
# Enable/Disable a check to ensure the default decay rulesets exist on the file system.
# If enabled, then you will not be able to remove any default decay rulesets (but they can be edited).
# Only disable if you know what you're doing.
"Enable default decay rulesets check:" = true
# Integration properties
#Enable/Disable Curios integration.
#Enabled by default, but Curios must be installed as well.
"Enable Curios Integration:" = true
# Chest properties
#The probability that a chest will contain a treasure map to another chest.
#Range: 20.0 ~ 100.0
"Treasure Chest Probability:" = 20.0
# Chests that generate on land.
# Note: There is a build-in check against ocean biomes for surface chests. Adding ocean biomes to the white lists will not change this functionality.
[chests."surface chests"]
# The probability chest will appear on the surface, instead of in a pit.
#Range: 0 ~ 100
"Probability of chest spawn on the surface:" = 20
# Uncommon chest properties
[chests."surface chests".uncommon]
#No comment
"Enable surface spawn:" = true
#The maximum blocks deep from the surface that a chest can generate at.
#Range: 5 ~ 250
"Maximum depth for spawn location:" = 25
#The probability that a chest will be a mimic.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0
"Mimic probability:" = 17.5
# Enable/Disable generating chests associated with this rarity.
"Enable chests for rarity:" = true
#The weight for this rarity to spawn a chest.
#Higher number relative to other weight means this has a high chance to be selected.
#Range: 0 ~ 32000
"Weight of rarity:" = 70
#No comment
"Enable subterranean spawn:" = true
#The minimum blocks deep from the surface that a chest can generate at.
#Range: 5 ~ 250
"Minimum depth for spawn location:" = 10
# Biome white and black list properties
[chests."surface chests".uncommon.biomes]
# Disallowed Biomes for generation. Must match the Biome Registry Name(s). ex. minecraft:plains
"Black list by biome name:" = []
# Disallowed Biome Types for generation. Must match the Type identifer(s).
"Black list by biome type:" = []
# Allowed Biomes for generation. Must match the Biome Registry Name(s). ex. minecraft:plains
"White list by biome name:" = []
# Allowabled Biome Types for generation. Must match the Type identifer(s).
"White list by biome type:" = []
# Common chest properties
[chests."surface chests".common]
#No comment
"Enable surface spawn:" = true
#The maximum blocks deep from the surface that a chest can generate at.
#Range: 5 ~ 250
"Maximum depth for spawn location:" = 15
#The probability that a chest will be a mimic.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0
"Mimic probability:" = 20.0
# Enable/Disable generating chests associated with this rarity.
"Enable chests for rarity:" = true
#The weight for this rarity to spawn a chest.
#Higher number relative to other weight means this has a high chance to be selected.
#Range: 0 ~ 32000
"Weight of rarity:" = 100
#No comment
"Enable subterranean spawn:" = true
#The minimum blocks deep from the surface that a chest can generate at.
#Range: 5 ~ 250
"Minimum depth for spawn location:" = 6
# Biome white and black list properties
[chests."surface chests".common.biomes]
# Disallowed Biomes for generation. Must match the Biome Registry Name(s). ex. minecraft:plains
"Black list by biome name:" = []
# Disallowed Biome Types for generation. Must match the Type identifer(s).
"Black list by biome type:" = []
# Allowed Biomes for generation. Must match the Biome Registry Name(s). ex. minecraft:plains
"White list by biome name:" = []
# Allowabled Biome Types for generation. Must match the Type identifer(s).
"White list by biome type:" = []
# Legendary chest properties
[chests."surface chests".legendary]
#No comment
"Enable surface spawn:" = true
#The maximum blocks deep from the surface that a chest can generate at.
#Range: 5 ~ 250
"Maximum depth for spawn location:" = 65
#The probability that a chest will be a mimic.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0
"Mimic probability:" = 0.0
# Enable/Disable generating chests associated with this rarity.
"Enable chests for rarity:" = true
#The weight for this rarity to spawn a chest.
#Higher number relative to other weight means this has a high chance to be selected.
#Range: 0 ~ 32000
"Weight of rarity:" = 5
#No comment
"Enable subterranean spawn:" = true
#The minimum blocks deep from the surface that a chest can generate at.
