#Tweak and change the various block animations. #Only cosmetic stuff in here so to leave default if not interested. #Remember to delete this and server configs and let it refresh every once in a while since I might have tweaked it [blocks] [blocks.clock_block] #Display 24h time format. False for 12h format 24h_format = true [blocks.pedestal] #Enable displayed item spin spin = true #Spin speed #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 speed = 2.0 #Enable special display types for items like swords, tridents or end crystals fancy_renderers = true [blocks.wall_lantern] #Makes wall lantern use a simple block model instead of the animated tile entity renderer. This will make them render much faster but will also remove the animation. Needs texture pack reload fast_lanterns = false [blocks.captured_mobs] #Here you can customize how mobs are displayed in jars and cages. #Following will have to be a list with the format below: #[[,,,,],[,...],...] #With the following description: # - being the mob id (ie: minecraft:bee) # - ,: these are the added height and width that will be added to the actual mob hitbox to determine its scale inside a cage or jar # You can increase them so this 'adjusted hitbox' will match the actual mob shape # In other words increase the to make the mob smaller # - determines if and how much light should the mob emit (currently broken) # - is used to associate each mob an animation. #It can be set to the following values: # - 'air' to make it stand in mid air like a flying animal (note that such mobs are set to this value by default) # - 'land' to force it to stand on the ground even if it is a flying animal # - 'floating' to to make it stand in mid air and wobble up and down # - any number > 0 to make it render as a 2d fish whose index matches the 'fishies' texture sheet # - 0 or any other values will be ignored and treated as default #Note that only the first 3 parameters are needed, the others are optional rendering_parameters = [["minecraft:bee", "0.3125", "0.0"], ["minecraft:vex", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "FLOATING"], ["minecraft:silverfish", "0.0", "0.25"], ["minecraft:chicken", "0.25", "0.3125"], ["minecraft:endermite", "0.0", "0.0", "5"], ["minecraft:fox", "0.0", "0.2"], ["supplementaries:firefly", "0.0", "0.0", "9", "FLOATING"], ["druidcraft:lunar_moth", "0.375", "0.1375", "10", "FLOATING"], ["iceandfire:pixie", "0.0", "0.0", "10"], ["feywild:winter_pixie", "0.125", "0.0", "8", "FLOATING"], ["feywild:summer_pixie", "0.125", "0.0", "8", "FLOATING"], ["feywild:spring_pixie", "0.125", "0.0", "8", "FLOATING"], ["feywild:autumn_pixie", "0.25", "0.0", "8", "FLOATING"], ["minecraft:fish", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "1"], ["minecraft:tropical_fish", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "2"], ["minecraft:salmon", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "3"], ["minecraft:cod", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "4"], ["minecraft:pufferfish", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "5"], ["minecraft:axolotl", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "6"], ["fins:pea_wee", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "7"], ["fins:wee_wee", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "8"], ["fins:vibra_wee", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "9"], ["fins:blu_wee", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "10"], ["fins:ornate_bugfish", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "11"], ["fins:spindly_gem_crab", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "12"], ["fins:phantom_nudibranch", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "13"], ["fins:high_finned_blue", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "14"], ["fins:teal_arrowfish", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "15"], ["fins:midnight_squid", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "16"], ["fins:banded_redback_shrimp", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "17"], ["fins:flatback_sucker", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "18"], ["fins:swamp_mucker", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "19"], ["upgrade_aquatic:lionfish", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "20"], ["upgrade_aquatic:nautilus", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "21"], ["upgrade_aquatic:pike", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "22"], ["alexsmobs:stradpole", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "23"], ["alexsmobs:blobfish", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "24"], ["unnamedanimalmod:flashlight_fish", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "25"], ["unnamedanimalmod:elephantnose_fish", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "26"], ["unnamedanimalmod:black_diamond_stingray", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "27"], ["unnamedanimalmod:humphead_parrotfish", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "28"], ["unnamedanimalmod:tomato_frog", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "29"], ["unnamedanimalmod:pacman_frog", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "30"], ["bettas:betta_fish", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "31"], ["pogfish:pogfish", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "32"], ["undergarden:gwibling", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "33"], ["environmental:koi", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "34"], ["betterendforge:end_fish", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "35"], ["betteranimalsplus:flying_fish", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "36"], ["betteranimalsplus:nautilus", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "37"], ["betteranimalsplus:eel_freshwater", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "38"], ["betteranimalsplus:eel_saltwater", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "39"], ["betteranimalsplus:lamprey", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "40"], ["betteranimalsplus:piranha", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "41"], ["betteranimalsplus:barracuda", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "42"], ["rediscovered:fish", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "1"]] #A