[gameplay] #The minimum possible time (in seconds) for which an NPC will stand still and display talking animations when spoken to by a player #Range: 3 ~ 60 npcTalkToPlayerMinDuration = 5 #The maximum possible time (in seconds) for which an NPC will stand still and display talking animations when spoken to by a player #Range: 3 ~ 60 npcTalkToPlayerMaxDuration = 10 #Alignment gains depend on factions' areas of influence areasOfInfluence = true #Factions dislike if a player has + alignment with enemy factions alignmentDraining = true #No comment drunkSpeech = true [mobs] #They're simply too big! smallerBees = true [datapack-utility] #If enabled, the mod will generate up-to-date biome JSON files for all its biomes and output them in the game directory during loading. These biome templates are provided to help datapack creators. generateBiomeJsons = false