#configs only for clients [Client] # #The Y offset for information rendered on the HUD.(default:16) #Range: 0 ~ 5400 yOffset = 16 # #The X offset for information rendered on the HUD.(default:7) #Range: 0 ~ 9600 xOffset = 7 # #The X/Y/Z-distance won't be shown if it is smaller than the value.(default:0.3) #Range: 0.0 ~ 50.0 CloseEnough = 0.3 # #The line offset for information rendered on the HUD.(default:1) #Range: 0 ~ 50 OverlayLineOffset = 1 # #The side of the information HUD. Ex: LEFT, RIGHT #Allowed Values: LEFT, RIGHT HUDPosition = "LEFT" # #Displays the compass information HUD even while chat is open.(default:true) DisplayWithChatOpen = true