[general] #Should clientside fog be rendered? "Atum Fog" = true #Can a non-creative user create a portal using the scarab? "Atum Portal" = true ["atum start"] #Structure that will generate next to the player when starting in Atum (Requires 'Start in Atum' to be enabled). Leave empty for no structure. "Atum starting structure" = "atum:tent_small" #Should a portal back to the Overworld generate, when starting in Atum? "Create Atum Portal" = false #New players should start in Atum? "Start in Atum" = false [sandstorm] #Sand particle transparency while wearing Sandstorm reducing helmets #Range: 0 ~ 100 "Sandstorm Helmet Transparency" = 40 #Multiplier to fog during sandstorms #Range: 0 ~ 100 "Sandstorm Fog" = 2 #Seconds it takes to transition from clear to sandstorm #Range: 0 ~ 100 "Sandstorm Transition Time" = 25 #Chance for sandstorms to generate sand layers. The higher the value, the more rare it is. Set to 0 to disable. #Range: 0 ~ 10000 "Sandstorm Sand Layer" = 60 #How light the sand particles are #Range: 0 ~ 100 "Sandstorm Brightness" = 75 #Enable/disables all functionality of sandstorms "Sandstorm Enabled" = true #Base transparency for sand particles #Range: 0 ~ 100 "Sandstorm Base Transparency" = 10 ["world gen"] #Range: 0 ~ 255 "Fossils chance, set to 0 to disable" = 64 #Range: 0 ~ 64 "Shrub frequency, set to 0 to disable" = 1 #Probability of mineshafts generating. Set to 0 to disable. Default value same as vanilla overworld #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 "Minecraft probability" = 0.007 #Specify the amount of ruin variants structures/ruins. Allows for additional ruin structures with a resourcepack #Range: 1 ~ 999 "Ruins Amount" = 17 #Range: 0 ~ 255 "Dungeon chance, set to 0 to disable" = 8 #Should Sand Layers generate along all edges? "Enable Sand Layer along edges" = true ["ore gen"] #Range: 1 ~ 255 "Diamond max height" = 16 #Range: 0 ~ 64 "Nebu count, set to 0 to disable" = 1 #Range: 1 ~ 64 "Relic Ore vein size" = 5 #Range: 0 ~ 64 "Coal count, set to 0 to disable" = 20 #Range: 0 ~ 64 "Bone Ore count, set to 0 to disable" = 12 #Range: 0 ~ 64 "Porphyry count, set to 0 to disable" = 10 #Range: 1 ~ 255 "Gold max height" = 32 #Range: 0 ~ 64 "Lapis baseline, set to 0 to disable" = 16 #Range: 1 ~ 64 "Marl vein size" = 14 #Range: 1 ~ 64 "Sand pocket vein size" = 28 #Range: 1 ~ 64 "Diamond vein size" = 8 #Range: 1 ~ 255 "Iron max height" = 64 #Range: 0 ~ 64 "Redstone count, set to 0 to disable" = 8 #Range: 0 ~ 64 "Diamond count, set to 0 to disable" = 1 #Range: 0 ~ 64 "Iron count, set to 0 to disable" = 20 #Range: 1 ~ 255 "Nebu max height" = 64 #Should Emeralds generate in Atum? "Enable Emeralds" = true #Range: 1 ~ 64 "Redstone vein size" = 8 #Range: 1 ~ 64 "Lapis vein size" = 7 #Range: 1 ~ 255 "Khnumite max height" = 20 #Range: 1 ~ 255 "Limestone Gravel pocket max height" = 255 #Range: 1 ~ 64 "Iron vein size" = 9 #Range: 0 ~ 64 "Gold count, set to 0 to disable" = 2 #Range: 1 ~ 64 "Bone Ore vein size" = 9 #Range: 1 ~ 255 "Alabaster max height" = 60 #Range: 0 ~ 64 "Marl count, set to 0 to disable" = 8 #Range: 1 ~ 255 "Bone Ore max height" = 128 #Range: 0 ~ 64 "Khnumite