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#Client only settings
#If true tools will show additional info in their tooltips
extraToolTips = true
#Maximum number of quads to render for items in the smeltery. Most blocks are about 6 quads, items like ingots are around 26.
#Setting this lower will cause fewer items to be renderer (but never a partial item). Set to -1 to allow unlimited quads, and 0 to disable the item renderer.
#Range: -1 ~ 32767
maxSmelteryItemQuads = 3500
#Experimental. If true, renders fluids in tanks using a dynamic model, being more efficient when the tank is static
#If false, renders fluids in tanks using a TESR, which is more efficient when the tank contents are changing
tankFluidModel = false
#If true, the game will log all modifier textures which do not exist in resource packs but can be added, can be helpful for moddevs or resourcepack makers
logMissingModifierTextures = false
#If true, modifiers will be added to the JEI ingredient list. If false, they will only be visible in the modifiers recipe tab.
showModifiersInJEI = true
#If true, the game will log all material textures which do not exist in resource packs but can be added, can be helpful for moddevs or resourcepack makers
logMissingMaterialTextures = false
#Settings related to modifiers
#If true, the shield slot legging modifier will render the next offhand item above the offhand slot.
renderShieldSlotItem = true
#Settings related to the frame helmet modifier
#Offset in the Y direction for the frame items.
#Range: -32768 ~ 32767
yOffset = 0
#Offset in the X direction for the frame items.
#Range: -32768 ~ 32767
xOffset = 0
#Number of items to display in each row of the item frame.
#Range: 0 ~ 100
itemsPerRow = 5
#Location of the frame on the screen.
location = "TOP_LEFT"
#If true, the item frame modifier for helmets will render its items. Turning this to false makes the modifier useless.
render = true