#Range: 5 ~ 250
"Minimum depth for spawn location:" = 50
# Biome white and black list properties
[chests."surface chests".legendary.biomes]
# Disallowed Biomes for generation. Must match the Biome Registry Name(s). ex. minecraft:plains
"Black list by biome name:" = ["plains", "sunflower_plains"]
# Disallowed Biome Types for generation. Must match the Type identifer(s).
"Black list by biome type:" = ["plains"]
# Allowed Biomes for generation. Must match the Biome Registry Name(s). ex. minecraft:plains
"White list by biome name:" = []
# Allowabled Biome Types for generation. Must match the Type identifer(s).
"White list by biome type:" = []
# Rare chest properties
[chests."surface chests".rare]
#No comment
"Enable surface spawn:" = true
#The maximum blocks deep from the surface that a chest can generate at.
#Range: 5 ~ 250
"Maximum depth for spawn location:" = 45
#The probability that a chest will be a mimic.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0
"Mimic probability:" = 0.0
# Enable/Disable generating chests associated with this rarity.
"Enable chests for rarity:" = true
#The weight for this rarity to spawn a chest.
#Higher number relative to other weight means this has a high chance to be selected.
#Range: 0 ~ 32000
"Weight of rarity:" = 20
#No comment
"Enable subterranean spawn:" = true
#The minimum blocks deep from the surface that a chest can generate at.
#Range: 5 ~ 250
"Minimum depth for spawn location:" = 30
# Biome white and black list properties
[chests."surface chests".rare.biomes]
# Disallowed Biomes for generation. Must match the Biome Registry Name(s). ex. minecraft:plains
"Black list by biome name:" = ["minecraft:plains", "minecraft:sunflower_plains"]
# Disallowed Biome Types for generation. Must match the Type identifer(s).
"Black list by biome type:" = ["minecraft:plains"]
# Allowed Biomes for generation. Must match the Biome Registry Name(s). ex. minecraft:plains
"White list by biome name:" = []
# Allowabled Biome Types for generation. Must match the Type identifer(s).
"White list by biome type:" = []
# Epic chest properties
[chests."surface chests".epic]
#No comment
"Enable surface spawn:" = true
#The maximum blocks deep from the surface that a chest can generate at.
#Range: 5 ~ 250
"Maximum depth for spawn location:" = 55
#The probability that a chest will be a mimic.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0
"Mimic probability:" = 0.0
# Enable/Disable generating chests associated with this rarity.
"Enable chests for rarity:" = true
#The weight for this rarity to spawn a chest.
#Higher number relative to other weight means this has a high chance to be selected.
#Range: 0 ~ 32000
"Weight of rarity:" = 10
#No comment
"Enable subterranean spawn:" = true
#The minimum blocks deep from the surface that a chest can generate at.
#Range: 5 ~ 250
"Minimum depth for spawn location:" = 40
# Biome white and black list properties
[chests."surface chests".epic.biomes]
# Disallowed Biomes for generation. Must match the Biome Registry Name(s). ex. minecraft:plains
"Black list by biome name:" = ["minecraft:plains", "minecraft:sunflower_plains"]
# Disallowed Biome Types for generation. Must match the Type identifer(s).
"Black list by biome type:" = ["minecraft:plains"]
# Allowed Biomes for generation. Must match the Biome Registry Name(s). ex. minecraft:plains
"White list by biome name:" = []
# Allowabled Biome Types for generation. Must match the Type identifer(s).
"White list by biome type:" = []
# Mythical chest properties
[chests."surface chests".mythical]
#No comment
"Enable surface spawn:" = true
#The maximum blocks deep from the surface that a chest can generate at.
#Range: 5 ~ 250
"Maximum depth for spawn location:" = 75
#The probability that a chest will be a mimic.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0
"Mimic probability:" = 0.0
# Enable/Disable generating chests associated with this rarity.
"Enable chests for rarity:" = true
#The weight for this rarity to spawn a chest.
#Higher number relative to other weight means this has a high chance to be selected.
#Range: 0 ~ 32000
"Weight of rarity:" = 2
#No comment
"Enable subterranean spawn:" = true
#The minimum blocks deep from the surface that a chest can generate at.
