#Affects how common artifacts are (does not affect mimics) #When this is 1, the default artifact spawn rates will be used #Values higher that 1 will decrease spawn rates while values lower than 1 will increase spawn rates #Doubling this value will (roughly) halve the chance a container contains an artifact #Setting this to 10000 will completely prevent artifacts from spawning #When set to 0, every container that can contain artifacts will contain an artifact #Range: 0.0 ~ 10000.0 artifact_rarity = 1.0 [campsite] #The maximum y-level at which a campsite can generate #Range: 1 ~ 255 max_y = 45 #Whether to use wooden chests from other mods when generating campsites #(keeping this enabled may make it easier to distinguish them from mimics) use_modded_chests = true #List of biome IDs in which campsites are not allowed to generate #End and nether biomes are excluded by default #To blacklist all biomes from a single mod, use "modid:*" biome_blacklist = ["minecraft:void", "undergarden:*", "the_bumblezone:*", "twilightforest:*"] #Probability for a container of a campsite to be replaced by a mimic #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 mimic_chance = 0.3 #The minimum y-level at which a campsite can generate #Range: 1 ~ 255 min_y = 1 #Probability for an ore vein to generate underneath a campsite #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 ore_chance = 0.25 #Rarity of campsites generating in the world #The chance a campsite generates in a specific chunk is 1/rarity #A rarity of 1 will generate a campsite in every chunk, while 10000 will generate no campsites #Not every attempt at generating a campsite succeeds, this also depends on the density and shape of caves #Range: 1 ~ 10000 rarity = 12