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// In the key part, specify the name of the structures or configuredfeatures from
// IDAS that you want to affect. Then in the value part, add the identifiers
// or regex for the dimension that you want IDAS stuff to NOT spawn in.
// Separate multiple entries with a comma.
// Example usage (the actual config entry to edit are the lines not starting with // further down):
// "disallowedDimensions": {
// "idas:castle": "minecraft:overworld, awesome_mod:.+"
// }
// In this example, no Castle will spawn in the overworld because we specified that dimension's identifier.
// Then the castle will not spawn in any of awesome_mod's dimension because "awesome_mod:.+" is regex that will
// match all dimensions that starts with "awesome_mod:" in their identifier. Powerful stuff!
// Use "all" as the key to affect all of IDAS's structures.
// You can find dimension identifiers by doing "/execute in" command in game.
// All of IDAS's structure identifiers can be found by doing "/locate" command in game.
"disallowedDimensions": {
"all": "the_bumblezone:the_bumblezone, twilightforest:twilightforest, undergarden:undergarden, the_midnight:the_midnight, advancedrocketry:space, theabyss:.+, pokecube:secret_base, pokecube_legends:distorted_world, pokecube_legends:ultraspace, dystopia:dystopia, elvenation:elvenia_dimension, futurepack:.+, the_afterlight:.+, thebeginning:.+",
"idas:desert_ancient_statue": "atum:atum"
// IDAS's Structures and ConfiguredFeatures has default settings of what dimensions they are added to.
// This allowedDimensions config is for adding them to more dimension or for overriding disallowedDimensions config.
// NOTE: A Structure or ConfiguredFeature must be added to both the dimension and to the biomes in the dimension to spawn.
// In the key part, specify the name of the structures or configuredfeatures from
// IDAS that you want to affect. Then in the value part, add the identifiers
// or regex for the dimension that you want IDAS stuff to ALWAYS spawn in.
// Separate multiple entries with a comma.
// Example usage (the actual config entry to edit are the lines not starting with // further down):
// "allowedDimensions": {
// "idas:wizard_tower": "minecraft:overworld, firey_realms:.+"
// },
// In this example, Wizard Towers will spawn in the overworld because we specified that dimension's identifier.
// Then the Wizard Towers will also spawn in any of awesome_mod's dimension because "firey_realms:.+" is regex that will
// match all dimensions that starts with "firey_realms:" in their identifier. Powerful stuff!
// Use "all" as the key to affect all of IDAS's structures and configuredfeatures.
// You can find dimension identifiers by doing "/execute in" command in game.
// All of IDAS's structure identifiers can be found by doing "/locate" command in game.
"allowedDimensions": {
"idas:castle": "lotr:middle_earth"
// IDAS's Structures and ConfiguredFeatures has default settings of what biomes they are added to.
// This disallowedBiomes config is for overriding that internal default setting.
// In the key part, specify the name of the structures or configuredfeatures from
// IDAS that you want to affect. Then in the value part, add the identifiers
// or regex for the biomes that you want IDAS stuff to NOT spawn in.
// You can also do biome categories as well by doing #swamp to remove from all swamp category biomes.
// Separate multiple entries with a comma.
// Example usage (the actual config entry to edit are the lines not starting with // further down):
// "disallowedBiomes": {
// "idas:dread_citadel": "minecraft:flower_forest, peaceful_lands:.+, #mushroom"
// }
// In this example, Dread Citadels are remvoed from Flower Forest biome because we specified that biomes's identifier.
// Then the Dread Citadels will also be removed from all of peaceful_lands's biomes because "peaceful_lands:.+" is regex
// that will match all biomes that starts with "peaceful_lands:" in their identifier. Powerful stuff!
// Then it will remove the Dread Citadels from all mushroom category biomes including both modded and vanilla's.\n
// Use "all" as the key to affect all of IDAS's structures and configuredfeatures.
// You can find biome identifiers by doing "/locatebiome" command in game.
// All of IDAS's structure identifiers can be found by doing "/locate" command in game.
"disallowedBiomes": {
"idas:castle": "vampirism:vampire_forest"
// IDAS's Structures and ConfiguredFeatures has default settings of what biomes they are added to.
// This allowedBiomes config is for adding them to more biomes or for overriding disallowedBiomes config.
// NOTE: A Structure or ConfiguredFeature must be added to both the dimension and to the biomes in the dimension to spawn.
// In the key part, specify the name of the structures or configuredfeatures from
// IDAS that you want to affect. Then in the value part, add the identifiers
// or regex for the biomes that you want IDAS stuff to ALWAYS spawn in.
// You can also do biome categories as well by doing #forest to add to all forest category biomes.
// Separate multiple entries with a comma.
// Example usage (the actual config entry to edit are the lines not starting with // further down):
// "allowedBiomes": {
// "idas:pillager_fortress": "minecraft:badlands, fantasy_overworld:.+, #desert"
// }
// In this example, Pillager Fortresses will spawn in the one Badlands biome because we specified that biomes's identifier.
// Then the Pillager Fortresses will also spawn in all of fantasy_overworld's biomes because "fantasy_overworld:.+" is regex
// that will match all biomes that starts with "fantasy_overworld:" in their identifier. Powerful stuff!
// Then it will add the Pillager Fortresses to all Desert category biomes including both modded and vanilla's.
// Use "all" as the key to affect all of IDAS's structures and configuredfeatures.
// You can find biome identifiers by doing "/locatebiome" command in game.
// All of IDAS's structure identifiers can be found by doing "/locate" command in game.
"allowedBiomes": {},
// for internal use only. Do not change this.
"configVersion": 6