list of mobs that can be ticked on client side when inside jars. Mainly used for stuff that has particles. Can cause issues and side effects so use with care tickable_inside_jars = ["iceandfire:pixie", "druidcraft:dreadfish", "druidcraft:lunar_moth", "alexsmobs:hummingbird"] [blocks.firefly_jar] #Particle in firefly jars spawn as explained below: #Every ticks a particle has a chance to spawn determined by x100 %. #Range: 1 ~ 20 spawn_period = 8 #Spawn chance every period #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 spawn_chance = 0.3 [blocks.turn_table] #Display visual particles when a block is rotated turn_particles = true [blocks.globe] #Enable a random globe texture for each world random_world = true #Here you can put custom colors that will be assigned to each globe depending on the dimension where its placed: #To do so you'll have to make a list for one entry for every dimension you want to recolor as follows: #[[,,...,],[,,...,],...] #With the following description: # - being the dimension id (ie: minecraft:the_nether) # - to will have to be 12 hex colors (without the #) that will represent each of the 17 globe own 'virtual biome' #Following are the virtual biomes that each index is associated with: # - 1: water light # - 2: water medium # - 3: water dark # - 4: coast/taiga # - 5: forest # - 6: plains # - 7: savanna # - 8: desert # - 9: snow # - 10: ice # - 11: iceberg/island # - 12: mushroom island globe_colors = [["minecraft:overworld", "23658d", "25527d", "1d396d", "2d8a5c", "34a03a", "6ea14b", "89a83d", "b5ba65", "ccd7d5", "83b4c6", "2f83a2", "826e71"], ["minecraft:the_nether", "941818", "7b0000", "6a0400", "16615b", "941818", "ca4e06", "e66410", "f48522", "5a0000", "32333d", "118066", "100c1c"], ["minecraft:the_end", "061914", "000000", "2a0d2a", "000000", "d5da94", "cdc68b", "061914", "2a0d2a", "cdc68b", "000000", "eef6b4", "b286b2"]] [blocks.flag] #How tall the wave lobes will be. (Wave amplitude) #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 intensity = 1.0 #How wavy the animation will be in pixels. (Wavelength) #Range: 0.001 ~ 100.0 wavyness = 4.0 #How slow a flag will oscillate. (Period of oscillation) #Lower value = faster oscillation #Range: 0 ~ 10000 slowness = 100 #At which graphic settings flags will have a fancy renderer: 0=fast, 1=fancy, 2=fabulous #Allowed Values: FAST, FANCY, FABULOUS fanciness = "FABULOUS" #How much the wave amplitude increases each pixel. (Amplitude increment per pixel) #Range: 0.0 ~ 10.0 intensity_increment = 0.3 [blocks.bamboo_spikes] #Populate the creative inventory with all tipped spikes variations populate_creative_tab = true [blocks.wind_vane] #This should be kept period_1/3 for a symmetric animation #Range: 0.0 ~ 2000.0 period_2 = 150.0 #Wind vane animation swings according to this equation: #angle(time) = max_angle_1*sin(2pi*time*pow/period_1) + *sin(2pi*time*pow/) #where: # - pow = max(1,redstone_power*) # - time = time in ticks # - redstone_power = block redstone power # = how much frequency changes depending on power. 2 means it spins twice as fast each power level (2* for rain, 4* for thunder) #increase to have more distinct indication when weather changes #Range: 1.0 ~ 100.0 power_scaling = 3.0 #Range: 0.0 ~ 360.0 max_angle_2 = 10.0 #Amplitude (maximum angle) of first sine wave #Range: 0.0 ~ 360.0 max_angle_1 = 30.0 #Base period in ticks at 0 power of first sine wave #Range: 0.0 ~ 2000.0 period_1 = 450.0 [blocks.item_shelf] #Translate down displayed 3d blocks so that they are touching the shelf. #Note that they will not be centered vertically this way supported_blocks = true #Particle parameters [particles] #Firefly jar particle [particles.firefly_glow] #Maximum age in ticks. Note that actual max age with be this + a random number between 0 and 10 #Range: 1 ~ 256 max_age = 40 #Scale #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 scale = 0.075 #Entities parameters [entities] [entities.firefly] #Firefly glow animation uses following equation: #scale = {max[(1-)*sin(time*2pi/)+, 0]}^ #Where: # - scale = entity transparency & entity scale # - period = period of the animation. This variable is located in common configs affects how long the pulse last, not how frequently it occurs. #Use 0.5 for normal sin wave. Higher and it won't turn off completely # #Range: -100.0 ~ 1.0 intensity = 0.2 #Affects the shape of the wave. Stay under 0.5 for sharper transitions #Range: 0.0 ~ 10.0 exponent = 0.5 #General settings [general] #Tries to detect when the mod hasn't been downloaded from Curseforge.Set to false if you have manually changed the mod jar name anti_reposting_warning = true #ignore this #Range: -10.0 ~ 10.0 test2 = 0.0 #ignore this #Range: -10.0 ~ 10.0 test3 = 0.0 #Enable Quark style config button on main menu. Needs Configured installed to work config_button = false #Show some tooltip hints to guide players through the mod tooltip_hints = true #ignore this #Range: -10.0 ~ 10.0 test1 = 0.0 #Game tweaks [tweaks] #Colors the brewing stand potion texture depending on the potions it's brewing. #If using a resource pack add tint index from 0 to 3 to the 3 potion layers brewing_stand_colors = true #Allow to right click with a clock to display current time in numerical form clock_right_click = true #Makes tipped arrows show their colors when loaded with a crossbow crossbows_colors = true #Renders an enchantment glint on placeable enchanted books placeable_books_glint = false #Items [items] [items.slingshot] #How big should a slingshot projectile look #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 projectile_scale = 0.5 #Adds an overlay to slingshots in gui displaying currently selected block overlay = true #An RGBA color for the block outline in hex format, for example 0x00000066 for vanilla outline colors block_outline_color = "ffffff66" #Render the block outline for distant blocks that are reachable with a slingshot enchanted with Stasis stasis_block_outline = true