# # How long before giving up should locate command, explorer maps, and other locating stuff # do when locating a Integrated Dungeons and Structures's structure. This is in seconds. #Range: 1.0 ~ 1000000.0 locateMaxTime = 15.0 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Abandoned Houses. # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. [Abandonedhouse] #Range: 1 ~ 1001 abandonedhouseAverageChunkDistance = 35 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Brick Houses. # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. [Brickhouse] #Range: 1 ~ 1001 brickhouseAverageChunkDistance = 40 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Castles. # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. [Castles] #Range: 1 ~ 1001 castleAverageChunkDistance = 40 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Wizard Towers. # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. [Enchantingtowers] #Range: 1 ~ 1001 enchantingtowerAverageChunkDistance = 60 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Wizard Towers. # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. [Wizardtowers] #Range: 1 ~ 1001 wizardtowerAverageChunkDistance = 40 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Labyrinths. # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. [Labyrinth] #Range: 1 ~ 1001 labyrinthAverageChunkDistance = 60 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Pillager Fortresses. # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. [PillagerFortress] #Range: 1 ~ 1001 pillagerfortressAverageChunkDistance = 60 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Ancient Mines. # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. [AncientMines] #Range: 1 ~ 1001 ancientminesAverageChunkDistance = 40 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Tinkers Workshop. # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. [TinkersWorkshop] #Range: 1 ~ 1001 tinkersworkshopAverageChunkDistance = 50 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Sunken Ships. # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. [SunkenShip] #Range: 1 ~ 1001 sunkenshipAverageChunkDistance = 25 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Coral Sunken Ships. # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. [SunkenShipCoral] #Range: 1 ~ 1001 sunkenshipcoralAverageChunkDistance = 25 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Jungle Ancient Statues. # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. [AncientStatueJungle] #Range: 1 ~ 1001 ancientstatuejungleAverageChunkDistance = 20 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Plains Ancient Statues. # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. [AncientStatuePlains] #Range: 1 ~ 1001 ancientstatueplainsAverageChunkDistance = 25 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Desert Ancient Statues. # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. [AncientStatueDesert] #Range: 1 ~ 1001 ancientstatuedesertAverageChunkDistance = 20 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Desert Markets. # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. [DesertMarket] #Range: 1 ~ 1001 desertmarketAverageChunkDistance = 25 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Red Desert Markets. # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. [RedDesertMarket] #Range: 1 ~ 1001 desertmarketredAverageChunkDistance = 25 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Orange Desert Markets. # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. [OrangeDesertMarket] #Range: 1 ~ 1001 desertmarketorangeAverageChunkDistance = 25 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Desert Camps. # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. [DesertCamp] #Range: 1 ~ 1001 desertcampAverageChunkDistance = 18 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Red Desert Camps. # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. [RedDesertCamp] #Range: 1 ~ 1001 desertcampredAverageChunkDistance = 18 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Orange Desert Camps. # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. [OrangeDesertCamp] #Range: 1 ~ 1001 desertcamporangeAverageChunkDistance = 18 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Pillager Camps. # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. [PillagerCamp] #Range: 1 ~ 1001 pillagercampAverageChunkDistance = 25 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Washing Camps. # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. [WashingCamp] #Range: 1 ~ 1001 washingcampAverageChunkDistance = 30 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Polar Bear Dens. # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. [PolarBearDen] #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Hermit's Hollows # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. [PolarBearDen.HermitsHollow] #Range: 1 ~ 1001 hermitshollowAverageChunkDistance = 20 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS BYG Mahogany Lumber Camps # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. [PolarBearDen.BYGMahoganyLumberCamp] #Range: 1 ~ 1001 lumbercampbygmahoganyAverageChunkDistance = 10 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Apothecary Abodes # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. [PolarBearDen.ApothecaryAbode] #Range: 1 ~ 1001 apothecaryabodeAverageChunkDistance = 45 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Forest (Wolf/Bear) Dens. # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. [PolarBearDen.PolarBearDen] #Range: 1 ~ 1001 polarbeardenAverageChunkDistance = 15 #Range: 1 ~ 1001 forestdenAverageChunkDistance = 15 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS BOP Mahogany Lumber Camps # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. [PolarBearDen.BOPMahoganyLumberCamp] #Range: 1 ~ 1001 lumbercampbopmahoganyAverageChunkDistance = 10 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Birch Lumber Camps # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. [PolarBearDen.BirchLumberCamp] #Range: 1 ~ 1001 lumbercampbirchAverageChunkDistance = 10 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS BYG Redwood Lumber Camps # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. [PolarBearDen.BYGRedwoodLumberCamp] #Range: 1 ~ 1001 lumbercampbygredwoodAverageChunkDistance = 10 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Oak Lumber Camps # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. [PolarBearDen.OakLumberCamp] #Range: 1 ~ 1001 lumbercampoakAverageChunkDistance = 10 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Treetop Taverns # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. [PolarBearDen."Treetop Taverns"] #Range: 1 ~ 1001 treetoptavernAverageChunkDistance = 40 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS BOP Redwood Lumber Camps # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. [PolarBearDen.BOPRedwoodLumberCamp] #Range: 1 ~ 1001 lumbercampbopredwoodAverageChunkDistance = 10 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Beekeepers House # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. [PolarBearDen.BeekeepersHouse] #Range: 1 ~ 1001 beekeepershouseAverageChunkDistance = 40 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Jungle Lumber Camps # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. [PolarBearDen.JungleLumberCamp] #Range: 1 ~ 1001 lumbercampjungleAverageChunkDistance = 10 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Bearclaw Inns # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. [PolarBearDen.BearclawInn] #Range: 1 ~ 1001 bearclawinnAverageChunkDistance = 45 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Dread Citadels # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. [PolarBearDen."Dread Citadels"] #Range: 1 ~ 1001 dreadcitadelAverageChunkDistance = 60 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Hunters Cabin # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. [PolarBearDen.HuntersCabin] #Range: 1 ~ 1001 hunterscabinAverageChunkDistance = 40 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Farmhouses # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. [PolarBearDen.Farmhouse] #Range: 1 ~ 1001 farmhouseAverageChunkDistance = 30 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Dark Oak Lumber Camps # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. [PolarBearDen.DarkOakLumberCamp] #Range: 1 ~ 1001 lumbercampdarkoakAverageChunkDistance = 10 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Witches Treestumps # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. [PolarBearDen.WitchesTreestump] #Range: 1 ~ 1001 witchestreestumpAverageChunkDistance = 40 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Bazaars # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. [PolarBearDen.Bazaar] #Range: 1 ~ 1001 bazaarAverageChunkDistance = 70 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Redhorn Guilds # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. [PolarBearDen.RehornGuild] #Range: 1 ~ 1001 redhornguildAverageChunkDistance = 45 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Deep Underground Camps. # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. [PolarBearDen.UndergroundCamp] #Range: 1 ~ 1001 undergroundcampdeepAverageChunkDistance = 25 #Range: 1 ~ 1001 undergroundcampAverageChunkDistance = 25 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Acacia Lumber Camps # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. [PolarBearDen.AcaciaLumberCamp] #Range: 1 ~ 1001 lumbercampacaciaAverageChunkDistance = 10 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Average distance between spawn attempts for IDAS Spruce Lumber Camps # 1 for spawning in most chunks and 1001 for none. [PolarBearDen.SpruceLumberCamp] #Range: 1 ~ 1001 lumbercampspruceAverageChunkDistance = 10