You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import requests
from skills.config import deepl_api_key
from skills.config import google_api_key
from skills.skill import Skill
# from config import deepl_api_key
# from config import google_api_key
# from skill import Skill
Reading material for this:
offline local:
use deep-translator to access both deepl and google translate and more
class Translations(Skill):
def __init__(self):
self.trigger_phrase = "translate"
# These vars would be good canidates for a future monitoring dashboard
self.total_chars_translated = 0
self.deepl_chars_translated = 0
self.googl_chars_translated = 0 #only increment if api charged for the characters (read docs to figure this out)
self.free_monthly_char_limit_googl = 500000
self.free_monthly_char_limit_deepl = 500000
self.supported_deepl_langs = ["list of supported languages"]
def _get_language_code(self, query):
return "FR" #TODO: Convert parse language from query and convert possibly into lang code depending on api requirements
# Return None if language not recognized
def _clean_up_text(self, query):
return "cleaned up text" #TODO: remove characters that are not needed to translate text (apis charge per char sent, not per char translated)
def translate_deepl(self, text, language):
self.deepl_chars_translated += len(text)
headers = {
'Authorization': 'DeepL-Auth-Key ' + deepl_api_key,
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
json_data = {
'text': [text],
'target_lang': language,
response ='', headers=headers, json=json_data)
return response
def translate_google(self, text, language):
self.google_chars_translated += len(text)
return "" #TODO: add in google translate api, probably using python client library for google api
def translate(self, text):
parsed_text = self._clean_up_text(text) #TODO: Parse text and extract language and query from it,
target_language = self._get_language_code(text)
if target_language in self.supported_deepl_langs:
return self.translate_deepl(parsed_text, target_language)
if target_language is not None:
return self.translate_google(text, target_language)
return self.translate_google(text, "auto")