You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

3672 lines
138 KiB

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters!

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters that may be confused with others in your current locale. If your use case is intentional and legitimate, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to highlight these characters.

# Copyright 2015 Fanficdownloader team, 2021 FanFicFare team
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
## [defaults] section applies to all formats and sites but may be
## overridden at several levels. Example:
## [defaults]
## titlepage_entries: category,genre, status
## []
## # overrides defaults.
## titlepage_entries: category,genre, status,dateUpdated,rating
## [epub]
## # overrides defaults & site section
## titlepage_entries: category,genre,status,datePublished,dateUpdated,dateCreated
## []
## # overrides defaults, site section & format section
## titlepage_entries: category,genre, status,datePublished
## [overrides]
## # overrides all other sections
## titlepage_entries: category
## Some sites also require the user to confirm they are adult for
## adult content. Defaults to false.
## All available titlepage_entries and the label used for them:
## <entryname>_label:<label>
## Labels may be customized.
storyUrl_label:Story URL
authorUrl_label:Author URL
## epub, txt, html
formatname_label:File Format
## .epub, .txt, .html
formatext_label:File Extension
## Category and Genre have overlap, depending on the site.
## Sometimes Harry Potter is a category and Fantasy a genre. (
## Sometimes Fantasy is category *and* a genre (
## Sometimes there are multiple categories and/or genres.
seriesUrl_label:Series URL
## seriesHTML is series as a link to seriesUrl.
## Completed/In-Progress
## Dates story first published, last updated, and downloaded(last with time).
## Rating depends on the site. Some use K,T,M,etc, and some PG,R,NC-17
## Also depends on the site.
##,, etc.
## ffnet, fpcom, etc.
siteabbrev_label:Site Abbrev
## The site's unique story/author identifier. Usually a number.
storyId_label:Story ID
authorId_label:Author ID
## Primarily to put specific values in dc:subject tags for epub. Will
## show up in Calibre as tags. Also carried into mobi when converted.
extratags_label:Extra Tags
## The version of FanFicFare
version_label:Downloader Version
## The metadata entry 'site' predates Calibre integration, and was
## later labeled Publisher and used to fill Calibre's Publisher field.
## Because users keep expecting it to be 'publisher' instead,
## 'publisher' is now a copy of 'site' and the Calibre plugin now uses
## 'publisher' instead. Default titlepage_entries are also changed.
## Date formats used by FanFicFare. Published and Update don't have time.
## See
## Note that ini format requires % to be escaped as %%.
dateCreated_format:%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S
## Items to include in the title page
## Empty metadata entries will *not* appear, unless .SHOW_EMPTY is
## appended. Eg: titlepage_entries: ..., characters.SHOW_EMPTY,
## ships,... will always display Characters, but only show
## Relationships if there are any. You can include extra text or HTML
## that will be included as-is in the title page. Eg:
## titlepage_entries: ...,<br />,summary,<br />,...
## All current formats already include title and author.
titlepage_entries: seriesHTML,category,genre,language,characters,ships,status,datePublished,dateUpdated,dateCreated,rating,warnings,numChapters,numWords,publisher,description
## Try to collect series name and number of this story in series.
## Some sites (ab)use 'series' for reading lists and personal
## collections. This lets us turn it on and off by site without
## keeping a lengthy titlepage_entries per site and prevents it
## updating in the plugin.
collect_series: true
## include title page as first page.
include_titlepage: true
## include a TOC page before the story text
include_tocpage: true
## website encoding(s) In theory, each website reports the character
## encoding they use for each page. In practice, some sites report it
## incorrectly. Each adapter has a default list, usually "utf8,
## Windows-1252" or "Windows-1252, utf8", but this will let you
## explicitly set the encoding and order if you need to. The special
## value 'auto' will call chardet and use the encoding it reports if
## it has +90% confidence. 'auto' is not reliable.
#website_encodings: utf8, Windows-1252, iso-8859-1
## For sites (or individual stories) with problematic characters you
## can include ':ignore' after the encoding. This will discard
## unrecognized characters, but likely also prevent the rest of the
## encoding list from ever being used.
#website_encodings: utf8:ignore, Windows-1252, iso-8859-1
## When using 'auto' in website_encodings, you can tweak the
## confidence required to use the chardet detected.
## python string Template, string with ${title}, ${author} etc, same as titlepage_entries
## Can include directories.
#output_filename: books/${title}-${siteabbrev}_${storyId}${formatext}
#output_filename: books/${formatname}/${siteabbrev}/${authorId}/${title}-${siteabbrev}_${storyId}${formatext}
output_filename: ${title}-${siteabbrev}_${storyId}${formatext}
## Make directories as needed.
make_directories: true
## Always overwrite output files. Otherwise, the downloader checks
## the timestamp on the existing file and only overwrites if the story
## has been updated more recently. Command line version only
#always_overwrite: true
## put output (with output_filename) in a zip file zip_filename.
zip_output: false
## Can include directories.
zip_filename: ${title}-${siteabbrev}_${storyId}${formatext}.zip
## Normally, try to make the filenames 'safe' by removing invalid
## filename chars. Applies to default_cover_image, force_cover_image,
## output_filename & zip_filename.
allow_unsafe_filename: false
## The regex pattern of 'unsafe' filename chars for above. First
## character . OR any one or more characters that are NOT a letter,
## number, or one of _. []()&'-
output_filename_safepattern:(^\.|/\.|[^a-zA-Z0-9_\. \[\]\(\)&'-]+)
## entries to make epub subjects and calibre tags
## lastupdate creates two tags: "Last Update Year/Month: %Y/%m" and "Last Update: %Y/%m/%d"
include_subject_tags: extratags, genre, category, characters, ships, lastupdate, status
## extra tags (comma separated) to include, primarily for epub.
extratags: FanFiction
## extra categories, genres, characters, ships and warnings can be
## configured. Used primarily for sites that are dedicated to a genre
## or 'ship and so don't included it for every story.
## Add this to *genre* if there's more than one category. Applied
## *before* genre replace_metadata/include/exclude_metadata
#add_genre_when_multi_category: Crossover
## Add this category if there's more than one category(before this is added).
## Applied *after* category replace_metadata/include/exclude_metadata
#add_category_when_multi_category: Crossover
## default_value_(entry) can be used to set the value for a metadata
## entry when no value has been found on the site. For example, some
## sites doesn't have a status metadatum. If uncommented, this will
## use 'Unknown' for status when no status is found.
## Can also be used for other metadata values
## number of seconds to sleep between calls to the story site. May be
## useful if pulling large numbers of stories or if the site is slow.
## The actual sleep time used on each request is a random number
## between 0.5 and 1.5 times slow_down_sleep_time.
## How long to wait for each HTTP connection to finish. Longer times
## are better for sites that are slow to respond. Shorter times
## prevent excessive wait when your network or the site is down.
## For use only with CLI version--run a command on the generated file
## after it's produced. All of the titlepage_entries values are
## available, plus output_filename.
#post_process_cmd: addbook -f "${output_filename}" -t "${title}"
## Some operating systems and command shells have problems with some
## characters. When set, post_process_safepattern will be applied to
## each metadata item passed to post_process_cmd before it's called.
#post_process_safepattern:(^\.|/\.|[^a-zA-Z0-9_\. \[\]\(\)&'-]+)
## For use only with CLI version--run a command *before* the output
## file is written. All of the titlepage_entries values are
## available, (but not output_filename). Can be used to generate
## cover images that are then included in the output ebook using
## default_cover_image. --author "${author}" --title "${title}" --cover cover.png
## Some operating systems and command shells have problems with some
## characters. When set, pre_process_safepattern will be applied to
## each metadata item passed to pre_process_cmd before it's called.
#pre_process_safepattern:(^\.|/\.|[^a-zA-Z0-9_\. \[\]\(\)&'-]+)
