#lots of cosmetic stuff in here [visuals] #Show hearths instead of damage dealt? (1 hearth = two damage) showHearths = false #Does dps message update dynamically or will it only appear after each parse? dynamicDPS = true #Skin used by the dummy #Allowed Values: DEFAULT, ORIGINAL, DUNGEONS, ALTERNATIVE texture = "DEFAULT" #How much the dummy swings in degrees with respect to the damage dealt. default=0.75 #Range: 0.0 ~ 2.0 animationIntensity = 0.75 [visuals.damage_number_colors] #hex color for various damage sources genetic = "ffffff" dragon_breath = "e600ff" magic = "33b1ff" lightning = "fff200" explosion = "ffbb29" magic_indirect = "844ce7" true_damage = "910038" trident = "00ff9d" crit = "ff0000" cactus = "048500" fire = "ff7700" wither = "666666"