#Range: 5 ~ 250
"Minimum depth for spawn location:" = 60
# Biome white and black list properties
[chests."surface chests".mythical.biomes]
# Disallowed Biomes for generation. Must match the Biome Registry Name(s). ex. minecraft:plains
"Black list by biome name:" = ["plains", "sunflower_plains"]
# Disallowed Biome Types for generation. Must match the Type identifer(s).
"Black list by biome type:" = ["plains"]
# Allowed Biomes for generation. Must match the Biome Registry Name(s). ex. minecraft:plains
"White list by biome name:" = []
# Allowabled Biome Types for generation. Must match the Type identifer(s).
"White list by biome type:" = []
# Scarce chest properties
[chests."surface chests".scarce]
#No comment
"Enable surface spawn:" = true
#The maximum blocks deep from the surface that a chest can generate at.
#Range: 5 ~ 250
"Maximum depth for spawn location:" = 35
#The probability that a chest will be a mimic.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0
"Mimic probability:" = 15.0
# Enable/Disable generating chests associated with this rarity.
"Enable chests for rarity:" = true
#The weight for this rarity to spawn a chest.
#Higher number relative to other weight means this has a high chance to be selected.
#Range: 0 ~ 32000
"Weight of rarity:" = 40
#No comment
"Enable subterranean spawn:" = true
#The minimum blocks deep from the surface that a chest can generate at.
#Range: 5 ~ 250
"Minimum depth for spawn location:" = 20
# Biome white and black list properties
[chests."surface chests".scarce.biomes]
# Disallowed Biomes for generation. Must match the Biome Registry Name(s). ex. minecraft:plains
"Black list by biome name:" = []
# Disallowed Biome Types for generation. Must match the Type identifer(s).
"Black list by biome type:" = []
# Allowed Biomes for generation. Must match the Biome Registry Name(s). ex. minecraft:plains
"White list by biome name:" = []
# Allowabled Biome Types for generation. Must match the Type identifer(s).
"White list by biome type:" = []
# Chest Generation properties
[chests."submerged chest gen"]
# The minimum distance, measured in blocks, that two chests can be in proximity (ie radius).
# Note: Only chests in the chest registry are checked against this property.
# Default = 256 blocks, or 16 chunks.
#Range: 80 ~ 32768
"Minimum distance per chest spawn:" = 560
# The number of chests that are monitored. Most recent additions replace least recent when the registry is full.
# This is the set of chests used to measure distance between newly generated chests.
# A high count is better than a low count, especially in a multiplayer world.
#Range: 50 ~ 5000
"Maximum size of chest registry:" = 500
# The number of chunks that are generated in a new world before a chests start to spawn.
#Range: 10 ~ 32000
"Wait for first chunks:" = 100
# The probability that a chest will generate at selected spawn location.
# Including a non-100 value increases the randomization of chest placement.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0
"Probability:" = 70.0
# Chests that generate underwater (in ocean biomes).
# Note: There is a build-in check to only allow ocean biomes for submerged chests. Adding other biomes to the white lists will not change this functionality.
[chests."submerged chests"]
# The probability chest will appear on the surface, instead of in a pit.
#Range: 0 ~ 100
"Probability of chest spawn on the surface:" = 20
# Uncommon chest properties
[chests."submerged chests".uncommon]
#No comment
"Enable surface spawn:" = true
#The maximum blocks deep from the surface that a chest can generate at.
#Range: 5 ~ 250
"Maximum depth for spawn location:" = 5
#The probability that a chest will be a mimic.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0
"Mimic probability:" = 0.0
# Enable/Disable generating chests associated with this rarity.
"Enable chests for rarity:" = false
#The weight for this rarity to spawn a chest.
#Higher number relative to other weight means this has a high chance to be selected.
#Range: 0 ~ 32000
"Weight of rarity:" = 56
#No comment
"Enable subterranean spawn:" = true
#The minimum blocks deep from the surface that a chest can generate at.