## For use only with CLI version--display a simple progress bar while
## downloading--one dot(.) per network fetch. Same as using --progressbar
## Use regular expressions to find and replace (or remove) metadata.
## For example, you could change Sci-Fi=>SF, remove *-Centered tags,
## etc. See (look for re.sub)
## for regexp details.
## Make sure to keep at least one space at the start of each line and
## to escape % to %%, if used.
## Two, three or five part lines. Two part effect everything.
## Three part effect only those key(s) lists.
## *Five* part lines. Effect only when trailing conditional key=>regexp matches
## metakey[,metakey]=>pattern=>replacement[&&conditionalkey=>regexp]
## Note that if metakey == conditionalkey the conditional is ignored.
## You can use \s in the replacement to add explicit spaces. (The config parser
## tends to discard trailing spaces.)
## replace_metadata <entry>_LIST options: FanFicFare replace_metadata lines
## operate on individual list items for list entries. But if you
## want to do a replacement on the joined string for the whole list,
## you can by using <entry>_LIST. Example, if you added
## calibre_author: calibre_author_LIST=>^(.{,100}).*$=>\1
## You can 'split' one list item into multiple list entries by using
## \, in the replacement string.
## Examples:
# genre,category=>Sci-Fi=>SF
# Puella Magi Madoka Magica.*=>Madoka
# Comedy=>Humor
# Crossover: (.*)=>\1
# title=>(.*)Great(.*)=>\1Moderate\2
# .*-Centered=>
# characters=>Sam W\.=>Sam Witwicky&&category=>Transformers
# characters=>Sam W\.=>Sam Winchester&&category=>Supernatural
# category=>Bitextual=>M/M\,F/M
## Include/Exclude metadata
## You can use the include/exclude metadata features to either limit
## the values of particular metadata lists to specific values or to
## exclude specific values. Further, you can conditionally apply each
## line depending on other metadata, use exact strings or regular
## expressions(regex) to match values, and negate matches.
## The settings are:
## include_metadata_pre
## exclude_metadata_pre
## include_metadata_post
## exclude_metadata_post
## The form of each line is:
## metakey[,metakey]==exactvalue
## metakey[,metakey]=~regex
## metakey[,metakey]==exactvalue&&conditionalkey==exactcondvalue
## metakey[,metakey]=~regex&&conditionalkey==exactcondvalue
## metakey[,metakey]==exactvalue&&conditionalkey=~condregex
## This is fairly complicated, so it's documented on its own wiki
## page:
## When set true, conditionals for both replace_metadata and
## Include/Exclude metadata will check against each list value rather
## than the entire list as a string which was the case prior to this
## change (~Dec 2018). replace_metadata conditionals (after &&) can
## also now use ==, !=, =~ and !~. => is the same as =~ .)
## Set false to get the old behavior. You can also compare the list
## as string by using <entry>_LIST, such as category_LIST
## You can exclude chapters from a story by listing their chapter URLs
## in ignore_chapter_url_list. Chapter URLs will be normalized before
## being used, so you can use either longer or normalized chapter
## URLs.
## NOTE: This will cause numWords(word count) to be off for most sites.
## This setting should be used in a specific story's section.
## Example:
## Rarely, some stories on some sites (observed on SpaceBattles) might
## have the same chapter URL listed more than once. Set true for
## those stories.
## Some sites/authors/stories use several br tags for scene/section
## breaks. When set replace_xbr_with_hr:X will cause FFF to search
## for X or more consecutive br tags and replace them with br br hr br.
## Some readers don't show horizontal rule (<hr />) tags correctly.
## This replaces them all with a centered '* * *'. (Note centering
## doesn't work on some devices either.)
#replace_hr: false
## Some sites/authors/stories use br tags instead of p tags for
## paragraphs. This feature uses some heuristics to find and replace
## br paragraphs with p tags while preserving scene breaks.
#replace_br_with_p: false
## If set false, the summary will have all html stripped.
## Both this and include_images must be true to get images in the
## summary.
## If set true, any style attributes on tags in the story HTML will be
## kept. Useful for keeping extra colors & formatting from original.
## DEPRECATED - use keep_html_attrs (or add_to_keep_html_attrs) instead.
#keep_style_attr: false
## If set true, any title attributes on tags in the story HTML will be
## kept. Some sites(AO3) use <a title="Translation">Foreign language</a>
## DEPRECATED - use keep_html_attrs (or add_to_keep_html_attrs) instead.
#keep_title_attr: false
## Some attributes cause problems for EBook readers. By default,
## FanFicFare will remove all attributes except the ones specified
## from all tags. (The only exception is that <img> tags will also
## keep src, alt and longdesc attributes. data-orighref is used by
## internalize_text_links to preserve links when chapters are
## inserted.)
## Example: To add 'style', 'title' and 'align' to the list to keep,
## in your personal.ini [defaults] put:
## add_to_keep_html_attrs:,style,title,align
## Some tags, notable chapter div tags from Base eFiction, have
## class='chapter', which causes calibre convert to identify it as a
## chapter and 'pagebreak' at that point, aka split the file, which
## adds unexpected pagebreaks and breaks FFF update if an epub to epub
## conversion is done. Remove class='chapter' from all tags by
## default. Also affects previously downloaded chapters on epub
## update.
## Tags listed here will be replaced with <span class="tagname">.
## For example: <u>underlined text</u> becomes
## <span class="u">underlined text</span>
## Note that the output_css should contain the class .u, .big, etc for
## the spans to be useful.
## This feature is for replacing old tags deprecated/removed in newer
## HTML and EPUB standards.
## By default, empty tags are removed as part of cleaning up the
## source HTML. However, a few tags should be kept even if empty.
## (Whitespace only, including &nbsp; is considered empty.) This
## setting can adjust which tags are kept.
## By default, script and style tags are removed from chapter text as
## part of cleaning up the source HTML. Found several book readers
## that didn't treat those tags in <body> correctly. Set to empty if
## you want to keep those tags.
## If a chapter range was given, use this pattern for the book title.
## replace_metadata and include/exclude will be applied *after* this.
## Set to empty value to disable.
title_chapter_range_pattern:${title} (Ch ${first}-${last})
## Don't like the numbers at the start of chapter titles on some
## sites? You can use strip_chapter_numbers to strip them off. Just
## want to make them all look the same? Strip them off, then add them
## back on with add_chapter_numbers:true. Only want them added back
## on for Table of Contents(toc)? Use add_chapter_numbers:toconly.
## (toconly doesn't work on mobi output.) Don't like the way it
## strips numbers or adds them back? See chapter_title_strip_pattern
## and chapter_title_add_pattern.
## add_chapter_numbers can be true, false or toconly
## (Note number is not added when there's only one chapter.)
## (Two versions of chapter_title_strip_pattern are shown below. You
## should only have one uncommented.)
## This version will remove the leading number from:
## "1." => ""
## "1. The Beginning" => "The Beginning"
## "1: Start" => "Start"
## "2, Chapter the second" => "Chapter the second"
## etc
## Leaves unchanged "1.1" or "1"
## Note that your ToC entry(ies) may be empty if the
## chapter_title_strip_pattern removes everything and you don't have
## add_chapter_numbers:true.
chapter_title_strip_pattern:^[0-9]+[\.: -]+(?=[^0-9]|$)
## This version remove leading numbers and 'Chapter 1':
## "Chapter 1" => ""
## "1. Chapter 1" => ""
## "1. Chapter 1, Bob's First Clue" => "Bob's First Clue"
## "Chapter 2 - Pirates Place" => "Pirates Place"
## etc
## Note that your ToC entry(ies) may be empty if the
## chapter_title_strip_pattern removes everything and you don't have
## add_chapter_numbers:true.
#chapter_title_strip_pattern:^([0-9]+[\.: -]+)?(Chapter *[0-9]+[\.:, -]*)?
## If true, when updating an epub that already has old chapters, new
## chapters will be marked in the TOC and chapter header by using
## chapter_title_new_pattern and chapter_title_addnew_pattern to set
## the chapter title.
## If set to latestonly, only new chapters downloaded this time will
## be marked (new) and existing chapters will have any (new) marks
## removed.
## mark_new_chapters can be true, false or latestonly
## chapter title patterns use python template substitution. The
## ${number} is the 'chapter' number and ${title} is the chapter
## title, after applying chapter_title_strip_pattern. ${index04} is
## chapter number padded with leading zeros (mostly for internal use)
## such as 0001. ${index} == ${number} for backward compatibility. A
## few site adapters add additional chapter metadata.
## The basic pattern used when not using add_chapter_numbers or
## mark_new_chapters
## Pattern used with add_chapter_numbers, but not mark_new_chapters
chapter_title_add_pattern:${number}. ${title}
## Pattern used with mark_new_chapters, but not add_chapter_numbers
## (new) is just text and can be changed.
chapter_title_new_pattern:(new) ${title}
## Pattern used with add_chapter_numbers and mark_new_chapters
## (new) is just text and can be changed.
chapter_title_addnew_pattern:${number}. (new) ${title}
## Reorder ships so b/a and c/b/a become a/b and a/b/c. '/' is no
## longer hard coded and can be changed and added to with
## sort_ships_splits.
## Each line indicates first a regex that should be used to split each
## ships entry and then, after => the string to use to merge the parts
## back together. \s == blank space.
## Each part will have replace_metadata with key ships_CHARS applied.
[ ]*/[ ]*=>/
[ ]*&amp;[ ]*=>\s&amp;\s
## join_string_<entry> options -- FanFicFare list entries are comma
## separated by default. You can use this to change that. For example,
## if you want authors separated with ' & ' instead, use
## join_string_calibre_author:\s&\s. (\s == space)
## keep_in_order_<entry> options: FanFicFare sorts list entries by default
## (except for author/authorUrl/authorId). But if you want to use an
## extra entry derived from author, it ends up sorted. For example, if
## you added calibre_author: keep_in_order_calibre_author:true
## User-agent
## Added for [base_xenforoforum], but can be used with other sites,
## too. Limit the 'description' to the first X *characters*
## collected. Character count includes HTML tags, so it can be
## non-intuitive.
## As a work around for certain sites blocking automated downloads,
## FFF now offers the ability to look for pages in your Chrome(or
## Chromium-derived) or Firefox browser's cache. Requires both
## use_browser_cache:true and browser_cache_path to be set.
## browser_cache_path needs to be set to the location of YOUR browser
## cache. Here are a few examples for different OS. Note that all
## have YOUR user name in them somewhere as well as a Profile name,
## frequently Default. Make sure you have personalized (and
## uncommented) ONE browser_cache_path setting. Also note that Chrome
## browsers added an additional directory level, 'Cache_Data', in
## early 2022.
## Note also that browser_cache_path is recommended under [defaults],
## but use_browser_cache should go under individual [site] sections.
## windows:
### Chrome:
#browser_cache_path:C:\Users\YourUser\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cache\Cache_Data
#browser_cache_path:C:\Users\YourUser\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\Cache\Cache_Data
### Firefox
## mac:
### Chrome:
#browser_cache_path:/Users/your.user/Library/Caches/Google/Chrome/Profile 2/Cache/Cache_Data
### Firefox
## linux:
### Chrome:
#browser_cache_path:/home/youruser/.cache/google-chrome/Profile 1/Cache/Cache_Data
### Firefox
## It's common for browser cached files to be kept for several hours
## or more. You can limit the age of cached files FFF will use from
## browser_cache_path with browser_cache_age_limit. Only cached files
## that were downloaded within 'browser_cache_age_limit' hours will be
## used. If set to -1, all cached files will be used. Note that not
## all sites allow page caching--those will not work with the browser
## cache feature.
## If browser_cache_path is set *and* use_browser_cache:true *and*
## use_browser_cache_only:true, then you can also set
## open_pages_in_browser:true then FFF to attempt to open each page it
## can't already find in browser cache in your default browser, then
## check for it in the cache again. Note that your browser_cache_path
## setting *must* use your default browser for this to work.
## As a (second) work around for certain sites blocking automated
## downloads, FFF offers the ability to request pages through nsapa's
## fanfictionnet_ff_proxy and FlareSolverr proxy servers. See
## for more
## details.
## FlareSolverr ( is a
## generic proxy that works with several otherwise blocked sites.
## It's recommended to only set use_flaresolverr_proxy:true for
## specific sites.
## FlareSolverr v1 doesn't work with some sites anymore (including
## ffnet), but FlareSolverr v2+ cannot download images.
## use_flaresolverr_proxy:true assumes FSv2 and automatically sets
## include_images:false
## If you want to use FSv1 with images, you can set
## use_flaresolverr_proxy:withimages
## flaresolverr_proxy_timeout is in integer milliseconds
## option settings, these are the defaults:
## Because some adapters can pull chapter URLs from human posts, the
## odds of errors in the chapter URLs can be higher for some
## sites/stories. You can set continue_on_chapter_error:true to
## continue on after failing to download a chapter and instead record
## an error message in the ebook for that chapter.
## Append this to chapter titles that errored. Only used with
## continue_on_chapter_error:true
## Set empty to not mark failed chapters.
chapter_title_error_mark:(CHAPTER ERROR)
