[enchantments] [enchantments.vengeance] #Armor enchantment that stores incoming damage and applies it to user's next attack "Enable Vengeance" = true #How much the damage taken with vengeance is multiplied for attacks #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 "Damage factor" = 0.025 [enchantments.reforming] #How many ticks it takes a reforming item to repair #Range: > 0 "Reforming tick rate" = 600 #Gear enchantment that very slowly repairs items over time "Enable Reforming" = true [enchantments.missile] #How much the target is affected on the vertical axis #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 "Vertical factor" = 0.35 #Weapon enchantment that launches enemies upwards rather than away "Enable Launch" = true [enchantments.reeling] #Crossbow enchantment that pulls targets towards the user "Enable Reeling" = true #How much the target is affected on the vertical axis #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 "Vertical factor" = 0.25 #How much the target is affected on the horizontal axis #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 "Horizontal factor" = 0.5 [enchantments.alleviating] #Armor enchantment that heals the user when collecting experience "Enable Alleviating" = true #How much the experience value is multiplied by into health #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 "Healing factor" = 0.25 [enchantments.shockwave] #Boots enchantment that creates a shockwave when taking fall damage "Enable Shockwave" = true #If Shockwave tramples farmland within the wave radius "Shockwave tramples farmland" = true [tweaks] [tweaks.bane_of_arthropods] #If Bane of Arthropods increases the mining speed of Cobwebs "Bane of Arthropods mines cobwebs faster" = true [tweaks.horse_armor] #Allow horse armor to be enchanted "Enchantable horse armor" = true #Which loot tables horse armor can't appear enchanted in "Unenchanted loot tables" = ["minecraft:chests/village/village_weaponsmith", "minecraft:chests/stronghold_corridor", "minecraft:chests/nether_bridge"] #If horse armor can appear enchanted when found in loot tables "Generates in loot tables" = true [tweaks.soul_speed] #Instead of losing durability as you run, Soul Speed makes incoming damage increase when on Soul Speed blocks "Soul Speed change" = true #How much damage is multiplied when hurt on Soul Speed blocks #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 "Damage factor" = 1.5 [tweaks.feather_falling] #If having Feather Falling prevents farmland from being trampled "Feather Falling prevents trampling" = true [tweaks.level_scaling] #The amount of experience per level, if level scaling is removed (experimental) #Range: > 0 "Experience per level" = 50 #Remove the amount of experience per level increasing (experimental) "Remove level scaling" = false [tweaks.infinity] #If Infinity requires an arrow in the player's inventory in order to shoot "Infinity requires arrows" = false [tweaks.protection] #Remove the base Protection enchantment, requiring players to choose between the other types "Disable Protection" = false [tweaks.riptide] #Allow Riptide to function when in cauldrons "Riptide works in cauldrons" = true