#Range: 5 ~ 250
"Minimum depth for spawn location:" = 5
# Biome white and black list properties
[chests."submerged chests".uncommon.biomes]
# Disallowed Biomes for generation. Must match the Biome Registry Name(s). ex. minecraft:plains
"Black list by biome name:" = []
# Disallowed Biome Types for generation. Must match the Type identifer(s).
"Black list by biome type:" = []
# Allowed Biomes for generation. Must match the Biome Registry Name(s). ex. minecraft:plains
"White list by biome name:" = []
# Allowabled Biome Types for generation. Must match the Type identifer(s).
"White list by biome type:" = []
# Common chest properties
[chests."submerged chests".common]
#No comment
"Enable surface spawn:" = true
#The maximum blocks deep from the surface that a chest can generate at.
#Range: 5 ~ 250
"Maximum depth for spawn location:" = 5
#The probability that a chest will be a mimic.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0
"Mimic probability:" = 0.0
# Enable/Disable generating chests associated with this rarity.
"Enable chests for rarity:" = false
#The weight for this rarity to spawn a chest.
#Higher number relative to other weight means this has a high chance to be selected.
#Range: 0 ~ 32000
"Weight of rarity:" = 76
#No comment
"Enable subterranean spawn:" = true
#The minimum blocks deep from the surface that a chest can generate at.
#Range: 5 ~ 250
"Minimum depth for spawn location:" = 5
# Biome white and black list properties
[chests."submerged chests".common.biomes]
# Disallowed Biomes for generation. Must match the Biome Registry Name(s). ex. minecraft:plains
"Black list by biome name:" = []
# Disallowed Biome Types for generation. Must match the Type identifer(s).
"Black list by biome type:" = []
# Allowed Biomes for generation. Must match the Biome Registry Name(s). ex. minecraft:plains
"White list by biome name:" = []
# Allowabled Biome Types for generation. Must match the Type identifer(s).
"White list by biome type:" = []
# Legendary chest properties
[chests."submerged chests".legendary]
#No comment
"Enable surface spawn:" = true
#The maximum blocks deep from the surface that a chest can generate at.
#Range: 5 ~ 250
"Maximum depth for spawn location:" = 5
#The probability that a chest will be a mimic.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0
"Mimic probability:" = 0.0
# Enable/Disable generating chests associated with this rarity.
"Enable chests for rarity:" = true
#The weight for this rarity to spawn a chest.
#Higher number relative to other weight means this has a high chance to be selected.
#Range: 0 ~ 32000
"Weight of rarity:" = 5
#No comment
"Enable subterranean spawn:" = true
#The minimum blocks deep from the surface that a chest can generate at.
#Range: 5 ~ 250
"Minimum depth for spawn location:" = 5
# Biome white and black list properties
[chests."submerged chests".legendary.biomes]
# Disallowed Biomes for generation. Must match the Biome Registry Name(s). ex. minecraft:plains
"Black list by biome name:" = []
# Disallowed Biome Types for generation. Must match the Type identifer(s).
"Black list by biome type:" = []
# Allowed Biomes for generation. Must match the Biome Registry Name(s). ex. minecraft:plains
"White list by biome name:" = ["ocean", "deep_ocean", "deep_frozen_ocean", "cold_ocean", "deep_cold_ocean", "lukewarm_ocean", "warm_ocean"]
# Allowabled Biome Types for generation. Must match the Type identifer(s).
"White list by biome type:" = ["ocean", "deep_ocean"]
# Rare chest properties
[chests."submerged chests".rare]
#No comment
"Enable surface spawn:" = true
#The maximum blocks deep from the surface that a chest can generate at.
#Range: 5 ~ 250
"Maximum depth for spawn location:" = 5
#The probability that a chest will be a mimic.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0
"Mimic probability:" = 0.0
# Enable/Disable generating chests associated with this rarity.
"Enable chests for rarity:" = true
#The weight for this rarity to spawn a chest.
#Higher number relative to other weight means this has a high chance to be selected.
#Range: 0 ~ 32000
"Weight of rarity:" = 16
#No comment
"Enable subterranean spawn:" = true
#The minimum blocks deep from the surface that a chest can generate at.