## The FFF CLI can fetch story URLs from unread emails when configured
## to read from your IMAP mail server. The example shows GMail, but
## other services that support IMAP can be used. GMail requires you
## to turn on an option to enable IMAP access. Only the CLI uses these
## options--the Calibre Plugin stores these separately.
## It's safest if you create a separate email account that you use
## only for your story update notices. FanFicFare cannot guarantee
## that malicious code cannot get your email password once you've
## saved it. Use this feature at your own risk.
## Mark mails with story URLs read:
## imap_mark_read can be 'true', 'false'(default) or 'downloadonly'.
## If 'true', unread emails will be marked as read when
## either CLI option --imap to list the story URLs or --download-imap
## to download story URLs from email are used.
## If 'downloadonly', unread emails will be marked as read
## only when CLI --download-imap to download story URLs from email are
## used.
## If 'false', unread emails will not be marked as read.
## Only unread emails will be searched for story URLs, and only emails
## containing valid story URLs will ever be marked read.
## Some authors use 'Zalgo' text--arbitrary and often excessive
## added/combined unicode markings--to indicate 'noise' of some kind.
## While a critical part of some languages, when over used it can also
## cause problems for some ebook readers, such as Kindle.
## This setting will reduce the number 'Zalgo' characters. Set to 0
## to remove all of them, -1 or leave undefined for no limit.
## Note: This will also remove other 'marked' unicode characters. If
## set to 0, café will become cafe, déjà -> deja, etc. 1 will keep
## single marks and is the recommended setting if you use it.
## Apply adapter's normalize_chapterurl() to all links in chapter
## texts, if they match the known pattern(s) for chapter URLs. As of
## writing, base_xenforoforum, adapter_archiveofourownorg &
## adapter_tthfanficorg implement normalize_chapterurl().
## Search all links in the chapter texts and convert relative links to
## absolute links so they work from ebooks. Only works with epub and
## html output formats.
## Search all links in chapter texts and, if they match any included
## chapter URLs, replace them with links to the chapter in the
## download. Only works with epub and html output formats.
## normalize_text_links will improve URL matching considerably.
## Of the ~140 supported sites, only ~50 have been checked to work
## correctly with a page cache. The page cache is used save already
## downloaded pages which can be called more than once, especially in
## the Calibre plugin.
## At the time of writing, eFiction Base adapters allow downloading
## the whole story in bulk using the 'Print' feature. If 'bulk_load'
## is set to 'true', both metadata and chapters can be loaded in one
## step
## Extra metadata that many base_efiction sites have
storynotes_label:Story Notes
## Some sites require login for some stories
## XenForo sites require login for some stories, but don't report that
## to FFF. To download those, set your username, password and set
## always_login:true
## We've been requested by the site(s) admin to rein in hits. If you
## download fewer stories less often you can likely get by with
## reducing this sleep.
## exclude emoji and default avatars.
## use author(original poster)'s avatar as cover image when true.
## I saw lots of chapters name simply '1.1' etc during testing.
## Copy title to tagsfromtitle for parsing tags.
## '.NOREPL' tells the system to *not* apply title's
## in/exclude/replace_metadata -- Only works on include_in_ lines.
tagsfromtitle_label:Tags from Title
forumtags_label:Tags from Forum
parentforums_label:Parent Forums
## What forum a thread is in can be an indicator of it's category, but
## most are too general to be useful; only keep the more specific
## ones. You can replace add to this list in personal.ini
## [base_xenforoforum], or add to it in the sites' [section].
parentforums==Original Fiction
## disable chapter range in title because of tagsfromtitle processing.
# 'detects' if there are 'tags'. That is, [( in title. Replaces
# previous version's include_metadata_pre Can't do on tagsfromtitle
# because that's applied to each part after split.
# change ][ and )( to , for [AU][Othertag] etc
tagsfromtitle=>\] *\[=>,
tagsfromtitle=>\) *\(=>,
# for QuestionableQuesting NSFW subforum.
# remove anything outside () or []. Note \, at the end used to
# prevent looping back so '[Worm(AU)]' becomes 'Worm(AU)' not just 'AU'
# remove () []
# tagsfromtitle=>[\(\)\[\]]=>
# shield these html entities from the ';' pattern below
# change (spaces)slash(or semicolon, pipe or comma)(spaces) to comma
tagsfromtitle=> *[/;|,] *=>,
# revert html entities
tagsfromtitle=> [xX] =>,
# split commas into individual list items.
# these will work on up to 14 splits, should be plenty.
# remove [] or () blocks and leading/trailing spaces/dashes/colons
title=>[-: ]*(\[([^\]]+)\]|\(([^\)]+)\))[-: ]*=>
# remove 'Thread' and the next word, usually "Thread 2", "Thread
# four", "Thread iv", "Story Thread", etc
title,tagsfromtitle=>[-: ,]*(Story *)?[Tt]hread [^ ]+[-: ]*=>
# Normalize 'fanfiction/fanfic/fan-fiction' a little.
## XenForo tags are all lowercase everywhere that I've seen. This
## makes the first letter of each word uppercase. Applied before
## replace_metadata.
## Add forumtags to standard entry genre and tagsfromtitle to
## category. Can be changed in personal.ini if desired.
## Previously was:
## base_xenforoforum reads Published and Updated datetimes from
## Threadmarks if used, or from the posted & updated times of the
## 'first' post if no threadmarks.
datePublished_format:%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M
dateUpdated_format:%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M
## Only take the first X characters of the 'first' post to use as
## the description.
## When given a thread URL, use threadmarks as chapter links when
## there are at least this many threadmarks. A number of older
## threads have a single threadmark to an 'index' post. Set to 1 to
## use threadmarks whenever they exist.
## When 'first post' (or post URL) is being added as a chapter, give
## the chapter this title.
first_post_title:First Post
## In normal operation, if given a post URL or a thread URL with less
## than minimum_threadmarks, the given post or the first post of the
## thread will be included as the first chapter (with chapter title
## from first_post_title) unless that post is explicitly linked to in
## the collected chapter list. First post is not included when using
## thread marks unless threadmarked.
## If always_include_first_post:true, then the given or first post
## will be included as above even if it is a link in the post or even
## if threadmarks are used. Can result in a duplicated chapter.
## In normal operation, when updating an existing epub, old chapters
## will be reused as-is. Normally, that works fine, but forum stories
## sometimes have an index post as the first 'chapter', and the
## version in the first chapter gets out of sync.
## If always_reload_first_chapter:true, then the first chapter will
## always be downloaded again (ie, reloaded). It will NOT be marked
## '(new)' (see mark_new_chapters). Because it is reloaded, manual
## edits made to the first chapter will be lost.
## While intended for base_xenforoforum sites, this setting can be
## applied to other sites.
## In normal operation, forumtags will only be populated when
## threadmarks are used for chapters (see minimum_threadmarks above).
## When always_use_forumtags:true, always populate forumtags.
## base_xenforoforum sites sometimes have 'spoiler' blocks in
## posts. When viewed in a browser, the block is hidden until a button
## is clicked. eBook viewers can't handle that and the javascript is
## disabled. The remove_spoilers option, if uncommented and set true,
## will remove spoiler blocks entirely.
## This option if uncommented and set true, will put a box around the
## spoiler blocks with the original spoiler button text as a label
## using fieldset and legend HTML tags. For a simple box, see the
## add_to_output_css example for [base_xenforoforum:epub] below.
## True by built-in default, but only applied if using threadmarks for
## chapters and a 'reader' URL is found in the thread, 'reader mode'
## will reduce the number of pages fetched by roughly 10 to 1 for a
## full story download by using the threadmarks-only reader pages.
## In case the number of posts per reader page changes. Built-in default is
## 10.
## xenforoforum has categories of threadmarks. This setting allows
## you to leave out categories you don't want. Skipping categories
## will also speed downloads as categories other than 'Threadmarks'
## don't use Reader Mode.
## The last known list of categories is:
## Threadmarks,Sidestory,Apocrypha,Media,Informational,Staff Post
#skip_threadmarks_categories:Staff Post
## I'm not a fan of using the word 'Apocrypha' for the threadmark
## category when everybody usually calls them Omake. Set true to
## change Apocrypha to Omake. Applied *after*
## skip_threadmarks_categories.
## If desired, you can change the order FFF places threadmark
## categories. (This setting does not remove categories, you need to
## use skip_threadmarks_categories for that.)
#threadmark_category_order:Threadmarks,Sidestory,Apocrypha,Omake,Media,Informational,Staff Post
## By default, FFF orders threadmarks first by category, then in the
## order they appear as determined by the author. When
## order_threadmarks_by_date:true, all included threadmarks
## (skip_threadmarks_categories still works) will instead be ordered
## by their datetime as reported in threadmarks. Different threadmark
## categories will be mixed together, and I've seen at least one case
## of post order on the site disagreeing with post datetime. Note
## that if order_threadmarks_by_date_categories (see below),
## order_threadmarks_by_date is ignored.
## By default, FFF orders threadmarks first by category, then in the
## order they appear as determined by the author. When
## order_threadmarks_by_date_categories is set, the listed threadmark
## categories are sorted by their datetime (as reported in
## threadmarks), the different threadmark categories mixed together.
## Categories *not* listed in order_threadmarks_by_date_categories
## will all be *after* the date sorted threadmarks in category, then
## threadmark order. Note that if
## order_threadmarks_by_date_categories is set,
## order_threadmarks_by_date (see above) is ignored.
## SV & SB (and possibly QQ and AH) like to use sprite smilies --
## smiley images that are all in one image file for performance and
## are shown by CSS background with offsets. Epub viewers don't like
## that.
## The sprite smiley img tags generally do have alt attributes that get
## the point across: ":)" ":D" ":(" ":lol" etc. And not all smilies
## on these sites use sprite images, so some can be used as is.
## When replace_failed_smilies_with_alt_text:true, any images that
## failed to download or are src=clear.png *and* have a class containing
## mceSmilie and an alt attribute will be replaced with:
## <span class="(classes)">(alt text)</span>
## The smiley classes are preserved in case the user wants to do
## something special with them.
## SB, SV & QQ (but not AH) provide word counts with threadmarks. Set
## use_threadmark_wordcounts:true to sum and use them to fill
## numWords. skip_threadmarks_categories and ignore_chapter_url_list
## are applied *before* summing.
## SB, SV & QQ base_xenforoforum sites using use_threadmark_wordcounts
## is one of the few cases where numWords is effected by
## ignore_chapter_url_list.
## Note: that if always_include_first_post is true, first post will not
## be included in the word count if not also threadmarked.
## Note 2: Word counts from the site exclude words inside Spoiler
## tags.
## base_xenforoforum stories with threadmarks have a few additional
## pieces of metadata available that most adapters don't. 'date';
## 'words'--word count as number only: "12104"; and kwords--the
## threadmark human-readable string for word count with parens:
## "(12.1k)" These can be used with custom output (see
## ) or with
## chapter_title_*_pattern settings.
## Examples for html & epub:
# <a href="#section${index04}">${chapter}</a> ${date} ${kwords}<br />
# <a href="file${index04}.xhtml">${chapter}</a> ${date} ${kwords}<br /><br />
## The 'date' value for chapters mentioned above can be formated with
## datethreadmark_format. Otherwise it will default to
## dateCreated_format
#datethreadmark_format:%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M
## The basic pattern used when not using add_chapter_numbers or
## mark_new_chapters
#chapter_title_def_pattern:${title} ${date}
## Pattern used with add_chapter_numbers, but not mark_new_chapters
#chapter_title_add_pattern:${number}. ${title} ${date}
## Pattern used with mark_new_chapters, but not add_chapter_numbers
## (new) is just text and can be changed.
#chapter_title_new_pattern:(new) ${title} ${date}
## Pattern used with add_chapter_numbers and mark_new_chapters
## (new) is just text and can be changed.
#chapter_title_addnew_pattern:${number}. (new) ${title} ${date}
## When set true, always_include_first_post_chapters will cause FFF to
## treat both threadmarks *and* first post links as chapter links.
## When reveal_invisible_text is set true, adapter will search for
## <span style="color:transparent"> tags and remove the style
## attribute. Also adds class="invisible_text" for custom CSS
## styling, see invisible_text add_to_output_css example below.
## See remove_spoilers above for more about 'spoilers'. This example
## shows how to put a simple line around spoiler blocks. Uncomment
## all three lines, keep the leading space before .bbCodeSpoilerContainer.
# .bbCodeSpoilerContainer { border: 1px solid black; padding: 2px; }
## When reveal_invisible_text:true, you can style the class
## invisible_text as you like for forum "invisible text". See
## reveal_invisible_text above. This is just one example. Note that
## if you also use the add_to_output_css example above for
## bbCodeSpoilerContainer spoilers, you need to combine the CSS lines
## for both under one add_to_output_css setting, with a space leading
## each CSS line.
# .invisible_text { color:gray; }
## [base_xenforoforum] also applied, but [base_xenforo2forum] takes
## precedence.
## Some additional 'thread' metadata entries.
# Just to remove '_'.
threadmarks_title_label:Threadmarks Title
threadmarks_description_label:Threadmarks Description
threadmarks_status_label:Threadmarks Status
estimatedWords_label:Estimated Word Count
## When use_threadmarks_description is set true,
## threadmarks_description will be used to fill in the standard
## description metadata entry. Some stories have poor
## threadmarks_description, you can use this setting to avoid using
## it.
## Increasing description_limit from base_xenforoforum's default of
## 500 is also useful with use_threadmarks_description
## When use_threadmarks_status is set true, a normalized version of
## threadmarks_status will be used to fill in the standard status
## metadata entry. (In-Progress, Completed plus site statuses.)
## When use_threadmarks_cover is set true, the threadmarks image will
## be used to fill in the cover image. Set true by default.
## Sometimes there's a sticky post first (often a Staff Post?) rather
## than the true first post by the Original Poster, AKA author. By
## default, base_xenforo2forum will skip up to two sticky first posts.
## Configurable due to the extremely small sample size available when
## this was implemented.
## SV/SB sites include a dice roller that can attach dice roll results
## to a post. These are outside the actual post text. Setting
## include_dice_rolls:true will include a text version of those rolls
## in the FFF chapter that should be usable for all ebook readers.
## Setting include_dice_rolls:svg will keep the inline <svg> images of
## the rolls. It is the user's responsibility to also add
## add_to_keep_html_attrs and add_to_output_css settings to make them
## appear correctly. (include_dice_rolls:svg did *not* work in most
## ebook readers I tested with, even with appropriate attributes and
## css.)
## NOTE: SV requires login (always_login:true) to see dice rolls.
## Each output format has a section that overrides [defaults]
## As of Jan 2020, FanFicFare can output either epub 2.0 or 3.0 (with
## backward compatibility toc.ncx file). 2.0 will still be the
## default for now.
## epub is already a zip file.
zip_output: false
## epub carries the TOC in metadata.
## mobi generated from epub by calibre will have a TOC at the end.
include_tocpage: false
## include a Update Log page before the story text. If 'true', the
## log will be updated each time the epub is and all the metadata
## fields that have changed since the last update (typically
## dateUpdated,numChapters,numWords at a minimum) will be shown.
## Great for tracking when chapters came out and when the description,
## etc changed.
include_logpage: false
## If set to 'smart', logpage will only be included if the story is
## status:In-Progress or already had a logpage. That way you don't
## end up with Completed stories that have just one logpage entry.
#include_logpage: smart
## By default, logpage is placed before the story chapters. This
## setting, if true, will place the logpage after the chapters
## instead.
logpage_at_end: false
## items to include in the log page Empty metadata entries, or those
## that haven't changed since the last update, will *not* appear, even
## if in the list. You can include extra text or HTML that will be
## included as-is in each log entry. Eg: logpage_entries: ...,<br />,
## summary,<br />,...
logpage_entries: dateCreated,datePublished,dateUpdated,numChapters,numWords,status,series,title,author,description,category,genre,rating,warnings