count, set to 0 to disable" = 4 #Range: 0 ~ 64 "Alabaster count, set to 0 to disable" = 10 #Range: 1 ~ 255 "Coal max height" = 128 #Range: 1 ~ 64 "Gold vein size" = 9 #Range: 1 ~ 64 "Lapis spread" = 16 #Range: 0 ~ 64 "Sand pocket count, set to 0 to disable" = 14 #Range: 1 ~ 64 "Nebu vein size" = 8 #Range: 1 ~ 64 "Alabaster vein size" = 30 #All vanilla based ores, uses the vanilla values by default. #Range: 1 ~ 64 "Coal vein size" = 17 #Range: 1 ~ 64 "Khnumite vein size" = 6 #Range: 1 ~ 255 "Sand pocket max height" = 255 #Range: 0 ~ 64 "Limestone Gravel pocket count, set to 0 to disable" = 10 #Range: 1 ~ 64 "Porphyry vein size" = 30 #Range: 1 ~ 255 "Redstone max height" = 16 #Range: 1 ~ 255 "Marl max height" = 50 #Range: 0 ~ 64 "Relic Ore count, set to 0 to disable" = 4 #Range: 1 ~ 255 "Relic Ore max height" = 64 #Range: 1 ~ 255 "Porphyry max height" = 60 #Range: 1 ~ 64 "Limestone Gravel pocket vein size" = 32 [biome] #By default 1 in 30 Sand Plains biomes can contain either an Oasis or Dead Oasis. Set to 0 to disable both oases biomes. #Range: 0 ~ 10000 "Oases chance" = 30 #Sets the percentage chance for oases to generate as an Oasis. The remaining oases will generate as an Dead Oasis. Set to 0 to only get Dead Oasis or to 100 to only get Oasis #Range: 0 ~ 10000 "Oasis percentage" = 50 [biome.sand_dunes] #Range: -1 ~ 1000 weight = 15 [biome.sand_hills] #Range: -1 ~ 1000 weight = 10 [biome.sparse_woods] #Range: -1 ~ 1000 weight = 10 [biome.dense_woods] #Range: -1 ~ 1000 weight = 10 [biome.limestone_crags] #Range: -1 ~ 1000 weight = 3 [biome.limestone_mountains] #Range: -1 ~ 1000 weight = 5 [biome.sand_plains] #Range: -1 ~ 1000 weight = 30 [mobs] #How frequent Bandit patrols are. The higher the number, the less patrols will spawn #Range: -1 ~ 10000 banditPatrolFrequency = 1000 #How long time is required for an Assassin to spawn. The higher the number, the less frequent Assassin will spawn #Range: 1 ~ 10000 markedForDeathFrequency = 1000 #Whether a message should be broadcast to everybody, when a Pharaoh have been killed displayPharaohSlainMessage = true [mobs.bonestorm] #Range: -1 ~ 63 min = 1 #Range: 1 ~ 64 max = 2 #Range: -1 ~ 1000 weight = 5 [mobs.mummy] #Range: -1 ~ 63 min = 1 #Range: 1 ~ 64 max = 3 #Range: -1 ~ 1000 weight = 30 [mobs.forsaken] #Range: -1 ~ 63 min = 1 #Range: 1 ~ 64 max = 4 #Range: -1 ~ 1000 weight = 22 [mobs.stoneguard] #Range: -1 ~ 63 min = 1 #Range: 1 ~ 64 max = 2 #Range: -1 ~ 1000 weight = 34 [mobs.tarantula] #Range: -1 ~ 63 min = 1 #Range: 1 ~ 64 max = 3 #Range: -1 ~ 1000 weight = 20 [mobs.quail] #Range: -1 ~ 63 min = 2 #Range: 1 ~ 64 max = 4 #Range: -1 ~ 1000 weight = 3 [mobs.wraith] #Range: -1 ~ 63 min = 1 #Range: 1 ~ 64 max = 2 #Range: -1 ~ 1000 weight = 10 [mobs.desert_wolf] #Range: -1 ~ 63 min = 2 #Range: 1 ~ 64 max = 4 #Range: -1 ~ 1000 weight = 6 [mobs.bat] #Range: -1 ~ 63 min = 4 #Range: 1 ~ 64 max = 8 #Range: -1 ~ 1000 weight = 4 [mobs.camel] #Range: -1 ~ 63 min = 2 #Range: 1 ~ 64 max = 6 #Range: -1 ~ 1000 weight = 6 [mobs.desert_rabbit] #Range: -1 ~ 63 min = 2 #Range: 1 ~ 64 max = 3 #Range: -1 ~ 1000 weight = 5 ["mod integration"] theoneprobe = true