#Range: 5 ~ 250
"Minimum depth for spawn location:" = 5
# Biome white and black list properties
[chests."submerged chests".rare.biomes]
# Disallowed Biomes for generation. Must match the Biome Registry Name(s). ex. minecraft:plains
"Black list by biome name:" = []
# Disallowed Biome Types for generation. Must match the Type identifer(s).
"Black list by biome type:" = []
# Allowed Biomes for generation. Must match the Biome Registry Name(s). ex. minecraft:plains
"White list by biome name:" = ["minecraft:ocean", "minecraft:deep_ocean", "minecraft:cold_ocean", "minecraft:deep_cold_ocean", "minecraft:frozen_ocean", "minecraft:deep_frozen_ocean", "minecraft:lukewarm_ocean", "minecraft:deep_lukewarm_ocean", "minecraft:warm_ocean", "minecraft:deep_warm_ocean"]
# Allowabled Biome Types for generation. Must match the Type identifer(s).
"White list by biome type:" = []
# Epic chest properties
[chests."submerged chests".epic]
#No comment
"Enable surface spawn:" = true
#The maximum blocks deep from the surface that a chest can generate at.
#Range: 5 ~ 250
"Maximum depth for spawn location:" = 5
#The probability that a chest will be a mimic.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0
"Mimic probability:" = 0.0
# Enable/Disable generating chests associated with this rarity.
"Enable chests for rarity:" = true
#The weight for this rarity to spawn a chest.
#Higher number relative to other weight means this has a high chance to be selected.
#Range: 0 ~ 32000
"Weight of rarity:" = 9
#No comment
"Enable subterranean spawn:" = true
#The minimum blocks deep from the surface that a chest can generate at.
#Range: 5 ~ 250
"Minimum depth for spawn location:" = 5
# Biome white and black list properties
[chests."submerged chests".epic.biomes]
# Disallowed Biomes for generation. Must match the Biome Registry Name(s). ex. minecraft:plains
"Black list by biome name:" = []
# Disallowed Biome Types for generation. Must match the Type identifer(s).
"Black list by biome type:" = []
# Allowed Biomes for generation. Must match the Biome Registry Name(s). ex. minecraft:plains
"White list by biome name:" = ["minecraft:ocean", "minecraft:deep_ocean", "minecraft:cold_ocean", "minecraft:deep_cold_ocean", "minecraft:frozen_ocean", "minecraft:deep_frozen_ocean", "minecraft:lukewarm_ocean", "minecraft:deep_lukewarm_ocean", "minecraft:warm_ocean", "minecraft:deep_warm_ocean"]
# Allowabled Biome Types for generation. Must match the Type identifer(s).
"White list by biome type:" = []
# Mythical chest properties
[chests."submerged chests".mythical]
#No comment
"Enable surface spawn:" = true
#The maximum blocks deep from the surface that a chest can generate at.
#Range: 5 ~ 250
"Maximum depth for spawn location:" = 5
#The probability that a chest will be a mimic.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0
"Mimic probability:" = 0.0
# Enable/Disable generating chests associated with this rarity.
"Enable chests for rarity:" = true
#The weight for this rarity to spawn a chest.
#Higher number relative to other weight means this has a high chance to be selected.
#Range: 0 ~ 32000
"Weight of rarity:" = 2
#No comment
"Enable subterranean spawn:" = true
#The minimum blocks deep from the surface that a chest can generate at.
#Range: 5 ~ 250
"Minimum depth for spawn location:" = 5
# Biome white and black list properties
[chests."submerged chests".mythical.biomes]
# Disallowed Biomes for generation. Must match the Biome Registry Name(s). ex. minecraft:plains
"Black list by biome name:" = []
# Disallowed Biome Types for generation. Must match the Type identifer(s).
"Black list by biome type:" = []
# Allowed Biomes for generation. Must match the Biome Registry Name(s). ex. minecraft:plains
"White list by biome name:" = ["ocean", "deep_ocean", "deep_frozen_ocean", "cold_ocean", "deep_cold_ocean", "lukewarm_ocean", "warm_ocean"]
# Allowabled Biome Types for generation. Must match the Type identifer(s).
"White list by biome type:" = ["ocean", "deep_ocean"]
# Scarce chest properties
[chests."submerged chests".scarce]
#No comment
"Enable surface spawn:" = true
#The maximum blocks deep from the surface that a chest can generate at.
