from fanficfare import geturls import os from os import listdir, remove, rename from os.path import isfile, join import subprocess import time import logging from optparse import OptionParser logging.getLogger("fanficfare").setLevel(logging.ERROR) def main(user, password, server="", label="INBOX", path=""): if path != "": path = '--with-library "{}"'.format(path) with open("thesebroke", "rb") as fp: urls = set([x.replace("\n", "") for x in fp.readlines()]) with open("todo", "wb") as fp: fp.write("") urls |= geturls.get_urls_from_imap(server, user, password, label) def parse_url(url): url = url.replace("https://", "") url = url.replace("http://", "") url = url[:url.find("/", url.find("/s/") + 3)+1] return url urls = set(parse_url(x) for x in urls) if len(urls) != 0: print "URLs to parse: {}".format(", ".join(urls)) files = lambda x: [f for f in listdir(x) if isfile(join(x, f))] # if len(urls) != 0: # print time.strftime("%d/%m/%Y, %H:%M:%S\n\n") for url in urls: print "Working with url {}".format(url) try: res = subprocess.check_output('calibredb search "Identifiers:{}"'.format(url, path), shell=True,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) id = res print "\tStory is in calibre with id {}".format(id) try: print "\tExporting file" res = subprocess.check_output('calibredb export {} --dont-save-cover --dont-write-opf --single-dir'.format(id, path), shell=True) onlyfiles = files(".") for cur in onlyfiles: if not cur.endswith(".epub"): continue print '\tDownloading with fanficfare, updating file "{}"'.format(cur) res = subprocess.check_output('fanficfare -u "{}" --update-cover'.format(cur), shell=True,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) #print res if "already contains" in res: print "\tIssue with story, site is broken." with open("todo", "ab") as fp: fp.write("{}\n".format(url)) remove(cur) continue elif "Story does not exist" in res: print "\tInvalid URL" continue elif "more recently than Story" in res: print "\tForcing download update\n" res = subprocess.check_output('fanficfare -u "{}" --force --update-cover'.format(cur), shell=True,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) print "\tRemoving {} from library".format(id) res = subprocess.check_output('calibredb remove {}'.format(id, path), shell=True,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) #print res print "\tAdding {} to library".format(cur) res = subprocess.check_output('calibredb add "{}"'.format(cur, path), shell=True,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) res = subprocess.check_output('calibredb search "Identifiers:{}"'.format(url, path), shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) print "\tAdded {} to library with id {}".format(cur, res) #print res remove(cur) except Exception as e: print "\tSomething fucked up: {}".format(e) remove(cur) with open("todo", "ab") as fp: fp.write("{}\n".format(url)) except: print "\tStory is not in calibre" try: res = subprocess.check_output('fanficfare -u "{}" --update-cover'.format(url), shell=True) #print res onlyfiles = files(".") for cur in onlyfiles: if not cur.endswith(".epub"): continue try: print "\tAdding {} to library".format(cur) res = subprocess.check_output('calibredb add "{}"'.format(cur, path), shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) #print res remove(cur) except Exception: remove(cur) raise except Exception as e: print "\tSomething fucked up: {}".format(e) with open("todo", "ab") as fp: fp.write("{}\n".format(url)) remove("thesebroke") rename("todo", "thesebroke") if __name__ == "__main__": option_parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [flags]") option_parser.add_option('-u', '--user', action='store', dest='user', help='Email Account Username. Required.') option_parser.add_option('-p', '--password', action='store', dest='password', help='Email Account Password. Required.') option_parser.add_option('-s', '--server', action='store', dest='server', default="", help='Email IMAP Server. Default is "".') option_parser.add_option('-m', '--mailbox', action='store', dest='label', default='INBOX', help='Email Label. Default is "INBOX".') option_parser.add_option('-l', '--library', action='store', dest='library', default="", help="calibre library db location. If none is passed, the default is the calibre system library location. Make sure to enclose the path in quotes.") (options, args) = option_parser.parse_args() if options.user is None or options.password is None: raise ValueError("User or Password not given") main(options.user, options.password, options.server, options.label, options.library)