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from ctparse import ctparse #Used for parsing time (parsetime),
import parsedatetime #Used for parsing time (parsetime2),
import HumanTime
import arrow
import natural_time
from datetime import datetime
import time
# if __name__ == '__main__':
from regexTimeParser import RegexTimeParser
# else:
# from skills.regexTimeParser import RegexTimeParser
Reading Material:
This has a bunch of regex expressions for NLP of time, might be able to modify this + parsedatetime + ctparse into my
own custom implementation that does everything I want. Maybe if it works well enough I can post it to pypi as its own
module and github for contributions.
def parsetime(phrase):
Takes in natrual language time phrase, outputs datetime object
ts =
p = ctparse(phrase, ts=ts)
# print(p)
if p is not None:
return p.resolution.dt
return p
# return ctparse(phrase, ts=ts)
def parsetime2(phrase):
Takes in natrual language time phrase, outputs datetime object
Handles seconds better
Doesnt handle 'in the afternoon'
Does handle 'this afternoon'
time_struct, parse_status = parsedatetime.Calendar().parse(phrase)
# print(time_struct, parse_status)
return datetime(*time_struct[:6])
def parsetime3(phrase):
return HumanTime.parseTime(phrase)
def parsetime4(phrase):
return arrow.utcnow().dehumanize(phrase)
def parsetime5(phrase):
return natural_time.natural_time(phrase)
time_parser = RegexTimeParser()
def parsetime6(phrase):
return time_parser.parse_time(phrase)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# t = parsetime('May 5th in the afternoon')
# print(t)
# t55 = parsetime('set an alarm for 2:30 in the afternoon')
# print(t55)
# t66 = parsetime('147 in the afternoon')
# print(t66)
# t67 = parsetime2('147 in the afternoon')
# print(t67)
t68 = parsetime6('147 afternoon')
t88 = parsetime6('1 in the afternoon')
t89 = parsetime6('thursday at 9 pm')
# t89 = parsetime5('147 in the afternoon')
# print(t89)
# t90 = parsetime5('147 after noon')
# print(t90)
# print(time.mktime(t67.timetuple()))
# t5 = parsetime('in 5 minutes 30 seconds')
# print(t5)
# t2 = parsetime('15 seconds')
# # print(t2)
# # print(t2)
# if t2 is not None:
# print(t2.resolution)
# t2 = parsetime2('now')
# print(time.mktime(t2.timetuple()))
# t3 = parsetime2('in 5 minutes 30 seconds')
# print(time.mktime(t3.timetuple()))
# t4 = parsetime2('4 in the afternoon')
# print(time.mktime(t4.timetuple()))
# print(t4)
# print(time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", t3.timetuple()))
# for x in t:
# print(x)