#Range: 5 ~ 250
"Maximum depth for spawn location:" = 5
#The probability that a chest will be a mimic.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0
"Mimic probability:" = 0.0
# Enable/Disable generating chests associated with this rarity.
"Enable chests for rarity:" = true
#The weight for this rarity to spawn a chest.
#Higher number relative to other weight means this has a high chance to be selected.
#Range: 0 ~ 32000
"Weight of rarity:" = 36
#No comment
"Enable subterranean spawn:" = true
#The minimum blocks deep from the surface that a chest can generate at.
#Range: 5 ~ 250
"Minimum depth for spawn location:" = 5
# Biome white and black list properties
[chests."submerged chests".scarce.biomes]
# Disallowed Biomes for generation. Must match the Biome Registry Name(s). ex. minecraft:plains
"Black list by biome name:" = []
# Disallowed Biome Types for generation. Must match the Type identifer(s).
"Black list by biome type:" = []
# Allowed Biomes for generation. Must match the Biome Registry Name(s). ex. minecraft:plains
"White list by biome name:" = ["minecraft:ocean", "minecraft:deep_ocean", "minecraft:cold_ocean", "minecraft:deep_cold_ocean", "minecraft:frozen_ocean", "minecraft:deep_frozen_ocean", "minecraft:lukewarm_ocean", "minecraft:deep_lukewarm_ocean", "minecraft:warm_ocean", "minecraft:deep_warm_ocean"]
# Allowabled Biome Types for generation. Must match the Type identifer(s).
"White list by biome type:" = []
# Chest Generation properties
[chests."surface chest Gen"]
# The minimum distance, measured in blocks, that two chests can be in proximity (ie radius).
# Note: Only chests in the chest registry are checked against this property.
# Default = 256 blocks, or 16 chunks.
#Range: 80 ~ 32768
"Minimum distance per chest spawn:" = 192
# The number of chests that are monitored. Most recent additions replace least recent when the registry is full.
# This is the set of chests used to measure distance between newly generated chests.
# A high count is better than a low count, especially in a multiplayer world.
#Range: 50 ~ 5000
"Maximum size of chest registry:" = 1000
# The number of chunks that are generated in a new world before a chests start to spawn.
#Range: 10 ~ 32000
"Wait for first chunks:" = 25
# The probability that a chest will generate at selected spawn location.
# Including a non-100 value increases the randomization of chest placement.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0
"Probability:" = 80.0
# Pit properties
#The probability that a pit will contain a structure (treasure room(s), cavern etc.)
#Range: 0 ~ 100
"Probability of pit structure spawn:" = 25
# Gravestones and Markers properties
# The probability that a marker will be a structure.
#Range: 1 ~ 100
"Probability that marker will be a structure:" = 15
# The minimum number of markers (gravestones, bones) per chest.
#Range: 1 ~ 5
"Minimum markers per chest:" = 2
# Enable/disable whether gravestone markers can spawn mobs (ex. Bound Soul).
"Enable gravestone markers to spawn mobs:" = true
# The maximum number of markers (gravestones, bones) per chest.
#Range: 1 ~ 10
"Maximum markers per chest:" = 5
# Enable/disable whether structures (buildings) are generated when generating treasure chests.
"Enable structure markers:" = true
# The probability that a gravestone will spawn a mob.
# Currently gravestones can spawn Bound Souls.
#Range: 1 ~ 100
"Probability that grave marker will spawn a mob:" = 25
# Enable/disable whether chest markers (gravestones, bones) are generated when generating treasure chests.
"Enable markers:" = true
# Well properties
#The probability that a well will generate.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0
"Generation probability:" = 50.0
#Enable/disable whether wells will spawn.
"Enable wells:" = true
#The number of wells that are monitored. Most recent additions replace oldest when the registry is full.
#This is the set of wells used to measure distance between newly generated wells.
