from StringIO import StringIO import re from subprocess import check_output, STDOUT from sys import platform from os import utime if platform == "linux" or platform == "linux2": from giNotify import Notification elif platform == "win32": from ballonNotify import Notification from optparse import OptionParser from ConfigParser import ConfigParser def enable_notifications(options): notary_options = [] if options.pushbullet: pb = Pushbullet(options.pushbullet) if options.pbdevice: try: pb = pb.get_device(options.pbdevice) except: print "Cannot get this device." pass temp_note = Notification() temp_note.send_notification = pb.push_note notary_options.append(temp_note) if options.notify: notary = Notification() notary_options.append(notary) return notary_options def touch(fname, times=None): with open(fname, 'a'): utime(fname, times) def main(options): res = check_output("python -c config.ini", shell=True,stderr=STDOUT) buf = StringIO(res) regex = re.compile("Added (?:.*/)?(.*)-.* to library with id \d*") for line in buf.readlines(): r = if r: story = for notify in enable_notifications(options): notify.send_notification("New Fanfiction Download", story) if res != "": print res return if __name__ == "__main__": option_parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [flags]") option_parser.add_option('-p', '--pushbullet', action='store', dest='pushbullet', help='If you want to use pushbullet, pass in your key here.') option_parser.add_option('-d', '--device', action='store', dest='pbdevice', help='If you wish to only send to a certian pushbullet device, put the device name here. If the device name is invalid, will just send to all pushbullets associated with the acc') option_parser.add_option('-n', '--notify', action='store_true', dest='notify', help='Enable if you want to use system notifications. Only for Win/Linux.') option_parser.add_option('-c', '--config', action='store', dest='config', help='Config file for inputs. Blank config file is provided. No default. If an option is present in whatever config file is passed it, the option will overwrite whatever is passed in through command line arguments unless the option is blank. Do not put any quotation marks in the options.') (options, args) = option_parser.parse_args() if options.config: touch(options.config) config = ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True) updater = lambda option, newval : newval if newval != "" else option try: options.notify = updater(options.notify, config.getboolean('runner', 'notification')) except: pass try: options.pushbullet = updater(options.pushbullet, config.get('runner', 'pushbullet')) except: pass try: options.pbdevice = updater(options.pbdevice, config.get('runner', 'pbdevice')) except: pass if options.pbdevice and not options.pushbullet: raise ValueError("Can't use a pushbullet device without key") if options.pushbullet: from pushbullet import Pushbullet main(options)