## epub->mobi conversions typically don't like tables.
titlepage_use_table: false
## When using tables, make these span both columns.
wide_titlepage_entries: description, storyUrl, authorUrl, seriesUrl
## output background color--used by html and epub output_css (and will
## only be used in CSS if included in output_css). Also used by image
## processing for remove_transparency. Value is expected to be a hex
## code color.
background_color: ffffff
## WARNING: At some point between 2010 and 2020, it became common for
## Epub readers to ignore or override background-color CSS on <body>
## tags in favor of a color configured by the user in the reader.
## This background color in generated Epubs may not appear anymore.
## Allow customization of CSS. Make sure to keep at least one space
## at the start of each line and to escape % to %%. Also need
## background_color to be in the same section, if included in CSS.
## 'adobe-hyphenate: none;' prevents hyphenation on newer Nooks
## STR(wG) (1.2.1+ for sure)
body { background-color: #%(background_color)s;
text-align: justify;
margin: 2%%;
adobe-hyphenate: none; }
pre { font-size: x-small; }
h1 { text-align: center; }
h2 { text-align: center; }
h3 { text-align: center; }
h4 { text-align: center; }
h5 { text-align: center; }
h6 { text-align: center; }
.CI {
.center {text-align: center;}
.cover {text-align: center;}
.full {width: 100%%; }
.quarter {width: 25%%; }
.smcap {font-variant: small-caps;}
.u {text-decoration: underline;}
.bold {font-weight: bold;}
.big { font-size: larger; }
.small { font-size: smaller; }
## include images from img tags in the body and summary of
## stories. Images will be converted to jpg for size if possible.
## include_images is *only* available in epub and html output format.
## include_images is *not* available in the web service in any format.
## Quality level to use when converting images to jpg. Range is 0-100,
## reasonable values likely to be in the range 70-95.
jpg_quality: 95
## If set, the first image found will be made the cover image. If
## keep_summary_html is true, any images in summary will be before any
## in chapters.
#make_firstimage_cover: false
## When include_images:true, you can also specify a list of images to
## include in the EPUB or HTML, such as for use in customized CSS.
## Specified images will be included as "images/<basename>". So
## "images/background.jpeg" and "images/someimage.gif" in the examples
## below. No processing is done on additional_images.
## Note that when used with HTML format in the FFF Calibre Plugin,
## Calibre will discard any images that aren't used. Set up your
## custom output_css before testing additional_images.
## Note also that services such as imgur will start blocking you if
## you get images from them too often. It's better to have your own
## local copy.
## If set, the epub will never have a cover downloaded, even if
## include_images is on and the site has specific cover images.
## However, any existing cover will be kept during EPUB update, and
## default_cover_image used if set.
## From FanFicFare v4.16, it is preferred to use use_old_cover or
## force_cover_image in most cases instead of never_make_cover
#never_make_cover: false
## If set, on EPUB update, the existing EPUB cover will be used,
## taking precedence over specific, first image, and
## default_cover_image, but not force_cover_image
## If set, story specific and first image covers will only be used as
## a cover image if it is >= both the dimensions listed here. When
## not set, any size image will be used. Note that some sites, like
## ffnet use relatively small images(180,240). Default 10,10 to avoid
## spacer images.
cover_min_size: 10,10
## If set, and there isn't already a cover image from the adapter or
## from make_firstimage_cover, this image will be made the cover.
## It can be either a 'file:' or 'http:' url.
## Note that if you enable make_firstimage_cover in [epub], but want
## to use default_cover_image for a specific site, use the site:format
## section, for example: []
## default_cover_image is a python string Template string with
## ${title}, ${author} etc, same as titlepage_entries. Unless
## allow_unsafe_filename is true, invalid filename chars will be
## removed from metadata fields and spaces are allowed.
## If set, force_cover_image will be made the cover, taking precedence
## over specific story cover, first image, default and
## pre-existing(aka old) EPUB cover image.
## It can be either a 'file:' or 'http:' url.
## force_cover_image is a python string Template string with
## ${title}, ${author} etc, same as titlepage_entries. Unless
## allow_unsafe_filename is true, invalid filename chars will be
## removed from metadata fields and spaces are allowed.
## some sites include images that we don't ever want becoming the
## cover image. This lets you exclude them.
## Resize images down to width, height, preserving aspect ratio.
## Nook size, with margin.
image_max_size: 580, 725
## Change image to grayscale, if graphics library allows, to save
## space. Transparency removed as if remove_transparency: true
#grayscale_images: false
## jpg or png
## -- jpg produces smaller images, and may be supported by more
## readers, but it's older and doesn't allow transparency.
## Transparency removed as if remove_transparency: true
## -- png is newer but does allow transparency, but only in CLI.
## It doesn't work in calibre PI due to limitations of the API.
convert_images_to: jpg
## Remove transparency and fill with background_color if true.
remove_transparency: true
## This switch prevents FanFicFare from doing any processing on the images.
## Usually they would be converted to jpg, resized and optionally made
## grayscale.
#no_image_processing: false
## If true, in-line images (<img src="data:image/...;base64,...") will
## be converted to files so the normal image processing can be
## applied, but only if base64 encoded. Note that in-line images are
## also removed when include_images:false. In-line images are not
## used as cover images unless converted. Default is false: in-line
## images kept as-is.
## If set true, FFF will compare image all files(of the same size)
## looking for identical files with different URLs. is
## the only site currently(Sep2020) known to benefit from this.
## (Images with the same URL are always detected and only one copy
## kept.)
## If set, and the img tag's URL matches the regular expression, FFF
## will use the img tag's own src URL as the HTTP Referer instead of
## the page URL. This is useful for some image hosting sites that
## watermark or return HTML instead of image data without it.|
## if the <img> tag doesn't have a div or a p around it, nook gets
## confused and displays it on every page after that under the text
## for the rest of the chapter. I doubt adding a div around the img
## will break any other readers, but in case it does, the fix can be
## turned off. This setting is not used if replace_br_with_p is
## true--replace_br_with_p also fixes the problem.
## Some ebook readers (Moon+ Reader was reported) read <meta
## name="calibre:series"...> and <meta name="calibre:series_index"...>
## for series info. This is not epub standard, but not an
## unreasonable thing for FanFicFare to emulate. This is primarily
## useful for CLI and web service--the calibre plugin doesn't need it.
## By default, FanFicFare will not update an existing EPUB that has
## more chapters than the story does on the source site. When
## force_update_epub_always:true FFF will ignore that check when using
## 'Update EPUB Always' (plugin) or -U/--update-epub-always (CLI) and
## will discard chapters in the EPUB that are not listed on the source
## site anymore.
## This can be useful for authors that remove and/or replace chapters.
## Recommended to be set for individual stories or sites rather than
## under [defaults] or [epub].
## include images from img tags in the body and summary of
## stories. Images will be converted to jpg for size if possible.
## include_images is *only* available in epub and html output formats.
## include_images is *not* available in the web service in any format.
## Quality level to use when converting images to jpg. Range is 0-100,
## reasonable values likely to be in the range 70-95.
#jpg_quality: 95
## When include_images:true, you can also specify a list of images to
## include in the EPUB or HTML, such as for use in customized CSS.
## Specified images will be included as "images/<basename>". So
## "images/background.jpeg" and "images/someimage.gif" in the examples
## below. No processing is done on additional_images.
## Note that when used with HTML format in the FFF Calibre Plugin,
## Calibre will discard any images that aren't used. Set up your
## custom output_css before testing additional_images.
## Note also that services such as imgur will start blocking you if
## you get images from them too often. It's better to have your own
## local copy.
## Note that it's *highly* recommended to use zipfile output or story
## unique destination directories to avoid overwriting images.
#output_filename: books/${author}/${title}/${title}-${siteabbrev}_${authorId}_${storyId}${formatext}
#zip_output: false
## This switch prevents FanFicFare from doing any processing on the images.
## Usually they would be converted to jpg, resized and optionally made
## grayscale.
no_image_processing: true
## output background color--used by html and epub output_css (and will
## only be used in CSS if included in output_css). Also used by image
## processing for remove_transparency. Value is expected to be a hex
## code color.
background_color: ffffff
## Allow customization of CSS. Make sure to keep at least one space
## at the start of each line and to escape % to %%. Also need
## background_color to be in the same section, if included in CSS.
body { background-color: #%(background_color)s; }
.CI {
.center {text-align: center;}
.cover {text-align: center;}
.full {width: 100%%; }
.quarter {width: 25%%; }
.smcap {font-variant: small-caps;}
.u {text-decoration: underline;}
.bold {font-weight: bold;}
.big { font-size: larger; }
.small { font-size: smaller; }
## Add URLs since there aren't links.
titlepage_entries: series,seriesUrl,category,genre,language,characters,ships,status,datePublished,dateUpdated,dateCreated,rating,warnings,numChapters,numWords,publisher,storyUrl, authorUrl, description
## Width to word wrap text output. 0 indicates no wrapping.
wrap_width: 78
## use \r\n for line endings, the windows convention. text output only.
windows_eol: true
## mobi TOC cannot be turned off right now.
#include_tocpage: true
## Each site has a section that overrides [defaults].
## specifically is not a real story site. Instead,
## it is a fake site for testing configuration and output. It uses
## URLs like:
## slow_down_sleep_time now applied to test1 chapters (with 0.5-1.5
## random fudge)
extratags: FanFiction,Testing
# extracategories:Fafner
# extragenres:Romance,Fluff
# extracharacters:Reginald Smythe-Smythe,Mokona,Harry P.
# extraships:Smythe-Smythe/Mokona
# extrawarnings:Extreme Bogosity
# extra_valid_entries:metaA,metaB,metaC,listX,listY,listZ,compositeJ,compositeK,compositeL
# include_in_compositeJ:dateCreated
# include_in_compositeK:metaC,listX,compositeL,compositeJ,compositeK,listZ
# include_in_compositeL:ships,metaA,listZ,datePublished,dateUpdated,
# extra_titlepage_entries: metaA,metaB,metaC,listX,listY,listZ,compositeJ,compositeK,compositeL
# extra_logpage_entries: metaA,metaB,metaC,listX,listY,listZ,compositeJ,compositeK,compositeL
# extra_subject_tags: metaA,metaB,metaC
# replace_metadata:
# compositeL=>Val=>VALUE
# series,extratags=>Test=>Plan
# Puella Magi Madoka Magica.* => Madoka
# Comedy=>Humor
# Crossover: (.*)=>\1
# (.*)Great(.*)=>\1Moderate\2
# .*-Centered=>
# characters=>Harry P\.=>Harry Potter
## If necessary, you can define [<site>:<format>] sections to
## customize the formats differently for the same site. Overrides
## defaults, format and site.
extratags: FanFiction,Testing,Text
extratags: FanFiction,Testing,HTML
# {{storyId}} is a special case--it's the only one that works.
title:Test Story Title {{storyId}}
author_list:Test Author aa
## Add additional sections with different numbers to get different
## parameters for different story urls.
# note the leading commas when doing add_to_ with valid_entries and *_list
title:Testing New Feature {{storyId}}
author_list:Bob Smith
series:The Great Test [4]
category_list:Harry Potter,Furbie,Crossover,Puella Magi Madoka Magica/魔法少女まどか★マギカ,Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha
characters_list:Bob Smith,George Johnson,Fred Smythe
chaptertitles:Prologue,Chapter 1\, Xenos on Cinnabar,Chapter 2\, Sinmay on Kintikin,3. Chapter 3