#Range: 5 ~ 1000
"Maximum size of chest registry:" = 100
# The number of chunks that are generated in a new world before wells start to spawn.
#Range: 10 ~ 32000
"Wait for first chunks:" = 100
# The minimum distance, measured in blocks, that two wells can be in proximity.
# Note: Only wells in the wells registry are checked against this property.
# Used in conjunction with the chunks per well and spawn probability.
# Ex. TODO
#Range: 100 ~ 32000
"Minimum block distance per well spawn:" = 600
# Biome white and black list properties
# Disallowed Biomes for generation. Must match the Biome Registry Name(s). ex. minecraft:plains
"Black list by biome name:" = ["minecraft:ocean", "minecraft:deep_ocean", "minecraft:deep_frozen_ocean", "minecraft:cold_ocean", "minecraft:deep_cold_ocean", "minecraft:lukewarm_ocean", "minecraft:warm_ocean"]
# Disallowed Biome Types for generation. Must match the Type identifer(s).
"Black list by biome type:" = ["minecraft:ocean", "minecraft:deep_ocean"]
# Allowed Biomes for generation. Must match the Biome Registry Name(s). ex. minecraft:plains
"White list by biome name:" = []
# Allowabled Biome Types for generation. Must match the Type identifer(s).
"White list by biome type:" = []
# Keys and Locks properties
["keys and locks"]
# The maximum uses for a given spider key.
#Range: 1 ~ 32000
"Spider key max uses:" = 5
# Enable/Disable whether a Key can break when attempting to unlock a Lock.
"Enable key breaks:" = true
# The maximum uses for a given sapphire key.
#Range: 1 ~ 32000
"Sapphire key max uses:" = 5
# The maximum uses for a given gold key.
#Range: 1 ~ 32000
"Gold key max uses:" = 15
# The maximum uses for a given lightning key.
#Range: 1 ~ 32000
"Stone key max uses:" = 10
# The maximum uses for a given ruby key.
#Range: 1 ~ 32000
"Ruby key max uses:" = 5
# The maximum uses for a given diamond key.
#Range: 1 ~ 32000
"Diamond key max uses:" = 20
# The maximum uses for a given skeleton key.
#Range: 1 ~ 32000
"Skeleton key max uses:" = 5
# The maximum uses for a given wooden key.
#Range: 1 ~ 32000
"Wood key max uses:" = 20
# The maximum uses for a given thiefs lock pick.
#Range: 1 ~ 32000
"Thief's lockpick max uses:" = 10
#Enable/Disable whether a Lock item is dropped when unlocked by Key item.
"Enable lock drops:" = true
# The maximum uses for a given iron key.
#Range: 1 ~ 32000
"Iron key max uses:" = 10
# The maximum uses for a given wither key.
#Range: 1 ~ 32000
"Wither key max uses:" = 5
# The maximum uses for a given metallurgists key.
#Range: 1 ~ 32000
"Metallurgists key max uses:" = 25
# The maximum uses for a given pilferers lock pick.
#Range: 1 ~ 32000
"Pilferer's lockpick max uses:" = 10
# The maximum uses for a given emerald key.
#Range: 1 ~ 32000
"Emerald key max uses:" = 10
# The maximum uses for a given jewelled key.
#Range: 1 ~ 32000
"Jewelled Key max uses:" = 5
# Treasure Loot and Valuables properties
# The maximum size of a wealth item stacks. ex. Coins, Gems, Pearls
#Range: 1 ~ 64
"Maximum Stack Size:" = 8
# Coins and Valuables properties
# The maximum size of a coin item stack.
#Range: 1 ~ 64
"Maximum Stack Size:" = 8
# Gems and Ores properties
["gems and ores"]
