import json import requests # from datetime import datetime import time import random import copy class TodoDatabase: def __init__(self, filename="data.json"): self.filename = filename self.database = {} try: with open(self.filename) as f: self.database = json.load(f) except: pass def save_todo(self, date, todo, save=True): if "recurring" not in self.database: self.database["recurring"] = [] if date not in self.database: # if not len(self.database[date]) > 0: self.database[date] = [] #copy.deepcopy(self.database["recurring"]) if todo.recurring: self.database["recurring"].append(todo.model_dump()) self.database[date].append(todo.model_dump()) if save: self._save_database() def save_todos(self, date, todos): for todo in todos: self.save_todo(date, todo, save=False) self._save_database() def remove_todos(self, date): if date in self.database: del self.database[date] def remove_recurring(self, todo): if 'recurring' in self.database: self.database['recurring'] = [i for i in self.database['recurring'] if (i["time"] == todo.time and i['task'] == todo.task)] # t = [i for i in t if!="Remove me"] def read_todos(self, date): # if self.datebase[date] is None: # return [] if date not in self.database: if "recurring" not in self.database: return [] return self.database["recurring"] if "recurring" in self.database: return self.database[date] + self.database['recurring'] return self.database[date] def _update_quotes(self): r = requests.get("") res = r.json() # if "quotes" not in self.database: self.database["quotes"] = res self.database["quotes_last_updated"] = time.time() self._save_database() def get_random_quote(self): # print(time.time()) if ("quotes_last_updated" not in self.database) or ("quotes" not in self.database) or (time.time()-self.database["quotes_last_updated"] > 86400): self._update_quotes() quote = random.choice(self.database["quotes"]) return [quote['q'], "- " + quote['a']] def _save_database(self): with open(self.filename, 'w') as f: json.dump(self.database, f) if __name__ == '__main__': data = TodoDatabase() # data._update_quotes() print(data.get_random_quote())