## It may sometimes be useful to override all of the specific format,
## site and site:format sections in your private configuration. For
## example, this extratags param here would override all of the
## extratags params in all other sections. Only commandline options
## beat overrides.
eroticatags_label:Erotica Tags
## Some sites require login (or login for some rated stories) The
## program can prompt you, or you can save it in config. In
## commandline version, this should go in your personal.ini, not
## defaults.ini.
## Some sites require login (or login for some rated stories) The
## program can prompt you, or you can save it in config. In
## commandline version, this should go in your personal.ini, not
## defaults.ini.
## In order to get bookmarktags and bookmarksummary, you need to login
## all the time. This defaults to off to save time and network
## traffic. Requires valid AO3 username and password when true.
## Some sites also require the user to confirm they are adult for
## adult content. In commandline version, this should go in your
## personal.ini, not defaults.ini.
## AO3 offers a page to download the entire work at once. This can
## save a lot of network traffic if there are many chapters.
## True by built-in default.
## stories allow chapters to be added out of
## order. So the newest chapter may not be the last one. FanFicFare update
## doesn't like that. If do_update_hook is uncommented and set true,
## the adapter will discard all existing chapters from the newest one
## on when updating to enforce accurate chapters.
## Starting July 2015, FFF stores chapter URLs in the chapter files.
## Stories downloaded after that shouldn't need this setting anymore.
## Some adapters collect additional meta information beyond the
## standard ones. They need to be defined in extra_valid_entries to
## tell the rest of the FanFicFare system about them. They can be
## used in include_subject_tags, titlepage_entries,
## extra_titlepage_entries, logpage_entries, extra_logpage_entries,
## and include_in_* config items. You can also add additional entries
## here to build up composite metadata entries.
##, for example, fills genre (a standard
## entry) as the composite offreeformtags, ao3categories in
## include_in_genre. If there's ever more than 4 series, add
## series04,series04Url etc.
extra_valid_entries:fandoms, freeformtags, freefromtags,
ao3categories, comments, chapterslashtotal, chapterstotal, kudos,
hits, bookmarks, collections, byline, bookmarked, bookmarktags,
bookmarksummary, bookmarkprivate, bookmarkrec, restricted, series00,
series01, series02, series03, series00Url, series01Url, series02Url,
series03Url, series00HTML, series01HTML, series02HTML, series03HTML
freeformtags_label:Freeform Tags
freefromtags_label:Freeform Tags
ao3categories_label:AO3 Categories
chapterslashtotal_label:Chapters/Total Chapters
chapterstotal_label:Total Chapters
## Count of bookmarks on story by all users
## Tags & Summary from *your* bookmark on the story. Only collected
## if always_login:true
bookmarked_label:I Bookmarked Story
bookmarktags_label:My Bookmark Tags
bookmarksummary_label:My Bookmark Summary
bookmarkprivate_label:My Bookmark Private
bookmarkrec_label:My Bookmark Rec
restricted_label:Restricted to Registered Users
series01HTML_label:Additional Series
series02HTML_label:Additional Series
series03HTML_label:Additional Series
## Assume entryUrl, apply to "<a class='%slink' href='%s'>%s</a>" to
## make entryHTML.
## AO3 doesn't have anything it calls 'genre'. The adapter used to be
## hardcoded to include the site specific metadata freeformtags &
## ao3categories in the standard metadata field genre. By making it
## configurable, users can change it.
include_in_genre: freeformtags, ao3categories
## AO3 uses the word 'category' differently than most sites. The
## adapter used to be hardcoded to include the site specific metadata
## fandom in the standard metadata field category. By making it
## configurable, users can change it.
## freeformtags was previously typo'ed as freefromtags. This way,
## freefromtags will still work for people who've used it.
## chapterslashtotal contains 1/3 or 1/1 or 3/? etc as reported by AO3.
## chapterstotal is just the total chapters part after the /
## Due to a bug with Archive of Our Own, the link to orphan_account
## just leads to a 404 page. Hopefully it will be fixed in future.
## Uncomment authorUrl line below (but keep one leading space) to
## replace orphan_account author links with one that works.
# authorUrl=>(/users/orphan_account)/pseuds/.*$=>\1
## adds to titlepage_entries instead of replacing it.
#extra_titlepage_entries: fandoms,freeformtags,ao3categories,comments,chapterslashtotal,chapterstotal,kudos,hits,bookmarks,bookmarked,bookmarktags,bookmarksummary,series01HTML,series02HTML,series03HTML,byline
## adds to include_subject_tags instead of replacing it.
## AO3 chapters can include several different types of notes. We've
## traditionally included them all in the chapter text, but this allows
## you to customize which you include. Copy this parameter to your
## personal.ini and list the ones you don't want.
## AO3 authorfootnotes and inspiredlinks end up in the 'last' chapter,
## but if updated, then there's a new 'last' chapter, leaving multiple
## copies. This option applies the 'skip_on_ffdl_update' class to
## those tags which means they will be removed during epub reading for
## update. This will only effect chapters added after turning the
## setting on.
## Result: Only the last chapter will have end notes.
## Side-effect: An 'Update Always' that doesn't add a new last
## chapter will also remove the end notes.
## AO3 is blocking people more aggressively. If you download fewer
## stories less often you can likely get by with reducing this sleep.
## AO3 allows users to archive stories they didn't write in certain
## cases. These are indicated by showing a byline such as:
## 'Orig Author [archived by Archivist Author]'
## If use_archived_author is set true (and there's only one author
## listed), author will be set to 'Orig Author' instead of 'Archivist
## Author'. authorUrl will still point to the Archivist Author's page.
## AO3 chapters have 'date' available for each chapter.
## These can be used with custom output (see
## ) or with
## chapter_title_*_pattern settings.
## Examples for html & epub:
# <a href="#section${index04}">${chapter}</a> ${date}<br />
# <a href="file${index04}.xhtml">${chapter}</a> ${date}<br /><br />
## The 'date' value for chapters mentioned above can be formated with
## datechapter_format. Otherwise it will default to
## datePublished_format
## Some sites require login (or login for some rated stories) The
## program can prompt you, or you can save it in config. In
## commandline version, this should go in your personal.ini, not
## defaults.ini.
## Site dedicated to these categories/characters/ships
extracategories:Harry Potter
extracharacters:Severus Snape,Hermione Granger
extraships:Severus Snape/Hermione Granger
## website encoding(s) In theory, each website reports the character
## encoding they use for each page. In practice, some sites report it
## incorrectly. Each adapter has a default list, usually "utf8,
## Windows-1252" or "Windows-1252, utf8", but this will let you
## explicitly set the encoding and order if you need to. The special
## value 'auto' will call chardet and use the encoding it reports if
## it has +90% confidence. 'auto' is not reliable.
## dateUpdate doesn't usually have time, but it does on
## See
## Note that ini format requires % to be escaped as %%.
dateUpdated_format:%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M
## Extra metadata that this adapter knows about. See []
## for examples of how to use them.
## Site dedicated to these categories/characters/ships
extracategories:Buffy the Vampire Slayer
## Strips links found in the story text
## Specific to
## Some sites do not require a login, but do require the user to
## confirm they are adult for adult content. In commandline version,
## this should go in your personal.ini, not defaults.ini.
## some sites include images that we don't ever want becoming the
## cover image. This lets you exclude them.
disclaimer_label: Disclaimer
## Site dedicated to these categories/characters/ships
extracategories:Buffy the Vampire Slayer
## Site dedicated to these categories/characters/ships
## Some sites require login (or login for some rated stories) The
## program can prompt you, or you can save it in config. In
## commandline version, this should go in your personal.ini, not
## defaults.ini.
## Some sites also require the user to confirm they are adult for
## adult content. In commandline version, this should go in your
## personal.ini, not defaults.ini.
extracategories:Buffy: The Vampire Slayer
extracharacters:Buffy, Spike
## Some sites do not require a login, but do require the user to
## confirm they are adult for adult content. In commandline version,
## this should go in your personal.ini, not defaults.ini.
## Site dedicated to these categories/characters/ships
extracategories:Harry Potter
## some sites include images that we don't ever want becoming the
## cover image. This lets you exclude them.
## Some sites also require the user to confirm they are adult for
## adult content. In commandline version, this should go in your
## personal.ini, not defaults.ini.
## Some sites require login (or login for some rated stories) The
## program can prompt you, or you can save it in config. In
## commandline version, this should go in your personal.ini, not
## defaults.ini.
## requires you to have your age set to 18+ in your account
## to download stories with PG-13 or higher ratings.
betasHTML_label:Beta Readers
originUrl:Original Story URL
## For most sites, 'category' is the fandom, but has
## fandoms and a separate category. By making it configurable, users
## can change it.
## Some sites also require the user to confirm they are adult for
## adult content. In commandline version, this should go in your
## personal.ini, not defaults.ini.
# fields changed name with domain name change.
## Assume entryUrl, apply to "<a class='%slink' href='%s'>%s</a>" to
## make entryHTML.
house_label:HPFT Forum House
storytype_label:Story Type
contentwarnings_label:Content Warnings
## series00 will be the same as common metadata series.
series01HTML_label:Additional Series
series02HTML_label:Additional Series
series03HTML_label:Additional Series
series04HTML_label:Additional Series
series05HTML_label:Additional Series
series06HTML_label:Additional Series
series07HTML_label:Additional Series
series08HTML_label:Additional Series
series09HTML_label:Additional Series
## Try to collect series names and numbers of this story in those
## series. This lets us turn it on and off by site without keeping a
## lengthy titlepage_entries per site and prevents it updating in the
## plugin.
collect_series: true
# series04HTML,series05HTML,series06HTML,series07HTML,series08HTML,series09HTML
## takes margins away, even from p tags, by default.
## So authors have to either include extra br/p tags or their own
## styles. These allow for both, but leave you at the mercy of author
## CSS.
* {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
## browser cache will only be used if use_browser_cache:true and ONLY
## for a few sites. Requires a browser_cache_path set in
## [defaults].
## use_browser_cache_only:true prevents FFF from falling through to
## request from the server when a page isn't in the browser cache.
## You can turn this on to be sure you're only using the browser
## cache.
## Some sites do not require a login, but do require the user to
## confirm they are adult for adult content. In commandline version,
## this should go in your personal.ini, not defaults.ini.
## isn't putting html line breaks in anymore and using
## this CSS instead.
.part_text {
word-break: break-word;
white-space: pre-wrap;
## Recommended if you include images, tends to have many
## duplicated images.
## spoilers display as a (blank) block until clicked, then they can become inline text.
## with true, adds them to an outlined block marked as a spoiler.
## with false, the text of the spoiler is unmarked and present in the work, as though alreday clicked
## display 'spoiler' tags in the tag list, which can contain plot details
## don't fetch covers marked as nsfw. covers for can't be pornographic, but can get very close.
## displays the timestamps on the story chunks, showing when each part went live.
## site has more original than fan fiction
extra_valid_entries:tags, likes, live, reader_input
extra_titlepage_entries:tags, likes, live, reader_input
live_label:Next Live Session
live_format:%%Y-%%m-%%d at %%H:%%M %%p
reader_input_label:Reader Input
table.voteblock { border-collapse: collapse; }
td { padding: 0.5em; }
td.votecount { text-align: right; }
.dice {
border-left: 1px solid;
padding-left: 0.25em;
.choiceitem {
border-bottom: 1px solid gray;
padding: 0.5em;
div.ut {
font-size: xx-small;
text-align: right;
opacity: 0.5;
