Updates to calibre 3.0

Random bugfixes
Fixing of git
joshua 7 years ago
parent 4448dac7fc
commit d0df07a055

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import re
from ConfigParser import ConfigParser
from tempfile import mkdtemp
from shutil import rmtree
import socket
@ -17,7 +18,7 @@ def touch(fname, times=None):
ffnet = re.compile('(fanfiction.net/s/\d*)/?.*')
aooo = re.compile('(archiveofourown.org/works/\d*)/?.')
aooo = re.compile('(archiveofourown.org/works/\d*)/?.*')
neutral = re.compile('https?://(.*)')
story_name = re.compile('(.*)-.*')
@ -32,7 +33,7 @@ def parse_url(url):
if ffnet.search(url):
url = "www." + ffnet.search(url).group(1)
elif aooo.search(url):
url = aooo.search(url).group(1)
url = "www." + aooo.search(url).group(1)
elif neutral.search(url):
url = neutral.search(url).group(1)
return url
@ -58,7 +59,7 @@ def check_regexes(output):
def main(user, password, server, label, inout_file, path ):
if path:
path = '--with-library "{}"'.format(path)
path = '--with-library "{}" --username calibre --password pornoboobies'.format(path)
with open(devnull, 'w') as nullout:
call(['calibredb'], stdout=nullout, stderr=nullout)
@ -74,11 +75,23 @@ def main(user, password, server, label, inout_file, path ):
with open(inout_file, "w") as fp:
urls |= geturls.get_urls_from_imap(server, user, password, label)
except Exception as e:
print "Broke while getting URLs: {}".format(e)
with open(inout_file, "w") as fp:
for cur in urls:
if not urls: return
urls = set(parse_url(x) for x in urls)
if len(urls) != 0: print "URLs to parse: {}".format(", ".join(urls))
if len(urls): print "URLs to parse: {}".format(", ".join(urls))
loc = mkdtemp()
@ -102,11 +115,12 @@ def main(user, password, server, label, inout_file, path ):
#story is not in calibre
cur = url
moving = 'cd "{}" && '.format(loc)
res = check_output('cp personal.ini {}/personal.ini'.format(loc), shell=True, stderr=STDOUT, stdin=PIPE,)
print '{}fanficfare -u "{}" --update-cover'.format(moving, cur)
res = check_output('{}fanficfare -u "{}" --update-cover'.format(moving, cur), shell=True,stderr=STDOUT,stdin=PIPE, )
if chapter_difference.search(res) or more_chapters.search(res):
print "\tForcing download update\n"
print "\tForcing download update due to: {}\n".format(res)
res = check_output('{}fanficfare -u "{}" --force --update-cover'.format(moving, cur), shell=True,stderr=STDOUT,stdin=PIPE, )
cur = get_files(loc, '.epub', True)[0]
@ -114,15 +128,23 @@ def main(user, password, server, label, inout_file, path ):
if storyId:
print "\tRemoving {} from library".format(storyId)
res = check_output('calibredb remove {} {}'.format(storyId, path), shell=True,stderr=STDOUT,stdin=PIPE, )
res = check_output('calibredb remove {} {}'.format(path, storyId), shell=True,stderr=STDOUT,stdin=PIPE, )
print "\tAdding {} to library".format(cur)
res = check_output('calibredb add "{}" -d {}'.format(cur, path), shell=True,stderr=STDOUT,stdin=PIPE, )
res = check_output('calibredb add -d {} "{}"'.format(path, cur), shell=True,stderr=STDOUT,stdin=PIPE, )
except Exception as e:
print e
res = check_output('calibredb search "Identifiers:{}" {}'.format(url, path), shell=True, stderr=STDOUT,stdin=PIPE, )
print "\tAdded {} to library with id {}".format(cur, res)
print "It's been added to library, but not sure what the ID is."
print "Added file to library with id 0"
res = check_output('cd "{}" && fanficfare -u "{}" --update-cover'.format(loc, url), shell=True,stderr=STDOUT,stdin=PIPE, )
@ -135,10 +157,12 @@ def main(user, password, server, label, inout_file, path ):
print "Exception: {}".format(e)
loc = mkdtemp()
with open(inout_file, "a") as fp:
if __name__ == "__main__":

