["Feature Options"] ["Feature Options".Farmability] # # How many times to attempt to spawn a sapling when grass is bonemealed. (also max # of saplings which can spawn per bonemeal) # Increasing this value too high may cause performance issues as it is not optimized for a large number of spawn attempts. # The probability of a sapling appearing is 1 - (((1 - ((plantableBlocksInRadius/147) * 1/bonemealSaplingSpawnRate))) ^ bonemealSaplingSpawnAttempts) # Default value is 2 #Range: 1 ~ 1000 bonemealSaplingSpawnAttempts = 2 # # How many times out of 100 a sapling will become a dead bush instead of a tree at light level 15 in the desert # Default value is 75 #Range: 1 ~ 100 desertSaplingsMaxDeathrate = 75 # # Chance of attempting to spawn an oak sapling on a random block in a 7x3x7 area centered on the bonemealed block when bonemealing grass. # The probability of attempting to spawn an oak sapling each time gass is bonemealed is 1/spawnrate. # The probability of a sapling appearing is 1 - (((1 - ((plantableBlocksInRadius/147) * 1/bonemealSaplingSpawnRate))) ^ bonemealSaplingSpawnAttempts) # Default value is 6 #Range: 1 ~ 1000 bonemealSaplingSpawnrate = 6 # # Whether or not bonemeal can spawn oak saplings # Default value is true bonemealCanSpawnSapling = true # # Whether or not saplings can convert to dead bushes in high light levels in the desert # Default value is true desertSaplingsCanBecomeDeadBush = true # # How many times out of 100 a sapling will become a dead bush instead of a tree at light level 10 in the desert # Default value is 25 #Range: 1 ~ 100 desertSaplingsMinDeathrate = 25 # # The minimum light level, inclusive, at which spiders can spawn cobwebs attached to logs, leaves, spawners, or other webs # Consider setting this value to 0 if you want webs around spider spawners to expand organically # Default value is 8 #Range: 0 ~ 15 webSpinningMinLightLevel = 8 # # Allows spiders to create webs anywhere, removing the restriction on needing to be next to a log, leaves, or other cobwebs # Ironically, this will most likely improve performance since it will bypass the check, but I would suggest lowering the max light level if this is enabled # since you will probably get tired of removing webs from your base rather quickly. # Default value is false websEverywhere = false # # Unfortunately, too many factors can go into the frequency of web spinning so this will have to remain a 'magic' number # When a spider is considering starting the task of spinning a web, it picks a random number between 0 and 100,000, and if it's under the # value determined by this config, it will start spinning the web. # This, however, is not the only factor as the spider may choose a different task instead, and other mods can add their own tasks with different weights # For reference I spawned ~6 spiders at noon in a roofed forest and came back to ~8 webs 20 minutes later with this set to 500, but when placed in # a room made of logs and leaves there were 10 webs within about a minute # Default value is 500 #Range: 0 ~ 100000 webSpinningFrequency = 500 # # Whether or not Endermen can place cocoa. This overrides any changes to enderman_holdable for cocoa and works with MobGreifing turned off if set to true # Default value is true endermenCanPickupAndPlaceCocoa = true # # Whether or not spiders (cave, regular, and most likely any moded spiders decended from the Minecraft spider) can spawn cobwebs under certain conditions # If enabled, they can spawn cobwebs next to leaves and logs, spawners, and other cobwebs (6 cardinal directions, not diagonals) provided # that the light level that they're in is between webSpinningMinLightLevel and webSpinningMaxLightLevel, inclusive # Default value is true spidersCanSpinWebs = true # # The maximum light level, inclusive, at which spiders can spawn cobwebs attached to logs, leaves, spawners, or other webs # For reference, spiders stop being aggressive somewhere between light levels 9 and 12. Every wiki has conflicting info, and it would take a lot of math # for me to figure out an approximation because it looks like they use the light level of the model which takes neighbor's light levels into account # Fun Fact: Spiders irl prefer to spin webs at dusk # Default value is 12 #Range: 0 ~ 15 webSpinningMaxLightLevel = 12 ["Feature Options".EndStructures] # # The chance of getting a map to a Shulker Factory from a chest in an End Citythe probability of getting the map in any given chest is 1/shulkerFactoryMapWeight #Range: 1 ~ 1000 shulkerFactoryMapChance = 5 # # Whether or not to spawn Shulker Factories - End City inspired structures with a shulker spawner # Default value is true shulkerFactorys = true # # Whether or not to add a map, similar to the ones which cartographers sell, to the loot table for # End City Chests (and by extention very rarely within shulker factory chests) # Default value is true addMapsToShulkerFactoriesToEndCities = true # # How often Shulker Factories will attempt to spawn per chunk. # It will spawn in a chunk if a random number between 0 and 1 is less than 1/(((spawnRate + spawnRate * 0.75) / 2, 2)^2) # This is to keep it consistent with older versions which went off of the separation instead of being truly random. # 10 to practically always have one in render distance, 1000 for extremely rare factories # 20 is slightly more common than end cities # Default value of 200 should average one every ~7,000 blocks (varies widely) #Range: 10 ~ 1000 shulkerFactorySpawnrate = 200