## Some sites require login (or login for some rated stories) The
## program can prompt you, or you can save it in config. In
## commandline version, this should go in your personal.ini, not
## defaults.ini.
## Archive only site for ffnet stories.
extra_valid_entries: origin,originUrl,originHTML
originHTML_label:Original Story URL
## Assume entryUrl, apply to "<a class='%slink' href='%s'>%s</a>" to
## make entryHTML.
## dateUpdated/datePublished don't usually have time, but they do on this site.
## Note that ini format requires % to be escaped as %%.
dateUpdated_format:%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S
datePublished_format:%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S
## Extra metadata that this adapter knows about. See []
## for examples of how to use them.
## Turns all space characters into "&nbsp" HTML entities to forcefully preserve
## formatting with spaces. Enabling this will blow up the filesize quite a bit
## and is probably not a good idea, unless you absolutely need the story
## formatting.
## Specific to
## serves both text and html versions. Pre-Dec 2019,
## FFF always used the text version. Now, FFF downloads the html
## version, but setting download_text_version will use the same code
## and text version as before.
## Clear FanFiction from defaults, site is original fiction.
## Some sites require login (or login for some rated stories) The
## program can prompt you, or you can save it in config. In
## commandline version, this should go in your personal.ini, not
## defaults.ini.
## Some sites require login (or login for some rated stories) The
## program can prompt you, or you can save it in config. In
## commandline version, this should go in your personal.ini, not
## defaults.ini.
## has started requiring login by email rather than
## pen name.
## dateUpdated/datePublished don't usually have time, but they do on this site.
## Note that ini format requires % to be escaped as %%.
dateUpdated_format:%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S
datePublished_format:%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S
## Clear FanFiction from defaults, site is original fiction.
## adds to include_subject_tags instead of replacing it.
universeUrl_label:Universe URL
sitetags_label:Site Tags
## Assume entryUrl, apply to "<a class='%slink' href='%s'>%s</a>" to
## make entryHTML.
## stories can be in a series and/or a universe. By
## default, series will be populated with the universe if there is
## universe but not series.
universe_as_series: true
## some sites include images that we don't ever want becoming the
## cover image. This lets you exclude them.
## This site uses shortened title chapters in chapter lists. When set
## true, this will inject the site's full length chapter title into
## the chapter text in a smaller h4 tag.
## append_datepublished_to_storyurl literally appends
## datePublished(-%Y-%m-%d) to storyUrl. This is an ugly kludge to
## (hopefully) help address the site's unfortunately habit of
## *reusing* storyId numbers. Off by default to *not* cause weirdness
## for those not expecting it.
## see [base_xenforoforum]
## QQ shows more posts per reader page than other XF sites.
## Some sites require login (or login for some rated stories) The
## program can prompt you, or you can save it in config. In
## commandline version, this should go in your personal.ini, not
## defaults.ini.
## see [base_xenforoforum]
## see [base_xenforoforum]
## Some sites do not require a login, but do require the user to
## confirm they are adult for adult content. In commandline version,
## this should go in your personal.ini, not defaults.ini.
## Some sites require login (or login for some rated stories) The
## program can prompt you, or you can save it in config. In
## commandline version, this should go in your personal.ini, not
## defaults.ini.
## Site dedicated to these categories/characters/ships
## Some sites require login (or login for some rated stories) The
## program can prompt you, or you can save it in config. In
## commandline version, this should go in your personal.ini, not
## defaults.ini.
## Some sites also require the user to confirm they are adult for
## adult content. In commandline version, this should go in your
## personal.ini, not defaults.ini.
## Some sites require login (or login for some rated stories) The
## program can prompt you, or you can save it in config. In
## commandline version, this should go in your personal.ini, not
## defaults.ini.
## Site dedicated to these categories/characters/ships
extracategories:Star Trek
## Extra metadata that this adapter knows about. See []
## for examples of how to use them.
crossoverfandom_label:Crossover Fandom
## Site dedicated to these categories/characters/ships
extracategories:Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman
eroticatags_label:Erotica Tags
averrating_label:Average Rating
## Extract more erotica_tags from the meta tag of each chapter
use_meta_keywords: true
## Chapters can be in different categories. Default to not using all
## to be consistent with previous version.
chapter_categories_use_all: false
## For multiple chapter stories, attempt to clean up the chapter title. This will
## remove the story title and change "Ch. 01" to "Chapter 1", "Pt. 01" to "Part 1"
## or just use the text. If this can't be done, the full title is used.
clean_chapter_titles: false
## Add the chapter description at the start of each chapter.
description_in_chapter: false
## Force chapters in a story to be sorted by date instead of the order
## given by the author. Used to be the default for literotica.
## Note that FFF normalizes story URLs to the first
## chapter URL. If the first chapter is not the same by date and by
## list, you may need to set order_chapters_by_date under *both*
## [storyURL] sections.
## Clear FanFiction from defaults, site is original fiction.
## Some sites do not require a login, but do require the user to
## confirm they are adult for adult content. In commandline version,
## this should go in your personal.ini, not defaults.ini.
## Site dedicated to these categories/characters/ships
extracategories:Harry Potter
## Some sites do not require a login, but do require the user to
## confirm they are adult for adult content. In commandline version,
## this should go in your personal.ini, not defaults.ini.
## Clear FanFiction from defaults, site is original fiction.
eroticatags_label:Erotica Tags
extra_titlepage_entries: eroticatags
## Some sites do not require a login, but do require the user to
## confirm they are adult for adult content. In commandline version,
## this should go in your personal.ini, not defaults.ini.
## Site dedicated to these categories/characters/ships
extracategories:The Office
## Site dedicated to these categories/characters/ships
extracategories:The Walking Dead
averrating_label:Average Rating
## Clear FanFiction from defaults, site is original fiction.
website_encodings: utf8:ignore, Windows-1252, iso-8859-1
## Clear FanFiction from defaults, site is original fiction.
## Attempt to fix p and br excess from HTML in great many stories
## Extra metadata that this adapter knows about. See []
## for examples of how to use them.
copyright_label: Copyright
extra_titlepage_entries: copyright
## Some sites require login (or login for some rated stories) The
## program can prompt you, or you can save it in config. In
## commandline version, this should go in your personal.ini, not
## defaults.ini.
## Site dedicated to these categories/characters/ships
extracategories:Harry Potter
extracharacters:Severus Snape
## Some sites do not require a login, but do require the user to
## confirm they are adult for adult content. In commandline version,
## this should go in your personal.ini, not defaults.ini.
## Site dedicated to these categories/characters/ships
extracategories:My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
## Some sites do not require a login, but do require the user to
## confirm they are adult for adult content. In commandline version,
## this should go in your personal.ini, not defaults.ini.
## Site dedicated to these categories/characters/ships
extracategories:The Pretender
## Using cloudscraper can satisfy the first couple levels of
## Cloudflare bot-proofing, but not all levels. Older versions of
## OpenSSL will also raise problems, so versions of Calibre older than
## v5 will probably fail. Only a few sites are configured with
## use_cloudscraper:true by default, but it can be applied in other
## sites' ini sections. user_agent setting is ignored when
## use_cloudscraper:true
searchtags_label:Search Tags
website_encodings: utf8:ignore, Windows-1252, iso-8859-1
## Some sites do not require a login, but do require the user to
## confirm they are adult for adult content. In commandline version,
## this should go in your personal.ini, not defaults.ini.
## Login on is optional and not used for adultcheck
## chapters may have an author's note attached to them.
## Setting include_author_notes:true will include it with the chapter text.
## Clear FanFiction from defaults, site is original fiction.
eroticatags_label:Erotica Tags
extra_titlepage_entries: eroticatags
## some tags are used as series identification. There is no way to find a
## sequence, but at least the stories will be grouped. Use the tag as written
## without the hash mark. Keep underscores '_' in, they will be replaced by
## spaces in the metadata.
## If you want underscores replaced in the tags:
# eroticatags=>_=>\s
## Some sites require login (or login for some rated stories) The
## program can prompt you, or you can save it in config. In
## commandline version, this should go in your personal.ini, not
## defaults.ini.
## Some sites also require the user to confirm they are adult for
## adult content. In commandline version, this should go in your
## personal.ini, not defaults.ini.
## Site dedicated to these categories/characters/ships
extracategories:Stargate: SG-1
## Some sites require login (or login for some rated stories) The
## program can prompt you, or you can save it in config. In
## commandline version, this should go in your personal.ini, not
## defaults.ini.
## has started requiring login by email rather than
## pen name.
## dateUpdated/datePublished don't usually have time, but they do on this site.
## Note that ini format requires % to be escaped as %%.
dateUpdated_format:%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S
datePublished_format:%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S
## Clear FanFiction from defaults, site is original fiction.
## adds to include_subject_tags instead of replacing it.
universeUrl_label:Universe URL
sitetags_label:Site Tags
## Assume entryUrl, apply to "<a class='%slink' href='%s'>%s</a>" to
## make entryHTML.
## stories can be in a series and/or a universe. By
## default, series will be populated with the universe if there is
## universe but not series.
universe_as_series: true
## some sites include images that we don't ever want becoming the
## cover image. This lets you exclude them.
## This site uses shortened title chapters in chapter lists. When set
## true, this will inject the site's full length chapter title into
## the chapter text in a smaller h4 tag.
## append_datepublished_to_storyurl literally appends
## datePublished(-%Y-%m-%d) to storyUrl. This is an ugly kludge to
## (hopefully) help address the site's unfortunately habit of
## *reusing* storyId numbers. Off by default to *not* cause weirdness
## for those not expecting it.
## Some sites require login (or login for some rated stories) The
## program can prompt you, or you can save it in config. In
## commandline version, this should go in your personal.ini, not
## defaults.ini.
## Some sites also require the user to confirm they are adult for
## adult content. In commandline version, this should go in your
## personal.ini, not defaults.ini.
## Site dedicated to these categories/characters/ships
extracategories:Stargate: Atlantis
extracharacters:John Sheppard,Elizabeth Weir
extraships:John Sheppard/Elizabeth Weir
## Extra metadata that this adapter knows about. See []
## for examples of how to use them.
## Site dedicated to these categories/characters/ships
extracategories:Buffy the Vampire Slayer
## is the first OTW site other than AO3. If/when a
## third comes along, we should refactor to use a common
## base_otw_adapter instead of just subclassing AO3. Note that
## ao3categories is still used, but labeled "SquidgeWorld Categories".
## Some sites require login (or login for some rated stories) The
## program can prompt you, or you can save it in config. In
## commandline version, this should go in your personal.ini, not
## defaults.ini.
## In order to get bookmarktags and bookmarksummary, you need to login
## all the time. This defaults to off to save time and network
## traffic. Requires valid username and password when true.
## Some sites also require the user to confirm they are adult for
## adult content. In commandline version, this should go in your
## personal.ini, not defaults.ini.
## OTW offers a page to download the entire work at once. This can
## save a lot of network traffic if there are many chapters.
## True by built-in default.
## stories allow chapters to be added out of
## order. So the newest chapter may not be the last one. FanFicFare update
## doesn't like that. If do_update_hook is uncommented and set true,
## the adapter will discard all existing chapters from the newest one
## on when updating to enforce accurate chapters.
## Starting July 2015, FFF stores chapter URLs in the chapter files.
## Stories downloaded after that shouldn't need this setting anymore.
## Some adapters collect additional meta information beyond the
## standard ones. They need to be defined in extra_valid_entries to
## tell the rest of the FanFicFare system about them. They can be
## used in include_subject_tags, titlepage_entries,
## extra_titlepage_entries, logpage_entries, extra_logpage_entries,
## and include_in_* config items. You can also add additional entries
## here to build up composite metadata entries.
##, for example, fills genre (a standard
## entry) as the composite offreeformtags, ao3categories in
## include_in_genre. If there's ever more than 4 series, add
## series04,series04Url etc.
extra_valid_entries:fandoms, freeformtags, freefromtags,
ao3categories, comments, chapterslashtotal, chapterstotal, kudos,
hits, bookmarks, collections, byline, bookmarked, bookmarktags,
bookmarksummary, bookmarkprivate, bookmarkrec, restricted, series00,
series01, series02, series03, series00Url, series01Url, series02Url,
series03Url, series00HTML, series01HTML, series02HTML, series03HTML
freeformtags_label:Freeform Tags
freefromtags_label:Freeform Tags
ao3categories_label:SquidgeWorld Categories
chapterslashtotal_label:Chapters/Total Chapters
chapterstotal_label:Total Chapters
## Count of bookmarks on story by all users
## Tags & Summary from *your* bookmark on the story. Only collected
## if always_login:true
bookmarked_label:I Bookmarked Story
bookmarktags_label:My Bookmark Tags
bookmarksummary_label:My Bookmark Summary
bookmarkprivate_label:My Bookmark Private
bookmarkrec_label:My Bookmark Rec
restricted_label:Restricted to Registered Users
series01HTML_label:Additional Series
series02HTML_label:Additional Series
series03HTML_label:Additional Series
## Assume entryUrl, apply to "<a class='%slink' href='%s'>%s</a>" to
## make entryHTML.
## OTW doesn't have anything it calls 'genre'. The adapter used to be
## hardcoded to include the site specific metadata freeformtags &
## ao3categories in the standard metadata field genre. By making it
## configurable, users can change it.
include_in_genre: freeformtags, ao3categories
## OTW uses the word 'category' differently than most sites. The
## adapter used to be hardcoded to include the site specific metadata
## fandom in the standard metadata field category. By making it
## configurable, users can change it.
## freeformtags was previously typo'ed as freefromtags. This way,
## freefromtags will still work for people who've used it.
## chapterslashtotal contains 1/3 or 1/1 or 3/? etc as reported by OTW.
## chapterstotal is just the total chapters part after the /
## adds to titlepage_entries instead of replacing it.
#extra_titlepage_entries: fandoms,freeformtags,ao3categories,comments,chapterslashtotal,chapterstotal,kudos,hits,bookmarks,bookmarked,bookmarktags,bookmarksummary,series01HTML,series02HTML,series03HTML,byline