@ -4,17 +4,20 @@ from subprocess import check_output, STDOUT
from sys import platform
from os import utime
from os.path import join
if platform == "linux" or platform == "linux2":
'''if platform == "linux" or platform == "linux2":
from giNotify import Notification
elif platform == "win32":
from ballonNotify import Notification
from ballonNotify import Notification'''
from notifications import Notification
from optparse import OptionParser
from ConfigParser import ConfigParser
import sqlite3
def enable_notifications(options):
notary_options = []
if options.pushbullet:
pb = Pushbullet(options.pushbullet)
if options.pbdevice:
@ -25,14 +28,13 @@ def enable_notifications(options):
temp_note = Notification()
temp_note.send_notification = pb.push_note
yield temp_note
if options.notify:
notary = Notification()
yield notary
return notary_options
def touch(fname, times=None):
with open(fname, 'a'):
@ -40,17 +42,28 @@ def touch(fname, times=None):
def main(options):
res = check_output("python fanficdownload.py -c config.ini", shell=True,stderr=STDOUT)
except Exception as e:
print e
res = None
if not res: return
if res: print res
buf = StringIO(res)
regex = re.compile("Added (?:.*/)?(.*)-.* to library with id \d*")
searcher = regex.search
stripper = False
for line in buf.readlines():
r = regex.search(line)
r = searcher(line)
if r:
story = r.group(1).strip()
stripper = True
for notify in enable_notifications(options):
notify.send_notification("New Fanfiction Download", story)
if res != "": print res
if stripper and options.tag:
with sqlite3.connect(join(options.library_path, "metadata.db")) as conn:
c = conn.cursor()
c.execute("delete from books_tags_link where id in (select id from books_tags_link where tag in (select id from tags where name like '%Last Update%'));")
if __name__ == "__main__":
@ -59,9 +72,14 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
option_parser.add_option('-d', '--device', action='store', dest='pbdevice', help='If you wish to only send to a certian pushbullet device, put the device name here. If the device name is invalid, will just send to all pushbullets associated with the acc')
option_parser.add_option('-n', '--notify', action='store_true', dest='notify', help='Enable if you want to use system notifications. Only for Win/Linux.')
option_parser.add_option('-c', '--config', action='store', dest='config', help='Config file for inputs. Blank config file is provided. No default. If an option is present in whatever config file is passed it, the option will overwrite whatever is passed in through command line arguments unless the option is blank. Do not put any quotation marks in the options.')
option_parser.add_option('-t', '--tag', action='store_true', dest='tag', help='Strip Last Updated tags from calibredb. Requires library to be passed in.')
option_parser.add_option('-l', '--library', action='store', dest='library', help='Path to calibre library. If you are connecting to a calibre webserver then this should be the url.')
option_parser.add_option('-a', '--library-path', action='store', dest='library_path', help='Path location of library. Will be equal to library if nothing is passed in.')
(options, args) = option_parser.parse_args()
if options.library and not options.library_path: options.library_path = options.library
if options.config:
config = ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True)
@ -77,8 +95,19 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
try: options.pbdevice = updater(options.pbdevice, config.get('runner', 'pbdevice'))
except: pass
try: options.tag = updater(options.tag, config.getboolean('runner', 'tag'))
except: pass
try: options.library = updater(options.library, config.get('locations', 'library'))
except: pass
try: options.library_path = updater(options.library, config.get('locations', 'library_path'))
except: pass
if options.pbdevice and not options.pushbullet:
raise ValueError("Can't use a pushbullet device without key")
if options.tag and not options.library:
raise ValueError("Can't strip tags from calibre library without a library location.")
if options.pushbullet:
from pushbullet import Pushbullet
