""" Using notification logic from timers.py to notify at specified time have web app to access list of reminders? (notion api?) look into location based reminders and see if thats possible (maybe ntfy.sh supports this?) Look into using ios reminders url scheme to add reminder to ios reminders app - send url to ios device using ntfy.sh Even better, use this library: https://github.com/picklepete/pyicloud/blob/master/pyicloud/services/reminders.py (icloud reminders api, reads/writes reminders from/to ios reminders app) """ # from skills.skill import Skill from skill import Skill class Reminders(Skill): # ntfy.sh notification? def __init__(self): self.trigger_phrase = "reminders" def get_reminders(self): pass def new_reminder(self, query): pass # Call this to add new reminder, this calls # _add_reminder, parse_reminder_query, and _parse_location or _parse_time if needed def _add_reminder(self, text, time=None, location=None, leave=False): """ Text : reminder text Time : Time/date to remind Location : Location to remind Leave : true/false, if location is not None, this decides if the reminder is upon arrival or departure of location """ pass def parse_reminder_query(self, query): pass #TODO: Take sentence like "remind me at 5pm tomorrow to walk the dog" and parse out 5pm tomorrow and walk the dog #TODO: Or "remind me when I leave my current location to not forget my keys" and parse out "leave current location" and "not forget my keys" def _parse_location(self, location_text): pass #Convert verbal location into standardized format def _parse_time(self, time_text): pass #Convert time into standardized format