## adds to include_subject_tags instead of replacing it.
## OTW chapters can include several different types of notes. We've
## traditionally included them all in the chapter text, but this allows
## you to customize which you include. Copy this parameter to your
## personal.ini and list the ones you don't want.
## OTW authorfootnotes and inspiredlinks end up in the 'last' chapter,
## but if updated, then there's a new 'last' chapter, leaving multiple
## copies. This option applies the 'skip_on_ffdl_update' class to
## those tags which means they will be removed during epub reading for
## update. This will only effect chapters added after turning the
## setting on.
## Result: Only the last chapter will have end notes.
## Side-effect: An 'Update Always' that doesn't add a new last
## chapter will also remove the end notes.
## OTW is blocking people more aggressively. If you download fewer
## stories less often you can likely get by with reducing this sleep.
## OTW allows users to archive stories they didn't write in certain
## cases. These are indicated by showing a byline such as:
## 'Orig Author [archived by Archivist Author]'
## If use_archived_author is set true (and there's only one author
## listed), author will be set to 'Orig Author' instead of 'Archivist
## Author'. authorUrl will still point to the Archivist Author's page.
## OTW chapters have 'date' available for each chapter.
## These can be used with custom output (see
## ) or with
## chapter_title_*_pattern settings.
## Examples for html & epub:
# <a href="#section${index04}">${chapter}</a> ${date}<br />
# <a href="file${index04}.xhtml">${chapter}</a> ${date}<br /><br />
## The 'date' value for chapters mentioned above can be formated with
## datechapter_format. Otherwise it will default to
## datePublished_format
## Some sites require login (or login for some rated stories) The
## program can prompt you, or you can save it in config. In
## commandline version, this should go in your personal.ini, not
## defaults.ini.
## Some sites require login (or login for some rated stories) The
## program can prompt you, or you can save it in config. In
## commandline version, this should go in your personal.ini, not
## defaults.ini.
## has started requiring login by email rather than
## pen name.
## dateUpdated/datePublished don't usually have time, but they do on this site.
## Note that ini format requires % to be escaped as %%.
dateUpdated_format:%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S
datePublished_format:%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S
## Clear FanFiction from defaults, site is original fiction.
## adds to include_subject_tags instead of replacing it.
universeUrl_label:Universe URL
sitetags_label:Site Tags
## Assume entryUrl, apply to "<a class='%slink' href='%s'>%s</a>" to
## make entryHTML.
## stories can be in a series and/or a universe. By
## default, series will be populated with the universe if there is
## universe but not series.
universe_as_series: true
## some sites include images that we don't ever want becoming the
## cover image. This lets you exclude them.
## This site uses shortened title chapters in chapter lists. When set
## true, this will inject the site's full length chapter title into
## the chapter text in a smaller h4 tag.
## append_datepublished_to_storyurl literally appends
## datePublished(-%Y-%m-%d) to storyUrl. This is an ugly kludge to
## (hopefully) help address the site's unfortunately habit of
## *reusing* storyId numbers. Off by default to *not* cause weirdness
## for those not expecting it.
# was
## Some sites require login (or login for some rated stories) The
## program can prompt you, or you can save it in config. In
## commandline version, this should go in your personal.ini, not
## defaults.ini.
## Site dedicated to these categories/characters/ships
## Some sites do not require a login, but do require the user to
## confirm they are adult for adult content.
## This site has a number of additional site specific metadata
## entries. This is the first test case of base_efiction 'Auto
## metadata' automatically including unrecognized metadata. Still
## requires entries in extra_valid_entries to be used.
turnedinto_label:Turned Into
featureditems_label:Featured Items
motivationforchange_label:Motivation for Change
sexualorientation_label:Sexual Orientation
storytheme_label:Story Theme
bodymodification_label:Body Modification
storytype_label:Story Type
typeofchange_label:Type of Change
## Clear FanFiction from defaults, site is original fiction.
## Some sites require login (or login for some rated stories) The
## program can prompt you, or you can save it in config. In
## commandline version, this should go in your personal.ini, not
## defaults.ini.
## Some sites also require the user to confirm they are adult for
## adult content. In commandline version, this should go in your
## personal.ini, not defaults.ini.
## Site dedicated to these categories/characters/ships
extracategories:Criminal Minds
## Some sites require login (or login for some rated stories) The
## program can prompt you, or you can save it in config. In
## commandline version, this should go in your personal.ini, not
## defaults.ini.
## Some sites also require the user to confirm they are adult for
## adult content. In commandline version, this should go in your
## personal.ini, not defaults.ini.
## Extra metadata that this adapter knows about. See []
## for examples of how to use them.
extra_titlepage_entries: language, reads
extra_valid_entries: language, tags, reads
reads_label:Read Count
include_in_genre: tags
# Add comma separators for numeric reads. Eg 10000 becomes 10,000
## number of seconds to sleep between calls to the story site. There
## are reports that sound like site throttling without it.
## chapters can have a banner image at the top of the
## page. When include_chapter_banner_images:true the banner image
## will be prepended to the chapter text during download as:
## <img class="photoUrl banner-image" src="<img url>">
## Some sites do not require a login, but do require the user to
## confirm they are adult for adult content. In commandline version,
## this should go in your personal.ini, not defaults.ini.
## Site dedicated to these categories/characters/ships
extracategories:Star Trek
## see [base_xenforoforum]
## Some sites require login (or login for some rated stories) The
## program can prompt you, or you can save it in config. In
## commandline version, this should go in your personal.ini, not
## defaults.ini.
## Some sites also require the user to confirm they are adult for
## adult content. Uncomment by removing '#' in front of is_adult.
## This site has links to a vidow site embeded in the text. They are
## not needed, and will be removed if the below property is set to true
## Unlike most sites,, instead of denying access to
## 'adult' or subscriber-only content, will censor the text of stories
## to remove 'adult' words or entire portions of the text. This is why
## an account is required to download stories from this site. It is
## also strongly recommended to consider enabling auto_sub in order to
## further avoid this from happening.
## Some sites also require the user to confirm they are adult for
## adult content. In commandline version, this should go in your
## personal.ini, not defaults.ini.
## Additional metadata entries.
## This site uses shortened title chapters in chapter lists. When set
## true, this will inject the site's full length chapter title into
## the chapter text in a smaller h4 tag.
## This website removes certain HTML tags and portions of the story
## from subscriber-only stories. It is strongly recommended to turn
## this option on. This will automatically subscribe you to such
## stories in order to acquire the unaltered text. You can
## unsubscribe manually on the website after the story has been
## downloaded.
## Some sites also require the user to confirm they are adult for
## adult content. Uncomment by removing '#' in front of is_adult.
size_label: Size
comments_label: Comments
eroticatags_label:Erotica Tags
keep_style_attr: false
## Some sites do not require a login, but do require the user to
## confirm they are adult for adult content. In commandline version,
## this should go in your personal.ini, not defaults.ini.
## Some sites require login (or login for some rated stories) The
## program can prompt you, or you can save it in config. In
## commandline version, this should go in your personal.ini, not
## defaults.ini.
## Clear FanFiction from defaults, dA also hosts original fiction.
## Some sites require login (or login for some rated stories) The
## program can prompt you, or you can save it in config. In
## commandline version, this should go in your personal.ini, not
## defaults.ini.
## Site dedicated to these categories/characters/ships
## Some sites require login (or login for some rated stories) The
## program can prompt you, or you can save it in config. In
## commandline version, this should go in your personal.ini, not
## defaults.ini.
## Some sites also require the user to confirm they are adult for
## adult content. In commandline version, this should go in your
## personal.ini, not defaults.ini.
## Site dedicated to these categories/characters/ships
extracategories:Harry Potter
extracharacters:Draco Malfoy,Ginny Weasley
extraships:Draco Malfoy/Ginny Weasley
## Some sites require login (or login for some rated stories) The
## program can prompt you, or you can save it in config. In
## commandline version, this should go in your personal.ini, not
## defaults.ini.
## Extra metadata that this adapter knows about. See []
## for examples of how to use them.
type_label:Type of Couple
## Errors on more common during long downloads. This way, at least
## the chapters the worked are saved. Often running an update will
## fix the error chapters.
## browser cache will only be used if use_browser_cache:true and ONLY
## for a few sites. Requires a browser_cache_path set in
## [defaults].
## use_browser_cache_only:true prevents FFF from falling through to
## request from the server when a page isn't in the browser cache.
## You can turn this on to be sure you're only using the browser
## cache.
##'s 'cover' images are really just tiny thumbnails.