# The probability that a topaz ore will spawn.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0
"Probability of topaz ore spawn:" = 75.0
# The maximum y-value where a onyx ore can spawn.
#Range: 1 ~ 255
"Maximum y-value for onyx ore spawn location:" = 24
# The probability that a ruby ore will spawn.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0
"Probability of ruby ore spawn:" = 65.0
# The number of onyx ore blocks in a vein.
#Range: 3 ~ 20
"Onyx ore vein size:" = 3
# The number of ruby ore blocks in a vein.
#Range: 3 ~ 20
"Ruby ore vein size:" = 3
# The minimum y-value where a sapphire ore can spawn.
#Range: 1 ~ 255
"Minimum y-value for sapphire ore spawn location:" = 6
# The maximum y-value where a sapphire ore can spawn.
#Range: 1 ~ 255
"Maximum y-value for sapphire ore spawn location:" = 17
# The number of ruby ore veins in a chunk.
#Range: 1 ~ 20
"Ruby ore veins per chunk:" = 1
# The number of topaz ore veins in a chunk.
#Range: 1 ~ 20
"Topaz ore veins per chunk:" = 1
# The minimum y-value where a ruby ore can spawn.
#Range: 1 ~ 255
"Minimum y-value for ruby ore spawn location:" = 6
# Enable/disable whether a gem ore will spawn.
"Enable gem ore spawn:" = true
# The number of sapphire ore blocks in a vein.
#Range: 3 ~ 20
"Sapphire ore vein size:" = 3
# The probability that a sapphire ore will spawn.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0
"Probability of sapphire ore spawn:" = 65.0
# The maximum y-value where a topaz ore can spawn.
#Range: 1 ~ 255
"Maximum y-value for topaz ore spawn location:" = 25
# The number of topaz ore blocks in a vein.
#Range: 3 ~ 20
"Topaz ore vein size:" = 3
# The probability that a onyx ore will spawn.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0
"Probability of onyx ore spawn:" = 70.0
# The number of sapphire ore veins in a chunk.
#Range: 3 ~ 20
"Sapphire ore veins per chunk:" = 3
# The maximum y-value where a ruby ore can spawn.
#Range: 1 ~ 255
"Maximum y-value for ruby ore spawn location:" = 17
# The minimum y-value where a topaz ore can spawn.
#Range: 1 ~ 255
"Minimum y-value for topaz ore spawn location:" = 9
# The minimum y-value where a onyx ore can spawn.
#Range: 1 ~ 255
"Minimum y-value for onyx ore spawn location:" = 9
# The number of onyx ore veins in a chunk.
#Range: 1 ~ 20
"Onyx ore veins per chunk:" = 1
# Fog properties
# Enable/disable white fog.
"Enable fog:" = true
# Wither Tree properties
["wither tree"]
# The minimum distance, measured in blocks, that two wither trees can be in proximity.
# Note: Only wither trees in the wither tree registry are checked against this property.
# Used in conjunction with the chunks per wither tree and spawn probability.
# Ex. TODO
#Range: 100 ~ 32000
"Minimum block distance per wither tree spawn:" = 1000
# Enable/disable whether wither trees will spawn.
"Enable wither trees:" = true
# The minimum number of supporting wither trees that surround the main tree in the grove.
#Range: 0 ~ 30
"Minimum number of supporting trees:" = 5
# The maximum number of supporting wither trees that surround the main tree in the grove.
#Range: 0 ~ 30
"Maximum number of supporting trees:" = 15
#The number of wither trees that are monitored. Most recent additions replace oldest when the registry is full.
#This is the set of wither trees used to measure distance between newly generated wither trees.
#Range: 5 ~ 1000
"Maximum size of chest registry:" = 100
# The number of chunks that are generated in a new world before wither trees start to spawn.
#Range: 10 ~ 32000
"Wait for first chunks:" = 608
# The probability that a wither tree will spawn.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0
"Probability of wither tree spawn:" = 70.0
# The maximum height a wither tree can reach.
# This is the high end of a calculated range. ex. size is randomized between minTrunkSize and maxTrunkSize.
# (The minimum is predefined.)
#Range: 7 ~ 20
"Maximum trunk height (in blocks):" = 13
# Biome white and black list properties
["wither tree".biomes]
# Disallowed Biomes for generation. Must match the Biome Registry Name(s). ex. minecraft:plains
"Black list by biome name:" = ["minecraft:desert", "minecraft:ice_spikes", "minecraft:snowy_tundra", "minecraft:ocean", "minecraft:deep_ocean", "minecraft:deep_frozen_ocean", "minecraft:cold_ocean", "minecraft:deep_cold_ocean", "minecraft:lukewarm_ocean", "minecraft:warm_ocean"]
# Disallowed Biome Types for generation. Must match the Type identifer(s).
"Black list by biome type:" = ["minecraft:ocean", "minecraft:deep_ocean"]
# Allowed Biomes for generation. Must match the Biome Registry Name(s). ex. minecraft:plains
"White list by biome name:" = []
# Allowabled Biome Types for generation. Must match the Type identifer(s).
"White list by biome type:" = []