## Set this to true to never use them.
#never_make_cover: false
## exclude imageu (old user vs story detect) and
## default user (d_60_90)
## April 2015, ffnet changed their story and user pictures urls to be
## the same. Now the only way to know if the story image is really
## the author image is to go get the author image and check.
## is blocking people more aggressively. If you
## download fewer stories less often you can likely get by with
## reducing this sleep.
## Extra metadata that this adapter knows about. See []
## for examples of how to use them.
## ffnet uses 'Pairings', not 'Relationship', stating they don't have
## to be romantic pairings.
## Date formats used by FanFicFare. Published and Update don't usually have
## time, but they do now on ffnet.
## See
## Note that ini format requires % to be escaped as %%.
#dateCreated_format:%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S
datePublished_format:%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S
dateUpdated_format:%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S
## ffnet used to have a tendency to send out update notices in email
## before all their servers were showing the update on the first
## chapter. It generates another server request and doesn't seem to
## be needed lately, so now default it to off.
## ffnet sometimes doesn't update the metadata on the first chapter
## immediately. meta_from_last_chapter:true will instruct the adapter
## to take the metadata from the last chapter instead of chapter 1.
## It can generate another server request and usually isn't necessary,
## so it defaults to off.
## Some sites require login (or login for some rated stories) The
## program can prompt you, or you can save it in config. In
## commandline version, this should go in your personal.ini, not
## defaults.ini.
## Extra metadata that this adapter knows about. See []
## for examples of how to use them.
## also accepts story URLs
## Site dedicated to these categories/characters/ships
extracategories:Harry Potter
## storyIds are not unique. Combine with authorId.
output_filename: ${title}-${siteabbrev}_${authorId}_${storyId}${formatext}
## doesn't have a status metadatum. If uncommented,
## this will be used for status.
## Extra metadata that this adapter knows about. See []
## for examples of how to use them.
## fictionalley-archive chapters have 'date', 'words', 'hits' and
## 'summary' available for each chapter. These can be used with
## custom output (see
## ) or with
## chapter_title_*_pattern settings.
## Examples for html & epub:
# <a href="#section${index04}">${chapter}</a> ${date} ${words}<br />
# <a href="file${index04}.xhtml">${chapter}</a> ${date} ${words}<br /><br />
## The 'date' value for chapters mentioned above can be formated with
## datechapter_format. Otherwise it will default to
## datePublished_format
## chapters can have author notes attached to
## them. Setting include_author_notes:true will include them with the
## chapter text. Includes both leading and trailing notes.
## Errors on more common during long downloads. This way, at least
## the chapters the worked are saved. Often running an update will
## fix the error chapters.
## browser cache will only be used if use_browser_cache:true and ONLY
## for a few sites. Requires a browser_cache_path set in
## [defaults].
## use_browser_cache_only:true prevents FFF from falling through to
## request from the server when a page isn't in the browser cache.
## You can turn this on to be sure you're only using the browser
## cache.
## Clear FanFiction from defaults, is original fiction.
## Extra metadata that this adapter knows about. See []
## for examples of how to use them.
## shows the user's
## is blocking people more aggressively. If you
## download fewer stories less often you can likely get by with
## reducing this sleep.
## Date formats used by FanFicFare. Published and Update don't usually have
## time, but they do now on ffnet.
## See
## Note that ini format requires % to be escaped as %%.
#dateCreated_format:%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S
datePublished_format:%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S
dateUpdated_format:%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S
## Some sites do not require a login, but do require the user to
## confirm they are adult for adult content. In commandline version,
## this should go in your personal.ini, not defaults.ini.
## stories can be locked requiring individual
## passwords. If fail_on_password is set, the downloader will fail
## when a password is required rather than prompting every time.
#fail_on_password: false
## stories allow chapters to be added out of order. So
## the newest chapter may not be the last one. FanFicFare update doesn't
## like that. If do_update_hook is uncommented and set true, the
## adapter will discard all existing chapters from the newest one on
## when updating to enforce accurate chapters.
## is reported to misinterprete some BBCode with
## blockquotes incorrectly. This fixes those instances and defaults
## to on, but can be switched off if it is found to cause problems.
## stories can have 'prequels' which it indicates by
## putting a link in the description. By default, those are removed
## in favor of the 'prequel' site specific metadata items. Setting
## keep_prequel_in_description:true will keep it instead.
## chapters can have author notes attached to them.
## Setting include_author_notes:true will include them with the
## chapter text.
## some sites include images that we don't ever want becoming the
## cover image. This lets you exclude them.
## Site dedicated to these categories/characters/ships
extracategories:My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
## Extra metadata that this adapter knows about. See []
## for examples of how to use them.
views_label:Highest Single Chapter Views
total_views_label:Total Views
short_description_label:Short Summary
groupsUrl_label:Groups URLs
prequelUrl_label:Prequel URL
sequelsUrl_label:Sequel URLs
comment_count_label:Comment Count
coverSource_label:Cover Source
coverSourceUrl_label:Cover Source URL
coverSourceHTML_label:Cover Source
authorLastLogin_label:Author Last Logged In
## Assume entryUrl, apply to "<a class='%slink' href='%s'>%s</a>" to
## make entryHTML.
## What are now content tags used to be included in genre. Copy to
## genre by default.
## What has labeled 'fandoms', FFF historically calls
## 'category'. Commented out by default due to "My Little Pony:
## Friendship is Magic" from extracategories vs "MLP: FiM" in fandoms.
extra_valid_entries:growth, shrink, sizeroles
growth_label: Growth
sizeroles_label:Size Roles
add_to_titlepage_entries:,growth, shrink, sizeroles
## Some sites do not require a login, but do require the user to
## confirm they are adult for adult content. In commandline version,
## this should go in your personal.ini, not defaults.ini.
## Some sites require login (or login for some rated stories) The
## program can prompt you, or you can save it in config. In
## commandline version, this should go in your personal.ini, not
## defaults.ini.
## Some sites do not require a login, but do require the user to
## confirm they are adult for adult content. In commandline version,
## this should go in your personal.ini, not defaults.ini.
## HF chapters have 'date', 'update', 'words', 'size', 'comments' and
## 'views' available for each chapter. These can be used with custom
## output (see
## ) or with
## chapter_title_*_pattern settings.
## Examples for html & epub:
# <a href="#section${index04}">${chapter}</a> ${date} ${size}<br />
# <a href="file${index04}.xhtml">${chapter}</a> ${date} ${size}<br /><br />
## The 'date' and 'update' value for chapters mentioned above can be
## formated with datechapter_format. Otherwise it will default to
## datePublished_format
## Sometimes (perhaps often?) HF stories word counts and size are
## incorrect. You can exclude them from being used like so:
# numWords=~.*
# size=~.*
## Some sites do not require a login, but do require the user to
## confirm they are adult for adult content. In commandline version,
## this should go in your personal.ini, not defaults.ini.
## Site dedicated to these categories/characters/ships
extracategories:Lord of the Rings
extra_valid_entries:places, times
places_label: Places
add_to_titlepage_entries:,places, times
## Some sites do not require a login, but do require the user to
## confirm they are adult for adult content. In commandline version,
## this should go in your personal.ini, not defaults.ini.
## Some sites require login (or login for some rated stories) The
## program can prompt you, or you can save it in config. In
## commandline version, this should go in your personal.ini, not
## defaults.ini.
## Some sites do not require a login, but do require the user to
## confirm they are adult for adult content. In commandline version,
## this should go in your personal.ini, not defaults.ini.
eroticatags_label:Erotica Tags
## Site dedicated to this fandom.
extracategories: Mass Effect
## engine, upon which is based, imposes an
## unspecified limit on request frequency. Reports vary from `5
## requests per second' to `2 requests per second for more than 10 per
## minute'. With default settings, a several-hours IP ban may follow,
## so set it higher.
slow_down_sleep_time: 2
## Whether to exclude editor signature from the bottom of chapter text.
exclude_editor_signature: false
## Stories on the site almost never have cover image, and for the
## stories which do, this may be adjusted in `personal.ini' before
## downloading.
never_make_cover: true
## Titles for ratings identified by 1- or 2-letter codes from `ERATING system'
## (`система Р.Е.Й.Т.И.Н.Г.'). and some other sites adopted it,
## but changed titles and update them occasionally.
rating_titles: R=RESTRICTED (16+), E=EXEMPT (18+), I=ART HOUSE, T=To every, A=IN=Иной мир, Nn=Новый мир, G=О\, Господи!
adult_ratings: E,R
## Using basic_cache with caused SSL errors in Calibre.
## I've no idea why, but turning off explicitly.
## Note that mediaminer doesn't give datePublished on the story's
## index page--it's collected from the earliest uploaded chapter. So
## it's not available when only fetching metadata.
## some sites include images that we don't ever want becoming the
## cover image. This lets you exclude them.
## Some sites do not require a login, but do require the user to
## confirm they are adult for adult content. In commandline version,
## this should go in your personal.ini, not defaults.ini.
## Site dedicated to these categories/characters/ships
extracategories:Queer as Folk
## some sites include images that we don't ever want becoming the
## cover image. This lets you exclude them.
## Some sites do not require a login, but do require the user to
## confirm they are adult for adult content. In commandline version,
## this should go in your personal.ini, not defaults.ini.
## Some sites require login (or login for some rated stories) The
## program can prompt you, or you can save it in config. In
## commandline version, this should go in your personal.ini, not
## defaults.ini.
## Site dedicated to these categories/characters/ships
extracategories:Harry Potter
## Some sites do not require a login, but do require the user to
## confirm they are adult for adult content. In commandline version,
## this should go in your personal.ini, not defaults.ini.
## Some sites require login (or login for some rated stories) The
## program can prompt you, or you can save it in config. In
## commandline version, this should go in your personal.ini, not
## defaults.ini.
## Site dedicated to these categories/characters/ships
## Site dedicated to these categories/characters/ships
website_encodings: utf8:ignore, Windows-1252, iso-8859-1
## Clear FanFiction from defaults, site is original fiction.
# Labels
releaseFrequency_label:Release Frequency
altTitles_label:Alternative titles
sitetags_label:Site tags
## Attempt to fix p and br excess from HTML in great many stories
## Note that !=
## There is reason to believe that may be a
## replacement for, but currently both exist with
## different data.
## When dedup_order_chapter_list:true, use a heuristic algorithm
## specific to order and dedup chapters.
## Some sites require login (or login for some rated stories) The
## program can prompt you, or you can save it in config. In
## commandline version, this should go in your personal.ini, not
## defaults.ini.
## Site dedicated to these categories/characters/ships
extracategories:Harry Potter
extraships:Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley
takesplaces_label:Takes Place
snapeflavours_label:Snape Flavour
sitetags_label:Site Tags
## Site dedicated to these categories/characters/ships
extracategories:Harry Potter
## Site dedicated to these categories/characters/ships
## some sites include images that we don't ever want becoming the
## cover image. This lets you exclude them.
## Clear FanFiction from defaults, site has fanfictions and original fiction.
## stories sometimes have 'spoiler' blocks in
## posts. When viewed in a browser, the block is hidden until a button
## is clicked. eBook viewers can't handle that and the javascript is
## disabled. The remove_spoilers option, if uncommented, will remove
## spoiler blocks entirely.
## This option if uncommented, will put a box around the spoiler
## blocks with the original spoiler button text as a label using
## fieldset and legend HTML tags. For a simple box, see the
## add_to_output_css example for [base_xenforoforum:epub].
## chapters can have author notes attached to them.
## Setting include_author_notes:true will include them with the
## chapter text.
## default formatting for author's notes and tables in the story text
## makes some stories drastically easier to visually parse
td { padding: 0.5em }
table { border: 1px solid; border-collapse: collapse; }
.author-note-portlet { border: 1px solid; border-collapse: collapse; padding: 0.5em }
## Some sites do not require a login, but do require the user to
## confirm they are adult for adult content. In commandline version,
## this should go in your personal.ini, not defaults.ini.
## Site dedicated to these categories/characters/ships
extracharacters:Kurt Hummel,Blaine Anderson
extra_valid_entries:views, averageWords, fandoms
averageWords_label:Average Words (Chapter)
add_to_titlepage_entries:,views, averageWords, fandoms
## Scribble Hub chapters can include author's notes, news blocks, spoilers,
## and inline footnotes. We've traditionally included them all in the chapter
## text, but this allows you to customize which you include. Copy this
## parameter to your personal.ini and list the ones you don't want.
## Site dedicated to these categories/characters/ships
extracategories:Harry Potter
extracharacters:Harry Potter,Ginny Weasley
extraships:Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley
## Some sites do not require a login, but do require the user to
## confirm they are adult for adult content. In commandline version,
## this should go in your personal.ini, not defaults.ini.
## Site dedicated to these categories/characters/ships
extracategories:Starsky and Hutch
## Some sites do not require a login, but do require the user to
## confirm they are adult for adult content. In commandline version,
## this should go in your personal.ini, not defaults.ini.
## Site dedicated to these categories/characters/ships
extracategories:Lord of the Rings
## see [base_xenforoforum]
## shows more posts per reader page than other XF sites.
## Site dedicated to these categories/characters/ships
extracategories:Star Trek: Enterprise
## Some sites do not require a login, but do require the user to
## confirm they are adult for adult content. In commandline version,
## this should go in your personal.ini, not defaults.ini.
## tth is a little unusual--it doesn't require user/pass, but the site
## keeps track of which chapters you've read and won't send another
## update until it thinks you're up to date. This way, on download,
## it thinks you're up to date.
## TtH uses 'category' Buffy-Centered, Xander-Centered, etc. If
## centeredcat_to_characters:true, they will not be included in the
## category list and Buffy, Xander, etc will instead be included in
## the characters list.
## TtH uses 'category' Pairing: Dawn, Pairing: Willow, etc, but only
## if there's already been a -Centered category, like Xander-Centered.
## If pairingcat_to_characters_ships:true, Pairing: Whomever will not
## be included in the category list and Dawn, Willow, etc will instead
## be included in the characters list *and* an entry added to the
## ships list for Centered character / Pairing character. IE,
## category: Xander-Centered, Pairing: Dawn becomes characters:
## Xander, Dawn and ships: Xander/Dawn.
## TtH uses 'category' Romance followed by a pairing 'category', such
## as Romance > Buffy/Spike. If romancecat_to_characters_ships:true,
## Romance will still be added to category, but Buffy/Spike will
## instead be added to characters Buffy, Spike and ships Buffy/Spike
## Some sites require login (or login for some rated stories) The
## program can prompt you, or you can save it in config. In
## commandline version, this should go in your personal.ini, not
## defaults.ini.
## Site dedicated to these categories/characters/ships
## (ab)uses series as personal reading lists.
collect_series: false
## Extra metadata that this adapter knows about. See []
## for examples of how to use them.
eroticatags_label:Erotica Tags
siterating_votes_label:Site Rating with Votes
siterating_label:Site Rating
siterank_of_label:Site Rank of Total
siterank_label:Site Rank
keep_style_attr: false
## Some sites do not require a login, but do require the user to
## confirm they are adult for adult content. In commandline version,
## this should go in your personal.ini, not defaults.ini.
## Some sites do not require a login, but do require the user to
## confirm they are adult for adult content. In commandline version,
## this should go in your personal.ini, not defaults.ini.
## Some sites require login (or login for some rated stories) The
## program can prompt you, or you can save it in config. In
## commandline version, this should go in your personal.ini, not
## defaults.ini.
reads_label:Read Count
## Some sites do not require a login, but do require the user to
## confirm they are adult for adult content. In commandline version,
## this should go in your personal.ini, not defaults.ini.
## Site dedicated to these categories/characters/ships
extracategories:Harry Potter
extracharacters:Severus Snape,Harry Potter
extraships:Severus Snape/Harry Potter
## Site dedicated to these categories/characters/ships
extracategories:X-Men Movie
## Was
## Note that !=
## When dedup_order_chapter_list:true, use a heuristic algorithm
## specific to order and dedup chapters.